FASTER THAN LIGHT? EXPERIENCE, IDENTITY AND MEMORY IN THE AGE OF ACCELERATION International and Interdisciplinary Conference 7-9 March 2013 University of Warwick, Institute of Advanced Study Conference Organizers: Professor Anne Fuchs Department of German Studies University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL Prof. Jonathan Long Department of German University of Durham Durham Elvet Riverside New Elvet Durham DH1 3JT Warwick Institute of Advanced Study Millburn House Millburn Hill Road University of Warwick Science Park Coventry CV4 7HS, Seminar Room Thursday 7 March: Interdisciplinary and Theoretical Perspectives 15.00-15.20: Conference Registration and coffee 15.20- 15.30: Opening: Anne Fuchs and Jonathan Long 15.30- 16.10: Andrew Hoskins (University of Glasgow): The Digital Present 16.10-16.50: Aleida Assmann (University of Konstanz): How long does the present last? Five approaches to a fleeting phenomenon 16.50-17.10: Coffee break 17.10-17.50: Georg Franck (Technical University Vienna): The Acceleration Phenomenon: Is it Caused just by Acceleration proper or by Discounting of Time and the Dynamics of Instability? 17.50- 18.30: Kathleen James-Chakraborty (University College Dublin): Memories of Modernity: Three High Tech Historicist Airports 19.30 Conference dinner Friday 8 March: Historical Perspectives 1: Temporalities 1900-1930 9.30-10.10: Dirk Göttsche (University of Nottingham): Epistemology, Poetics and Time in Modernist Short Prose around 1900 10.10.-10.50: Carolin Duttlinger (Wadham College, Oxford): Speed up – slow down: Psychotechnik and Robert Musil’s Poetics of Attention 10.50- 11.10: Coffee 11.10-11.50: Matthias Uecker (University of Nottingham): Icons of Speed – Icons of Crisis: Acceleration Effects in Weimar Culture 11.50-12.30: Elizabeth Boa (University of Nottingham): Rallentando 1913 – 1924: tempo in Betrachtung, Das Schloss and Der Zauberberg 12.30-14.10: Lunch 14.10-14.50: Jonathan Long (University of Durham): Tempo and Urformen: the temporal dialectics of Weimar Photography Historical Perspectives 2: From Information Overload to Slowdown – Acceleration and Deceleration in the Information Age 14.50-15.30: Anne Fuchs (University of Warwick): Wilhelm Genazino’s Trousers, Marina Abramovic’s Dress, David Hockney’s Ipad: Modes of Cultural Connectivity in the Digital Present 15.30-16.10: Mary Cosgrove (University of Edinburgh): The Temporality of Boredom in the Age of Acceleration 16.10 -17.30: Coffee 17.30- 19.10 film viewing: Petzold’s Barbara 20.00: Dinner Saturday 9 March: Historical Perspectives continued: From Information Overload to Slowdown – Acceleration and Deceleration in the Information Age 9.30-10.10: Andrew Webber (Cambridge University): Psycho-Anatomies of Speed and Stillness in Petzold’s Barbara’. 10.10-10.50: Gillian Pye, (University College Dublin): Acceleration and the poetics of materiality in Angela Krauß’s Im schönsten Fall. 10.50-11.10: Coffee 11.10-11.50: Karen Leeder (New College, Oxford): Against Acceleration: Old Age, Late Style and the End(s) of the Lyric 11.50-12.30: Michael Gratzke (Lüneburg/St Andrews): Technologies of imagination, technologies of choice: Acceleration and longue durée in love narratives today 12.30-13.30: Closing discussion – Light lunch We gratefully acknowedge financial support by the Faculty of Arts and the Department of German at the University of Warwick, and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Durham University.