Earnings Release 2Q 2015 Jaraguá do Sul (SC), July 29, 2015: WEG S.A. (BM&F Bovespa: WEGE3, OTC: WEGZY), one of the world’s largest manufacturer of electric-electronic equipment, working mainly in capital goods in five main product lines: Motors, Power, Transmission and Distribution, Automation and Coatings, announced today its results for the second quarter of 2015 (2Q15). The following financial and operating data are presented in a consolidated basis, except when otherwise indicated, in thousands of Brazilian Reais (R$) according to accounting practices adopted in Brazil, including Brazilian Corporate Law and the convergence to IFRS international norms. The Growing rates and other comparisons are, except when otherwise indicated, made in relation to the same period of the previous year. ACCELERATED GROWTH IN NEW ENVIRONMENT NET OPERATING REVENUE GREW BY 29.0% Net operating revenues in the second quarter of 2015 reached R$ 2,349.4 million, for 29.0% growth over the 2Q14 and 10.3% growth over the 1Q15; EBITDA GREW BY 13.0% EBITDA reached R$ 352.1 million and EBITDA margin reached 15.0%. In relation to the same quarter last year EBITDA grew by 13.0%, while compared to the previous quarter there was growth of 1.1%; NET INCOME GREW BY 14.4% Net income totaled R$ 260.9 million, with net margin of 11.1% and growth of 14.4% over the 2Q14 and growth of 6.1% over the 1Q15; INVESTMENTS OF R$ 202.5 MILLION IN THE SEMESTER Investments in fixed assets totaled R$ 202.5 million in the first half of 2015, being 59% in industrial plants in Brazil and 41% in expansion projects abroad. KEY FIGURES Net Operating Revenue Domestic Market External Markets External Markets in US$ Gross Operating Profit Gross Margin Net Income Net Margin EBITDA EBITDA Margin EPS (adjusted for splits) (R$ Thousands) Q2 2015 Q1 2015 2.349.432 1.051.525 1.297.906 422.464 671.727 28,6% 260.881 11,1% 352.148 15,0% 0,16170 2.130.291 1.027.854 1.102.437 385.011 638.623 30,0% 245.859 11,5% 348.361 16,4% 0,15240 % 10,3% 2,3% 17,7% 9,7% 5,2% 6,1% 1,1% 6,1% Q2 2014 1.821.547 900.348 921.198 413.147 577.325 31,7% 227.985 12,5% 311.500 17,1% 0,14132 % 29,0% 16,8% 40,9% 2,3% 16,4% 14,4% 13,0% 14,4% 06M15 06M14 4.479.723 2.079.379 2.400.343 807.475 1.310.350 29,3% 506.740 11,3% 700.509 15,6% 0,31410 3.605.090 1.795.794 1.809.295 788.825 1.147.746 31,8% 432.872 12,0% 611.143 17,0% 0,26834 % 24,3% 15,8% 32,7% 2,4% 14,2% 17,1% 14,6% 17,1% CONFERENCE CALL (WITH SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH) July 30, Thursday 11 a.m. (Brasilia official time) Dial---in in the US: +1 786 924-6977 Webcasting (simultaneous translation into English): www.ccall.com.br/weg/2q15.htm PAGE 1 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION The first half of 2015 showed few changes in global economic activity, which continued recovering at a gradual pace and with significant differences in the various geographies. The purchasing managers indexes (PMI), used as industrial activity indicators, showed recovery in the US, reverting the slowdown noticed during the northern hemisphere winter. Germany has consistently posted PMI readings above 50, indicating activity expansion, since November 2014. China, on the other hand, confirmed this quarter the activity slowdown and the slower economic expansion pace that had already been indicated at the beginning of 2015. June 2015 53,5 51,9 49,4 Manufacturing ISM Report on Business ® (USA) Markit/BME Germany Manufacturing P M I ® HSBC China Manufacturing P M I ™ May 2015 52,8 51,1 49,2 April 2015 51,5 52,1 48,9 In Brazil, economic activity continued to deteriorate, with estimates of 1.5% decrease in gross domestic product in 2015. The industrial sector is the most affected by the lower activity, with the industrial production showing 6.9% drop in the year and 5.3% drop over the previous year, according the survey by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). May showed the first positive reading after three negative months. Nevertheless, in May 2015 the industrial production fell to levels similar to the end of 2006 and the expectations of drop of 5% for 2015 show little space for recovery. INDUSTRIAL