Document 12434867

Dear students
Following the terrible incidents of Friday 13th November in Paris, I want to give you a general
update today. We have managed to communicate with every student in Paris, in France, in
Belgium, and in Martinique on an individual basis; and we are very relieved to say that all our
students appear to be safe and well. Thank you for getting in touch, relaying information, and
supporting one another. Please do stay in close communication with us.
Our heartfelt sympathies and solidarity go to all those who lost family and friends, as well as
to everyone affected by the events. The welfare and safety of our students remains our
primary concern, and you are all uppermost in our thoughts and actions. We appreciate that
being in France following the events might be upsetting and even distressing. If you wish to
discuss the situation with anyone, please contact the names and services given below. We
shall continue to update you all, as more information and guidance become available.
The University wants all our students to continue to heed the Foreign & Commonwealth
Office’s current advice on the situation in France, which is this:
‘On Friday 13 November, a number of terrorist incidents took place in Paris resulting in
widespread casualties. British nationals are advised to exercise caution in public places and
follow the advice of the local authorities. French authorities have heightened security
measures due to a risk of further attacks. The advice of the Paris Police is currently to keep
movement around town to a minimum. Systematic border control checks have been
implemented at all entry points into France. A national state of emergency and a three-day
period of mourning have been declared (14-16 November). Public gatherings, the flying of
drones and use of fireworks in the Ile de France region (Paris and surrounding area) have
been prohibited. If you are considering returning to the UK, please contact your travel
company for information on availability.’
Your welfare must be your main priority at this time, so we ask you please to follow the
FCO’s advice. If you are thinking of travelling soon between France and the UK, you should
adhere to the advice above. The British Council is in the process of issuing further guidance
to students working as language assistants in France. At the present time, the British Council
has advised us that students working in schools in the Paris area who do not wish to go to
work out of fear for their safety should remain at home and let their schools know that this is
the case.
Any student living in Paris worried about living conditions or thinking of returning home, can
be supported by special Erasmus Plus emergency grants organised through the University. If
you are considering doing this, please contact your Personal Tutor urgently, and we shall
liaise with the relevant Year Abroad contacts.
If you wish to discuss the continuing situation with someone at the University, we
recommend you contact your Personal Tutor in the first instance; or contact Pierre-Philippe
Fraiture (, Margaux Whiskin (,
David Lees ( or Cathy Hampton (
The University’s Counselling Team’s email address will be monitored on a regular basis to
provide further support to those currently in France (
Our thoughts go out to you all. Thank you for being mutually supportive. We shall continue
to do everything we can at the University to ensure your safety and wellbeing.
With our warmest wishes
Professor Seán Hand
Head of the School of Modern Languages & Cultures