Earnings Release First quarter of 2011 shows strong growth Net revenue grew 21% over 1Q10. External market was the highlight, with 45% growth Raw material price increases and currency appreciation reduced quarter’s profitability Announcement of joint venture to manufacture wind turbines marked the quarter. First units should be delivered in 2012 Jaraguá do Sul (SC), April 27th 2011: WEG S.A. (Bovespa: WEGE3, OTC WEGZY), one of the world’s largest manufacturer of electricelectronic equipment, with five main product lines: Motors, Power, Transmission and Distribution, Automation and Coatings, announced today its results for the first quarter of 2011 (1Q11). The following financial and operating data are presented in a consolidated basis, except when otherwise indicated, in thousands of Brazilian Reais (R$) according to the current Brazilian generally accepted accounting principles, as put forward by the Brazilian applicable laws. All growth rates comparisons relate, except when otherwise indicated, to the same period of the previous year. 1Q11 Highlights Gross Operating Revenues reached R$ 1,343.1 million in the first quarter of 2011, 18.7% higher year-on-year. Net Operating Revenues reached R$ 1,126.1 million, 20.8% above the 1Q10; EBITDA reached R$ 164.8 million, 9.3% lower in relation to 1Q10. EBITDA margin reached 14.6%. Net Income reached R$ 121.5 million (net margin of 10.8%) in the quarter, 1.6% higher year-on-year. Investments on fixed assets amounted to R$ 33.8 million in 1Q11; The new high voltage electric motor manufacturing plant in Hosur, India, started operations in February 2011; The technology transfer agreement and joint venture with MTOI for manufacturing, assembling, installing and marketing of wind turbines will leverage MTOI’s technology and WEG’s renewable energy expertise in Brazil, opening new opportunities. Main Figures Gross Operating Revenue Domestic Market External Markets External Markets in US$ Net Operating Revenue Gross Operating Profit Gross Margin Quarterly Net Income Net Margin EBITDA EBITDA Margin Q1 2011 1,343,137 862,863 480,274 288,211 1,126,117 310,662 Q1 2010 Growth % Q4 2010 Growth % 1,131,546 18.7% 1,504,610 -10.7% 801,299 964,471 -10.5% 7.7% 330,247 45.4% 540,200 -11.1% 181,170 59.1% 315,278 -8.6% 931,907 20.8% 1,258,429 -10.5% 308,613 391,300 -20.6% 0.7% 27.6% 33.1% 121,564 119,645 10.8% 12.8% 164,808 181,750 14.6% 19.5% 31.1% 1.6% 141,508 -14.1% -9.3% 224,149 -26.5% 11.2% 17.8% Figures in R$ Thousands Conference Call with simultaneous translation into English April 28, Thursday 10:00 a.m (Brasilia time) Dial–in in the US: +1 888 700-0802 Webcasting slides and English simultaneous translation: www.ccall.com.br/weg/1q11.htm Comments from Laurence Beltrão Gomes, WEG’s Investor Relations Officer "The 1T11 was characterized by robust sales growth, by the pressure on production costs caused by the increasing prices of raw materials, especially steel and copper and by the appreciation of the Brazilian Real, which mitigated the positive impact on net income of strong sales growth in external markets. The combination of these factors was responsible for operating margins that were lower than the ones of previous periods. The pass through of these increases in input prices into the selling prices of our products are being negotiated, with positive impacts on margins in coming quarters. At the same time, over the next quarters we shall see the positive impacts of the recent investments in new manufacturing plants, such as WEG Linhares and WEG India, which are still in pre-operating stage or just now beginning operations. On the other hand, of the highlights of 1Q11 was our entry in the wind power business, with the establishment of joint venture WEG-MTOI for manufacturing and marketing wind turbines, combining technology that is once modern and competitive, but yet, simple, robust and easy to maintain, essential to environmental performance and the management of operating costs. Therefore, we believe that we will be able to increase our market share in this business in a short period to levels that are consistent with WEG’s industrial and technological capabilities. Energy demand is increasing worldwide. As developing countries industrialize and standards of living rise, energy consumption intensity by households and industries also increases. Thus, power generation, currently dependent on coal, gas and oil, turn to the expansion of renewable energy sources. The expertise in renewable energy developed by WEG in recent years, alongside