INDICATORS IN BRAZIL ACCORDING TO LARGE ECONOMIC CATEGORIES Change (%) Categories of Use May 15 / Apr 15* May 15 / May 14 Capital Goods Intermediary Goods Consumer Goods Durable Goods Semi-durable and non-durable General Industry 0,2 -0,5 1,4 -0,1 1,2 0,6 -26,3 -4,9 -12,0 -17,8 -10,4 -8,8 Acummulated On Year 12 months -20,6 -3,4 -9,6 -16,4 -7,5 -6,9 -15,8 -3,2 -6,2 -14,5 -3,5 -5,3 Source: IBGE, Research Office, Industry Coordination (*) Series with seasonal adjustments The drop in industrial production was strongly influenced by trucks and autos, which has shown significant decreases in the light and heavy vehicles production. Conditions in other industrial sectors are not necessarily as negative as in the auto industry. NET OPERATING REVENUES Net Operating Revenues totaled R$ 2,349.4 million in the second quarter of 2015 (2Q15), for 29.0% growth over the second quarter of 2014 (2Q14) and 10.3% growth over the first quarter of 2015 (1Q15). Adjusting net revenues for transactions occurred in the period, organic growth was of 22.3% over 2Q14. NET OPERATING REVENUES PER MARKET Brazilian Market External Market 2.056 (R$ MILLION) 2.180 2.130 50% 52% 2.349 1.784 1.822 50% 51% 50% 49% 48% 50% 48% 45% Q1 14 Q2 14 Q3 14 Q4 14 Q1 15 Q2 15 52% 55% In the second quarter we noted the intensification of the same trends observed in the previous quarter. In the Brazilian market, growth in the equipment for energy generation, transmission and distribution sector, mainly in wind power generation systems, more than offset the drop in investments in industrial capacity expansion and in consumption. In the external market, the devaluation Brazilian currency, in excess of 37% when comparing 2T15 and 2T14 averages, enhanced the positive impacts of geographical diversification and the product line expansion, resulting in strong growth in net operating revenues. These results reaffirm one of the most important PAGE 2 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 characteristics of our business model, the ability to find and exploit growth opportunities, even in unfavorable macroeconomic scenarios. Net Operating Revenue in 2Q15 breakdowns as follows: Brazilian Market: R$ 1,051.5 million, representing 45% of Net Operating Revenue, with 16.8% growth over 2Q14 and 2.3% growth over 1Q15. Organic growth in the Brazilian market, excluding the acquisitions in the last 12 months, was 16.6% over 2Q14; External Markets: R$ 1,297.9 million, equivalent 55% of Net Operating Revenue. The comparison in Brazilian Reais shows growth of 40.9% over the same period last year and of 17.7% over the previous quarter. Considering the average US dollar for the quarter, comparison shows growth of 2.3% over the 2Q14 and considering the local currencies of each market, the comparison shows growth of 14.8% over 2Q14. Organic growth in Brazilian Reais in the external markets was 27.8% over 2Q14. EVOLUTION OF NET REVENUE ACCORDING TO GEOGRAPHIC MARKET Q2 2015 Net Operating Revenues - Brazilian Market - External Markets - External Markets in US$ 2.349,4 1.051,5 1.297,9 422,5 (R$ MILLION) Q1 2015 2.130,3 1.027,9 1.102,4 385,0 % Q2 2014 10,3% 2,3% 17,7% 9,7% 1.821,5 900,3 921,2 413,1 % 29,0% 16,8% 40,9% 2,3% E X T E R N A L M A R K E T -- D I S T R I B U T I O N O F N E T R E V E N U E A C C O R D I N G T O G E O G R A P H I C M A R K E T North America South and Central America Europe Africa Australasia Q2 2015 Q1 2015 % Q2 2014 42,4% 15,9% 24,2% 8,4% 9,1% 35,8% 17,7% 24,7% 10,5% 11,3% 6,6 pp -1,8 pp -0,5 pp -2,1 pp -2,2 pp 38,0% 15,2% 27,4% 10,5% 8,9% % 4,4 pp 0,7 pp -3,2 pp -2,1 pp 0,2 pp DISTRIBUTION OF NET REVENUE PER BUSINESS AREA Q2 2015 Q1 2015 % Q2 2014 % Electro-electronic Industrial Equipments 53,6% 52,0% 1,6 pp 61,6% -8 pp Domestic Market 16,7% 18,5% -1,8 pp 24,1% -7,4 pp External Market 36,9% 33,5% 3,4 pp 37,5% -0,6 pp Energy Generation , Transmission and Distribution 29,0% 28,9% 0,1 pp 25,2% 3,8 pp Domestic Market 19,3% 18,4% 0,9 pp 15,0% 4,3 pp External Market 9,7% 10,5% -0,8 pp 10,2% -0,5 pp 12,4% 13,7% -1,3 pp 6,8% 5,6 pp 4,6% 6,7% -2,1 pp 4,7% -0,1 pp Electric Motors for Domestic Use Domestic Market External Market 7,8% 7,0% 