Disordered holographic systems: Marginal relevance of imperfection The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Adams, Allan, and Sho Yaida. “Disordered Holographic Systems: Marginal Relevance of Imperfection.” Phys. Rev. D 90, no. 4 (August 2014). © 2014 American Physical Society As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.90.046007 Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 20:51:34 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/89193 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 046007 (2014) Disordered holographic systems: Marginal relevance of imperfection Allan Adams and Sho Yaida Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA (Received 25 July 2014; published 25 August 2014) We continue our study of quenched disorder in holographic systems, focusing on the effects of mild electric disorder. By studying the renormalization group evolution of the disorder distribution at subleading order in perturbations away from the clean fixed point, we show that electric disorder is marginally relevant in (2 þ 1)-dimensional holographic conformal field theories. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.046007 PACS numbers: 11.25.Tq, 71.23.-k The standard lore on disorder holds that, in the absence of an external magnetic field, all states are localized in d ≤ 2 þ 1 spacetime dimensions, regardless of the strength of the disorder. This was codified in a beautiful scaling argument by the gang of four [1]. For Fermi liquids, the scaling argument can be substantiated by explicit calculations of the beta-function for the conductance [2]. However, it was shown that the spin-orbit coupling, for example, can lead to an important sign change of the betafunction [3], invalidating the naive scaling argument for localization. When confronted with strongly correlated systems which cannot be described in terms of weakly interacting quasiparticles, such calculations are generally lacking and it is thus completely unclear whether systems flow toward localization or not. An interesting test case for localization in strongly correlated systems is disorder in holographic quantum field theories [4]. Despite having no quasiparticle descriptions, these models are computationally tractable thanks to a dual description via classical gravity in one higher dimension. The extra dimension encodes the renormalization group scale of the field theory. Quenched disorder can be implemented by imposing disordered boundary conditions for the classical fields in the emergent spacetime. Tracing the renormalization group flow of the disorder distribution then reduces to solving the classical equations of motion of the dual gravitational system subject to disordered boundary conditions and studying how the effective distribution varies along the extra dimension. This strategy was used in [5] to show that the classical Harris criterion holds. In particular, Gaussian quenched electric disorder is marginal in two spatial dimensions at leading order in perturbations