TEACHING FORMAT The course provides invaluable skills and knowledge for anyone seeking to develop familiarity with some of the major issues in comparative politics and the practical skills in analysing countries around the globe. The module is taught through a combination of eight weekly one-hour lectures and compulsory one-hour seminars plus one reading week. The lectures are designed to outline the topic and to prepare the theoretical ground for the seminar discussions. They provide condensed introductions to the theme, identify key challenges and controversies in existing scholarly research, and are the basis for the discussion of empirical case studies. The seminars are the place to build on issues raised in lectures. They take up the presented challenges and apply the theoretical questions to specific case studies. Important: As lectures and seminar classes are tightly linked, students are strongly encouraged to attend both. Also, since we will be using interactive elements and group exercises during class time, it is difficult to "make up" for missed classes. Please make every attempt to attend classes. If you have to miss a class, it is your responsibility to make prior arrangements with one of your classmates to share notes. If you know you will be unable to attend a session it is both courteous and helpful to the rest of the class to make all reasonable efforts to notify the lecturer/seminar tutor in advance. You are expected to engage in intensive independent study, employing the reading lists provided to deepen their knowledge of the subject. In addition to attendance at seminars and lectures, you should spend 8-10 hours per week on your own independent study for this module. READINGS Essential readings: In line with the teaching format, the readings for the lectures provide an overview of the current knowledge while those for the seminar present selected empirical case studies. It is crucial for the successful completion of this module to read at least the essential readings each week prior to the respective lecture. Please note that we will use the Clark et al. book a lot, so it will be worth buying this book (2nd or 3rd year students might sell used copies). The Caramani book is an excellent alternative, which includes comparative data and world trends including country profiles (p. 485-547).These books alone, however, are not enough. The other books may prove useful to students looking for additional coverage of some of the course topics. There are copies of these books in the bookshop and the Library. Clark, W, M. Golder and S. Nadenichek Golder (2013) Principles of Comparative Politics. Sage. Caramani, D. (ed.) (2011) Comparative Politics. Oxford UP. Boix, C. and S. Stokes (eds) (2009) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Oxford UP. Samuels, D. (ed.) (2013) Case Studies in Comparative Politics. Pearson. Lin, T. (2006) Doing Comparative Politics. Lynne Rienne. 2 Seminar readings: The overall reading load might seem heavy at first sight. The secret to cope with a bulk of reading is to skim strategically: Knowing how to skim readings is an important professional skill for students (you can’t realistically be expected to read ALL the materials for each class you are taking, right?). That is, you should read purposefully, and look out for the important “stuff” in a text: The central question or puzzle the author seeks to answer or resolve; The definition of the dependent variable, or what the author wants to explain; The main independent variables the author(s) thinks are at work; The theory, or the rationale, that links independent to dependent variables; why should certain things be related? The author’s research design: the types of evidence used to test hypotheses, where the evidence comes from, and if you are convinced by it all. Additional readings: It is essential that you keep up to date with developments in contemporary politics in specific countries (which are of your personal interest) as we will discuss these in our seminars and they will provide useful evidence for your research projects. Students are encouraged to read weekly one article in a journal of political science and/or one article in a serious newspaper in addition to the seminar readings. As a matter of routine you should consult the most recent issues of a number of journals as they come into the library and establish for yourselves whether they contain pertinent articles. Examples of useful journals that cover studies in comparative politics: American Political Science Review, European Journal of Political Research, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Democratization, Journal of Politics, and World Politics. You should also consult one or more serious newspapers such as the Financial Times, Independent, or the Guardian on a regular basis. For more in-depth analysis consult The Economist. You should read them and determine the weaknesses and strengths of the studies described and think about a (more) appropriate research design. COURSE SCHEDULE Week 2: Introduction to the study of comparative politics The first lecture gives an overview of the module and introduces the sub-discipline of comparative politics. Questions that we address include: What is comparative politics? What are the primary aims of comparative political analysis? The seminar then zooms into the comparative method and its specificities. Why do we compare? What are the essential elements and tasks in research projects? Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Caramani, D. (ed.) 2011) Comparative Politics. Oxford UP. Ch. 3 [Comparative research methods, H. Keman], p. 50-63. Clark, W., M. Golder and S. Nadenichek Golder (2013) Principles of Comparative Politics. Sage. Ch. 1 [Introduction] and 2 [What is Science?], p. 1-47. 3 PART 1 – POLITICAL REGIMES DEMOCRACY AND DICTATORSHIPS Week 3: Describing political regimes The literature provides different ways of how to describe political regimes, with the most basic one being the distinction between democracy and dictatorship. This week’s lecture discusses the most common measures of democratic and non-democratic regimes. Those measures commonly treat the nation-state as their reference point. The seminar therefore turns toward the democratic quality of governance beyond the state by taking the most prominent example of the European Union. A juxtaposition of studies of the "democratic deficit" in the EU exemplifies how different understandings of the EU’s political order lead to different assessments of its democraticness. Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Follesdal, A. and S. Hix (2006) Why there is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response, Journal of Common Market Studies 44(3): 533-562. Zweifel, T. (2002) ...Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone: The EU's Democratic Deficit in Comparison, Journal of European Public Policy 9(5): 812-840. Héritier, A. (1999) Elements of Democratic Legitimation in Europe: An Alternative Perspective, Journal of European Public Policy 6(2): 269-282. Clark, W., M. Golder and S. Nadenichek Golder (2013) Principles of Comparative Politics. Sage. Ch. 5 [Democracy and Dictatorship], p. 143-170. Week 4: The effect of political regimes An implicit assumption throughout last week’s session has been that democracy is good and something that should be promoted. Yet, does it really matter whether someone lives in a democracy or a dictatorship? Do democracies provide better outcomes thank non-democratic countries? Specifically, we focus on whether the level of democratic quality makes a material difference in people’s lives. In the seminar we have a closer look at two influential empirical studies and discuss their findings. Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Clark, W., M. Golder and S. Nadenichek Golder (2013) Principles of Comparative Politics. Sage. Ch. 9 [Democracy or Dictatorship], p. 325-347. Ross, M. (2006) Is Democracy Good for the Poor? American Journal of Political Science 50: 860-874. Lake, D. and M. Baum (2001) The Invisible Hand of Democracy: Political Control and the Provision of Public Services, Comparative Political Studies 34: 587-621. Week 5: Explaining political regime change Since the 1980s we have experienced various ‘waves’ of political transformation, beginning in Southern Europe, then Latin America, followed by Eastern Europe, Africa and many other sites including East Asia, and most recently the Arab peninsula. How can we explain democratic transition and the breakdown of authoritarian rule? What are the economic and 4 cultural determinants of regime-type change? The seminar pays particular attention to recent developments in the Arab world and compares them to those in the post-communist region. Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Lim, T. (2006) Doing Comparative Politics. Lynne Rienner. Ch. 6 [What makes a democracy?], 157-201. Paczynska, A. (2013) Cross-Regional Comparisons: The Arab Uprisings as Political Transitions and Social Movements, PS: Political Science & Politics 46(2): 217-221. Landolt, L. and P. Kubicek (2013) Opportunities and Constraints: Comparing Tunisia and Egypt to the Coloured Revolutions, Democratization, online first. Week 6: Reading week – no classes. PART 2 – THEMES IN COMPARATIVE POLITICS Week 7: Visions of democracy and representation Democracies vary in terms of institutional design, and different democratic institutions have consequences in terms of core dimensions of democratic regimes such as representation and accountability. The lecture gives a general overview of the sources and implications of different democratic designs and will then focus on the consequences of different decisionmaking rules for the responsiveness of the regime. Yet, institutions do not reflect specific visions of political order; they are also created for specific purposes. The seminar concentrates on electoral systems and the effect of electoral quotas in terms of representation. Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Clark, W., M. Golder and S. Nadenichek Golder (2013) Principles of Comparative Politics. Sage. Ch. 16 [Consequences of Democratic Institutions], p. 743-765. Bhavnani, Rikhil. 2009. Do Electoral Quotas Work after They are Withdrawn: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India. American Political Science Review 103 (1):23-35. Fréchette, Guillaume R., Francois Maniquet, and Massimo Morelli. 2008. Incumbents' Interests and Gender Quotas. American Journal of Political Science 52:891-909. Week 8: Electoral systems and ethnic conflict This week we focus on another consequence of democratic institutions, notably the link between ethnic diversity, electoral laws, and conflict. Questions we ask include: Are ethnically diverse societies inclined toward conflict? And, are there constitutional choices that might encourage successful democratic consolidation in ethnically divided countries such as Iraq or Afghanistan? The seminar readings take India and the Arab world as examples – (what) can we learn from the Indian case for the Arab countries under transition? 5 Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Chandra, Kanchan (2005). Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability, Perspectives on Politics 3(2): 235-252. Bormann, Nils-Christian, Manuel Vogt and Lars-Erik Cederman (2012). The Arab Spring and the Forgotten Demos, NCCR Democracy Working Paper No. 52. Clark, W., M. Golder and S. Nadenichek Golder (2013) Principles of Comparative Politics. Sage. Ch. 16 [Consequences of Democratic Institutions], p. 788-805. Week 9: Globalisation and democracy Comparative politics research often tends to treat countries as closed systems (“billard balls”) and focus on domestic factors only when explaining differences between them. Yet, countries are embedded in an interconnected system of societies, politics and economies. This increasing globalisation is critical for the study of comparative politics: ‘international’ and ‘domestic’ politics become ever more integrated. This week discusses the link between trends of globalisation and democracy. In the seminar we analyse whether democratic rules and practices are transported through transnational linkages such as migration and communication. Lecture (essential reading) Seminar (background reading) Johansson, H. (2002) Globalisation and Democracy, in: O. Elgstroem and G. Hyden (eds) Development and Democracy. Routledge, 23-45. Careja, R. and P. Emmenegger (2012) Making Democratic Citizens: The Effects of Migration Experience on Political Attitudes in Central and Eastern Europe, Comparative Political Studies 45(7): 875-902. Loveless, M. (2009) The Theory of International Media Diffusion: Political Socialization and International Media in Transitional Democracies, Studies in Comparative International Development 44: 118-136. Week 10: What’s next in comparative politics? The last week is devoted to the discussion of new directions in the field of comparative politics. We address questions such as what are the main challenges facing comparative politics today. In addition, we discuss questions you might have related to your assessed essays. For the second objective, please also refer to the extended reading list on research design provided on the website. Lecture (essential reading) Seminar Lin, T. (2006) Doing Comparative Politics. Lynne Rienne. Ch 9 [Globalization and the Study of Comparative Politics], p. 265-290. Blondel, J (1999) Then and Now: Comparative Politics, Political Studies 47(1): 152-160. Mini symposium (no extra readings) 6