0,8 pp 2,1% 5,7 pp Paints and Varnishes 4,6% 5,2% -0,6 pp 6,0% -1,4 pp Domestic Market 3,9% 4,6% -0,7 pp 5,4% -1,5 pp External Market 0,7% 0,6% 0,1 pp 0,6% 0,1 pp BUSINESS AREAS The performance of the external markets was highlight in the Industrial Electro-Electronic Equipment area and ensured net operating revenue growth. Industrial investments in domestic market showed further slowdown, with maintenance of installed capacity remaining the primary demand driver. The investments in capacity expansion continue to be concentrated in a few specific segments and the impact of devaluation of the Brazilian Real over the competitiveness of value added manufactured products is limited. For WEG, the recent devaluation of the Brazilian currency creates more favorable conditions for the implementation of our expansion strategy abroad, both with the expansion of production capacity, with new plants in Mexico and China, as with additional effort in staff, services and sales infrastructure in international markets. In doing so we are using the short-term competitiveness boost provided by the weaker Brazilian Real to build a structurally stronger position. Growth in Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution (GTD) business area continued strong. We have highlighted the improvement in conditions in the regulated energy auctions, with impacts on the demand and the attractiveness of electricity generation systems, especially in renewable sources. Additionally, we successfully launched a new product, the wind power generation systems, with a strong impact on the revenue growth rate over this first half of 2015. In transmission and distribution (T&D) PAGE 3 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 demand conditions in Brazil showed some cooling off due to the lower economic activity. The outlook, however, remains positive, with the current order backlog execution and the prospect of winning new business with the completion of energy auctions in the second half. In the Motors for Domestic Use area we continued to see strong growth due to the consolidation of the SINYA/CMM acquisition in China, which allowed us to complete our product portfolio and advance in our internationalization in this segment. On the other hand, the Brazilian market performance continued weak, with demand being affected by the worsening of consumer credit and disposable income conditions and increases of regulated tariffs. We do not expect a rapid turnaround in this scenario. Another area that showed weaker performance was the Paints and Varnishes, which continued affected by the slowdown in industrial production and consumption. In this area we have adjusted the cost and operating expenses structures and have sought new markets and application segments for our products. COST OF GOODS SOLD Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) totaled R$ 1,677.7 million in 2Q15, 34.8% above 2Q14 and 12.5% above 1Q15. Gross margin reached 28.6%, with reduction of 3.1 percentage points over 2Q14 and of 1.4 percentage points over 1Q15. The impacts on gross margin were: (i) cost increases on raw materials denominated in or referenced to the US dollar, occurring at faster rate than our ability to adjust selling prices; (ii) Relative growth of revenues in the wind power generation systems, incorporating subsystems that are not manufactured by WEG and therefore has lower operating margins. From the perspective of return on capital, these lower margins are offset by lower capital intensity. It is important to remember that this is a new product for WEG, and we're still climbing the learning curve of the production process; (iii) Higher relative importance of some recently acquired businesses, with different margin profiles; (iv) Constitution of additional labor, receivables and inventories provisions. COGS BREAKDOWN Labor 21,1% Q2 15 Other Costs Depreciation 8,8% 4,3% Depreciation 4,3% Other Costs 10,3% Q2 14 Labor 23,0% Materials 64,2% Materials 63,8% The average copper spot prices at the London Metal Exchange (LME) continued to show decline compared to 2014, falling by 11.0% in 2Q15 compared to the 2Q14 average, but