WEG S.A. OPEN CAPITAL CORPORATION CNPJ 84.429.695/0001-11 NOTICE TO THE SHAREHOLDER PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS We wish to inform our Shareholders that the Board of Directors, at the meeting held on February 19 , 2008, decided upon the payment of the complementary dividends, as follows: 1) VALUE The total value of the Div idends to be distributed amounts to R$ 79,673,848.04, being R$ 0.1 29000000 per share, benefiting all shareholders inscribed on February 1 9th , 2008 in the company records, and after that date will be considered “Ex -Dividends”. No Income tax at source will b e deducted from this amount for the payment of the dividends to the shareholders. 2) PAYMENT DATE th The Payment will be effected from March 12 , 2008 on. 3) ALREADY DELIBERATED EVENTS Besides the Dividends mentioned in Item 1, the company approved following ev ents: Event Approval Payment Date Gross value per share Net value per share Interest over the Own Capital MBD* on 09.14.200 7 03.12.2008 R$ 0.012941176 R$ 0.011000000 Interest over the Own Capital MBD* on 12.13.2007 03.12.2008 R$ 0.1176470 59 R$ 0.100000000 * MBD = Meeting of the Board of Director The total value of the Dividends and Intermediate Interests over Own Capital, to be paid from 03.1 2.2008 on, amounts to the total value of R$ 0.2 4 per share, already deducted the taxes. 4) PAYMENT TERMS AND LOCAL a) Credit on current bank account indicated by the shareholder to payer bank Bradesco S.A. b) The interests relating to the shares kept on custody at the CBCL – Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia (Brazilian Liquidation and Custody Company) will be paid to this company and this company will forward the respective value to the shareholders through depositor brokers. c) The other shareholders with duly recorded addresses will receive by post the “NO TICE FOR RECEIVING THE REVENUES OF THE SUBSCRIBED SHA RES”. For this they must go to any agency of the Bank BRADESCO, presenting besides the Notice form, following documents: Natural Person: Authenticated copy of the Identity Card and CPF (Tax Payer Card); Legal entity: Authenticated copy of the CNPJ/MF, c onsolidated and updated social contract. The social by law must be updated with the minutes of the meeting where the current Management has been elected. The managing partners or the director with power of attorney for representing the company must present Authenticated copy of the Identity Card and CPF (Tax Payer Card). When the representation is by proxy, the nominee must present the respective legal representation document and the authenticated copy of the Identity Car d and CPF (Tax Payer Card) of the pr oxy(ies). 5) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION More detailed information may be achieved form the payer bank Bradesco – Depart amento de Ações e Custód ia (Shares and Custody Department) - Cidade de Deus, Osasco (SP). Tel.: 11 3684 -9495 or directly from WEG S.A. headquarters, Avenida Prefeito Waldemar Grubba, n.º 3.300, CEP 89.256 -900, Jaraguá do Sul, SC. Tel.: 47 3276 6973, Fax 47 3276 -4193. th JARAGUÁ DO SUL (SC), February 1 9 , 2008. MANAGEMENT