Refereed André M., Vaivads A., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Laitinen T., Nilsson H., Stenberg G., Fazakerley A., Trotignon J.G., Magnetic reconnection and cold plasma at the magnetopause, 2010, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, 22108, Arridge C.S., Agnor C.B., André N., Baines K.H., Fletcher L.N., Gautier D., Hofstadter M.D., Jones G.H., Lamy L., Langevin Y., Mousis O., Nettelmann N., Russell C.T., Stallard T., Tiscareno M.S., Tobie G., Bacon A., Chaloner C., Guest M., Kemble S., Peacocke L., Achilleos N., Andert T.P., Banfield D., Barabash S., Barthelemy M., Bertucci C., Brandt P., Cecconi B., Chakrabarti S., Cheng A.F., Christensen U., Christou A., Coates A.J., Collinson G., Cooper J.F., Courtin R., Dougherty M.K., Ebert R.W., Entradas M., Fazakerley A.N., Fortney J.J., Galand M., Gustin J., Hedman M., Helled R., Henri P., Hess S., Holme R., Karatekin Ö., Krupp N., Leisner J., Martin-Torres J., Masters A., Melin H., Miller S., Müller-Wodarg I., Noyelles B., Paranicas C., de Pater I., Pätzold M., Prangé R., Quémerais E., Roussos E., Rymer A.M., Sánchez-Lavega A., Saur J., Sayanagi K.M., Schenk P., Schubert G., Sergis N., Sohl F., Sittler E.C., Teanby N.A., Tellmann S., Turtle E.P., Vinatier S., Wahlund J.-E., Zarka P., Uranus Pathfinder: exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 753, Artemyev A.V., Baumjohann W., Petrukovich A.A., Nakamura R., Dandouras I., Fazakerley A., Proton/electron temperature ratio in the magnetotail, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2253, Artemyev A.V., Walsh A.P., Petrukovich A.A., Baumjohann W., Nakamura R., Fazakerley A.N., Electron pitch angle/energy distribution in the magnetotail, 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 7214, Asano Y., Shinohara I., Retinò A., Daly P.W., Kronberg E.A., Takada T., Nakamura R., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Vaivads A., Nagai T., Baumjohann W., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Miyashita Y., Lucek E.A., Rème H., Electron acceleration signatures in the magnetotail associated with substorms, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 5215, Balikhin M.A., Runov A., Walker S.N., Gedalin M., Dandouras I., Hobara Y., Fazakerley A., On the fine structure of dipolarization fronts, 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 6367, Berthomier M., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Pottelette R., Alexandrova O., Anastasiadis A., Aruliah A., Blelly P.-L., Briand C., Bruno R., Canu P., Cecconi B., Chust T., Daglis I., Davies J., Dunlop M., Fontaine D., Génot V., Gustavsson B., Haerendel G., Hamrin M., Hapgood M., Hess S., Kataria D., Kauristie K., Kemble S., Khotyaintsev Y., Koskinen H., Lamy L., Lanchester B., Louarn P., Lucek E., Lundin R., Maksimovic M., Manninen J., Marchaudon A., Marghitu O., Marklund G., Milan S., Moen J., Mottez F., Nilsson H., Ostgaard N., Owen C.J., Parrot M., Pedersen A., Perry C., Pinçon J.-L., Pitout F., Pulkkinen T., Rae I.J., Rezeau L., Roux A., Sandahl I., Sandberg I., Turunen E., Vogt J., Walsh A., Watt C.E.J., Wild J.A., Yamauchi M., Zarka P., Zouganelis I., Alfvén: magnetosphere---ionosphere connection explorers, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 445, Beyene S., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Kiehas S., Dandouras I., Lucek E., Cluster observations of a transient signature in the magnetotail: implications for the mode of reconnection, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 2131, Bogdanova Y.V., Owen, C. J., Dunlop, M. W., Taylor, M. G. G. T., Fazakerley, A. N., Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Structure and Dynamics as Seen From Cluster and Double Star Measurements, 2013, Chinese Journal of Space Science, 33, 577, {} Branduardi-Raymont G., Sembay S.F., Eastwood J.P., Sibeck D.G., Abbey T.A., Brown P., Carter J.A., Carr C.M., Forsyth C., Kataria D., Kemble S., Milan S.E., Owen C.J., Peacocke L., Read A.M., Coates A.J., Collier M.R., Cowley S.W.H., Fazakerley A.N., Fraser G.W., Jones G.H., Lallement R., Lester M., Porter F.S., Yeoman T.K., AXIOM: advanced X-ray imaging of the magnetosphere, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 403, Doss N., Fazakerley A.N., Mihaljcic B., Lahiff A.D., Wilson R.J., Kataria D., Rozum I., Watson G., Bogdanova Y., In-flight calibration of the Cluster PEACE sensors, 2013, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions, 3, 591, Dunlop M.W., Escoubet C.P., Liu Z.-X., Shen C., Laakso H., Taylor M.G.G.T., Fazakerley A.N., Pis D.S., Taylor M., Escoubet C.P., 2010, in: Laakso H. ed., The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment. p. 331, Dunlop M.W., Zhang Q.-H., Bogdanova Y.V., Lockwood M., Pu Z., Hasegawa H., Wang J., Taylor M.G.G.T., Berchem J., Lavraud B., Eastwood J., Volwerk M., Shen C., Shi J.-K., Constantinescu D., Frey H., Fazakerley A.N., Sibeck D., Escoubet P., Wild J.A., Liu Z.-X., Extended Magnetic Reconnection across the Dayside Magnetopause, 2011a, Physical Review Letters, 107, 25004, Dunlop M.W., Zhang Q.-H., Bogdanova Y.V., Trattner K.J., Pu Z., Hasegawa H., Berchem J., Taylor M.G.G.T., Volwerk M., Eastwood J.P., Lavraud B., Shen C., Shi J.-K., Wang J., Constantinescu D., Fazakerley A.N., Frey H., Sibeck D., Escoubet P., Wild J.A., Liu Z.X., Carr C., Magnetopause reconnection across wide local time, 2011b, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1683, Egedal J., Lê A., Katz N., Chen L.-J., Lefebvre B., Daughton W., Fazakerley A., Cluster observations of bidirectional beams caused by electron trapping during antiparallel reconnection, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 3214, Escoubet C.P., Berchem J., Trattner K.J., Pitout F., Richard R., Taylor M.G.G.T., Soucek J., Grison B., Laakso H., Masson A., Dunlop M., Dandouras I., Reme H., Fazakerley A., Daly P., Double cusp encounter by Cluster: double cusp or motion of the cusp?, 2013, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 713, Fazakerley A.N., Lahiff A.D., Rozum I., Kataria D., Bacai H., Anekallu C., West M., Åsnes A., Taylor M., Escoubet C.P., 2010a, in: Laakso H. ed., The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment. p. 281, Fazakerley A.N., Lahiff A.D., Wilson R.J., Rozum I., Anekallu C., West M., Bacai H., Taylor M., Escoubet C.P., 2010b, in: Laakso H. ed., The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment. p. 129, Fear R.C., Milan S.E., Lucek E.A., Cowley S.W.H., Fazakerley A.N., Taylor M., Escoubet C.P., 2010, in: Laakso H. ed., The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment. p. 389, Fear R.C., Milan S.E., Maggiolo R., Fazakerley A.N., Dandouras I., Mende S.B., Direct observation of closed magnetic flux trapped in the high-latitude magnetosphere, 2014, Science, 346, 1506, Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Multispacecraft Observations of Auroral Acceleration by Cluster, 2012, Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, 197, 261, Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Rae I.J., Watt C.E.J., Murphy K., Wild J.A., Karlsson T., Mutel R., Owen C.J., Ergun R., Masson A., Berthomier M., Donovan E., Frey H.U., Matzka J., Stolle C., Zhang Y., In situ spatiotemporal measurements of the detailed azimuthal substructure of the substorm current wedge, 2014a, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 927, Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Watt C.E.J., Garza K.J., Owen C.J., Constantinescu D., Dandouras I., FornaçOn K.-H., Lucek E., Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S.S., Khotyaintsev Y., Masson A., Doss N., Temporal evolution and electric potential structure of the auroral acceleration region from multispacecraft measurements, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 12203, Forsyth C., Lester M., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Walsh A.P., On the effect of line current width and relative position on the multispacecraft curlometer technique, 2011, Planetary and Space Science, 59, 598, Forsyth C., Watt C.E.J., Rae I.J., Fazakerley A.N., Kalmoni N.M.E., Freeman M.P., Boakes P.D., Nakamura R., Dandouras I., Kistler L.M., Jackman C.M., Coxon J.C., Carr C., Increases in plasma sheet temperature with solar wind driving during substorm growth phases, 2014b, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 8713, Foullon C., Farrugia C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Owen C.J., Gratton F.T., Torbert R.B., On the multispacecraft determination of periodic surface wave phase speeds and wavelengths, 2010a, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 9203, Foullon C., Farrugia C.J., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Gratton F.T., Kelvin-Helmholtz Multi-Spacecraft Studies at the Earth's Magnetopause Boundaries, 2010b, Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference, 1216, 483, Foullon C., Lavraud B., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Skoug R.M., Heliospheric Current Sheet Distortions from Adjacent Outflowing Transients: Multi-spacecraft Observations, 2010c, Twelfth International Solar Wind Conference, 1216, 367, Graham D.B., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Vaivads A., André M., Fazakerley A.N., Electron Dynamics in the Diffusion Region of an Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection, 2014, Physical Review Letters, 112, 215004, Gurgiolo C., Goldstein M.L., Matthaeus W.H., Viñas A., Fazakerley A.N., Characteristics of the Taylor microscale in the solar wind/foreshock: magnetic field and electron velocity measurements, 2013, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 2063, Gurgiolo C., Goldstein M.L., Viñas A.F., Fazakerley A.N., First measurements of electron vorticity in the foreshock and solar wind, 2010, Annales Geophysicae, 28, 2187, Gurgiolo C., Goldstein M.L., Viñas A.F., Fazakerley A.N., Direct observations of the formation of the solar wind halo from the strahl, 2012, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 163, Gurgiolo C., Goldstein M.L., Viñas A.F., Matthaeus W.H., Fazakerley A.N., Observations of electron vorticity in the inner plasma sheet, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1517, Hwang K.-J., Goldstein M.L., Wendel D.E., Fazakerley A.N., Gurgiolo C., Cluster observations near reconnection X lines in Earth's magnetotail current sheet, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 4199, Kanani S.J., Arridge C.S., Jones G.H., Fazakerley A.N., McAndrews H.J., Sergis N., Krimigis S.M., Dougherty M.K., Coates A.J., Young D.T., Hansen K.C., Krupp N., A new form of Saturn's magnetopause using a dynamic pressure balance model, based on in situ, multi-instrument Cassini measurements, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 6207, Li B., Marklund G., Karlsson T., Sadeghi S., Lindqvist P.-A., Vaivads A., Fazakerley A., Zhang Y., Lucek E., Sergienko T., Nilsson H., Masson A., Inverted-V and low-energy broadband electron acceleration features of multiple auroras within a large-scale surge, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 5543, Lybekk B., Pedersen A., Haaland S., Svenes K., Fazakerley A.N., Masson A., Taylor M.G.G.T., Trotignon J.-G., Solar cycle variations of the Cluster spacecraft potential and its use for electron density estimations, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 1217, Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S., Cumnock J.A., Karlsson T., Lindqvist P.-A., Nilsson H., Masson A., Fazakerley A., Lucek E., Pickett J., Zhang Y., Evolution in space and time of the quasi-static acceleration potential of inverted-V aurora and its interaction with Alfvénic boundary processes, 2011a, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116 Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S., Karlsson T., Lindqvist P.-A., Nilsson H., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A., Lucek E.A., Pickett J., Altitude Distribution of the Auroral Acceleration Potential Determined from Cluster Satellite Data at Different Heights, 2011b, Physical Review Letters, 106, 55002, Marklund G.T., Sadeghi S., Li B., Amm O., Cumnock J.A., Zhang Y., Nilsson H., Masson A., Karlsson T., Lindqvist P.-A., Fazakerley A., Lucek E., Pickett J., Cluster multipoint study of the acceleration potential pattern and electrodynamics of an auroral surge and its associated horn arc, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 10223, Masson A., Santoli´k O., Taylor M.G.G.T., Escoubet C.P., Fazakerley A.N., Pickett J., Åsnes A., Vallières X., Laakso H., Trotignon J.-G., Taylor M., Escoubet C.P., 2010, in: Laakso H. ed., The Cluster Active Archive, Studying the Earth's Space Plasma Environment. p. 261, Masters A., Walsh A.P., Fazakerley A.N., Coates A.J., Dougherty M.K., Saturn's low-latitude boundary layer: 2. Electron structure, 2011, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, 6211, Mutel R.L., Christopher I.W., Menietti J.D., Gurnett D.A., Pickett J.S., Masson A., Fazakerley A., Lucek E., RX and Z Mode Growth Rates and Propagation at Cavity Boundaries, 2011, Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VII), 241, Nakajima A., Shiokawa K., Seki K., Nakamura R., Keika K., Baumjohann W., Takada T., McFadden J.P., Carlson C.W., Fazakerley A.N., Rème H., Dandouras I., Strangeway R.J., Le Contel O., Cornilleau-Wehrlin N., Yearby K.H., Simultaneous FAST and Double Star TC1 observations of broadband electrons during a storm time substorm, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 7217, Nakamura R., Baumjohann W., Panov E., Volwerk M., Birn J., Artemyev A., Petrukovich A.A., Amm O., Juusola L., Kubyshkina M.V., Apatenkov S., Kronberg E.A., Daly P.W., Fillingim M., Weygand J.M., Fazakerley A., Khotyaintsev Y., Flow bouncing and electron injection observed by Cluster, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 2055, Owen C.J., Amm O., Bruno R., Keyser J.D., Dunlop M.W., Eastwood J.P., Fazakerley A.N., Fontaine D., Forsyth C., Hasegawa H., Hellinger P., Hercik D., Jacquey C., Milan S., Raeder J., Sibeck D.G., Stverak S., Travnicek P., Walsh A.P., Wild J.A., IMPALAS: Investigation of MagnetoPause Activity using Longitudinally-Aligned Satellites---a mission concept proposed for the ESA M3 2020/2022 launch, 2012, Experimental Astronomy, 33, 365, Parks G.K., Lee E., McCarthy M., Goldstein M., Fu S.Y., Cao J.B., Canu P., Lin N., Wilber M., Dandouras I., Réme H., Fazakerley A., Entropy Generation across Earth's Collisionless Bow Shock, 2012, Physical Review Letters, 108, 61102, Pu Z.Y., Raeder J., Zhong J., Bogdanova Y.V., Dunlop M., Xiao C.J., Wang X.G., Fazakerley A., Magnetic topologies of an in vivo FTE observed by Double Star/TC-1 at Earth's magnetopause, 2013, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 3502, Sadeghi S., Marklund G.T., Karlsson T., Lindqvist P.-A., Nilsson H., Marghitu O., Fazakerley A., Lucek E.A., Spatiotemporal features of the auroral acceleration region as observed by Cluster, 2011, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, Santolík O., Gurnett D.A., Pickett J.S., Grimald S., Décreau P.M.E., Parrot M., Cornilleau-Wehrlin N., El-Lemdani Mazouz F., Schriver D., Meredith N.P., Fazakerley A., Wave-particle interactions in the equatorial source region of whistler-mode emissions, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, Schriver D., Ashour-Abdalla M., Coroniti F.V., LeBoeuf J.N., Decyk V., Travnicek P., Santolík O., Winningham D., Pickett J.S., Goldstein M.L., Fazakerley A.N., Generation of whistler mode emissions in the inner magnetosphere: An event study, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115 Sembay S., Branduardi-Raymont G., Eastwood J.P., Sibeck D.G., Abbey A., Brown P., Carter J.A., Carr C.M., Forsyth C., Kataria D., Kemble S., Milan S., Owen C.J., Read A.M., Peacocke L., Arridge C.S., Coates A.J., Collier M.R., Cowley S.W.H., Fazakerley A.N., Fraser G., Jones G.H., Lallement R., Lester M., Porter F.S., Yeoman T., AXIOM: Advanced X-ray imaging of the magnetosheath, 2012, Astronomische Nachrichten, 333, 388, Shi J., Guo J., Dunlop M., Zhang T., Liu Z., Lucek E., Fazakerley A., Rème H., Dandouras I., Inter-hemispheric asymmetry of dependence of the cusp location on dipole tilt during northward IMF conditions, 2012, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 21, Shi J., Zhang Z., Torkar K., Dunlop M., Fazakerley A., Cheng Z., Liu Z., Temporal and spatial scales of a high-flux electron disturbance in the cusp region: Cluster observations, 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 119, 4536, Shi J.K., Cheng Z.W., Zhang T.L., Dunlop M., Liu Z.X., Torkar K., Fazakerley A., Lucek E., Rème H., Dandouras I., Lui A.T.Y., Pu Z.Y., Walsh A.P., Volwerk M., Lahiff A.D., Taylor M.G.G.T., Grocott A., Kistler L.M., Lester M., Mouikis C., Shen C., Southnorth asymmetry of field-aligned currents in the magnetotail observed by Cluster, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 7228, Shi Q.Q., Zong Q.-G., Fu S.Y., Dunlop M.W., Pu Z.Y., Parks G.K., Wei Y., Li W.H., Zhang H., Nowada M., Wang Y.B., Sun W.J., Xiao T., Reme H., Carr C., Fazakerley A.N., Lucek E., Solar wind entry into the high-latitude terrestrial magnetosphere during geomagnetically quiet times, 2013, Nature Communications, 4, 1466, Sigsbee K., Kletzing C.A., Pickett J.S., Gurnett D.A., Schwartz S.J., Lefebvre B., Lucek E., Fazakerley A.N., Kucharek H., Characteristics of Langmuir electric field waveforms and power spectra exhibiting nonlinear behavior in Earth's foreshock, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, 10251, Sun W.J., Shi Q.Q., Fu S.Y., Pu Z.Y., Dunlop M.W., Walsh A.P., Zong Q.G., Xiao T., Tang C.L., Reme H., Carr C., Lucek E., Fazakerley A., Cluster and TC-1 observation of magnetic holes in the plasma sheet, 2012, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 583, Taylor M.G.G.T., Hasegawa H., Lavraud B., Phan T., Escoubet C.P., Dunlop M.W., Bogdanova Y.V., Borg A.L., Volwerk M., Berchem J., Constantinescu O.D., Eastwood J.P., Masson A., Laakso H., Soucek J., Fazakerley A.N., Frey H.U., Panov E.V., Shen C., Shi J.K., Sibeck D.G., Pu Z.Y., Wang J., Wild J.A., Spatial distribution of rolled up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Earth's dayside and flank magnetopause, 2012, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 1025, Teh W.-L., Nakamura R., Fujimoto M., Kronberg E.A., Fazakerley A.N., Daly P.W., Baumjohann W., Electron dynamics in the reconnection ion diffusion region, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 12225, Teh W.-L., Nakamura R., Sonnerup B.U.Ö., Eastwood J.P., Volwerk M., Fazakerley A.N., Baumjohann W., Evidence of the origin of the Hall magnetic field for reconnection: Hall MHD reconstruction results from Cluster observations, 2011, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, 11218, Varsani A., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Walsh A.P., André M., Dandouras I., Carr C.M., Cluster observations of the substructure of a flux transfer event: analysis of high-time-resolution particle data, 2014, Annales Geophysicae, 32, 1093, Volwerk M., Berchem J., Bogdanova Y.V., Constantinescu O.D., Dunlop M.W., Eastwood J.P., Escoubet P., Fazakerley A.N., Frey H., Hasegawa H., Lavraud B., Panov E.V., Shen C., Shi J.K., Taylor M.G.G.T., Wang J., Wild J.A., Zhang Q.H., Amm O., Weygand J.M., Interplanetary magnetic field rotations followed from L1 to the ground: the response of the Earth's magnetosphere as seen by multi-spacecraft and ground-based observations, 2011, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 1549, Walsh A.P., Arridge C.S., Masters A., Lewis G.R., Fazakerley A.N., Jones G.H., Owen C.J., Coates A.J., An indication of the existence of a solar wind strahl at 10 AU, 2013a, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2495, Walsh A.P., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Owen C.J., Taylor M.G.G.T., Rae I.J., Sources of electron pitch angle anisotropy in the magnetotail plasma sheet, 2013b, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 118, 