the growing interest in efficient use of electricity, another area of excellence for the Company, make us confident in our ability to leverage these mega-trends to continue growing sustainably. " Economic Activity and Industrial Production The continued robust economic activity in the Brazilian economy and the more gradual recovery in other foreign markets where we operate have marked the beginning of 2011. Overall, this has been the environment since the current economic recovery began even in mid-2009. The International Monetary Fund points out in its April 2011 World Economic Outlook that the global economic recovery continued to strengthen, but new risks are emerging, citing specifically the inflation in commodities and the problems in oil supply growth. The IMF's expectations are for global growth of 4.5% in 2011, slightly below the figures for 2010, with emerging economies growing 6.5% and mature economies advancing 2.5%; The data on industrial activity in developed countries continue to show relatively continuous expansion, as can be seen in the purchasing managers' index (PMI). The ISM Manufacturing index showed U.S. in March its twentieth consecutive month of expansion, with positive readings for both the production and for new orders. The situation is similar in Germany, with the indicator Markit / BME Purchasing Managers’ Germany Index showing expansion of 18 months until March. The survey shows growth of employment, inventories, lead-times and cost inflation, classic signs of prolonged periods of expansion. In China, the latest figures from HSBC China Manufacturing PMI ™ show that industrial growth is finding a new level, more moderate, after some adjustment at the beginning of the year. The Chinese authorities have acted to curb the inflationary pressures on costs. The Brazilian industrial activity showed a recovery of the growth rate in this first few months of 2011: 2 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results Industrial Indicators According to Categories of Use February/2010 Change (%) Categories of Use Month/Month Capital Goods 0.90 Intermediary Goods 1.30 Consumer Goods 0.50 Durable Goods (2.30) Semi-durable and non-durable (0.20) General Industry 1.90 Source: IBGE, Research office, Industry Coordination (*) Series with seasonal adjustments Monthly 17.90 4.10 6.90 17.40 3.60 6.90 Acummulated On Year 12 months 13.10 19.80 2.40 8.80 4.60 5.30 11.70 8.10 2.40 4.40 4.60 8.60 Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE in Portuguese) data showed 4,6% growth in industrial production accumulated during the first two months of 2011 in relation to 2010. Once again, similarly to what has occurred over recent months, growth of 13.1% in two months and 19.8% accumulated in the past twelve months in the capital goods category was the positive highlight. This performance confirms and makes us confident in the continuous investment in industrial capacity expansion. Data from the situation survey conducted by Brazilian Association of Electrical and Electronics Industry (ABINEE) for March 2011 show significant growth in orders and sales, even though the data must be adjusted for seasonal patterns and one has to consider the intrinsic limitations of such kind of survey. Nevertheless, the vast majority of companies surveyed indicated growth in sales over the previous year and the pace of business according to or surpassing expectations, both in the local and in foreign markets. On par with this greater dynamism of the Brazilian economy, we also observed an increased rate of appreciation of the currency, with the known negative effects on the Brazilian industrial sector. The average exchange rate of the Brazilian currency against the U.S. dollar this quarter was 9.4% higher than the one observed in 2010. Although the effects of currency appreciation on the WEG are minimized over time by our exposure to external markets and by our active policy of importing raw materials, the impacts on our customers in the Brazilian market are significant. The measures adopted by the Brazilian authorities to curb this rapid appreciation of the currency and the damage caused by it in the Brazilian industrial segment have been, so far, insufficient when compared to the strong inflow of funds directed towards in fixed income, stocks and direct foreign investment, attracted by the good relative performance of the Brazilian economy. Gross and Net Operating Revenues In the first quarter of 2011 (1Q11) Gross Operating Revenues reached R$ 1,343.1 million, an