increasing by 3.4% over the average of 1Q15. Steel prices have also continued to fall, 22% lower compared to 2Q14 and stable in relation to 1Q15. These are the variations of US dollars prices, which means that prices in Brazilian Reais continued to rise, as they incorporate devaluations to the US dollar of 38% over 2Q14 and 7% over 1Q15. SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Consolidated selling, general and administrative expenses (SG&A) totaled R$ 344.2 million in 2Q15, 19.6% growth over the 2Q14 and 9.9% growth over the previous quarter. As a percentage of Net Operating Revenue, operating expenses represented 14.7% in 2Q15, 1.1 percentage points lower than in 2Q14, remaining at the same level as in 1Q15. EBITDA AND EBITDA MARGIN PAGE 4 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 In the 2Q15, EBITDA (according to the Instruction CVM 527/2012) totaled R$ 352.1 million, 13.0% growth over the 2Q14 and 1.1% growth over the 1Q15. EBITDA margin reached 15.0%, 2.1 percentage points lower than 2Q14 and 1.4 percentage points lower than 1Q15. The EBITDA margin decrease was lower than the decrease of gross margin due to better control over operating expenses. IN R$ MILLION Q2 2015 Net Operating Revenues Net Income before Minorities Net Margin (+) Income taxes & Contributions (+/-) Financial income (expenses) (+) Depreciation & Amortization EBITDA EBITDA Margin Q1 2015 2.349,4 263,2 11,2% 64,9 -53,5 77,5 352,1 15,0% 355,9 2.130,3 250,8 11,8% 64,9 -41,7 74,3 348,4 16,4% % Q2 2014 10,3% 5,0% 1.821,5 228,1 12,5% 55,5 -32,3 60,3 311,5 17,1% -0,1% 28,3% 4,3% 1,1% % 29,0% 15,4% 16,9% 65,3% 28,6% 13,0% (417,1) 172,0 FX Impact on Revenues 311,5 Volumes, Prices & Product Mix Changes EBITDA Q2 14 (44,6) COGS (ex depreciation) Selling Expenses (11,0) (12,6) (1,9) General and Administrative Expenses Profit Sharing Program Other Expenses 352,1 EBITDA Q2 15 NET FINANCIAL RESULTS In this quarter, net financial result was positive in R$ 53.5 million (R$ 32.3 million and R$ 41.7 million in 2Q14 and 1Q15, respectively). Financial revenues totaled R$ 18.2 million in 2Q15 (R$ 142.2 million and R$ 519.6 million, respectively), with a decrease in absolute terms compared to 1Q15 as a result of the impact of the changes on exchange rates. The impact of changes on exchange rate on debt were positive financial expenses, i.e. increasing the the results in R$ 35.3 (negative R$ 109.9 million and R$ 477.9 million in 2Q14 and 1Q15, respectively). This peculiar result was caused by exchange rate changes on the portion of the debt that is denominated in other currencies than the Braszilian Real, used to finance our transactions outside Brazil (trade finance). The net impact of was a 65.3% growth of net financial result over the previous year, a result of higher interest rates earned of liquid resources and the attractive financing costs. INCOME TAX Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Profit provision in 2Q15 reached R$ 48.5 million (R$ 53.1 million and R$ 76.3 million in 2Q14 and 1Q15, respectively). Additionally, R$ 16.4 million were recorded as ‘‘Deferred Income Tax / social contribution’’ debt (debt of R$ 2.4 million and credit of R$ 11.3 million, respectively). The effective tax rate on income remained within the usual standards. NET INCOME As a result of aforementioned impacts, net income for 2Q15 was R$ 260.9 million, an increase of 14.4% over 2Q14 and increase of 6.1% over the previous quarter. Net margin for the quarter was 11.1%, 1.4 percentage points lower than in 2Q14 and 0.4 percentage points lower than the previous quarter. CASH FLOW In the first half of 2015, cash flow of operating activities was positive in R$ 321.6 million, reversing the cash consumption observed in the first three months of 2015. The impact of exchange rate changes on working capital (inventories, accounts payable and receivable) remained relevant, but it was offset by increased operating cash generation. PAGE 5 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 Investing activities demanded cash to the amount of R$ 229.5 million in the first half, also reverting the position observed at the end of the first quarter, with the exchange rate changes effect on the account "Cumulative translation adjustment". The highlight continued to be the expansion investment in the new plants in China and Mexico. Finally, financing activities generated R$ 351.4 million in the period, with R$ 1,031.4 million in financing raised at attractive terms and interest rates, and R$ 333.4 million in amortization (net debt increase of R$ 698.1 million), and the payment of interest on loans and dividends and interest on stockholders’ capital reffering to the second half of 2014. 