Dignity at Warwick Quiz for Students 1. Does the University have a policy on Bullying and Harassment? a) Yes b) No c) I don’t know 2. If you are the victim of Bullying and Harassment, should you: a) Ignore it b) Treat that person how they are treating you c) Speak to the person involved and tell them how this is making you feel d) None of the above 3. Among teenagers, rates of depression have increased by how much over the last 25 years? a) 59% 1|Page b) 70% c) 47% 4. What percentage of young (18 – 24 year old) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans have considered suicide? a) 52% b) 34% c) 44% 5. Child Line (UK) has revealed that it held 34,517 counselling sessions in 2013/14 with children who talked about suicide, this is an increase of? a) 116% since 2010/11 b) 99% since 2010/11 c) 76% since 2010/11 6. A recent study of young people of Asian origin in the UK found that the suicide rate of 16-24 year old women was: a) Three times that of 16-24 year old women of white British origin b) One times that of 16-24 year old women of white British origin c) Two times that of 16-24 year old women of white British origin 7. How many young people under the age of 20 die by suicide in England each year? a) 160 b) 98 c) 143 2|Page 8. What percentage of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans (LGBT) people experience verbal abuse? a) 55% b) 85% c) 58% 9. Is depression more likely in men or women? a) Men b) Women What small thing can YOU do to make the biggest difference? “Ask if I’m OK” “Be a shoulder to cry on – it’s ok to cry” “Listen” “Do not avoid eye contact – Body language matters” “Smileď - it might make the biggest difference to someone’s day “ “Meet a friend for a coffee – they may not have spoken or left their accommodation all day” “Send a card, a text, make a call – you might be the only person who has been in touch” 3|Page Answers: 1. Yes, please refer to the Dignity at Warwick policy http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equalops/dignityatwarwick/ 2. In the first instance, Speak to the person involved and try and resolve the matter informally. Further guidance can be obtained in the Dignity policy. 3. 70% (Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health: understanding the lifetime impacts, Mental Health Foundation, 2004 http://bit.ly/1sf5AgT) 4. 44% of young LGBT people have considered Suicide – (Youth Chances Survey – Metro Charity and University of Greenwich (2014) http://bit.ly/1Dsz2DT) 5. There has been 116% increase since 2010/11 – (Child line “On the Edge” report 2014 http://bit.ly/1tHS6ej) 6. Three times that of 16-24 year old women of white British origin – (Self harm and Suicide amongst Black and Minority Ethnic Women (BEMIS report) http://bit.ly/1ypVhrq) 7. 160 - 60-70 of whom are under 18 – (The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by People with Mental Illness Annual Report July 2013, http://bit.ly/12jdL2l) 8. 85% of LGBT people have experienced verbal insults – (http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/media/mental_health_toolkit_final.pdf) 9. Depression is more likely in women (http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/media/mental_health_toolkit_final.pdf ) 4|Page