increase of 18.7% compared to first quarter 2010 (1Q10) and a decrease of 10.7% over the fourth quarter of 2010 (4Q10). The growth of 18.7% was the result of overall growth in business volume and the consolidation of revenues from businesses acquired during 2010. This growth was achieved despite the relative deterioration of the product mix and appreciation of 9.4% in the average exchange rate (real/U.S. dollar) of the first quarter of 2011 over the same period of 2010. In the 1Q11 Gross Operating Revenues breaks down as follows: Domestic Market: R$ 892.9 million, representing 64% of Gross Operating Revenues, for a 7.7increase in relation to 1Q10 and 10.5% decrease compared to 4Q10; External Markets: R$ 480.3 million, equivalent to 36% of Gross Operating Revenues. The comparison in Brazilian Reais shows growth of 45.4% over the 3 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results same period of the previous year and a decrease of 11.1% over the previous quarter. Considering the average Brazilian Reais/ US Dollars exchange rates, gross revenues measured in U.S. Dollars shows increase of 59.1% over 1Q10 and decrease of 8.6% in relation to the 4Q10. Gross Revenues per Market (R$ million) External Market Domestic Market 1.132 1.227 29% 32% 71% 68% Q1 Q2 1.505 1.419 1.343 36% 36% 64% 64% 64% Q3 Q4 Q1 36% 2011 2010 Evolution and Distribution of Consolidated Gross Revenues per Geographic Market (R$ Million) Gross Operating Revenues - Domestic Market - External Markets In US$ North America South and Central America Europe Africa Australasia Q1 2011 1,343.1 862.9 480.3 Q4 2010 1,504.6 964.5 540.2 Change -10.7% -10.5% -11.1% Q1 2010 1,131.5 801.3 330.2 Change 18.7% 7.7% 45.4% 288.2 315.3 -8.6% 181.2 59.1% 35% 14% 25% 16% 10% 31% 17% 22% 19% 10% 4 pp -3 pp 3 pp -3 pp 0 pp 35% 19% 30% 8% 9% 0 pp -5 pp -5 pp 8 pp 1 pp Distribution of Consolidated Gross Revenues per Business Area ingles Electro-electronic Industrial Equipments Energy Generation , Transmission and Distribution Electric Motors for Domestic Use Paints and Varnishes Industrial ElectricalElectronic Equipment Q1 2011 Q4 2010 % Q1 2010 56.7% 54.2% 2,5 pp 45.6% 23.7% 25.4% -1,7 pp 29.9% 12.9% 13.6% -0,7 pp 16.8% 6.7% 6.8% -0,1 pp 7.7% % 11,1 pp -6,3 pp -3,8 pp -1 pp The industrial electrical-electronic equipment area includes low and medium voltage electric motors, drives & controls, industrial automation equipment and services, and maintenance services and parts. We compete in all the major world markets with our products and solutions. Electric motors and other related equipment find applications in practically all industrial segments, in equipment such as compressors, pumps and fans, for example. As mentioned previously, Brazilian industrial production continues to maintain good 4 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results performance, consistent with the expansion of economic activity and incentives provided by the Investment Support Program (PSI) of BNDES, favoring investment in production capacity expansion. We have sought to expand our presence aggressively in the various overseas markets we do business. This expansion can happen by either taking advantage of favorable conditions for market growth in some emerging economies, or when these growth conditions are not present, by targeting additional market share or by introducing new product lines. Our performance in the U.S. market, for example, has benefited from this focus. In 2010, we introduced with great success in the U.S. market the new W22 electric motor platform, which uses an innovative design to reduce the total cost of ownership (the total cost of an electric motor throughout its lifetime, including operating costs) and maximize energy efficiency. The regulations in US have been amended recently, increasing the minimum electric motors energy efficiency standards. An increasing number of countries are adopting such regulations of minimum levels of energy efficiency for motors. At the same time, we have invested in new service centers (Regional Service Teams) and introduced local products customization capabilities such as assembling electrical panels for industrial automation. Equipment for Generation, Transmission and Distribution This business area includes the following products and services: generators for hydro and thermal (biomass) power plants, water turbines (small hydro or PCH), transformers, substations, control panels, and system integration services. We have made investments in production capacity, as our new units of transformers in Mexico and high voltage motors in India, to expand our presence beyond the Brazilian market, where we have strong significant presence. The longer maturity of investments in power generation, with slower investment decision process and longer lead times for design and manufacturing, usually causes a lag between the changes on the rate of incoming orders and the recognition of revenues. This characteristic of long cycle products reflected in revenue growth in 2009, a period of weak demand, and in lower revenues in 2010. In 2011, we began to see signs of market recovery, with the increase of incoming orders, although still at lower pace and volumes than before the crisis. In the power generation segment, we have a clear focus in distributed generation of renewable energy in the Brazilian market. We recently announced our entry in wind power, signing with M. Torres, from Spain, a technology transfer agreement and setting up a joint venture to manufacture wind turbines in our manufacturing facilities in Jaraguá do Sul. We expect to start producing the first units soon and we estimate that the first deliveries occurring in 2012. The outlook is positive for the renewable energies auction, initially scheduled for July 2011, both for the wind energy business, which will continue to dominate the energy offer at the auction, and for the more traditional renewable sources such as biomass and small hydro hydroelectricity. Renewable sources are increasingly important part of the mix of energy used in Brazil and, with the expansion of global energy demand, the Brazilian case is increasingly used as a reference. The Transmission & Distribution (T & D) segment continues to have good performance with the diversification of clients and markets. Businesses with power substations, both for industrial clients as well as for the utilities and power generators, are still performing well. We celebrate during the 1Q11 the 100th unit manufactured unit in our WEG Transformadores de Mexico plant, which continues to expand its production and increasing its penetration in the U.S. market. Motors for Domestic Use In this business area, our operations are mainly focused in Brazil, where we hold a significant share in the market of single-phase motors for durable consumer goods, such as washing machines, air conditioners, water pumps, among others. This business area has a shorter business cycle, i.e., changes in consumer demand 5 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results are quickly transferred by production chain and adjustments are rather quick as well. The economic conditions continue favorable, even if there is some discomfort of Brazilian monetary authorities with an eventual overheating of consumption. It is important that the Brazilian Central Bank, seeking to moderate the growth and to forestall inflationary pressures, preserve employment, disposable income growth and the access to consumer credit over the medium and long term. The conduction of the economic policies has so far managed to separate what is supply shock, such as increases in commodity prices, from what is the excess consumption. In any case, variations in production and sales this quarter were due primarily to normal seasonal variations in demand for consumer durables. Paints and Varnishes In this area, including liquid paints, powder paints and electro-insulating varnishes, we have very clear focus on industrial applications in Brazil. This is the area with greater diversity of markets and customers as we have adopted the strategy of cross-selling to customers from other business areas, always with high value added products. The target markets range from the shipbuilding industry to the manufacturers of white goods. We seek to maximize the scale of production and our efforts to develop new products and new segments. Operating Results (R$ Thousands) (EBITDA according to methodology established by CVM’s Ofício Circular 01/07) Q1 2011 1,126.1 (815.5) 310.7 Q4 2010 1,258.4 (867.1) 391.3 EBITDA Margin 27.6% 31.1% (-) Selling Expenses (-) General & Administrative (-) Profit Sharing Result from Activities (+) Depreciation & Amortization EBITDA (116.0) (58.5) (18.8) 117.3 47.5 164.8 (119.3) (68.7) (27.2) 176.1 48.1 224.1 EBITDA Margin 14.6% 17.8% Net Operating Revenues Cost of Goods Sold Gross Operating Profit Change -10.5% -6.0% -20.6% Q1 2010 931.9 (623.3) 308.6 Change 20.8% 30.8% 0.7% 33.1% -2.8% -14.8% -30.7% -33.4% -1.2% -26.5% (93.1) (57.9) (20.1) 137.6 44.1 181.7 24.7% 1.1% -6.2% -14.7% 