351,4 321,6 (229,5) Operating Investing 3.771,5 3.328,0 Financing Cash June 2015 Cash December 2014 INVESTMENTS Outside Brazil 132,3 Brazil 94,0 64,3 8,4 60,5 134,1 120,1 47,9 34,3 86,2 85,8 82,4 23,5 49,6 55,9 70,6 Q1 14 Q2 14 71,8 32,8 Q3 14 Q4 14 Q1 15 Q2 15 In the first half of 2015, we highlight the exectution of investment program for expansion and modernization of production capacity abroad, which consumed 41% of the R$ 202.5 million invested in the first six months of the year. The two main projects are the new electric motors production industrial plants in Mexico, which is already operational, and in China, which should start production in the second half of the year. Investments in industrial plants in Brazil are being implemented with an eye to adjust the production capacity and effective demand. Our program for 2015 foresees investments of R$ 477.6 million in capacity expansion and modernization, but we have flexibility in implementing these investments, always in search of maximizing capacity utilization and return on invested capital. PAGE 6 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 DEBT AND CASH POSITION On June 30, 2015 cash, cash equivalents and financial investments totaled R$ 4,710.4 million, almost entirely invested in fixed income instruments linked to the CDI, in the short-term and in Brazilian currency, with first-tier banks. Gross financial debt totaled R$ 4,756.1 million, being 43% in short-term and 57% in long-term. IN R$ THOUSANDS June 2015 December 2014 June 2014 Cash & Financial instruments 4.710.361 4.194.224 3.363.850 - Current - Long Term 4.710.361 - 4.193.177 1.047 3.362.435 1.415 Debt 4.756.054 100% 4.092.150 100% 3.243.553 100% 2.026.159 43% 1.466.752 36% 712.711 22% - Current - In Brazilian Reais 1.182.534 - In other currencies 779.146 843.625 - Long Term 2.729.895 - In Brazilian Reais 1.335.896 - In other currencies Net Cash (Debt) 381.728 687.606 57% 2.625.398 330.983 64% 2.530.842 1.701.408 1.936.275 1.393.998 923.990 594.567 (45.693) 102.074 120.297 78% At the end of the 2Q15, WEG had R$ 45.7 million net debt. We continue to find financing opportunities at attractive conditions both in costs and in maturity. The current characteristics of the debt are: The total debt duration is of 23.2 months and for the long-term portion is of 37.3 months. Duration for portion denominated in Brazilian Reais is of 17.0 months and for the portion in foreign currencies is of 30.1 months. These values are almost the same as those of the 1Q15, demonstrating the continuing availability of attractive financing lines. The weighted average cost of fixed-rate Brazilian Reais denominated debt is approximately 6.4% per year. Floating rate contracts are indexed mainly by Brazilian long-term interest rate (TJLP). DIVIDENDS Over the first half of 2015, the Board of Directors approved, ad referendum of a future Annual Shareholders Meeting, the following events as dividends: On March 24, as interest on stockholders’ equity (JCP), to shareholders on said date, to the gross amount of R$ 67.4 million On June 23, as interest on stockholders’ equity (JCP) to shareholders on said date, to the gross amount of R$ 78.8 million In addition, on July 28, the Board of Directors approved intermediate dividends related to the net income for the first half of 2015, to the total amount of R$ 133.9 million to the shareholders on said date. The proceeds will be paid from August 12, 2015 ownwards. Amounts declared as remuneration to shareholders in the first half represented 55.3% of net income for the period. Dividends Interest on Stockholders' Equity