around the clean fixed point. In this paper we show that quenched electric disorder in our holographic conformal field theory (CFT) is in fact marginally relevant in two spatial dimensions. This is demonstrated by computing subleading corrections to the bulk energy-momentum tensor and the moments of the disorder distribution; resumming the resulting logarithms yields marginal relevance. Our discussion will rely heavily 1550-7998=2014=90(4)=046007(5) on the formalism developed in [5], to which we refer the reader for details and further references. As in [5], we focus on a d-dimensional strongly correlated CFT which is holographically dual to (d þ 1)dimensional classical Einstein-Maxwell theory, whose equations of motion are pffiffiffiffiffi 1 pffiffiffiffiffi ∂ Q ½ jgjgQP gMN FPN ¼ 0; jgj ð1Þ 1 dðd − 1Þ RMN − RgMN − gMN 2 2L2 8πG 1 ¼ 2 N FMP FN P − FPQ FPQ gMN ≡ 8πGN T MN : 4 gdþ1 ð2Þ The dimensionless constants Ld−1 GN ≡ N 2c and Ld−3 g2dþ1 ≡ N 2f are determined by the parameters of the boundary CFT. We take a large-N c limit to ensure classicality of the bulk theory, but keep N f ∼ N c to bring the role of gravitational backreaction to the fore. Recalling that the chemical potential of the CFT is encoded by the boundary value of the electric potential in the bulk, we see that quenched electric disorder can be implemented by fixing the boundary value of A0 ðz; x0 ; xÞ to take a time-independent random value, VðxÞ, dictated by a suitable distribution PV ½WðxÞ over functions WðxÞ [5]. In the limit of mild disorder, we can expand our bulk fields in perturbations around the clean background, ð0Þ ð2Þ ð4Þ gMN ¼ gMN þ gMN þ gMN þ ; ð1Þ ð3Þ ð3Þ AM ¼ AM þ AM þ : ð0Þ ð4Þ ð1Þ Here, gMN is the unperturbed background metric, AM is the gauge field sourced by electric disorder potential, VðxÞ, in ð2nÞ ð2nþ1Þ the ultraviolet, and gMN and AM for n ≥ 1 are generated by higher-order backreaction. We fix gauge by putting the metric in the form, 046007-1 © 2014 American Physical Society ALLAN ADAMS AND SHO YAIDA gMN dxM dxN ¼ PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 046007 (2014) d−1 L2 2 X dz þ gμν dxμ dxν z2 μ;ν¼0 −jkjz 2 ð5Þ ð2nÞ and setting Az ¼ 0. In particular, gzM ¼ 0 for n ≥ 1. We must also specify boundary conditions in the infrared and ultraviolet. We require all field to be regular at the infrared horizon. In the ultraviolet, we may consider a simple model of quenched electric disorder [5], limAμ ¼ δ0μ V ∞ ðxÞ; ð6Þ z→0 with ðe Þ jz¼Λ1 correctly reproducing the soft cutoff stipulated above. At second order, Að1Þ generates an inhomogeneous energy-momentum tensor ð2Þ 8πGN T MN ðk; zÞ ¼ − gμν jz¼Λ1 ¼ L2 Λ2 δμν ð8Þ and Aμ jz¼Λ1 ¼ δ0μ V Λ ðxÞ; ð9Þ PV Λ ½WðxÞ ¼ N 0♯ e 1 2f Λ dis − R dd−1 k 2 X L ð0Þ M N 2 2 i 2 gMN dx dx ¼ 2 dz þ dτ þ ðdx Þ : z i¼1 2 ð15Þ tττ ðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼jk1 jjk2 j − k1 · k2 ; ð16Þ and −ðk1 Þi ðk2 Þj − ðk2 Þi ðk1 Þj : ð2Þ 2 ð17Þ ð2Þ This in turn activates gμν ðk; zÞ ≡ Lz2 ϕμν ðk; zÞ through the Einstein equations. There are