Translation & Dissemina ation Program m Area Bennett Pierrce Preventio on Research C Center The e Pennsylvaniia State Univversity TRA ANSLATION N & DISSE EMINATION N The Benn nett Pierce Prevention P Research R Ce enter has lon ng been a wo orld leader in the advancem ment of prevvention scie ence related to the tran nslation and dissemination of effecttive preventivve interventtions. The PRC recognizes that evid dence-based programs ccan only imp pact populatio on-level pub blic health iff they are efffectively taaken to scale e, implemen nted with hiigh quality, and a sustaine ed over time e. The PRC continues c to o engage in rrigorous rese earch to improve our understtanding of th he mechanissms that imp pact the difffusion of inn novations forr the improvem ment of pub blic health. The term m “Type II Trranslational Research” has h emerged d to differen ntiate this area of studyy from the e basic (Type e I) scientificc study requ uired to und erstand the etiology of a problem a and subseque ently develo op and test the t efficacy of an intervvention. Acccording to th he National Institutess of Health (NIH), Type II Translatio onal Researcch is aimed at enhancing the adopttion, implementation, and d sustainability of prove en effective programs w within service systems th hat include health h care settings, s sch hools, and community-b based organiizations. Typ pe II Translatiional Researrch represen nts the studyy of processe es, facilitato ors, and barrriers to movving efficacio ous preventio on and interrvention pro ograms and p practices to widespread d adoption, w with the ultim mate goal of achieving broad b public health imprrovement. W With the identification o of a growing number of evidence-bas e sed program ms (EBPs), th his area of re esearch has become a ffocal point of prevention science s in re ecent years,, and contin ues to be a central focu us of the PR RC’s research portfolio. Backgrou und g of the cou untry’s leadiing prevention researchers In 1999, the PRC hossted a scienttific meeting to begin to develop some of the e first conceptual modells for studying preventio on implementation as a facilitator of moving evidence-bas e sed program ms to widespread practicce. At the sa ame time, PR RC researchers conductted one of th he first comprehensive research revviews to identify model programs for the t preventiion of childrren’s mental health pro oblems. In th he years since, the Center’s portfolio of researrch related tto translatio on, dissemin nation, implementation, and d sustainability has grow wn tremendo ously. The P PRC’s work in this area includes large, multii-state, and multi-site randomized r trials of new w models for disseminatting EBPs, larrge-scale stu udies of the replication of EBPs und der natural cconditions to o examine barriers and a predicto ors of implementation quality q and ssustainabilitty, the studyy of coalition models to promote and a support going to sca ale, as well as developm mental and ccomparative e trials of EBP adaptattions. In 2010, the PRC created c a de edicated Tra anslation & Dissemination Unit, beg gan a month hly Type II re esearch read ding group t o read abou ut and discusss current Tyype II researc ch, and held d the first an nnual Type II research p poster sessio on to highlight the PRC’ss depth an nd breadth of o translation nal research h and facilitaate networkking and colllaboration among in nterested faculty and grraduate stud dents. 1 Translation & Dissemination Program Area Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center The Pennsylvania State University Goals The PRC’s goals in the area of translation and dissemination include: 1. To advance the science, policymaking, and practice of utilizing evidence-based prevention to improve public health. 2. To conduct rigorous research aimed at identifying the resources and processes necessary to effectively take evidence-based programs to scale. 3. To identify and promote practices that lead to high-quality implementation and sustainability of evidence-based programs. 4. To develop a model infrastructure for the dissemination, implementation, and sustainability of effective prevention programs and practices. 5. To foster networks of researchers, policymakers, and practitioners engaged in efforts to improve public health through evidence-based prevention. FOR MORE INFORMATION Brian K. Bumbarger (814) 863-2568 2