ERIC APAYDIN (310) 393-0411 x6543 ~



1776 Main Street, P.O. Box 2138, Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138

(310) 393-0411 x6543 ~

Pardee RAND Graduate School

Ph.D. in Policy Analysis

University of California, Berkeley - Goldman School of Public Policy

Santa Monica, CA


Berkeley, CA

M.P.P. in Public Policy May 2011

Coursework: Microeconomics, Statistics, Econometrics, Law and Public Policy, Politics and Public Policy, Policy Analysis,


Political Linguistics, Survey Methodology, Optimization Modeling, Health Economics, Program Evaluation

A survey of the price, affordability, and quality of food at various food retail outlets in the Bay Area

University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA

M.S. in Biology


August 2009

Exchange protein activated by cAMP: Drug target and biomarker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

B.S. in Animal Physiology and Neuroscience

Minor in Psychology

US Citizen


Computer Skills

Statistical Packages: STATA, SPSS, SAS

Analytical Software: Mathematica

MS Office Suite: Excel, Word, PowerPoint

September 2008



Theory and Method

Microeconomics I (David Powell), Microeconomics II (Seth Seabury and Nicole Maesetas), Empirical Analysis I (Daniela

Golinelli), Empirical Analysis II (Bing Han), Empirical Analysis III (Paco Martorell), Policy Analysis I (Gery Ryan and Jeffrey

Wasserman), Social and Behavioral Science I (Chloe Bird, Gery Ryan, Lisa Meredith, Chris Nelson), Social and Behavioral

Science II (Sandy Berry), Advanced Econometrics II (Marco Angrisani and Gema Zamarro), Macroeconomics (Charles

Goldman), Survey Sampling and Analysis I (Bing Han), Survey Sampling and Analysis II (Bing Han)


Policy Analysis II (Gery Ryan), Decision Analysis (Emmett Keeler), Cost-Benefit Analysis (Emmett Keeler), Federal Budget

Overview (Kathi Webb), Systems Approach to Public Policy (John Hollywood), Quality Assessment/Making the Business Case for Quality (Bob Brook), Performance Measurement (Christopher Nelson), Health and Healthcare Reform (Gery Ryan)

Project Work

Extent, Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Integrative Medicine Approaches to the Prevention and Treatment of

Psychological Health Conditions and Traumatic Brain Injury in the Department of Defense.

(Patricia Herman and Melony Sorbero) Active.

• I will be help conduct a systematic review of the extent, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of integrative medicine approaches to treating and preventing psychological health conditions and traumatic brain injury using the software package DistillerSR.

Improving the Army's Marketing for Civilian Occupations.

(Bruce Orvis and Matthew Wade Markel) Active.

• I am abstracting themes from interviews concerning civilian occupations in the Army with focus groups and key stakeholders conducted at multiple sites either involved with hiring or managing civilians or with the job holders

themselves. I will then analyze the data and help write a report to outlining recommendations for the Army to improve its marketing for civilian occupations.

Analyses Related to the 2015 National Impact Assessment of Medicare Quality Measures.

(Cheryl Damberg) Active.

• I participated in a systematic review of the unintended consequences of quality measures using the software package

DistillerSR, and helped write the manuscript of the results. I am currently conducting a environmental scan of differences in the adoption of quality measures by providers, and will be performing quantitative analyses of CMS data on the topic.

Evaluation of the Population and Poverty Research Initiative (PopPov).

(Julie DaVanzo, Peter Glick, and Sebastian Linnemayr) Completed.

• I compiled documents and data from Hewlett Foundation grantees and partner organizations associated with the economic demography PopPov initiative. I also helped construct and field a survey of the initiative’s participants, analyzed survey and secondary data, and helped write a program evaluation of the 7-year initiative.

Healthcare Innovation Awards Evaluation Design.

(Kristy Morganti and Sandy Berry) Completed.

• I abstracted quantitative and qualitative information from grant applications for awardees who received Healthcare

Innovation Awards. I also conducted quality assurance on abstractions done by other project participants, and assisted in awardee follow-up for information that could not be ascertained.

The European Alliance for Families Platform.

(Rebecca Kilburn) Completed.

• I conducted a literature review of family program evaluations in the European Union, used those evaluations to determine the effectiveness of the programs, and then summarized the programs and the evaluations for the new

European Alliance for Families best practices website.

Precluding a Hollow Force - Prediction and Assessment Metrics.

(Michael Kennedy) Completed.

• I analyzed quantitative Air Force aircraft data in Excel and Stata to determine the relationship between aircraft resources and readiness.

Improving Army’s Recruitment and Hiring/Accessioning of Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Health Professionals.

(John Halstead) Completed.

• I conducted site visits, interviewed key stakeholders for qualitative and quantitative data, and analyzed that interview data to determine best practices for Army healthcare provider recruiting and hiring.