two cases to be dealt with separately: k ¼ 0 and k ≠ 0. For k ¼ 0, the only relevant ingredient for our later calculations turns out to be the disorder-averaged metric. Solving the homogeneous Einstein equation ð2Þ ½8πGN T zz d:a: ¼0, ð2Þ 3fΛ G ½8πGN T ττ d:a: ¼− 2g2disL2 zN2 , 4 and yields ð2Þ ½ϕττ d:a: Λ f dis GN log ðΛzÞ ¼− g24 L2 ð2Þ ½ϕij d:a: δij f Λdis GN log ðΛzÞ: ¼þ 2 g24 L2 and ð18Þ ð19Þ The overall sign in front is crucial for marginal relevance of the quenched electric disorder. For k ≠ 0, solving the inhomogeneous linearized Einstein equation [7], we obtain ϕτi ¼ 0, ð2Þ ϕττ ðk; zÞ ¼ −Bðk; zÞ − Cðk; zÞ; ð11Þ ð2Þ ϕij ðk; zÞ ð1Þ At first order, the Maxwell equations give Ai ¼ 0 and ð1Þ tzi ðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼ −ijk1 jðk2 Þi − ijk2 jðk1 Þi ; tij ðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼ δij ð−jk1 jjk2 j þ k1 · k2 Þ 2jkj Aτ ðk; zÞ ¼ ð−iÞV Λ∞ ðkÞe−jkjz ; ð14Þ ð10Þ Note that the e Λ softly cuts off high-momentum modes. As will be clear shortly [cf. Eqs. (11) and (12)], for d ¼ 2 þ 1 at zero temperature, this is tantamount to choosing ð1Þ the condition (6) with f dis ¼ f Λdis for Aμ and setting ð2nÞ ð2nþ1Þ jz¼Λ1 ¼ 0 for n ≥ 1. gμν jz¼Λ1 ¼ 0 and Aμ We now solve the equations of motion order by order, focusing on the marginal case, d ¼ 2 þ 1. Working at zero temperature and in Euclidean time, τ ¼ þix0 , the leadingorder background is pure anti–de Sitter space, ð13Þ tzz ðk1 ; k2 Þ ¼ jk1 jjk2 j þ k1 · k2 ; 4 : 0 with 3f Λ G ð2Þ ½8πGN T ij d:a: ¼ 4g2disL2 zN2 δij 2jkj Λ WðkÞWð−kÞe ð2πÞd−1 d2 k0 Λ V ∞ ðk − k0 ÞV Λ∞ ðk0 Þ 4π 2 0 with with the disorder distribution functional Z × tMN ðk − k0 ; k0 Þe−ðjk−k jþjk jÞz where V ∞ ðxÞ is governed by the Gaussian disorder distribution functional R d−1 − 1 d xWðxÞ2 PV ∞ ½WðxÞ ¼ N ♯ e 2fdis R dd−1 k − 1 WðkÞWð−kÞ ¼ N ♯ e 2fdis ð2πÞd−1 : ð7Þ However, this simple choice leads to a divergence in the disorder-averaged metric for d ≥ 2 þ 1 [5]. To regulate this divergence we instead impose the following Dirichlet boundary condition on the hypersurface at z ¼ Λ1 , 4πGN z2 g24 L2 ð12Þ where V Λ∞ is governed by the functional (7) with f dis ¼ f Λdis . We see that it is regular at the Poincaré horizon (z → ∞) and is governed by the functional (10) at z ¼ Λ1 , 046007-2 and ð20Þ ðkÞi ðkÞj Bðk; zÞ ¼ −δij þ 3 k2 ðkÞi ðkÞj þ δij − Cðk; zÞ k2 ðkÞi ðkÞj Dðk; zÞ þ k2 − iðkÞi Ej ðk; zÞ − iðkÞj Ei ðk; zÞ ð21Þ DISORDERED HOLOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS: MARGINAL … with z iðkÞi ð2Þ 0 dz0 8πG T ðk; z Þ ; Bðk; zÞ ¼ − N zi 1 k2 Λ Z z Z ∞ z02 G ðjkjz00 Þ dz0 2 dz00 2 002 Cðk; zÞ ¼ −G2 ðjkjzÞ 0 1 z G2 ðjkjz Þ z0 Λ ðkÞi ðkÞj ð2Þ ð2Þ ð2Þ ðk; z00 Þ; × 8πGN T ττ − T ii þ T ij k2 2 z 1 1 ð2Þ Dðk; zÞ ¼ − þ 2 8πGN T zz k; Λ 2 2Λ Z z0 Z z ð2Þ 8πGN T zz ðk; z00 Þ dz0 z0 dz00 ; and −2 1 1 z″ Λ Λ Z z ðkÞi ðkÞj ð2Þ 0 2 0 8πGN T zj ðk; z Þ ; dz 2 δij − Ei ðk; zÞ ¼ 1 k k2 Λ Z where we defined G2 ðyÞ ≡ ð1 þ yÞe−y . ð3Þ Finally, at third order, Ai ¼ 0 and, solving ð3Þ ½∂ 2z − k2 Aτ ðk; zÞ ¼ Sð3Þ ðk; zÞ ð22Þ with 1 ð2Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ Sð3Þ ≡ f∂ z ðϕττ − ϕjj Þgð∂ z Aτ Þ 2 1 ð2Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ þ f∂ i ðϕττ − ϕjj Þgð∂ i Aτ Þ 2 ð2Þ ð1Þ þ ∂ i fϕij ð∂ j Aτ Þg; −jkjz Z ¼ −e z 1 Λ 0 2jkjz0 dz e Z z0 ∞ ð23Þ 00 dz00 e−jkjz Sð3Þ ðk; z00 Þ ð24Þ which is regular at z ¼ ∞ and vanishes at z ¼ Λ1 . To diagnose the relevance of the quenched electric disorder, we define I dis ðzÞ ≡ ½Aμ ðx; zÞAμ ðx; zÞd:a: ; Z ¼ d2 k 4π 2 Z d2 k0 ½Aμ ðk; zÞAμ ðk0 ; zÞd:a: ; 4π 2 ð25Þ ð2Þ Z d2 k Λ z2 fΛ f ð−iÞ2 e−2jkjz ¼ − dis2 ; 2 dis 2 4π L 8πL ð4Þ z2 ð1Þ ð3Þ ½Aτ ðx; zÞAτ ðx; zÞd:a: L2 z2 ð1Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ − 2 ½Aτ ðx; zÞϕττ ðx; zÞAτ ðx; zÞd:a: L f Λdis f Λdis GN × I~ ð4Þ ðΛzÞ: ¼− 8πL2 g24 L2 I dis ðzÞ ¼ 2 ∂ ~ ð4Þ 3 log ðΛzÞ I j½g½AA ¼ þ þ O : ∂Λ 2 Λz ð29Þ ð2Þ The other two contractions involve one factor of V Λ∞ in gμν ð1Þ ð2Þ contracting with one of the Aμ and the other V Λ∞ in gμν ð1Þ contracting with the other Aμ . It turns out that neither contributes a logarithmic term, as we show explicitly in the Appendix. All in all we find ð4Þ I dis ðzÞ ¼ − f Λdis f Λdis GN 3 × þ log ðΛzÞ þ c0 þ ; 2 8πL2 g24 L2 ð30Þ where c0 is a constant of order 1 and dots indicate the terms ð2Þ which asymptote to zero for z ≫ Λ1. We see that I dis ðzÞ þ ð4Þ I dis ðzÞ grows toward infrared. In other words, the disorder is marginally relevant, with an effective disorder strength Λ Λ 2 f eff dis ðzÞ ¼ f dis þ ðf dis Þ ð27Þ ð28Þ A mathematical trick to extract the logarithmic term, the sign of which tells relevancy apart from irrelevancy, is to ∂ ð4Þ I dis and send Λz → ∞, while pretending that V Λ∞ take Λ ∂Λ are Λ independent. ∂ ð4Þ In evaluating Λ ∂Λ I dis , there are three different ways Λ of contracting four V ∞ ’s involved at this order. First, we ð2Þ may disorder-average gμν and then disorder-average the ð1Þ remaining two factors of Aμ [8]. Both averages are straightforward, leading to a contribution of the form ð26Þ where we used the fact that disorder-averaged quantities are translationally invariant. This characterizes the intensity of the disorder as a function of energy scale 1z. At the leading order I dis ðzÞ ¼ the constancy of which reflects the marginality of the disorder at this order. The same calculation for d ≠ 2 þ 1 reproduces the Harris criterion, which has also been confirmed for the holographic CFT by computing disorder corrections to thermodynamic quantities [5]. At the next order we have Λ we get ð3Þ Aτ PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 046007 (2014) 3 Nf log ðΛzÞ: 2 Nc ð31Þ We can check this result by studying the disorderaveraged bulk energy-momentum tensor, whose growth would indicate large corrections to the geometry in the infrared. A similar, if more involved, analysis shows that we again receive a logarithmic contribution only from ð2Þ contractions involving ½gμν d:a: . The results are [9] 046007-3 ALLAN ADAMS AND SHO YAIDA ½8πGN T ð4Þz z d:a: ½8πGN T ð4Þτ τ d:a: ½8πGN T ð4Þi j d:a: −9 f