`UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Equality and Diversity Network There will be a meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network on Monday 23 January 2012 at 14.00hrs in the Council Chamber, University House. Note: Questions on agenda items or apologies for this meeting should be directed to the Secretary of the Network, Sandra Beaufoy, extension 74479 or s.beaufoy@warwick.ac.uk AGENDA 1. Notes of the last meeting TO RECEIVE: Notes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network held on 17 October 2011 (copy attached). 2. Returning Parents Mentoring Scheme and Network Group TO RECEIVE: Verbal report from Vicky Strudwick, Claire O’Leary and Bob Thompson on a new mentoring scheme for returning parents and the formation of a support Network Group. 3. National University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day – 22nd February 2012 TO RECEIVE: Verbal report from Sarah Ashworth, Mental Health Co-ordinator on planned events for the National University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day. 4. Matters Arising TO REPORT: (a) Athena Swan Warwick Medical School has submitted a bid for a Bronze Athena Swan award, the results of which, should be known later in the Spring term. It is anticipated that Warwick Manufacturing Group will be submitting for a Bronze award in the April submission round and the Psychology Department will be re-submitting for a Silver award. The Physics Department is working on a submission for the Institute of Physics to renew its JUNO Championship award. (b) Dignity at Work Contact Officers A number of Dignity at Work contact officers have been recruited and full training is currently being scheduled. (c) Managing Reasonable Adjustments in Higher Education TO RECEIVE: A verbal update from Despina Weber, Disability Coordinator and Sandra Beaufoy, HR Advisor, Equality and Diversity. (d) Equality Act 2010 REPORTED: Medical Checks – Following the introduction of the Equality Act 2010, pre-employment medical questionnaires cannot be issued prior to offers of employment, either verbal or written. Some posts (such as those in the area of food and beverage or where significant manual handling is required) may be offered subject to a pre-employment medical check. 5. Standing Item - Terms of Reference of the Equality and Diversity Network The Equality and Diversity Network provides a forum for all members of staff and Students Union representatives to discuss issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity and submit items to the Equality and Diversity Committee. 6. Training The E&D training sessions given by Laurence Harvey from Actuate have been well received. A number of follow on sessions have been organised and a further course on ‘Cultural Awareness’ is planned. 7. Equality Analysis (Equality Impact Assessments) The University has purchased some new Equality Analysis software, which includes an e-learning package to assist staff to understand the concept of equality analysis. The package will help staff to consider the impact of policies/procedures on individuals with protected characteristics. This software is currently being customised and will be piloted in a couple of departments, with the aim to roll out to all departments later in the Spring term. 8. Staff Network Groups The University is trying to establish a number of staff network groups, such as LGB, BME and staff disability group. 8. Items for the Equality and Diversity Committee TO CONSIDER: Items to be taken forward to the Equality and Diversity Committee meeting to be held on 8 February 2012. 9. Any other business 10. Date of next meeting TO REPORT: That the date of the next meeting of the Network will be 2pm on 30 April 2012 in the Council Chamber.