Leonard Sainer Legal Education Foundation Leonard Sainer Scholarships 2014-15 Leonard Sainer was a law graduate of University College London (1929 - 1932) and then became a prominent City solicitor, director of a number of public companies and a generous philanthropist. He died in 1991. The Foundation, which was set up in his memory (and which is administered by Dechert LLP), funds two scholarships each year at UCL to be awarded to final year law students (completing the LLB or LLM). The selected students must intend to practise law in England and Wales on a permanent basis - preferably one as a Solicitor, the other as a Barrister. Each scholarship will be in the amount of £15,000 and is to be used towards the cost of courses leading to final professional examinations, LPC or BPTC (currently approximately £14,000 [LPC] or £18,000 [BPTC] per annum). Scholarship criteria will be: Financial need or other instances of hardship; An intention to practise away from the large City and regional law firms and Commercial and Chancery chambers (which usually offer financial support) and instead to focus on welfare, family, criminal, immigration law, etc; Indications that the applicant is likely to prove a worthwhile member of the legal profession; The likelihood of achieving at least a 2:1 degree in the LLB examinations or a Merit in the LLM examinations. Application Procedure: Interested students must submit their applications by 4pm Friday 13th February 2015. Final year LLB students must submit them to the Undergraduate Office, Room 301, Bentham House and LLM students must submit them to the Graduate Office, Room 201, Bentham House. The applications must take the form of: A completed Leonard Sainer Scholarship application form (below). A covering letter including an explanation of an intention to practise away from large City and regional law firms and Commercial and Chancery chambers and a personal statement explaining the desire to become a solicitor or barrister and the area of law that the applicant would like to specialise in; A full C.V. - including examination results to date; An academic reference letter Satisfactory evidence of the financial position of both the applicant and the applicant’s immediate family. This will normally include copies of the applicant's bank statements for the last 12 months, a letter from their parents or guardian and evidence of the financial position of anyone who might otherwise be expected to provide financial support; A shortlist of candidates will be selected who will be invited to interview in June. The shortlist should aim to comprise two candidates intending to become solicitors and two intending to go to the Bar, but only if this is practicable and reflects the merit of the candidates. The final awards will be made by a panel comprising, inter alia, the Dean of the Faculty of Laws and representatives of the Leonard Sainer Foundation, following the interviews. In reaching its decision, the panel may use its discretion to waive, modify or add to all but the first of the above criteria. The award will be paid directly to the course provider. If no suitable candidates apply, no awards will be made. The award may not be deferred. 15386004.1 1 Leonard Sainer Legal Education Foundation Leonard Sainer Scholarships APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP Scheme administered by 15386004.1 2 Leonard Sainer Foundation APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP Attach recent Passport photograph General Information Name in Full: ............................................................................................. Title: ....................................... Date of Birth: State of Health:............ Nationality: ............................................. Status (Single/Married/Cohabiting/Separated/Divorced). ....... Number of Dependants: ........................................................... Would you need a work permit on qualifying: ..................................... Personal Contact Details (including dates): Term Time (From to ) Permanent Address (From Address: ………………………… to Address: ................................... Tel: Mobile: ...................................................... Mobile: ...................................... E-Mail: ............................................. E-Mail: ............................. Social Networking: Please specify if you are registered on Facebook etc PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOUNDATION IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CHANGES 15386004.1 3 ) Please complete the following information in respect of your parent(s) or other close relative residing in the UK: Name: Relationship : Address: Telephone number(s): E-mail address(es): Academic Referee Name: Address: Telephone number: Mobile number: E-mail address(es): Institution and course for which you are applying (NB - full time only): ......