Λ GN 2 ¼ 2 dis ½c1 þ ; 4L g24 L2 −9 f Λdis GN 2 ¼ 2 ½log ðΛzÞ þ c2 þ ; 4L g24 L2 þ9δi j f Λdis GN 2 ¼ ½log ðΛzÞ þ c3 þ : 8L2 g24 L2 The ci ’s are constants of order 1 satisfying c1 þ c2 − c3 ¼ 0. The absence of the logarithmic term in ½8πGN T ð4Þz z d:a: is consistent with ½8πGN T ð4Þz z d:a: ¼ 0, while comparison with ½8πGN T ð2Þμ ν d:a: once again reveals the “golden number,” þ 32 NNcf , which adds confidence to the claim that we are looking at right quantities to diagnose relevance of the disorder. We conclude that quenched electric disorder is marginally relevant around the clean fixed point of our (2 þ 1)dimensional holographic CFT. Together with the Harris criterion found at leading order in [5], we see that the standard lore is consistent with our results for mild electric disorder in the holographic setting: quenched electric disorder is irrelevant for d > 2 þ 1, relevant for d < 2 þ 1, and marginally relevant for d ¼ 2 þ 1. Given this close parallel with simple weakly-coupled disordered electronic systems around their clean fixed points [2,10], for which the standard lore holds, it is natural to wonder whether localization is universal in holographic CFTs with strong electric disorder in arbitrary spacetime dimension. If so, there must be an unstable disordered critical point governing a metal-insulator transition in holographic CFTs in d > 2 þ 1 spacetime dimensions, with the insulating phase dual to a strongly inhomogeneous black hole horizon [11]. We leave this question for future work. We thank Steven A. Kivelson and Stephen H. Shenker for helpful discussions and Omid Saremi for collaboration on related questions. The research of A. A. is supported by the DOE under Contract No. DE-FC02-94ER40818. S. Y. is supported by a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad. APPENDIX Let us explicitly work out the contribution to the ∂ ~ ð4Þ cross-contracted piece Λ ∂Λ I jcross coming from Bðk; zÞ. 2 ð1Þ ð2Þ ð1Þ ∂ ϕττ ÞAτ d:a: , we receive From − Lz 2 ½Aτ ðΛ ∂Λ Z 2 Z 2 ðf Λdis Þ2 8πGN z2 d k1 d k2 − 2 2 2 3 L g4 L Λ 4π 2 4π 2 −ðjk1 jþjk2 jÞðzþΛ1 Þ ðjk1 jjk2 j þ k1 · k2 Þ e ðjk1 j þ jk2 jÞ : ðk1 þ k2 Þ2 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 046007 (2014) After rescaling to k~ i ≡ zki , we see that this term is of order 1 OðΛ31z3 Þ. Note that there is no singularity from ðk þk 2, 1 2Þ thanks to the numerator ðjk1 jjk2 j þ k1 · k2 Þ. ð3Þ As for terms involving Aτ , note that Z ∞ ∂ ð3Þ 0 −jkjzþjkjΛ2 1 Aτ ¼ −e dz0 e−jkjz Sð3Þ ðk; z0 Þ Λ 1 ∂Λ Λ Λ Z z 0 − e−jkjz dz0 e2jkjz Z × z0 1 Λ ∞ 00 dz00 e−jkjz Λ ∂Sð3Þ ðk; z00 Þ: ∂Λ ∂ ~ ð4Þ The first term makes a contribution to Λ ∂Λ I of the form jk1 jjk2 j þ k1 · k2 z2 −2jk1 jz−2jk2 j 1 Λ e Λ ðk1 þ k2 Þ2 jk2 j sB ðk1 ; k2 Þ 2 2 1 ; þ × þ þ 4 4ka Λ2 ka Λ k2a −8 π2 Z d2 k1 d2 k2 where we defined ka ≡ jk1 j þ jk2 j and sB ðk1 ; k2 Þ≡ Þ·k1 gfðk1 þk2 Þ·k2 g −jk2 j2 − 2k1 · k2 þ 3fðk1 þk2ðk . This time, þk Þ2 ̬ ̬ 1 2 rescaling to k1 ≡ zk1 and k2 ≡ kΛ2 , one can argue that it ð3Þ 1 Þ. The other term coming from Aτ is of order OðΛz contributes 8 π2 2 jk1 jjk2 j þ k1 · k2 z sB ðk1 ; k2 Þ 2 ðk1 þ k2 Þ Λ3 −ðjk jþjk jÞðzþ 1 Þ 1 Λ − e−2jk1 jz−2jk2 jΛ Þ ðe 1 2 × : jk2 j − jk1 j Z d2 k1 d2 k2 Note that there is no singularity from jk1 j → jk2 j as 1 1 e−ðjk1 jþjk2 jÞðzþΛÞ and e−2jk1 jz−2jk2 jΛ approach each other. 