JBS International

Subcontracting Consultant

Project: Performance Review of State-Level Child Welfare Agencies

North Bethesda, MD

Dec. 2011-Jan. 2012

• Working under JBS International’s contract with the Administration of Children and Families (within the Department of Health and Human Services) analyzing the qualitative interview data from stakeholders in child welfare agencies across all 50 states, and determining if each meets certain standards with “strength” or has “areas needing improvement”. ACF uses this yearly survey to ensure that state-level agencies keep up with federal standards while receiving federal support. Worked from home.

Alameda County Public Health Dept.

Policy Consultant

Project: Food Price, Availability, and Quality in Retail Food Outlets

Oakland, CA

Jan. 2011-Aug. 2011

• Working with the Alamada County Public Health Department’s Community Health Services Division to survey 30-40 local grocery stores and markets on the price, availability, and quality of food offered. The Division will use the data as a part

West Oakland Health Impact Assessment, and to recommend that the Oakland City Council incentivize the retail food outlet with the most affordable, varied, and quality food to construct a new outlet in West Oakland.

Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

Statistician Freelancer

Project: Social Media and TV Viewership

New York, NY

Aug. 2010-Dec. 2010

• Performed linear regression analysis in STATA on the effects between television show social media use and television viewership. Final analysis has yet to be presented to the client. Worked from home.

SEIU Local 1877 – United Service Workers West

Summer Research Intern

Project: Hospital Service Workers Unionization

Oakland, CA

Jun. 2010-Aug. 2010

• Conducted qualitative and quantitative online research of healthcare finance, California state seismic law, and hospital accreditation standards to help SEIU unionize workers in California hospitals. Submitted final report to supervisors.

The Greenlining Institute

Policy Consultant

Berkeley, CA

Jan. 2010-Present

Project: Financial Services for Low-Income Communities

• Worked with 4 fellow Goldman students to design a strategy for creating access to financial services in low-income communities. Identified the needs of West Oakland, CA, collected quantitative and qualitative data through interviews and literature searches, analyzed data, and constructed viable policy alternatives to the status quo. Wrote and presented a 50 page final report recommending that our client, The Greenlining Institute, support nonprofit microbranches of credit unions to compete with payday lenders.

University of California, San Diego

Research Assistant , Insel Lab

La Jolla, CA

Mar. 2008-Aug. 2009

• Performed bench lab work, complied and statistically analyzed data, referenced relevant literature and wrote a thesis concerning why Exchange protein activated by cAMP 1 (Epac-1) is highly expressed in the white blood cells of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and how that high expression causes CLL.


University of California, Berkeley

Graduate Student Instructor, Dept. of Integrative Biology

Course: Mammalian Physiology Lab (Spring and Summer 2011)

Berkeley, CA

Jan. 2011-Aug. 2011

• During the spring, assisted 44 undergraduate students in learning basic lab techniques for studying human physiology.

Held two office hours a week and taught two three-hour lab sections weekly. Graded six lab reports throughout the semester. Teaching duties halved during the summer.

University of California, Berkeley

Graduate Student Instructor, Goldman School of Public Policy

Course: Quantitative Methods I

Berkeley, CA

Aug. 2010-Dec. 2010

• Assisted 80 graduate students in learning basic statistical and regression analysis for public policy. Held two office hours a week and taught a three-hour review section weekly. Graded three exams, six problem sets, and several short statisticsbased policy analyses throughout the semester.

University of California, Berkeley

Reader, Dept. of Economics

Course: Topics in Economic Research

Berkeley, CA

Jan. 2010-May 2010

• Advised 100 undergraduates as they wrote economic research papers. Held weekly two-hour sections. Graded papers and provide feedback on their research methodologies.

University of California, San Diego

Course: Mammalian Physiology

Teaching Assistant , Division of Biological Sciences

La Jolla, CA

Jan. 2009-Mar. 2009

• Taught 60 students in two one-hour sections, held two office hours and created detailed lecture-summary handouts each week for an introductory physiology course that covered the nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, cardiovascular, and renal systems.


RAND Publication

DaVanzo J, Linnemayr S, Glick P, and Apaydin E . Evaluation of the Population and Poverty Research Initiative (PopPov). Santa

Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation. RR-527-WFHF. 2014.

Book review

Apaydin, E . (2014). America’s Poor and the Great Recession, by Kristin S. Seefeldt and John D. Graham, Bloomington and

Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2013, 158 pp., $21.00, paperback. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management ,

33 (2), 551–554. doi:10.1002/pam.21749

Conference abstract

Murray, F., Apaydin, E ., Zhang, L., Zahno, A., Rassenti, L., Kipps, T. J., & Insel, P. A. (2010). Targeting phosphodiesterase 7B and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP-1 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The FASEB Journal , 24 (Meeting Abstract

Supplement), 965.2. Retrieved from


Article Reviewer , Indiana University, “At Risk: America’s Poor During and After the Great Recession.” (2011)


• Sharon Stevenson Pardee RAND Graduate School Scholarship Award (2011)

• Member , Phi Beta Kappa (2008)

• Graduated Magna Cum Laude, UCSD (2008)

Last updated: March 2014
