EDC 07/11-12

EDC 07/11-12
Equality and Diversity Network
Notes of the Meeting held on 17 October 2011
Kate Hughes (Chair)
Sandra Beaufoy, Lynn Clarke, Georgina Copeland, Emma Durrant,
Rona Freeman, Lucy Hayton, Maria Heredia-Fernandez, Emma King,
Alastair Kirk, Claire Martin, Rachel Moseley, Julia Pidgeon, Heather
Pilbin, Carolyn Quinney, Naila Rabbani, Anna Ritchley, Steve
Robinson, Jenny Rooney Kennedy, Margaret Shewring, Stephanie
Smart, Julia Taylor, Stephen Williams
Lorna Bagworth, Alison Bell, Mairi-Ann Cullen, Jonathan Davies, Julie
Doherty, Gloria Harris, Christine Jarvis, Janet Keene, Andrea Klaus,
Clive Letchford, Sharon Murray, Andrea Pulford, Anna Preston,
Ayesha Rahman, Nasir Rajpoot, Jackie Smith, Christine WillkieStibbs, Despina Weber
Notes of last meeting
Notes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity Network held on 16 May 2011
be approved.
Matters Arising
Dignity at Work Contact Officers
Sandra Beaufoy, Equality and Diversity Adviser, gave an update on the role
of the Dignity at Work/Study Contact Officers. More officers were needed to
support the diverse range of staff categories, especially staff on academic
grades and male staff, where there is an under-representation of officers
available. Full training will be given to new officers.
The latest PULSE results indicate that although bullying and harassment still
exists in the workplace, staff are not using the Dignity Contact service and
seem to prefer to speak with other colleagues or line managers. It is not
clear why this is, but it was felt that some staff may not be aware of the
existence of the Dignity Contact Officers.
Consideration should be given to providing more data on the use of contacts
and cases arising.
That E&D representatives advertise the Dignity Contact role and contact
details on departmental noticeboards.
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Managing Reasonable Adjustments in Higher Education
Despina Weber, Disability Coordinator, had taken forward the document but
was unable to attend this meeting to provide an update.
That the Disability Coordinator be asked to provide an up-date for the next
Athena Swan
Feedback from the Athena panel on the Psychology Department’s failed
submission, pointed to the fact that although certain trends had been
identified in line with national trends, little indication had been given on the
Action Plan on how the department would attempt to address the issues.
Psychology intend to resubmit for either the Bronze or Silver Award in the
November submission deadline. Other departments intending to submit
applications in November for the Bronze award are Warwick Medical School
and Warwick Manufacturing Group.
The National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) has announced that for the
next round of grant proposals, any medical school without at least a Silver
Athena award will not be considered for funding. Whilst other funding
agencies have not yet made a similar statement, it is anticipated that these
may be forthcoming.
Standing Item – Terms of Reference of the Equality and Diversity Network
The Equality and Diversity Network provides a forum for all members of staff and
Students Union representatives to discuss issues relating to equal opportunities
and diversity.
Welcome to New Departmental Equality and Diversity Representatives
New members were welcomed to the group.
The Equality and Diversity Adviser explained the expected role that departmental
equality and diversity representatives would take:
To attend termly E&D Network meetings.
To act as a point of communication between the centre and departments
on E&D issues
To maintain departmental E&D notice boards with up-to-date and
informative material
To contribute to annual or one-off events to raise awareness and
celebrate diversity.
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Equality Act 2010
A powerpoint presentation on the Equality Act 2010 and its implications for the
The status of pre-employment medical questionnaires as the Equality Act
(Section 60) prohibits employers from asking about the health of applicants:
Before offering work to an applicant
Before including the applicant in a pool of applicants from whom the
employer intends to offer work to in the future.
For example: it will not be permissible to ask questions that aim to establish how
many days of sickness absence an applicant has accrued during previous
employment prior to the candidate being made a conditional or unconditional
offer of work.
That the Equality and Diversity Adviser would clarify with HR at what point of the
recruitment/ selection process these medical questionnaires are used, if at all.
That a number of adjustments for people with disabilities within the University
are focussed on students rather than staff. For example, hearing aid loops
situated in the middle of the classrooms/meeting rooms which are of little use if it
is the lecturer at the front of the room with the hearing disability.
That this should be raised for consideration by the Equality and Diversity
Thought should be given to issues that may arise between individuals and
groups with different protected characteristics, and aspects of religious literacy.
These issues will be considered further in conjunction with the chaplaincy and
reported on at a later meeting.
Training for all E&D representatives will be provided on Monday 28 November
2011. Two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon will be held.
Each session will equip delegates with the knowledge and skills to reduce
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incidents of unfair treatment in the workplace and enhance efficiency and
effectiveness. Other training sessions will be organised later in the term or early
next term for those who cannot make the November sessions.
Members of the group were also encouraged to request their departments, as
part of their induction process, use the e-learning module ‘Diversity in the
Workplace’ to raise awareness of E&D issues. Staff who have previously
completed this module prior to October 2010, may also like to re-take the module
as it has been up-dated with the Equality Act 2010 which came into force on 1
October 2010.
How such training and duties associated with the E&D role could be recognised
by line managers and the University more broadly. As these roles are a
fundamental part of University business, how can they be measured in terms of
other work load duties?
That this should be raised for consideration by the Equality and Diversity
Staff Network Groups
The University wishes to establish a number of staff network groups, such as
disability, BME, LGB etc. Notices have been advertised on InSite and a poster
has been designed and produced for display on departmental notice boards.
Items for the Equality and Diversity Committee
That the Equality and Diversity Committee consider:
a) How the University can ensure that equal consideration is given to both staff
and students with disabilities when planning and implementing adjustments in
the work place.
b) How the time and commitment of individuals in roles supporting Equality and
Diversity in the University can be appropriately recognised.
Any other business
There was no other business to report.
10. Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting of the Network will be 2pm on 23 January 2012 in
the Council Chamber.