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ P. l. e How did you hear about this Scholarship? ............................................... a. s. e15386004.1 4 . . g . Educational Qualifications: Please list names and addresses of all secondary schools (including Sixth Form Colleges) attended, with dates and examination results (including failures): GCSE/GCE ‘O’ Levels/CSE GCSE ‘A ’/ ‘AS’ Levels Subject Subject Grade Year Grade Year Please list college/university attended (with dates):- Degree (including class) expected/obtained (please specify): Please list all subjects taken, or to be taken, at university/college including whether optional (O) or compulsory (C): Subject Grade Year Subject Grade Year Scholarships, prizes or other honours at school, college, university or law school: 15386004.1 5 Financial Information 1. Have you applied for/been offered any other financial assistance? (If so, please give details.) 2. Please give details of any parental/other assistance or explain why this is not available. 3. Please give details of your spouse’s/partner’s annual income (after tax and other deductions), together with any related circumstances. 4. Please give details of any existing loans which you (or your spouse/partner) have and which will still be outstanding in October 2015:- 5. Please detail all assets owned and all debts owing (whether alone or jointly) exceeding £1,000 in total (other than household goods, TVs etc. and computers or as specified in 4 above). NOTE: Please notify the Foundation of any other financial assistance you obtain after submission of this application. 15386004.1 6 Please give details of the monies available to you and your outgoings during the current academic year (2014/2015) and your estimates for 2015/2016. Please state whether this income and expenditure relates to you alone, or whether it is inclusive of spouse/partner and/or dependants and specify all amounts on an annual basis. The following figures relate to myself and ........................................... Monies available 2014/2015 Actual - Per Annum Monies Available 2015/2016 Estimated - Per Annum Parental/Other Assistance £ Earnings (after tax) £ Savings £ Borrowings £ Other £ TOTAL AVAILABLE (A) £ Parental/Other Assistance £ Earnings (after tax) £ Savings £ Borrowings (Actual and Proposed)£ Other £ TOTAL AVAILABLE (C) £ Outgoings 2014/2015 Actual - Per Annum Outgoings 2015/2016 Estimated - Per Annum Course Fees £ Mortgage £ Rent £ Loan Repayments, HP etc £ House/Other Insurance £ Electricity/Gas/Council Tax £ Telephone (inc mobile) £ Household Items £ Clothing £ Food/Drink £ Social Expenses £ Train/Bus Fares £ Car Expenses £ Books £ Bank Charges/Interest £ Other - please specify £ TOTAL OUTGOINGS (B) £ Course Fees £ Mortgage £ Rent Loan Repayments, HP etc £ House/Other Insurance £ Electricity/Gas/Council Tax £ Telephone (inc mobile) £ Household Items £ Clothing £ Food/Drink £ Social Expenses £ Train/Bus Fares £ Car Expenses £ Books £ Bank Charges/Interest £ Other - please specify £ TOTAL OUTGOINGS (D) £ TOTAL AVAILABLE ((A) ABOVE) £ LESS TOTAL OUTGOINGS (B) £ SURPLUS/DEFICIT £ TOTAL AVAILABLE ((C) ABOVE) £ LESS TOTAL OUTGOINGS (D) £ SURPLUS/DEFICIT £ 15386004.1 7 Assets and liabilities (each over £1,000) at the date of this application Liabilities Assets Savings Overdraft/credit cards Investments Other bank loans Car (value, ignoring HP or loan) Hire purchase Property (value, ignoring any mortgage) Mortgage(s) Other (please specify) Other (please specify) TOTAL TOTAL 15386004.1 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Please supply this information on one or more separate typed sheets) Which particular areas of law interest you? What type of career in the law do you envisage pursuing? Previous Law Related Employment Experience (including work placements, mini pupillages etc, stating dates, employer and work performed) Previous Non-Law Related Employment Experience (stating dates, employer and work performed) Activities and Interests Please state your non-academic activities and interests, indicating any positions of responsibility held. Other information in support of your application THE SPONSORS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THE REPAYMENT OF ANY MONIES PAID TO OR ON BEHALF OF THE APPLICANT IF ANY INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY THE APPLICANT IS INCORRECT. SIGNED ......................................................DATE ................................ 15386004.1 9