Ageing - Rising to the challenge LGB&T Partnership Trans Health Factsheet on

The National
LGB&T Partnership
Trans Health Factsheet on
Ageing - Rising to the challenge
The Legislation: If you are older and trans or non-binary, you may have
two ‘protected characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010. Care providers
must not discriminate against you and they must not harass you. The Human
Rights Act 1998, also protects your privacy and dignity. The NHS Constitution
supports your right to make personal choices and decisions.
Ageing generally: It’s important to keep as phyically and mentally fit as
possible. Eat a balanced diet, keep alcohol to no more than 14 units a week; don’t
take non-prescribed drugs and, above all, watch your weight and don’t smoke.
These factors raise the risk of cancer, heart and circulatory diseases which are the
main causes of death in the UK. Smoking also damages the skin and increases
wrinkles and, in trans women, it makes oestrogen less effective. For more detailed
information, see the Public Health England factsheet in this series, and:
NHS - Alcohol Misuse
NHS - Stop Smoking Treatments
Exercise helps to protect you against dementia as well as other illnesses. If
you are not able to do vigorous exercise, try yoga classes. If you play a windinstrument, or you like singing, join a band or a choir. This can be a good way
of exercising your lungs, as well as socialising. Keep your brain active: read,
join adult education classes, and do crosswords.
Long-term conditions: Take care of any long-term conditions, such as
diabetes or HIV. Osteoporosis is less of a risk if you continue to take hormones
and Vitamin D and calcium supplements. If you are not taking hormones, you
should be screened for osteoporosis.
Cancer Risks: In addition to the risks mentioned above, be aware of any
history of particular cancers in your family. Note that screening is not automatic
for breast and genital cancers if you are no longer registered according to your
birth sex, or if you are a trans man who has had chest reconstruction.
Breast care (cancer): Trans men and trans women should check breasts
for lumps, inverted nipples or discharge. Tell your GP if you spot any of these
symptoms.Trans women with implants should tell the radiologist before having
a mammogram; just like any other woman with implants, you may need
alternative screening.
Trans men: If you have a cervix, remind your GP that you need smear tests.
(You may wish to insert the speculum yourself & lie on your side).
If you have a family history of cancer of the uterus and ovaries, and haven’t
had yours removed, you should have pelvic examinations regularly (3 yearly; or
more often if you have polycystic ovaries).
This factsheet is part of a series developed by The National LGB&T Partnership, in collaboration
with cliniQ, Mermaids and TransForum Manchester. For more information and to access the other
factsheets please visit:
Trans Health Factsheet on Ageing - Rising to the challenge
Trans women: Prostate glands can become cancerous. Low testosterone levels won’t keep you safe from
other kinds of cancer.
General genital care: Your needs will vary depending on any surgery you have had, and whether
or not you are sexually active. Both trans men and trans women (and/or their partners) and those who are
non-binary should use condoms and lubricant, because older genital tissue is more vulnerable to damage
and infection.
Trans men following phalloplasty should report any difficulty in peeing; the urethra may be blocked. Erectile
prostheses last roughly 7 years - keep the date in the diary. Trans women, to prevent the vagina closing,
should continue dilating unless you are having penetrative sex.
Residential and End of Life Care: NHS Regulations (2014): “care is focused on dying people’s
wishes - rather than processes. This will make sure that their voices, and those of their families, are heard
at all times.” Families are defined as “the people important to the dying person”. Decisions about care are
“in accordance with the person’s needs and wishes”. “Care is tailored to the individual and delivered with
compassion”; “comfort and dignity is prioritised”. You may, for instance, specify whether you wish personal
care to be undertaken by a man or a woman.
Your legal entitlements to protection continue. Age UK provides information about trans issues in later life:
Factsheet Transgender issues and later life
An “individual care plan” (a kind of living-will) is suggested:
Department of health: New approach to care for the dying published
Writing an Individual Care Plan: If you haven’t already written a Care Plan, you should do it
now, to ensure that you will be treated according to your wishes, by those providing care for you both
before and after your death. Make sure that you always have a copy of your Plan on you, and that your
GP, other carers, and your designated next-of-kin (see below) all have copies. If your family is hostile to
your transition, include this information in your instructions, so that your family’s wishes will not override
yours where there is disagreement. This is especially important to protect you, in case you develop
dementia and are no longer able to speak for yourself. See the document “I’m still me”.
Details should include: how you wish to be dressed, including any prostheses, for instance: trans women
may need wigs or head-covering, see:; trans men may need breast binders
and packers; names, pronouns, titles (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms or Mx) should be as you request, except that the
death certificate will carry your old name if you do not have a gender recognition certificate. These details
should be passed on to the coroner, mortuary staff, and the person conducting your funeral.
Next of kin, nearest relative, power of attorney: If you are married or in a civil partnership,
that person will probably be regarded as your next-of-kin, or you can appoint someone to be your next-ofkin. If nobody is acting in this role, care-providers might ask a sibling or child, for instance, to act as your
‘nearest relative’ in situations where you are unable to make decisions. If you would not be comfortable
with that, you can, in addition, give a chosen person ‘lasting power-of-attorney’ to ensure that your
personal wishes are upheld. For more detailed information, see:
Bereavement: A guide for Transsexual, Transgender people and their loved ones
The National
LGB&T Partnership
This factsheet is part of a series developed by The National LGB&T Partnership, in collaboration
with cliniQ, Mermaids and TransForum Manchester. For more information and to access the other
factsheets please visit: