WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English CORPORATE PARTICIPANTS Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Disclamer Vice Mr. Wilson Watzko – Controller Officer Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager PRESENTATION Operator: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to WEG's conference call to announce the results of the year of 2013 and 4Q13. Conference Call 2013 and 4Q13 February 27th, 2014 This conference call is being recorded and right now all participants are connected in listen-only mode. Later we are going to conduct a Q&A session when instructions will be provided. Should you need assistance during this conference call please request the help of an operator by pressing star zero. To have access about the press release or the presentation that we are going to use during this conference call please go to WEG's investor relations page at www.weg.net/ir. The statements that may eventually be made during this conference call relating to WEG’s business perspectives, projections and operating and financial goals and to WEG’s potential future growth are management beliefs and expectations, as well as information that are currently available. These statements involve risks, uncertainties and the use of assumptions, as they relate to future events and, as such, depend on circumstances that may or may not be present. Investors should understand that the general economic conditions, conditions of the industry and other operating factors may affect WEG’s future performance and lead to results that may differ materially from those expressed in such future considerations. 4Q13 Conference Call Page 3 February 27, 2014 Before proceeding we would like to clarify that statements that may be made during this conference call pertaining to WEG's business prospects, financial and operational projections and goals and WEG's potential for future growth are mere assumptions of the company's management and they are based on information currently available. Such forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions because they refer to future events and therefore they depend on circumstances that may or may not happen. Investors should understand that general economic conditions, industry conditions and other operating factors may affect WEG's future performance and may lead to results that are materially different from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. We would like to remind you that this conference call will be made in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English. Today with us in Jaraguá do Sul are Mr. Sérgio Schwartz, Executive Vice President and Investor Relations Officer; Mr. Wilson Watzko, Controller Officer and Mr. Luís Fernando Oliveira, Investor Relations Manager. Please Mr. Sérgio you may start. Page 1 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Highlights Quarterly Figures Net Operating Revenue Quarterly Evolution Q4 2013 1.893.299 913.388 979.911 Q3 2013 1.758.381 872.363 886.018 7,7% 4,7% 10,6% Q4 2012 % 1.662.258 13,9% 774.533 17,9% 887.725 10,4% 428.229 387.197 10,6% 431.141 -0,7% 615.847 599.253 2,8% 528.641 16,5% 32,5% 34,1% Net Income 237.439 228.761 Net Margin 12,5% 13,0% Net Operating Revenue Domestic Market External Markets External Markets in US$ Gross Operating Profit Gross Margin EBITDA 341.653 326.934 EBITDA Margin 18,0% 18,6% EPS 0,3827 0,3687 % 31,8% 3,8% In R$ million External Market 1.893 Domestic Market 1.529 1.662 1.613 1.700 1.758 49% 50% 52% 1.478 1.370 52% 50% 53% 48% 52% 48% 50% 47% 52% 51% 50% 48% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 48% 183.157 29,6% 11,0% 4,5% 289.786 17,9% 3,8% 0,2952 29,6% 17,4% Figures in R$ Thousand 2012 4Q13 Conference Call Page 5 February 27, 2014 _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice Good morning everyone. It is a great pleasure to have you here to share with you the results of the year of 2013 and 4Q of the same year. First we are going to highlight a few points about growth and the performance of the revenue; then Wilson will be talking about costs, Ebitda, working capital and investments. We are going to do that briefly and then we will answer your questions. So starting on page 3 of our presentation I would like to draw your attention to two points: the first is the growth of revenues amounting to 14% in 4Q 13 as compared to the previous year. 2013 was a year of growth that was slightly below our historical levels for reasons that we are going to detail further ahead; but it is important to highlight that we ended the year with an acceleration in performance. This has been or this was the highest growth rate in a quarter in 2013. 2013 4Q13 Conference Call In terms of the net operating revenues for the year it reached 1.893 billion in 4Q 13, 14% greater than the previous year and almost 8% greater than the previous quarter. The domestic market continues to respond favorably to the new exchange rate with the growth of 18% over the same period in the previous year. We still observed a recovery of the market of short-cycle products, serial of local manufacturing which after the devaluation of the exchange rate have become more competitive facing imported products. The revenues in the domestic market continued to grow in Reais with a positive impact that is more relevant of the devaluation in this quarter. The growth of the revenue measured in Reais was 10.4%; however we remind you that the valuation of the American dollar in face of many other currencies partly explains the reduction in revenues from the foreign market as measured in dollars. Highlights Yearly Figures 2013 Secondly it is important to highlight the continuity of a trend that we have been seeing along the year of recovering profitability and margins with expansion in gross margins, Ebitda and net margin as well as with a growth that was in absolute terms in the net and the gross income; in the Ebitda and in the net income. February 27, 2014 Page 7 Net Operating Revenue Domestic Market External Markets 2012 % 2011 % 6.828.896 3.432.040 3.396.856 6.173.878 10,6% 3.016.662 13,8% 3.157.216 7,6% 5.189.409 19,0% 2.902.958 3,9% 2.286.451 38,1% External Markets in US$ 1.569.891 1.610.330 -2,5% 1.361.689 18,3% 1.880.856 18,9% 1.556.051 20,9% Gross Operating Profit Gross Margin Quarterly Net Income Net Margin EBITDA 2.236.766 32,8% 30,5% 843.467 30,0% 655.979 28,6% 12,4% 10,6% 1.230.032 586.936 11,8% 11,3% 1.016.748 21,0% 851.155 19,5% EBITDA Margin 18,0% 16,5% 16,4% EPS 1,3595 1,0573 28,6% 0,9461 11,8% Figures in R$ Thousands 4Q13 Conference Call Page 9 February 27, 2014 Now going to page 5 where you can see the main numbers for the year. Again we highlight the recovery of the gross margin, Ebitda margin and net Page 2 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English margin as well as the absolute growth of gross profit, Ebitda and net income. This recovery is based on quite consistent foundations in our target markets and was helped along 2013 both by the devaluation of the real in face of the North American dollar as well as some additional incentive measures and furthermore: a continuous effort of the company in the pursuit of higher efficiency, productivity, with actions in research, development and innovation. Additionally the valuation of the US dollar against almost all currencies in emerging markets partly explains the reduction in revenues from the foreign markets as measured in dollars. Business Areas Revenue breakdown 6% 12% 5% 9% 6% 6% 9% 11% 28% 23% 57% 60% 22% 25% The growth in revenue of 10.6% vis-à-vis 2012 was below our usual standards and what we had included in our strategic plan WEG 2020. It is important to consider that the growth in 2013 was essentially organic because we could not complete no relevant M&As; but we are still confident in our aspiration to reach revenues amounting 20 billion/year in 2020 established in our strategic plan WEG 2020. This aspiration is based on very detailed works to identify market opportunities including nonorganic growth. We continue to work and invest in our efforts to make the most of these opportunities and to convert them into effective transactions. Net Operating Revenue Yearly Evolution In R$ million Domestic Market 11% External Market 19% 5.189 3.397 18% 4.211 4% 4.392 6.829 6.174 3.157 2.286 1.684 1.722 2.670 2.903 3.017 3.432 2.526 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 4Q13 Conference Call Page 11 February 27, 2014 Now on page 6 you can see the evolution of the annual net operating revenue along the past five years showing a growth of almost 11% in 2013 as compared to the previous year. As we said the performance trend both in the domestic and foreign markets were quite consistent during the year. In the domestic market we noted a good performance as a response to the new level of the exchange rate and its effects on WEG's competitiveness and our local customers. In the external market 2013 was a year of consolidation of positions that the conquered over the past years. 57% 4Q10 Industrial Equipment 4Q13 Conference Call 64% 4Q11 4Q12 GTD Domestic Use Page 13 4Q13 Paints & Varnishes February 27, 2014 On slide number 7 you can see the distribution of revenue through the main business areas. As we have been mentioning along the year, the highlight still is the performance of short-cycle products in the domestic market, both those meant for the machinery and equipment industry as well as domestic-use engines. In both cases competitiveness provided by the new exchange rate makes it possible for these products to have better conditions to complete with imported products in our market. The effects of the exchange rate in the competitiveness, however, are not yet clear in the revenues from engineered products of long cycle related to process industry and infrastructure projects. In terms of GTD we have witnessed a modest performance with global prices of distribution and transmission in a slight recovery and demand conditions stable during the year. The prospects, however, are of gradual improvement especially in the generation businesses especially with new competitive conditions and new regulations in power auctions leading to more sustainable conditions and greater diversity of sources. Now I would like to turn it over to Wilson for him to continue. Page 3 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English Costs of Goods Sold Materials 65% Materials 64% 2012 2013 Working Capital Other Costs 10% Depreciation 4% our foundations in our target markets, both from the standpoint of the product mix on demand as well as from the standpoint of global price trends. This structural trend is also helped by the favorable scenario in Brazil with a more competitive exchange rate and the measures of tax relief. Labor 21% Labor 22% Other Costs 10% In % of Net Revenue 50,0% Depreciation 4% 40,0% 4Q13 Conference Call February 27, 2014 Page 15 Working Capital _________________________________________ 30,0% Mr. Wilson Watzko – Controller Officer 20,0% Clients Good morning everyone. Going to page 8 that provides a breakdown of costs compared to the last quarter of 2012. Along the year we managed to expand consistently the gross margin, which in this quarter was 0.7 percentage points above 4Q 12 reaching 32.5 because of the relative stability in the cost of raw materials in Reais the positive effect of the devaluation of the exchange rate over the revenues, the best dilution of transformation costs and the introduction of innovations both in products and in manufacturing processes which provided productivity gains. Main impacts on EBITDA Q4 2013 Q3 2013 1.893,3 1.758,4 7,7% 1.662,3 13,9% Consolidated Net Income for the Period 237,3 230,2 3,1% 184,8 28,4% Net Margin 12,5% 13,1% (+) Income taxes & Contributions (+/-) Financial income (expenses) (+) Depreciation & Amortization EBITDA 72,0 (24,4) 56,8 341,7 67,5 (26,5) 55,8 326,9 EBITDA Margin 18,0% 18,6% Net Operating Revenues % Q4 2012 53,7 (2,7) 54,0 289,8 10,0% Advances from Clients Suppliers 0,0% 4Q06 4Q07 4Q08 4Q09 4Q10 4Q13 Conference Call 4Q11 4Q12 4Q13 February 27, 2014 Page 19 Now on the next slide we are going to see the evolution of working capital over the past few years. We continue the gradual trend of reduction which we have highlighted for some time. We insist that investment in working capital is a capital investment like any other and this should be made with the same discipline and the same objectives of maximizing return that we have, for example, in the investments on fixed assets with different features of risk and maturity time. In this manner we continue to see the recovery of return over invested capital along 2013. % 11,1% 6,7% -8,1% 1,8% 4,5% Inventories 34,2% n.a. 5,2% 17,9% Capex Program In R$ million 10,2% Capex % of Net Revenues 9,3% 8,1% 17,4% Figures in R$ Million 5,8% 5,4% 457 5,3% 3,6% 3,9% 3,7% 3,6% 305 4Q13 Conference Call Page 17 February 27, 2014 On page 9 you can see the comparison of Ebitda and it is possible to see that the effects that we discussed continue to enable the expansion both in absolute Ebitda, which grew 18% year on year, as well as the margin percentage which reached 18% with an expansion of 0.6 percentage points. We have said that this is a consistent expansion because it is based on the gradual improvement of 226 206 2004 233 238 244 2012 2013 188 146 2005 4Q13 Conference Call 111 2006 2007 2008 2009 Page 21 2010 2011 February 27, 2014 Lastly on slide 11 you can see the organic investments in the expansion of capacity as a percentage of net revenue. We reached 244 million in organic investments in 2013 in addition to 15 million in assets acquired. We are close to our initial Page 4 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English expectation of R$ 265 million with some additional disbursements in 2014. For 2014 we are estimating a more robust investment program in the expansion and modernization of our production capacity which will reach 592 million approximately. This amount already includes the first disbursements of investments amounting to US$ 345 million along the five years in the manufacturing units of electrical engines in Mexico and China. In this matter we close this brief presentation and I send the conference back to Sergio. and we have the basis to continue growing sustainably in the foreign market.These opportunities are of organic growth because the market for electric equipment has been growing steadily all over the world. There are also opportunities for nonorganic growth with new products, new markets and new technologies that may be added to our business. This ends our presentation and we may now start our question and answer session. Now operator you may proceed please. Contacts Strategic Planning WEG 2020 Aspirations and strategic direction Sérgio Luiz Silva Schwartz Investor Relations Officer Luís Fernando M. Oliveira Investor Relations Manager +55 (47) 3276-6973 luisfernando@weg.net twitter.com/weg_ir 6.829 20.000 11% 6.174 19% 5.189 4.392 18% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 4Q13 Conference Call Page 23 February 27, 2014 4Q13 Conference Call Q&A Session Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Operator Before we start our Q&A session I would like to draw your attention to the chart on page 12. Two years ago we presented in a conference call such as this our aspiration of reaching the revenue of 20 billion in 2020, which was our way of announcing the strategic plan WEG 2020 to our stakeholders and we want to reaffirm that the actions to use or to make the most of the opportunities we identify are being executed and the interim objectives of WEG 2020 are in line with our expectations. We need to keep our discipline for execution keeping our competitiveness in the markets where we already have consolidated positions and continuing our expansion into other markets. We see interesting opportunities in the domestic market both because of the dynamic movement created by the more competitive exchange rates in specific areas February 27, 2014 _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Vice Page 25 Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen we are now going to start our Q&A session. As a reminder once again this conference call is being held in Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English. If you want to ask a question please press star one and if you want to take your question from the list please press star two. Our first question comes from Mr. Bernardo Carneiro from Deutsche Bank. _________________________________________ Mr. Bernardo Carneiro – Deutsche Bank Good morning everyone. I have two questions, the first one is I would like to understand the reasons for the continuing drop, even though small, for the Page 5 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English revenue in the foreign market both in terms of exports and the revenues coming from overseas even when we measure it in dollars. It dropped in 2013 and also in 4Q. The second question do you expect an increase in the cost of raw materials because of the new exchange rate? The Real depreciated considerably vis-à-vis the dollar and you received the benefit because of that especially because of metal alloys, the prices of metal alloys have not gone up yet. _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice Good morning Bernardo. I am going to answer your question. The first one regarding the performance of our sales in the foreign market as we have said before we talked about the devaluation of some specific currencies in markets where we have significant operations and it ended up translating into fewer US dollars in our financial statements. If we consider the size of the operation and WEG's share in those markets we also see that WEG has not reduced its market share, we are not reducing market share for example in South Africa, where WEG has a significant market share, Latin America and even in Australia too. We have been having an impact in our consolidated financials but this does not mean that we are losing market in the front-end; it is much more a result of the devaluation of the other currencies than market conditions. But still keeping on that, because market share is more related to volume, to physical production, what about prices? Have you managed to increase prices in dollar or the global demand does not yet make it possible to increase dollar prices? _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice Well Bernardo we need to separate serial products, short-cycle products that suffer a smaller variation of prices as compared to demand and as we renew our portfolio and we introduce new products (that we call the customized ones) those variations in our lines to meet specific demands of our customers, for these we can make small movements in prices to transfer cost increases. But along 2013 we had a certain stability in this market and so we did not see any changes in prices. However, for long-cycle products it follows up supply and demand and here prices are more volatile, so we see a margin that is slightly higher than we initially expected to increase prices especially in GTD where we expected to increase at slightly higher speed and we could have some price changes, but that practically did not happen or if it did it was very specific but it was not significant. _________________________________________ Mr. Bernardo Carneiro – Deutsche Bank Thank you very much. _________________________________________ But also additionally there is also a loss of strength in some markets where WEG has important businesses such as mining and then there are more markets than the ones I have mentioned (Africa, Australia and Chile, Canada). We have investments in general. We have not been seeing, and we carefully monitor this, we have not had any significant loss in market share in our target markets. Maybe we have not been growing as fast as we expect; but this is much more because of the lack of movement in the market than because of our strategies. _________________________________________ Mr. Bernardo Carneiro – Deutsche Bank Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice You also asked a question about costs. Well, we are not expecting any significant changes in costs in 2014. Because of longer-term contracts our volatility is slightly lower when we are dealing with commodities such as copper, aluminum and steel. Our contracts are slightly longer term and so these variations in market prices we can dilute them over a slightly longer period. But what will happen in 2014 with those contracts is that there will be a reduction in dollar prices but because of the devaluation of our currency there will Page 6 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English be a compensation and some stability of costs in Reais. _________________________________________ Operator Our next question comes from Cássio Lucin from J.P. Morgan. _________________________________________ Mr. Cássio Lucin – JP Morgan Well I am sorry, this is Cassio in JP. So my question to Bernardo is the following: some companies are focusing in longer-cycle products and they are saying this is not so strong. Do you think this is due to a lack of confidence in the cycle because of market conditions or is it any other factors? Or you are not seeing this? Second question if we were to consider the growth in the domestic market - and I know this is a kind of difficult - how much was it due to mix, price or the exchange rate that weakened the sales in the domestic market? These are my two questions. _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice Good morning Cassio. With regards to this issue of a weakening in our book of orders for longer-cycle products we need to consider WEG's position in face of the companies that you have mentioned. We are not exactly fighting for the same markets. The products that WEG has been focusing on, also because there is a more modest share in the foreign markets because of market share, this makes it possible for us to focus on businesses where we see the best possibilities to compete and to capture more value. So as they are small abroad we can afford to choose which are the business that we are going to focus on, and because of this small market share as we expand our portfolio and we go into new geographies we manage to keep a pace of businesses that is not so closely related to the overall market as those competitors, whose markets are more subject to short-term market changes. If we look at North America, where in T&D we have about 3% market share, the recent movements of market have made it possible for us to capture a volume of orders, a good volume of orders regardless of the economic scenario in that market. Regarding the domestic market and WEG's evolution - we have been talking a lot about competitiveness related to the exchange rate and everything else - we might not be paying the appropriate attention to all the actions that we continuously implement in our company in terms of competitive positioning, which is research, development and innovation. So we also had… in addition to the exchange rate we launched products in some important segments here in the domestic market which made it possible for us to directly or indirectly recover market share and to displace or to take share from some important products. I would not be able to specify which segments specifically so that the competition will not focus on that; but in 2013 - and these are projects we have been working on for a while - we cannot say that at some point the exchange rate will devalue for us to reposition. We are continuously developing new products to recover advantages that we had in the past. So we want products with higher efficiency than imported products to set off or to compensate the price. So it is also product mix but it is very much related to the release of new lines too. _________________________________________ Mr. Cássio Lucin – JP Morgan Thank you very much. If you allow me just a follow up: in the European market what can we see in terms of trend in industries and markets WEG is going to focus on? _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice So the most significant markets for WEG in Europe are the markets of pumps, ventilators and compressors which are typically engines. In these markets we have make quite significant investments Page 7 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English in the development of new products and we have been able to capture important opportunities especially in OEMs, and customers that export machines and equipment to other parts of the world. We have been seeing this: so a significant share of our sales in Europe the final destination of the equipment is not in Europe; many things that are going to go to Asia, which I would say is our number one market. _________________________________________ Mr. Cássio Lucin – JP Morgan Okay thank you very much. _________________________________________ Operator Our next question comes from Thomas from J.P. Morgan. _________________________________________ Mr. Thomas Mcelwee – JP Morgan I would like… This is a fast question: this increase in demand for products related to power or the rationing of energy in Brazil… _________________________________________ Mr. Luis Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Thomas thank you for your question. This is an issue that is very much on the agenda today and we need to be very careful in terms of defining what we are talking about. There are two very different things: one thing is it would be a blackout, a failure in the system, and outage due to some problems, something that happens, and events and so the power goes down for some time. This is difficult to predict and it is difficult to know when it is going to happen and usually impacts are very localized. It is the type of situation that usually is solved with more investments in industry - which is good for WEG - and we have been seeing that many of the changes that we are talking about the regulation (in the auctions and everything) they are already going towards that direction in terms of increasing the speed with which investments are implemented in this industry. Something different is rationing. That is a problem of insufficient generation. So sometimes the generation is not enough due to climate problems: for example Brazil is clearly a hydroelectric country and if we have shortage of rain, if there is a dry season there is nothing to solve. So the situation seems to be okay for 2014. This happened in 2013. We talked about this, it is back on the agenda this year but this is very hard, we do not know very much about it. It seems reasonable to think that a repetition of 2001 is unlikely. The industry is much more prepared today and evolved a lot. We have many more thermal power plants. Well, the impact for WEG: greater importance in generation investments. This is already happening. We have been seeing this and it is difficult to quantify because this affects first the regulation of auctions and then the performance of the people taking part on the auctions and we have been seeing this along the year. This is one of the reasons why we are focusing more on this industry. Greater importance on energy efficiency in the industrial, manufacturing industry, products with higher value added such as more efficient and automated engines. But then on the other hand there may be higher electric power costs and this has been neutral for WEG. We have been able to purchase energy, we are covered, well covered with our contracts and energy has a small share of our costs (less than 2% of our total costs) and clearly as the situation becomes more severe then maybe a lower demand for consumption of engines and appliances. In the worst-case scenario if there is an effective generalized rationing scenario where everyone needs to lower consumption by 20% for example it is impossible for us to do anything as this will be more difficult. In 2001 we had a situation such as this, but then we were able to work around. But this year we do not think it would be so easy. But what I can say: when the electric industry in the need for investment becomes more evident this is good for Page 8 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English us up to a limit when it gets to a situation that is more drastic as the ones we are talking about. So considering this situation this has been the reaction have been seen. There are some specific cases, for example with alternators, emergency energy. These are more specific cases with more and anedoptical cases. But on the whole this is good for us. _________________________________________ Mr. Thomas Mcelwee – JP Morgan I understand, thank you very much. _________________________________________ Operator Our next question comes from Ricardo from Votorantim Corretora. _________________________________________ Mr. Ricardo Schweitzer – Votorantim Corretora Good morning Vilson and Fernando, thank you. I would like to hear more details about the current status of the market for engineered products especially for industrial electric engines in Brazil. Is it the same as in previous quarters? With regards to electricity what are your revenues from electric machinery and equipment such as alternators and generators? I would like to hear the opinion about Württembergische Elektromotoren in terms of product portfolio and how it affects us in terms of you already having electric engines and what you had already won in reducers with the acquisitions that you had made previously. _________________________________________ Mr. Luis Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Well we are going to start from the end with the acquisition. I am not going to mention the name of our German manufacturer of engines. So there are two main vectors of acquisitions: one vector is technological and the other vector is for market access. This is a case where we have the two components. It complements our product line; they have additional products than the ones we had included here with previous acquisitions. It also complements in terms of our… in the line of engines especially related to motor reducers. And this is also an acquisition that provides us a component because they are a German manufacturer in Germany, in the heart of Germany's industrial area. It is one of the most industrialized regions in Germany and so very clearly it helps us. It is a small acquisition obviously, it does not have an immediate impact that is so significant but it has the two components and that is why we made this acquisition. As to engineered products there has not been any significant change. We have engineered products here in Brazil, it is focusing on a few sectors. There are some segments with investments, specific investments. We do not have an investment cycle for the entire process industry; it is concentrated in some specific things here and there: for example the pulp and paper industry; in some mining projects; oil and gas. It follows a path which is similar to the previous one and this is all very similar to what we have been talking about. In terms of alternators as a percentage of GTD it is a small share, it is not really relevant. It was much more relevant, for example, if we compare in 2001. In 2001 as a percentage of the revenues alternators were more significant than today for WEG; but it is still an important business and we have a market position which is quite relevant in Brazil and of course we want to me to the interests of that segment. _________________________________________ Mr. Ricardo Schweitzer – Votorantim Corretora Thank you. _________________________________________ Operator Excuse me ladies and gentlemen. If you have a question please press star one. Page 9 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English _________________________________________ Thank you very much. Mr. Luis Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager _________________________________________ Operator Just another question. We have a question in English from Ravi in HSBC and he is asking about the situation of the electric power market in Brazil, rationing and everything, so I think it basically… We have answered his question. Our next question comes from Alexandre Falcão from HSBC. _________________________________________ Mr. Alexandre Falcão – HSBC _________________________________________ Operator Our next question comes from Bernardo Carneiro from Deutsche Bank. _________________________________________ Mr. Bernardo Carneiro – Deutsche Bank I have a follow-up about your comment before you opened for questions and answers. You announced a total Capex for 2014. It is a significant amount and I would like you to give us some more detail about this amount, which I think encompasses in verticalization investments both in Mexico and in China, R$ 600 million, 580? _________________________________________ Mr. Wilson Watzko – Controller Officer Hi Bernardo this is Wilson. Our investment plan for 2014 is at a level close to R$ 600 million and there are investments that are proportional in all our business units. There is a significant investment in Mexico and in the US that is going to start over the next five years, so this is in our manufacturing plants for upgrading, modernization and at the same time it will improve capacity for WEG's gradual expansion. Along with the growth there is investment in working capital. It is proportional to our growth in revenues always with the aim of optimizing investments inferior to the growth of our sales. So we want to optimize our inventories so that we may optimize the return on the capital invested. _________________________________________ Mr. Bernardo Carneiro – Deutsche Bank Good morning everyone. My question is related to your 2020 plan. So considering this plan was designed at a dollar of 1.85 with the current exchange rate do you have any plans to change or to adjust it? And the second question if you consider total growth would this change its dynamics and where do you expect to compensate this growth in the future? Thank you. _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice Thank you for your question Alexandre. We need to consider in our 2020 plan the assumptions that we laid out when we designed the plan. We had the expectation that growth would come as a proportion of approximately two-thirds organic and one-third of M&A initiatives. So if we analyze our slides and if you see what happened in 2011/12/13 you can see that we are very much in line in terms of the compound growth; but in 2013 we were a kind of short because we did not make any significant acquisitions. But in all our business units we have a roll of alternatives that is quite interesting. In terms of development we are discussing developments and we expect that within a slightly longer term we may compensate that: maybe in one year organic growth slightly higher than non-organic and any other year it may be the opposite. In terms of the exchange rate we project as part of that plan and a variation of 4.5%, 5% yearly, and naturally there is a devaluation of the Reais if this will call forth a slight repositioning, but this should be Page 10 WEG S.A. 4th Quarter 2013 Earnings Results Conference Call February 27, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. (Brasilia time) Transcript of the simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English done looking in a longer-term future and right now we do not think it is necessary to make any more profound changes in those numbers. We are still confident that 20 billion for 2020 are feasible. Mr. Ecilio Vieira de Carvalho – Banco do Brasil Thank you. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Mr. Alexandre Falcão – HSBC And without wanting to play stress; but with the dollar slightly more stress do you think we can… This growth even faster or more front-ended than initially expected? _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice Well, if the current levels of the exchange rate are sustained without inflation and if we have the maintenance of our assumptions in terms of GDP yes, this may happen… May happen faster, sooner. _________________________________________ Operator Our next question comes from Mr. Ecilio Vieira de Carvalho from Banco do Brasil. _________________________________________ Mr. Ecilio Vieira de Carvalho – Banco do Brasil Good morning everyone. I would like to hear from you how much you have attained in terms of tax incentives and how much it impacted your revenues in 2013. Thank you. _________________________________________ Mr. Luis Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager Mr. Luis Fernando Oliveira – Investor Relations Manager We have a question for Mr. Robert Lampl about our working capital and I think Wilson has already answered this question, has already addressed this matter, and he is asking how the working capital will behave over the next 12 months and Wilson addressed this when he talked about our Capex Investment Program, so we now understand we have already answered that question, thank you. _________________________________________ Operator We are now closing our question-and-answer session. I would like to turn the conference over to Mr. Sergio for his final remarks. Please Mr. Schwartz you may proceed. _________________________________________ Mr. Sérgio Schwartz – Executive President and Investor Relations Officer Vice I would like to thank you all very much for your participation and I wish you all a good day. _________________________________________ Operator The conference call of WEG has now ended. We thank you all for your participation and we wish you all a good day. _________________________________________ Hi. Well, this is a number we have been publishing: the impact is about R$ 9 million per month in terms of tax relief in the payroll. This is the total impact. Of course not all of this is related to gaining competitiveness; but part of it we really used to increase competitiveness. But this is the total impact of the tax relief in the payroll. _________________________________________ Page 11