2016 NCCU International Summer School (ISS) Application Form (Tuition Waiver)

2016 NCCU International Summer School (ISS)
Application Form (Tuition Waiver)
Full Name (in Chinese)
Full Name (in English)
Surname/Family Name
Given Name (in full)
□ Male □ Female
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Postal Code:
Mailing Address:
Passport Number
Telephone Number
Cell Phone Number
E-mail Address
*Citizens of People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be informed and required to fill out the relevant documents
for the entrance to Taiwan after the submission of the application form.
Education Status
Name of the university in which you are currently enrolled: _________________________________________
Currently-enrolled degree program: □ Undergraduate
□ Master □ Doctorate
Do you need special care during your stay at NCCU?
□ No.
□ Yes. Please specify: ____________________________________________
Dietary Needs
□ No Restriction □ Vegetarian □ Other ___________________________
Transcript Address
Receiver’s Name:
Phone Number:
Postal Code:
Mailing Address:
Emergency Contact Person
Full Name
Cell phone Number
E-mail Address
Insurance Notice!
Please make sure to purchase and obtain the medical and accident insurance before your arrival in Taiwan. The
insurance should cover all medical and hospital expenses for sickness or accident. In Taiwan, the medical or
hospital expenses are expected to be paid at the time of treatment.
Chinese Comprehension Status
□ Zero: have never learned Mandarin Chinese before
□ Beginning: have learned 700-900 vocabulary words/ have received 180-360 teaching hours in Taiwan or
China/ have received 360-720 teaching hours in other countries
□ Low-Intermediate: have learned 1400-1800 vocabulary words/ have received 360-900 teaching hours in
Taiwan or China/ have received 720-1800 teaching hours in other countries
□ Intermediate: have learned 2500-3000 vocabulary words/ have received 900-1440 teaching hours in
Taiwan or China/ have received 1800-2880 teaching hours in other countries
If you have learned Mandarin Chinese before, please answer the following questions:
1. Where did you learn Mandarin Chinese? □ Taiwan □ China □ In your home country
□ Other____________________
2. The period of learning Mandarin Chinese: from ______/______ (mm/yyyy) to ______/______ (mm/yyyy)
3. Language used in class: □ Mandarin Chinese □ Native Language □ Both
Registration Fee
USD 150 (non-refundable)
Course Selection
4-week Chinese Language Program (Tuition Waived)
Course Title
□ Chinese Language Study (July Session)
Class Time
Class Day
Class Date
1:10 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Mon. – Fri.
Jul. 04 – July 29
2-week English Instructed Courses (Tuition Waived)
First Session of July
The Past and Present of Taiwan
Chinese Classics: I-Ching, Confucianism, and Daoism
Knowledge-based Economy and Multiculturalism
Taiwan Cinema
Modernization and the Development of Taiwan
Indigenous Societies
□ Principles of Management: Asian Perspective
□ Excursions (day trip/ fee waived): July 7, 8, 14, 15
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Mon. – Wed.
Jul. 04 – Jul. 13
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Second Session of July
A Modern History of China, Taiwan, and Their
Relationship with East Asia
9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Societies and Politics of East Asia
Cross-Strait Enterprise Development
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Culture, History, and Politics of Art in Taiwan
Mon. – Wed.
Jul. 18 – Jul. 27
□ Excursions (day trip/ fee waived): July 21, 22
*Course Selection Minimum: please select at least one course
*When selecting the courses above, please make sure that you do not have any timetable conflicts.
□ I will take care of my accommodation in Taiwan.
□ I need information about the fee and duration for the summer accommodation. The available rooms will be
assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is no guaranteed offer for accommodation.
※Once you have filled out the form, please send it by e-mail (nccusummerschool@gmail.com) before the
deadline, April 29th, 2016. Late submission of application form will not guarantee a spot in NCCU ISS.
※Based on limited campus facilities and academic support resources, we reserve the right to admit or decline