Adolescence ===== E adolescence transition line of the human Rh P age Valemraehg SP children as he is a man's Q Ntql P this Stage of the process of being dependent on the P e Olga R. Atmd to the process of P e on himself and on this corridor to n over n Almrahlt Child's adolescence and the role of P this period of life Called) teens (or young adulthood as he called scientists and his stage characterized by the .revolution, anxiety and conflict This phase Ih ml difficulties arising for the P and the fact that her greatest need of the individual is the fact that the pious and the orientation e e d b and taking It is like a teenager Beram Nada about to bloom sleeves What Ahuge to Anna E and P extravagant attention without touching or excessive P t e fave this stage going well M. de teenager and I find him to different directions and Mtdhar Ntql him for it from the stage of P ha Ashe constructive concrete to Ashe termination Mano him and thought of e and specific relationships the family for h uh meeting e out of him on a larger scale VF-his early childhood and late not Be There is a clear interest to the other n and by reaching test Qz vol e motives sex e and expand its relations Meeting e P n Zdad interest in one another and show the ability to e vol cash and Althl's understanding of things and take a M. Walt have Ataatuaq with growth Sudden and experience limited crude Now that everyone felt that his P community has increasingly sensitive than they were at Te e show M and has a heading towards compatibility with the group in the image of the participation and cooperation and exceeded all of these aspects of ethics and agree Jama'ah .And general behavior Soils and the official e e ee crowned youth and about the ideals of science and upbringing upbringing i by an arduous task since the infancy of the first link of this Phase stages Walt Tel crowned her the best we could e Aaj ensure that only young people .raised on self-control and gain Alkt R Principles and ideals of the people either Akhtonaalterb e e e and orientation, we may be young cast out volatile P abysses of mistakes and sin Youth in revolt against himself and his community on delinquent behavior and trends of P Young pervert its aggression and construction of the same mistakes and naughty With the society in which u p e P is also the same, and Saad Saad around him as the direction .of the wire only There is no doubt that the problems suffered by Walt teenager with a variety of reasons and circumstances meeting e e economy and the factors Hereditary e Ahh I have entered the Cup t P problems this stage was the fact that the teenager, for example, t g willing to face the same occurred At e of t P GMT adolescence because of his childhood Walt was overwhelmed Pkt R. burdens and weightlifting Walt was unable to carry Childhood was unhappy Walt P to denote her child's plus or cruelty or deprivation or abuse, or binge treatment P P P Altju Aovkd Ibo, one of N or P or lack of food or clothing and Awale Aouao conflict and discord Ibo n b n P treatment or discrimination by n Brothers Aotaatgm some subconscious motives e P parents with their children's actions Vtgolhm Nhjohn wrong approach soil P e The orientation of t e Vkt parents Hmlon Alkt t of the problems the person e Net facial exposure to P childhood or youth of cruelty or deprivation Or show of sympathy or for the failure of P love, marriage, or divisive host or ill-Tov S P work .... Etc. These factors, such as pay Parents acted wrong to their children about the fact that the Father is an unconscious desire that P e weave his son on his actions replicated P And his behavior when he was a teenager, or that the fact that the father has been subjected to harsh treatment P P or youth upbringing was established by d n e rigid It is thus not a waiver of that printed his son of that nature and nurture that Walt brought up at her father has failed to P Hterv career was Her love and wished for himself to pay the P his son to get a sense of him to the work he is his love for himself may not Agreed to such work M and for the boy and willing arise bushy t of problems and barriers self-e P a P in greatest االستماع.that her teenager was crowned the e M. tuberculosis إزالة.قراءة صوتية للكلماتجديد! انقر على الكلمات أعاله لعرض الترجمات البديلة القاموس