7.6% -9.3% 19.5% Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) totaled R $ 815.5 million in 1Q11, an increase of 30.8% over 1Q10 and a decrease of 6.0% over the 4Q10. Gross margin was 27.6%, down 5.5 percentage points compared to 1Q10 and 3.5 percentage points compared to 4T10. Gross Margin The decrease in gross margin is related to three main impacts: (i) the high volatility of prices of major raw materials, especially commodities such as copper and steel, in comparison with 1Q10; (ii) the lower dilution of manufacturing costs in comparison to 4Q10, due to fewer working days; and (iii) the rapid exchange rate appreciation observed in the quarter, both in relation to 1Q10 as to 4Q10, which hindered the hedge management through the balance between revenue and costs denominated in foreign currencies. Besides these main factors, other effects that contributed to the decrease in gross margin were the mix of products sold, still relatively concentrated in lower value added products and the greater participation of the businesses outside Brazil in consolidated revenue. Cost of Raw Materials The 1Q11 average spot market price of copper in the London Metal Exchange (LME) rose 33% over the 1Q10 average and the 12% over the 4T10 average. According to the index CRUspiGlobal, steel prices in international market rose 29.4% over 1Q10 and 21% compared to 4T10. 6 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results The majority of the products we offer are customized to some extent and their selling prices are constantly recalculated. Likewise, prices of raw materials like steel and, especially, copper are internationally set or at least follow similar trends in different markets. This allows us and other industry participants to pass through cost increases of raw materials into selling prices gradually. Despite this ability of the sector to pass through costs, the high volatility of these costs is particularly negative as it hinders the planning of purchases and increases our exposure to raw material prices in the short term. During this quarter, we began to implement these price increases, but they have not affected gross margin in the short term, as previously described. Our expectation is that these already announced price increases will have their impact perceived over the coming quarters. Selling, General & Administrative Expenses Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses represented 15.5% of consolidated Net Operating Revenues in 1Q11, a decrease of 0.7 percentage points compared to 1Q10 and an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to 4Q10. In absolute terms, operating expenses grew by 15.6% over 1Q10 and declined 7.2% over the previous quarter. Main impacts on EBITDA 256,7 45,1 17,4 189,6 FX Impact on Gross Revenues Deduction on Gross Revenues 22,1 181,8 0,7 Volumes, Prices & Product Mix Changes COGS EBITDA Q1 10 Selling Expenses 1,2 164,8 General and Administrative Expenses EBITDA Q1 11 EBITDA and EBITDA Margin As a result of negative effects on gross margin (i) the increase in raw material costs, (ii)the relative increase in processing costs and (iii) the rapid currency appreciation, 1Q11EBITDA (calculated using the methodology defined by the CVM Ofício Circular 01/07) reached R$ 164.8 million, down 9.3% over the 1Q10 and down 26.5% over the previous quarter. EBITDA margin was 14.6%, 4.9 percentage points lower compared to 1Q10 and 3.2 percentage points lower compared to 4Q10. Net Financial Results Financial Income totaled R $ 93.5 million in 1Q11 (R$ 97.7 million in 4Q10 and R$ 71.3 million in 1Q10). Financial Expenses totaled R $ 53.7 million (R$ 61.5 million in 4Q10 and R$ 52.7 million in 1Q10). In this quarter, net financial result was R$ 39.8 million (positive R$ 36.2 million in 4Q10 and positive R$ 18.6 million in 1Q10). Income Tax and Social Contribution Provision for Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Income for the 1Q11 reached R$ 40.1 million (R$ 25.5 million in 1Q10 and R$ 16.4 million in 4Q10). Additionally, we also accounted for R$ 39.7 million credit in deferred income tax. 7 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results Net Income As a result of the previously mentioned impacts, Net Income reached R$ 121.6 million, 1.6% higher than 1Q10 and 14.1% lower than the previous quarter. Net margin for the quarter was 10.8%, 2 percentage points lower in comparison to 1Q10 and 0.4 percentage points lower in comparison to 4Q10. Operating Cash Flows Cash flow from operating activities was R $ 189.2 million in 1Q11, an increase of 25.7% over 1Q10. The higher operating cash flow was obtained with better management of working capital, primarily inventories, which accounted for less investment even with the expansion of activities. The smaller amounts paid as income tax, social contribution and profit sharing also contributed to the increase. Investing Cash Flows The investment activities consumed R$ 34.6 million, the highlight being on investments in fixed assets, as previously discussed. This amount is 45.6% lower than 1Q10. We anticipate that in 2011, we will focus on the occupation of productive capacity of new units and the additional investment required to manufacture wind turbines in Jaraguá do Sul. Financing Cash Flows Financing activities consumed R$ 220.5 million, with reduction of gross debt and payment of $ 176 million in dividends and interest on stockholders equity declared during the second half of 2010. The amount is 12.3% lower than in 1Q10. Cash Flow 189,2 2.553,0 2.487,1 34,6 Operating Investing 220,5 Financing Cash 4Q10 Investments Cash 1Q11 Investments in fixed assets for modernization and expansion of production capacity totaled R$ 33.8 in the first three months of 2011, 76% of which where allocated to industrial complexes and other facilities in Brazil and the remaining to production units abroad. In 2011 we should see a reduction in the rate of investment in relation to our previous pace, since our focus will be on our new plants, including the high voltage electric motors and generators plant in Hosur, India, recently opened, and commercial electric motors plant in Linhares (ES), which will come into operation soon. Investments in Fixed Assets (R$ million) Outside Brazil Brazil 61,4 34,2 73,8 43,7 27,2 30,1 Q1 Q2 53,7 44,1 13,0 2,0 40,7 42,1 Q3 Q4 2010 8 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results 33,8 8,2 25,6 Q1 2011 Debt and Cash Position (R$ Thousands) CASH & EQUIVALENT - Current DEBT - Current - Long Term NET CASH (DEBT) Net Cash March 2011 2,487,136 2,487,136 2,356,004 1,104,366 1,251,638 131,132 December 2010 2,552,996 2,552,996 2,418,943 1,018,995 1,399,948 134,053 March 2011 1,962,538 1,962,538 1,782,466 814,274 968,192 180,072 On March 31, 2011 the total cash (cash and short-term investments) totaled R$ 2,487.1 million and gross financial debt totaled R$ 2,356.0 million, resulting in a net cash position of R$ 131.1 million (net cash of $ 180.0 million at March 31, 2010). The cash is invested mainly in Brazilian currency denominated financial instruments referenced to the CDI (interbank certificates of deposit), in first-tier banks. According to the maturity, gross debt is divided between: Short-term debt, totaling R$ 1,104.4 million (47% of total), represented by shortterm portion of loans with BNDES and other development agencies, mostly in Brazilian currency, other trade related financing denominated in foreign currencies and to working capital financing of foreign subsidiaries, denominated in the respective currencies of each country. Long-term debt, totaling R$ 1,251.6 million (53% of total), mainly represented by BNDES financing and other development agencies, mostly denominated in Brazilian currency, and to a lesser extent, by the working capital financing of foreign subsidiaries in the respective currencies of each country. The duration of long-term debt is 29.5 months. According to the reference currencies, the total debt can be divided into: Denominated in Brazilian Reais, totaling R$ 1,648.2 million (70% of total), mainly represented by the BNDES financing and other development agencies. The weighted average cost of debt denominated in Brazilian Reais is approximately 6.34% per year. Floating rate contracts are indexed mainly to TLJP (the Brazilian Long Term Interest Rate). The duration of the portion denominated in Brazilian Reais is 20.7 months. Denominated in U.S. dollars, Euros and other currencies, totaling R$ 707.8 million (30% of total), mainly for working capital loans contracted by foreign subsidiaries in their local currencies and trade finance related transactions (advances on exchange contracts or ACC), made in Brazil. The duration of the debt denominated in foreign currencies is 13.1 months. Share Price Performance The common shares issued by WEG, negotiated at BM&F Bovespa under the ticker WEGE3, closed on the last trading section of March of 2011 quoted at R$ 21.50, an 1.4% nominal decrease in share price for the quarter. Considering dividends and interest on stockholders’ equity declared during the period, the total return for the 1Q11 reached 0.3%. The average daily traded volume during the 1Q11 reached R$ 8.8 million, 50% above the average of the 1Q10. During the quarter, 50,599 trades took place (31,484 during the 1Q10) involving 26.1 million shares (19.7 million shares during 1Q10), to a total amount of R$ 534.9 million (R$ 357.9 million during 1Q10). 