Gross Total Net Earnings Total Dividends / Net Earnings 1st Half 2015 133,9 146,1 280,1 506,7 55,3% 1st Half % 2014 125,3 108,8 234,1 19,6% 432,9 54,1% Our policy is to declare interest on stockholders equity quarterly and declare dividends based on profit earned each semestre, i.e., we report six events per year, which are paid semiannualy. PAGE 7 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 WEGE3 SHARE PERFORMANCE The comon shares issued by WEG, traded under the code WEGE3 at BM&F Bovespa, ended the last trading sessin of June 2015 quoted at R$ 19.05, with a nominal gain of 24.5% in the year and of 26.0% considering the dividends and interest on stockholders equity declared in the period. These percentages are already adjusted for the stock split approved at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting held on March 31. The stock split at the ratio of two common shares for each existing share, and were ex-split on April 1st . 25,00 3.500 Shares Traded (thousands) WEG E3 3.000 20,00 WEGE3 share prices 15,00 10,00 2.000 1.500 Traded shares (thousands) 2.500 1.000 5,00 500 0,00 0 The average daily traded volume in 2Q15 was R$ 22.5 million, (R$ 21.1 million in 2Q14). Throughout the quarter 265,379 stock trades were carried out (176,040 stock trades in 2Q14), involving 80.0 million shares and moving R$ 1,374.9 million (R$ 1,370.1 million in 2Q14). TRANSFORMADORES SUNTEC ACQUISITION, IN COLOMBIA On May 07, WEG S.A. announced the acquisition of Transformadores Suntec S.A.S. (‘‘Suntec’’), company founded in 1979, with wide experience in manufacturing oil and dry transformers. The company’s manufacturing plant occupies around 5,000 square meters and currently employs 140 people. Revenues in 2014 were of approximately US$ 18 million. TRANSFORMERS BUSINESS ACQUISITION IN SOUTH AFRICA On April 22, WEG S.A. announced the acquisition of the high voltage transformers, mini substations, switchgear manufacturing business and related services from TSS Transformers (Pty) Ltd ("TSS"), a company based in Heidelberg (Gauteng), South Africa. Founded in 1994, TSS initially performed transformers maintenance and repair services, later evolving into manufacturing power transformers up to 40 MVA - 145 kV, mini substations and switchgear. The company manufacturing assets are located near Johannesburg, with 45,000 square meters total area. This is WEG’s second acquisition in the South African transformer market. In 2013, WEG acquired the transformers mini substations manufacturing business from Hawker Siddeley Electric Africa (Pty) Ltd. ("HST"), creating the WEG Transformers Africa (Pty) Ltd. Subsidiary. The transaction is subject to certain conditions and to the approval by the South African authorities. PAGE 8 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 RESULTS CONFERENCE CALL WEG will hold, on July 30, 2015 (Thursday), conference call and webcast to discuss the results. The call will be conducted in Portuguese with simultaneous translation in English, following scheduled time: 11 a.m. 10 a.m. 3 p.m. --- Brasília time --- New York (EDT) --- London (BST) Connecting phone numbers: Dial---in for connecting from Brazil: Dial---in for connecting from USA: Toll-free for connecting from USA: Code: (11) 3193-1001 / (11) 2820-4001 +1 786 924-6977 +1 888 700-0802 WEG Access to the webcast: Slides and Portuguese audio: Slides and English translation: www.ccall.com.br/weg/2t15.htm www.ccall.com.br/weg/2q15.htm The presentation will be available in Investor Relations page of WEG website (www.weg.net/ri). Please, call approximately 10 minutes before the call is scheduled to start. PAGE 9 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 BUSINESS AREA Industrial Electro-Electronic Equipment The industrial electrical-electronic equipment area includes low and medium voltage electric motors, drives & controls, industrial automation equipment and services, and maintenance services and parts. We compete in all major markets with our products and solutions. Electric motors and other related equipment find applications in practically all industrial segments, in equipment such as compressors, pumps and fans, for example. Energy Generation, Transmission and Distribution (GTD) Products and services included in this area are electric generators for hydraulic and thermal power plants (biomass), hydro turbines (small hydroelectric plants or PCH), wind turbines, transformers, substations, control panels and system integration services. In the GTD area in general and specifically in power generation, investment maturing terms are longer, with slower investment decisions and longer project and manufacturing lead times. As such, new orders are recorded as revenue after a few months, upon effective delivery to buyers. Motors for Domestic Use In this business area, our operations have traditionally focused in Brazil, where we hold a significant share in the market of single phase motors for durable consumer goods, such as washing machines, air conditioners, water pumps, among others. In 2014 we started the internationalization of this area, with an acquisition in China. This is a short cycle business and variations in consumer demand are rapidly transferred to the industry, with almost immediate impacts on production and revenue. Paints and Varnishes In this area, including liquid paints, powder paints and electro-insulating varnishes, we have very clear focus on industrial applications in Brazil, and are expanding to Latin America. Our strategy in this area is cross selling to customers from other operating areas. The target markets ranging from shipbuilding industry to the manufacturers of white line home appliances. We seek to maximize the scale of production and efforts to developed new products and new segments of production and efforts to developed new products and new segments. The information contained in this report relating to WEG’s business perspectives, the projections and results and to the company’s growth potential should be considered as only estimates and were based on the management expectations relating to the future of the company. These expectations are highly influenced by the market conditions and the general economic performance of the country and of the foreign markets which may be subject to sudden change. PAGE 10 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 Annex I Consolidated Income Statement - Quarterly Figures in R$ Thousands 2nd Quarter 2015 R$ VA% Net Operating Revenues Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Sales Expenses Administrative Expenses Financial Revenues Financial Expenses Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses EARNINGS BEFORE TAXES Income Taxes & Contributions Deferred Taxes Minorities NET EARNINGS 1st Quarter 2015 R$ VA% 2nd Quarter 2014 R$ VA% Changes % Q2 2015 Q2 2015 Q1 2015 Q2 2014 2,349,432 (1,677,705) 671,727 (236,201) (108,028) 18,198 35,274 2,940 (55,801) 328,109 (48,468) (16,423) 2,337 260,881 100% -71% 29% -10% -5% 1% 2% 0% -2% 14% -2% -1% 0% 11% 2,130,291 (1,491,668) 638,623 (206,835) (106,341) 519,628 (477,949) 3,511 (54,896) 315,741 (76,322) 11,378 4,938 245,859 100% -70% 30% -10% -5% 24% -22% 0% -3% 15% -4% 1% 0% 12% 1,821,547 (1,244,222) 577,325 (191,300) (96,418) 142,242 (109,893) 1,739 (40,107) 283,588 (53,088) (2,405) 110 227,985 100% -68% 32% -11% -5% 8% -6% 0% -2% 16% -3% 0% 0% 13% 10.3% 12.5% 5.2% 14.2% 1.6% -96.5% n.m -16.3% 1.6% 3.9% -36.5% n.m -52.7% 6.1% 29.0% 34.8% 16.4% 23.5% 12.0% -87.2% n.m 69.1% 39.1% 15.7% -8.7% n.m n.m 14.4% EBITDA 352,148 15.0% 348,361 16.4% 311,500 17.1% 1.1% 13.0% EPS (adjusted for splits) 0.16170 6.1% 14.4% 0.15240 0.14132 PAGE 11 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 Annex II Consolidated Income Statement Figures in R$ Thousands 6 Months 2015 R$ VA% Net Operating Revenues Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit Sales Expenses Administrative Expenses Financial Revenues Financial Expenses Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses EARNINGS BEFORE TAXES Income Taxes & Contributions Deferred Taxes Minorities NET EARNINGS 6 Months 2014 R$ VA% 4,479,723 (3,169,373) 1,310,350 (443,036) (214,369) 537,826 (442,675) 6,451 (110,697) 643,850 (124,790) (5,045) 7,275 506,740 100% -71% 29% -10% -5% 12% -10% 0% -2% 14% -3% 0% 0% 11% 3,605,090 (2,457,344) 1,147,746 (387,961) (185,121) 295,084 (234,256) 3,585 (86,172) 552,905 (123,757) 6,278 2,554 432,872 100% -68% 32% -11% -5% 8% -6% 0% -2% 15% -3% 0% 0% 12% EBITDA 700,509 15.6% 611,143 17.0% EPS (adjusted for splits) 0.31410 0.26834 % 2015 2014 24% 29% 14% 14% 16% 82% 89% 80% 28% 16% 1% n.m 185% 17% 15% 17% PAGE 12 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 Annex III Consolidated Balance Sheet Figures in R$ Thousands CURRENT ASSETS Cash & cash equivalents Receivables Inventories Other current assets LONG TERM ASSETS Long term securities Deferred taxes Other non-current assets FIXED ASSETS Investment in Subs Property, Plant & Equipment Intangibles TOTAL ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Social and Labor Liabilities Suppliers Fiscal and Tax Liabilities Short Term Debt Dividends Payable Advances from Clients Profit Sharring Other Short Term Liabilities LONG TERM LIABILITIES Long Term Debt Other Long Term Liabilities Deferred Taxes Contingencies Provisions MINORITIES STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES June 2015 December 2014 June 2014 (A) (B) (C) R$ % R$ % R$ % fevereiro-00 fevereiro-00 fevereiro-00 9,157,900 70% 8,098,187 69% 6,886,608 66% 4,710,361 36% 4,193,177 36% 3,362,435 32% 2,050,968 16% 1,867,864 16% 1,637,568 16% 1,954,542 15% 1,704,919 14% 1,541,091 15% 442,029 3% 332,227 3% 345,514 3% 186,772 1% 126,670 1% 124,207 1% 0% 1,047 0% 1,415 0% 77,962 1% 55,864 0% 58,767 1% 108,810 1% 69,759 1% 64,025 1% 3,776,618 29% 3,557,773 30% 3,351,857 32% 1,379 0% 8,224 0% 8,223 0% 3,030,429 23% 2,877,942 24% 2,680,579 26% 744,810 6% 671,607 6% 663,055 6% 13,121,290 100% 11,782,630 100% 10,362,672 100% 4,135,593 269,395 549,136 120,338 2,026,159 143,964 493,456 91,738 441,407 3,446,018 2,729,895 124,982 298,680 292,461 111,488 5,428,191 13,121,290 32% 3,380,459 2% 173,382 4% 445,577 1% 148,335 15% 1,466,752 1% 111,351 4% 590,815 1% 111,173 3% 333,074 26% 3,262,552 21% 2,625,398 1% 95,316 2% 282,989 2% 258,849 1% 83,234 41% 5,056,385 100% 11,782,630 29% 2,484,307 1% 245,082 4% 420,498 1% 102,357 12% 712,711 1% 121,897 5% 485,371 1% 73,952 3% 322,439 28% 3,170,626 22% 2,530,842 1% 106,603 2% 290,117 2% 243,064 1% 75,866 43% 4,631,873 100% 10,362,672 (A)/(B) (A)/(C) <===== Não A 13% 33% 12% 40% 10% 25% 15% 27% 33% 28% 47% 50% -100% 40% 33% 56% 70% 6% 13% -83% -83% 5% 13% 11% 12% 11% 27% 24% 22% 2% 55% 4% 23% 1% -19% 7% 38% 1% 29% 5% -16% 1% -17% 3% 33% 31% 6% 24% 4% 1% 31% 3% 6% 2% 13% 1% 34% 45% 7% 100% 11% 66% 10% 31% 18% 184% 18% 2% 24% 37% 9% 8% 17% 3% 20% 47% 17% 27% PAGE 13 Earnings Release 2Q 2015 Annex IV Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Figures in R$ Thousands 6 Months 2015 6 Months 2014 janeiro-00 janeiro-00 Operating Activities Net Earnings before Taxes Depreciation and Amortization Provisions: Changes in Assets & Liabilities (Increase) / Reduction of Accounts Receivable Increase / (Reduction) of Accounts Payable (Increase) / Reduction of Investories Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Earnings Profit Sharing Paid Cash Flow from Operating Activities 643,850 151,811 258,340 (732,397) (415,788) 192,853 (238,457) (166,823) (104,182) 321,604 552,905 119,066 167,308 (131,280) 110,039 78,717 (68,663) (156,338) (95,035) 707,999 Investment Activities Fixed Assets Intagible Assets Results of sales of fixed assets Accumulated Conversion Adjustment Long term securities bought Goodwill in Capital Transactions Acquisition of Stakes of non-controlling shareholders Aquisition of Subsidiaries Cash Flow From Investment Activities (221,396) (17,344) 11,823 163,853 (72,657) (97,500) (229,492) (158,315) (8,708) 4,195 (85,559) (75,755) (2,699) (5,947) (136,528) (454,394) Financing Activities Working Capital Financing Long Term Financing Interest paid on loans and financing Treasury Shares Dividends & Intesrest on Stockholders Equity Paid Cash Flow From Financing Activities 1,031,414 (333,351) (120,516) (307) (225,873) 351,367 385,963 (422,998) (83,101) 323 (221,726) (341,539) Change in Cash Position 443,479 (87,934) Cash & Cash Equivalents Beginning of Period End of Period 3,328,015 3,771,494 3,373,799 3,285,865 PAGE 14