Eme erging Adultho ood Research h Area Bennett Pierrce Preventio on Research C Center The e Pennsylvaniia State Univversity EMERGIN NG ADULT THOOD The research program on preven nting risk be ehaviors in e emerging adu ulthood has been evolviing in the Be ennett Pierce Prevention n Research Center C for tthe past deccade. The tra ansition perriod following g high schoo ol is a time of o many chan nges as indivviduals makke strides to adulthood. Some ind dividuals atttend college while otherrs go on to rreceive tech hnical trainin ng or join th he workforc ce. This deve elopmental phase has been charactterized by A Arnett (2002)) as consistin ng of identity exploration, e , instability,, self-focus, a feeling off being in-be etween adollescence and d complete e adulthood, and unpara alleled oppo ortunities. Itt is a time w when individuals attemp pt to support themselves t by part or fu ulltime jobs and establiish many new w friendship p networks. This new inde ependence requires r the individual to t make dailly decisions regarding tiime use and life style cho oices without direct adu ult input. These same de ecisions are also require ed about the e use of alcoho ol, drugs, an nd risky sex. Unfortun nately, data suggest that a high percentage of iindividuals m make decisio ons to drinkk in a frequentt heavy episo odic mannerr, use prescrription and iillegal drugss regularly, a and engage in high-risk sexual activvities. Thus,, it has been n argued thaat these beh haviors pose the greatesst risk to th he health of individuals as they mak ke the transiition from a adolescence to adulthoo od (Hingson et al., 2002 2; Maggs & Schulenberg S , 2005). The e widespread d prevalence of substan nce abuse an nd high-risk sexual s activity has unde erscored the e need for em mpirically su upported interventtions. As an example, numerous approaches to o preventive interventions with have e been forw warded, inc cluding unive ersal (Turrisi et al., 20001), selective e (Larimer e et al., 2001; 2007) and indicated preventive efforts (Marrlatt et al., 1998). In additio on to policy-based apprroaches (Borrmann & Sto one, 2001), ssuggested m modalities for these intterventions have h include ed environm mental, grou p-based, and individuall-level interventtions (see La arimer & Cro once, 2002; 2007 for a rreview). Eacch unique ap pproach carries with it bo oth advanta ages and disa advantages, and the sco ope of substtance abuse requires tha at it be addre essed across multiple do omains, thro ough the inte egration of vvarious emp piricallyvalidated d approache es. The Prevvention Rese earch Centerr in the Colle ege of Healtth and Huma an Developm ment, as parrt of its missio on, promote es research on o the etiolo ogy of preve enting risk behaviors and d developingg sustainab ble evidence e-based inte erventions fo or this criticcal developm mental perio od. GOALS 1) To con nduct and su upport high-quality scho olarship on tthe etiology of preventing risk behaviorrs in emergin ng adulthood d that inform m preventio on efforts. 1 Emerging Adulthood Research Area Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center The Pennsylvania State University 2) To conduct and support high-quality scholarship on developing sustainable evidence based prevention efforts as individuals’ transition from adolescent into adulthood. 3) To develop and support a community of scientists and practitioners that conduct highquality scholarship on preventing risk behaviors in emerging adulthood. 4) To disseminate scientific findings to support the prevention of risk behaviors in emerging adulthood for individuals, families, schools, communities, workplaces, and government agencies. FOR MORE INFORMATION Rob Turrisi, Ph.D. Professor of Biobehavioral Health Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16803 rturrisi@psu.edu (814) 865-7808 2