6042, Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Fazakerley A.N., Forsyth C., Dandouras I., Average magnetotail electron and proton pitch angle distributions from Cluster PEACE and CIS observations, 2011, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, 6103, Walsh A.P., Rae I.J., Fazakerley A.N., Murphy K.R., Mann I.R., Watt C.E.J., Volwerk M., Forsyth C., Singer H.J., Donovan E.F., Zhang T.L., Comprehensive ground-based and in situ observations of substorm expansion phase onset, 2010, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 115, Wang R., Du A., Nakamura R., Lu Q., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Volwerk M., Zhang T., Kronberg E.A., Daly P.W., Fazakerley A.N., Observation of multiple sub-cavities adjacent to single separatrix, 2013, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2511, Wang R., Lu Q., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Volwerk M., Du A., Nakamura R., Gonzalez W.D., Sun X., Baumjohann W., Li X., Zhang T., Fazakerley A.N., Huang C., Wu M., Observation of double layer in the separatrix region during magnetic reconnection, 2014a, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4851, Wang R., Nakamura R., Lu Q., Du A., Zhang T., Baumjohann W., Khotyaintsev Y.V., Volwerk M., André M., Fujimoto M., Nakamura T.K.M., Fazakerley A.N., Du J., Teh W., Panov E.V., Zieger B., Pan Y., Lu S., Asymmetry in the current sheet and secondary magnetic flux ropes during guide field magnetic reconnection, 2012, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 7223, Wang R., Nakamura R., Zhang T., Du A., Baumjohann W., Lu Q., Fazakerley A.N., Evidence of transient reconnection in the outflow jet of primary reconnection site, 2014b, Annales Geophysicae, 32, 239, Wei X.H., Cao J.B., Zhou G.C., Fu H.S., Santolík O., Rème H., Dandouras I., Cornilleau N., Fazakerley A., Generation mechanism of the whistler-mode waves in the plasma sheet prior to magnetic reconnection, 2013, Advances in Space Research, 52, 205, Wild J.A., Woodfield E.E., Donovan E., Fear R.C., Grocott A., Lester M., Fazakerley A.N., Lucek E., Khotyaintsev Y., Andre M., Kadokura A., Hosokawa K., Carlson C., McFadden J.P., Glassmeier K.H., Angelopoulos V., Björnsson G., Midnight sector observations of auroral omega bands, 2011, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 116, Yuan Z., Xiong Y., Huang S., Deng X., Pang Y., Zhou M., Dandouras I., Trotignon J.G., Fazakerley A.N., Lucek E., Cold electron heating by EMIC waves in the plasmaspheric plume with observations of the Cluster satellite, 2014, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 1830, Zhang Q.-H., Dunlop M.W., Lockwood M., Lavraud B., Bogdanova Y.V., Hasegawa H., Yang H.-G., Liu R.-Y., Hu H.-Q., Zhang B.C., Pu Z.-Y., Yang Z.-W., Wang J., Taylor M.G.G.T., Berchem J., Constantinescu D., Volwerk M., Frey H., Fazakerley A.N., Shen C., Shi J.-K., Sibeck D., Escoubet P., Wild J.A., Inner plasma structure of the low-latitude reconnection layer, 2012a, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 117, 8205, Zhang Z.Y., Shi J.K., Cheng Z.W., Fazakerley A., Field-Aligned Electrons in Polar Region Observed by Cluster on 30 September 2001, 2012b, Chinese Physics Letters, 29, Non Refereed Forsyth C., Fazakerley A., Cluster at the Royal Society, 2011, Astronomy and Geophysics, 52, 25, Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Walsh A.P., Owen C.J., Electron matching above the aurora, 2013, Astronomy and Geophysics, 54, Harra L.K., Fazakerley A.N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., The Slow Solar Wind: From Formation on the Sun to the Earth, 2012, Milan S., Dunlop M., Fazakerley A., Hubert B., Lavraud B., Østgaard N., Shi J., Escoubet C.P., Taylor M., Falkner P., Wielders A., KuaFu: exploring the Sun-Earth connection, 2012, Astronomy and Geophysics, 53, 21, Walsh A.P., Forsyth C., Fazakerley A.N., Chen C.H.K., Lucek E.A., Davies J.A., Perry C.H., Walker S.N., Balikhin M.A., 10 years of the Cluster mission, 2010, Astronomy and Geophysics, 51, 33,