9 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results Share Price Performance and Traded Volume 30,00 3.000 Ações Negociadas (mil) WEGE3 25,00 Cotação WEGE3 2.000 15,00 10,00 1.000 Ações Negociadas (mil) 20,00 5,00 0,00 Dividends 0 On March 22 the Board of Directors approved the payment to shareholders, as interest on stockholders’ equity (JCP), totaling R$ 42.4 million (R$ 36.0 million net of withholding income tax). Shareholders on 23 March 2011 will be entitled to payment of R$ 0.058 per share, net of income tax, payable on August 17, 2011. We maintain our policy of declaring quarterly interest on stockholders’ equity and semiannual dividends based on profit for the period. MTOI Joint Venture for wind turbines manufacturing On March 03, we announced that we had signed an Memorandum of Understanding and a Technology Transfer Agreement of with the M. Torres Olvega Industrial (MTOI). The M Torres Group was founded in 1975 to design, develop and manufacture systems for industrial and process automation solutions for the aerospace, paper and energy sectors. The technology agreement between WEG and MTOI will result in the creation of a joint venture, with equal participation, for manufacturing, assembling, installing and marketing of wind turbine generators, as well as operation and maintenance services, in Brazil. “This partnership, in addition to allowing a more direct presence in the wind power generation business, will give us the agility to meet the growing domestic market demand," explains Harry Schmelzer Jr., WEG’s CEO. "Furthermore, several of our products, such as generators, transformers, drives, electric motors and coatings, are part of the package that we will provide," he added. The wind turbine generators will be initially manufactured at WEG’s main industrial facilities in Jaraguá do Sul, State of Santa Catarina. The project should see the delivery of the first units from 2012 onwards. The technology developed by MTOI allows for the electric generator to be directly coupled to the shaft of the turbine, without the need of gearboxes. This represents a competitive advantage, as it reduces the number of components and hence the possibility of operational problems and maintenance costs. "We are entering this segment with a technology that is modern and comparable to the best in the market. Our partner has wind turbine generators in operation in Europe for over 10 years" said Newton Idemori, Business Development Officer at WEG. ### 10 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results Results Conference Call WEG will hold, on April 28 2011 (Thursday), webcasting of the results conference call, which shall be conducted in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English. The schedule is the following: 10:00 a.m – Brasília (BRT) 09:00 a.m. - New York (EDT) 02:00 p.m. – London (BST) Connecting phone numbers: Dial–in from Brazil: Dial–in from outside Brazil: Toll-free from USA: +55 11 4688-6361 +1 786 924-6977 +1 888 700-0802 Code: WEG Access to the webcast: Slides and Portuguese audio: Slides and English translation: www.ccall.com.br/weg/1t11.htm www.ccall.com.br/weg/1q11.htm The presentation will be available in the Investor Relations page of WEG website www.weg.net/ir. Please call approximately 10 minutes before the call is scheduled to start. The information contained in this report relating to the Company business perspectives, projections and results and Company growing potential should be considered as only forecasts and were based on the management expectations relating to the future of the Company. These expectations are highly influenced by the market conditions and the general economic performance of the country and of the foreign markets which may change suddenly. 