Document 12464078

August 15, 2012
Volume 1, No. 12
On the web at:
Welcome to PR-eViews, our new source of internal news for the PRC community. This newsletter will be distributed on a bi-weekly
basis to share news, information, upcoming events, and other items with PRC staff, faculty and research teams.
Please send news or announcements to
First Wednesdays at the
Directory, Website
NIH News
United Way
Day of Caring
University-Based Child
and Family Policy
Fall Seminar Schedule
Job Opportunity
Final Reminder
This fall join us for “First Wednesdays”—brown bag meetings of Center researchers and staff.
Tentative dates are: October 3, November 7, and December 5. More details to follow!
We’re in the process of updating the PRC directory and web pages for individuals and
projects. Please review your information in the directory (online on the PRC’s People page)
and on your web pages—personal and project—and send updates to Lee (
Clarification: Time Limit on NIH Resubmission Applications (NOT-OD-12-128) •
Guidance on Changes That Involve Human Subjects in Active Awards and That Will
Require Prior NIH Approval (NOT-OD-12-129) • Prior NIH Approval of Human
Subjects Research in Active Awards Initially Submitted without Definitive Plans for
Human Subjects Involvement (Delayed Onset Awards) (NOT-OD-12-130)
This year’s United Way Day of Caring will be Thursday, October 4. In addition to our
annual donations to as well as participation in College and University United Way
fundraising activities, PRC staff have participated in several Day of Caring projects. More
details on this year’s HHD Day of Caring activity soon!
The University-Based Child and Family Policy Consortium is a national, interdisciplinary
organization of university-based entities that focus on child and family policy, broadly
defined. The PRC is a member. Its first conference call on Monday, August 20 (11 a.m.–
12:30 p.m. EDT) will provide an overview of current Consortium activities. Please join the
call if you’re interested in learning more about this group.
The PRC’s fall seminar schedule is now on our website—there may yet be an addition here
and there . . . . A big thank-you to Meg Small, this year’s seminar coordinator. The first
speaker will be Chuck Geier (HDFS). Remember that each speaker’s PPT presentation will
be uploaded onto the seminar web page as soon after as the talk as possible.
Senior Associate, Center for Effective Family Services and Systems, The Annie E. Casey
Foundation. The Foundation is currently recruiting a mid-career professional with
expertise in evidence-based program development, implementation and/or evaluation to
join the Evidence-Based Practice Team within the Center for Effective Family Services and
Systems. Online:
The fall PRC retreat will be held on Wednesday, August 22 at the Caldwell/Smith farm in
Centre Hall. A report on the PRC and its recent activities and projects will be provided in
the morning. The afternoon will focus on professional development topics.
Send news about awards, new and forthcoming publications and reports, presentations, grants, and other information of interest to
the PRC community to:
•Prevention Research Center•College of Health and Human Development•
The Pennsylvania State University•S109 Henderson Building•University Park, PA 16802•