O I.I;ICI;. O J' '1'111': V ICE· I'RE:O;I I)I·;NT. !\ C:\ IJ I,,\ I IC AN D I']{Ovo:-;'r 8888 Uni\"nmy D rin:. C:m,uh \'5 ,\ IS6 IIl1f11~bJ" . IlC S.10-16 \' l'ac~d @;tU . Gl '11".: 778.i82.392 5 F,\ X: 778.782. 5876 \Vww.~ fll.c a l \'ll aC:I,I ~ ,nic MEMORANDUM ATTENTION Scn:lle FROM JOI1 Dnn:r. Vice-Prcs1(io.:nl, !\cademic :lnd PAGES 11 1 Pro\"osl, :md Ch,ur, SCU J> Fnculrr of :\ns nnd SOcbl Sciences: Closing Cn n ~ di :Ul Srudics (SC UP 10-05) RE: DATE J"uuOlry 1'>, 20 10 At its J;ulI1 ary 1.\ 20 11 ) Illl'Cting SC Ull n:\'!c w cd ;lnd :!ppro vcd Ihe proposal with in the Faculty Arts and Sm:ial Scie nces. dTcctivc Septclllhn 2() 1n, nr [0 d Sl' C:' nadi :!tl Studics Motio n That Scnat e approve :md recorllllle mi [0 the l\(lard of C o ve rno rs th e d osing of Can:uli:m Studi es withl1l the bel! It y o f An~ :md Sueial Scie m:es. circe]! v<.: Septelll her 2() 1O. end. c L. C on Il;t(;k S I MON ]: HASER U N I V ER SITY TH I N KI N G O F THE W OR L D OFFICE OF 1HE ASSOGATE VICE·PRESIDENf. AC'ADEMCAND ASSOGATE PROVOST 8888 University Drive. BUnlaby. BC Canada V5A IS6 lEI.: 778.782.4636 avpciC@sfu.ca wv,"W.sfu.ca/ vpacademic FAX: 778.782.5876 MEMORANDUM ATTENTION Senate Coriunittee on University Priorities DATE FROM Bill Krane. Cltair Senate Conunittee on Undergraduate Studies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (SCUS 10-020) PAGES RE: January 11.2010 1/1 /'1;:1Ir~ it v[C- Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at its meeting of January 7.2010, gives rise to the following recommendation: Motion: That SCUP approve and recommend to Senate the deletion of the Canadian Studies Program. The relevant documentation for review by SCUP is attached. t. SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY THINKING OF THE WORLD FACULTY OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES MEMO Office of the Dean STREET ADDRESS Academic Quadrangle Room 6168 MAILING ADDRESS 8888 University Drive Burnaby Be Canada V5A lS6 604-291-4414 (Tel) 604-291-3033 (Fax) www.sfu.calarts (Web) I ATTENTION Bill Krane, Chair of SCUS I FROM Lesley Cormack, Dean of I RE Closing Canadian Studies I DATE Decembe r 7, FASS 2009 FASS would like to pennanently close Canadian Studies by applying policy 0942R. Would you please bring this decision to SCUS? Admission into CNS courses has already been suspended. Please find attached the proposal to tenninate the CNS program. ~. SI:>'ION I'II.\SEII U:-;IVEnSITY THINKING OF THE WORLO 1. The tennination of Canadian Studies will mean the elimination of Honours, Major, Extended Minor, and Minor programs in Canadian Studies. It will mean the elimination of joint majors and honours programs with the Departments of Archaeology, Criminology, Economics, English, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology and Anthropology, the School of Communication; and Business Administration. It will mean an elimination of the certificate in French Canadian Studies and the closing of the Centre for Canadian Studies. 2. The program is'located in the Centre for Canadian Studies. The Centre has been closed since the summer of2009. 3. The program was offered through the Centre for Canadian Studies, which is housed in FASS, and drew on courses with Canadian content from Communications, Archeology, Contemporary Arts, Criminology, Economics, English, First Nations Studies, French, Geography, History, Latin American Studies, Political Science, Sociology/Anthropology, Women's Studies, Business Administration, and Biology. 4. Proposed date for termination: September 2010. Please note: no Canadian Studies course have been or will be offered in the 2009-2010 academic year. S. Reasons for termination of the program: a. There are insufficient resources to maintain the program. Canadian Studies courses have been taught almost exclusively by sessional and limited-term instructors. FASS's budget will no longer alJow for the hiring of sessional instructors in sufficient numbers to maintain the courses. b. While Canadian Studies courses have been popular as electives, the program has had very few majors (less than 10) in many years. c. There are also curricular issues: when Canadian Studies began in the 1970s, few departments offered courses with strong Canadian content. That is no longer true: there are over ISO courses with Canadian content in the calendar. 6. Plans for termination: a, Students who had majors and minors in the Canadian Studies were notified of possible closure oCthe program last year. b. I met with the members of the Canadian Studies steering committee in the fall of2008 to discuss the closing of the program. c. All students who were majoring or minoring in Canadian Studies were contacted by FASS advisors in the spring of 2009. Arrangements were made for all the students to complete their intended degrees. d. The departments in FASS were consulted by the Associate Dean at two curriculum committee meetings, one on Nov. L9th 2009, and Sept. 10, 2009. The associate Dean of Business was advised of the termination at SCUS. 7. The current calendar language reads "Students will no longer be admitted to the Canadian studies major, minor, honors or joint major programs effective for the fall 2009 term. Also, Canadian studies courses will not be offered after the summer 2009 tenn. Students contemplating entering one of these pro!:,l'fams are 3. advised to check with the advisor." In the 2010 calendar, all references to Canadian Studies will be removed. 8. Associate Dean Paul Budra (budra@sfu.cg, 24416) should be contacted if more information is needed. 1-/.