11 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results Annex I Consolidated Income Statement - Quarterly Figures in R$ Thousands GROSS REVENUES Taxes and Deductions NET REVENUES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT Sales Expenses Administrative Expenses Financial Revenues Financial Expenses Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Earnings from Subs (Equity Method) EARNINGS BEFORE TAXES Income Taxes & Contributions Deferred Taxes Minorities NET EARNINGS EBITDA 1st Quarter 2011 R$ AV% 1st Quarter 2010 R$ AV% 4th Quarter 2010 R$ AV% 1,343,137 119% -217,020 -19% 1,126,117 100% -815,455 -72.4% 310,662 27.6% -116,019 -10.3% -58,490 -5.2% 93,543 8.3% -53,697 -4.8% 8,671 0.8% -22,787 -2.0% 0 0.0% 161,883 14.4% -40,104 -3.6% 2,480 0.2% -2,695 -0.2% 121,564 10.8% 1,131,546 121% -199,639 -21% 931,907 100% -623,294 -66.9% 308,613 33.1% -93,055 -10.0% -57,861 -6.2% 71,255 7.6% -52,660 -5.7% 8,515 0.9% -26,540 -2.8% -68 0.0% 158,199 17.0% -25,472 -2.7% -12,268 -1.3% -814 -0.1% 119,645 12.8% 1,504,610 120% -246,181 -20% 1,258,429 100% -867,129 -68.9% 391,300 31.1% -119,335 -9.5% -68,677 -5.5% 97,739 7.8% -61,516 -4.9% 3,926 0.3% -40,910 -3.3% 403 0.0% 202,930 16.1% -16,477 -1.3% -39,653 -3.2% -5,292 -0.4% 141,508 11.2% 164,808 12 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results 14.6% 181,750 19.5% 224,149 17.8% Changes % Q1 11 Q1 11 Q1 10 Q4 10 18.7% -10.7% 8.7% -11.8% 20.8% 30.8% -10.5% -6.0% 0.7% -20.6% 24.7% -2.8% 1.1% -14.8% 31.3% -4.3% 2.0% -12.7% 1.8% 120.9% -14.1% -44.3% -100.0% 2.3% -100.0% -20.2% 57.4% 143.4% n.m n.m 231.1% -49.1% 1.6% -14.1% -9.3% -26.5% Annex II Consolidated Balance Sheet Figures in R$ Thousands CURRENT ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents Receivables Inventories Other Current Assets LONG TERM ASSETS Lawsuits Receivables Deferred Taxes Recoverable Taxes Other Long Term Assets FIXED ASSETS Investment in Subs Property, Plant & Equipment Intangibles TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Social and Labor Liabilities Suppliers Fiscal and Tax Liabilities Short Term Debt Dividends Payable Advances from Clients Profit Sharring Other Short Term Liabilities LONG TERM LIABILITIES Long Term Debt Other Long Term Liabilities Deferred Taxes Contingencies Provisions MINORITIES STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES March 2011 R$ 16 4,731,859 2,487,136 1,026,094 1,019,551 199,078 127,146 21,723 86,060 14,122 5,241 2,565,383 2,199 2,383,215 179,969 AV% 64% 33% 14% 14% 3% 2% 0% 1% 0% 0% 35% 0% 32% 2% December 2010 R$ AV% 13 64% 4,794,009 34% 2,552,996 14% 1,044,712 13% 1,008,952 2% 187,349 2% 136,984 0% 21,697 1% 78,810 0% 31,661 0% 4,816 34% 2,580,171 0% 601 32% 2,395,575 2% 183,995 March 2011 R$ 7 3,803,788 1,962,538 864,517 812,461 164,272 170,517 31,063 89,481 39,682 10,291 2,442,733 16,861 2,302,304 123,568 AV% 59% 31% 13% 13% 3% 3% 0% 1% 1% 0% 38% 0% 36% 2% 7,424,388 100% 7,511,164 100% 6,417,038 100% 2,013,822 134,958 259,762 68,362 1,104,366 39,575 278,978 24,380 103,441 1,882,071 1,251,638 89,435 415,682 125,316 93,487 3,435,008 27% 26% 46% 1,582,381 115,619 206,530 46,564 814,274 29,454 221,004 23,191 125,745 1,547,248 968,192 75,488 402,003 101,565 28,688 3,258,721 25% 46% 1,938,803 141,797 242,300 72,204 1,018,995 63,440 271,949 23,583 104,535 2,028,525 1,399,948 86,875 415,318 126,384 89,229 3,454,607 7,424,388 100% 7,511,164 100% 6,417,038 100% 2% 3% 1% 15% 1% 4% 0% 1% 25% 17% 1% 6% 2% 1% 13 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results 2% 3% 1% 14% 1% 4% 0% 1% 27% 19% 1% 6% 2% 1% 2% 3% 1% 13% 0% 3% 0% 2% 24% 15% 1% 6% 2% 0% 51% Annex III Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Figures in R$ Thousands 3 Months 2011 10 Operating Activities Net Earnings before Taxes Depreciation and Amortization Earnings from Subs (Equity Method) Provisions: Profit Sharing Other Provisions (Increase) / Reduction of Accounts Receivable Increase / (Reduction) of Accounts Payable (Increase) / Reduction of Investories Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Earnings Profit Sharing Paid 3 Months 2010 6 161,883 47,499 - 158,199 44,146 68 18,845 (5,478) 20,692 59,352 (13,249) (45,622) (54,718) 20,093 (1,320) 59,643 34,044 (55,872) (63,566) (44,947) Cash Flow from Operating Activities 189,204 150,488 Investment Activities Fixed Assets Intagible Assets Asset Write Downs Accumulated Conversion Adjustment (33,800) (3,365) 177 2,413 (61,392) (792) 818 (2,191) Cash Flow From Investment Activities (34,575) (63,557) Financing Activities Working Capital Financing Long Term Financing Dividends & Intesrest on Stockholders Equity Paid 80,132 (139,268) (161,353) (101,034) 10,967 (161,442) (220,489) (251,509) (65,860) (164,579) 2,552,996 2,487,136 2,127,117 1,962,538 Cash Flow From Financing Activities Change in Cash Position Cash & Cash Equivalents Beginning of Period End of Period 14 | WEG S.A. | 2011 First Quarter Results