1 Then, the term involving e−ðjk1 jþjk2 jÞðzþΛÞ , upon rescaling to k~ i , gives the contribution of order OðΛ31z3 Þ, while the term 1 ̬ involving e−2jk1 jz−2jk2 jΛ , upon rescaling to ki , gives the 1 contribution of order OðΛz Þ. The cross-contracted terms involving Bðk; zÞ thus do not contribute any logarithms. Similar logic applies to the Dðk; zÞ and Ei ðk; zÞ contributions. For Cðk; zÞ it turns out to be easier to simply show that setting Λ1 ¼ 0 yields a finite contribution to I~ ð4Þ , which in particular implies the absence of any divergent logarithms. 046007-4 DISORDERED HOLOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS: MARGINAL … PHYSICAL REVIEW D 90, 046007 (2014) [1] E. Abrahams, P. W. Anderson, D. C. Licciardello, and T. V. Ramakrishnan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 42, 673 (1979). [2] For a review, see P. A. Lee and T. V. Ramakrishnan, Rev. Mod. Phys. 57, 287 (1985). [3] S. Hikami, A. I. Larkin, and Y. Nagaoka, Prog. Theor. Phys. 63, 707 (1980). [4] For reviews with a view toward condensed matter physics, see S. A. Hartnoll, Classical Quantum Gravity 26, 224002 (2009); C. P. Herzog, J. Phys. A 42, 343001 (2009); J. McGreevy, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2010, 723105 (2010). [5] A. Adams and S. Yaida, arXiv:1102.2892. [6] S. A. Hartnoll and J. E. Santos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 231601 (2014). ð2Þ [7] One way to arrive at gMN ðkÞ for k ≠ 0 is to first work in a ð2Þ ð2Þ coordinate system where gzz ¼ 0, gμμ ¼ 0, and [9] A quick path to get ½T ð4Þz z d:a: is to use T M M ¼ 0 for d ¼ 2 þ 1 and the energy-momentum conservation ∇M T M z ¼ 0, together with the regularity at the horizon. Incidentally, the same logic implies that ½T ð2Þz z d:a: ¼ 0. [10] One may be concerned with the fact that the Uð1Þ symmetry of the holographic CFT, whose current is coupled to the random potential, is global on the field theory side. Although we do not fully justify it, this may be a red herring: at least, for electronic systems, one can often proceed without explicitly taking Uð1Þ gauge field into account. For holographic systems, the literature on the issue of gauging Uð1Þ symmetry is surprisingly scarce and it calls for careful development. [11] The approach developed herein has recently been pushed further in a paper [6], where authors attempted to resum perturbative series in order to access randomly disordered fixed points. While it is not clear that the resummation is reliable, or indeed whether the Fefferman-Graham expansion is valid, the result is suggestive. ð2Þ ðkÞ ðkÞ ðkÞi gil ðδlj − kl 2 j Þ ¼ 0 and then transform back to the radial coordinate. ð2Þ ð1Þ [8] Note that Að3Þ is essentially a product of gμν and Aμ . 046007-5