Jennifer McKenzie - Director, NCGE University of Limerick - ESRC Seminar Series 9th June 2011 Agency of Department of Education and Skills Remit to advise and inform on policy Develop and support practice Provide CPD Euroguidance Centre for Ireland Represent DES / Ireland at International level ELGPN designated representative Post Primary Post Leaving Certificate / College of Further Education Adult education - Literacy / Community / Second Chance Education Higher education - IoTs / Universities / HETAC NOT employment Sector – not HR / Career coaching / Employment Agencies Guidance facilitates people throughout their lives to manage their own educational, training, occupational, personal, social, and life choices so that they reach their full potential and contribute to the development of a better society (NGF 2007) The definition of guidance as referring to a continuous process that enables citizens at any age and at any point in their lives to identify their capacities, competences and interests, to make educational, training and occupational decisions and to manage their individual life paths in learning, work and other settings in which those capacities and competences are learned and/or used. Guidance covers a range of individual and collective activities relating to information-giving, counselling, competence assessment, support, and the teaching of decisionmaking and career management skills (EU Council Resolution 2008) Guidance in schools refers to a range of learning experiences provided in a developmental sequence, that assists students to develop self- management skills which will lead to effective choices and decisions about their lives. It encompasses three separate, but interlinked areas of personal and social development, educational guidance and career guidance … Counselling is a key part of the school guidance programme, offered on an individual or group basis as part of a developmental learning process and at moments of personal crisis ... Counselling in schools may include personal counselling, educational counselling, career counselling or a combination of these. (DES 2005) Professional Identity – role Experiences and Workshop and other EU experiences Guidance Counsellor Career Guidance Teacher Adult Education Guidance Co-ordinator / Counsellor Career Development Adviser Careers Adviser Qualifications Competence Supervision / reflective practice CPD Boundaries / referral Membership of professional body Code of Ethics / Standards Record keeping One to One Group work Appropriate Follow up Feedback / Client Voice Referral Advocacy EU o o o o o Lifelong guidance integrated into lifelong learning Quality assurance Access Co-ordination and co-operation Career management skills National o National Centre for Guidance in Education – policy, support, cpd o Education Act 1998 o DES Circular ppt 12/05 o DES Guidelines – Whole School Guidance Planning o White Paper on Adult Education o DES Circular 07/2004 o National Guidance Forum Report 2007 - Quality Guidelines/Competency Document Local / Regional o VEC Education Plan / School Plan Strategic Integrated Co-ordinated Feedback Innovating systems change Advocate / broker Communication Quality assurance systems Short training course/Certificate in “Guidance” Therapy Role existing in isolation or vacuum Within the Lifelong Guidance Framework … Focused / Accredited CPD programme, Post Qualification Integration into education sector requires team approach – with co-operation with and guidance awareness for education providers / teachers / lecturers Research in Guidance Counselling – effectiveness / outcomes / evidence based practice Quality Assurance System Guidance Counsellor as Lifelong Learner CPD leading to Higher Skills Development (expand abilities, broaden career & deepen knowledge) Research – Evidence Based Practice ICT - Skills and Use in Guidance Provision Career path for Guidance counsellor- academic, management, policy development, research, supervisor, cpd delivery……… Thank You Jennifer McKenzie NCGE Email: Useful Links Department of Education and Skills, Guidelines for Second level Schools on the implications of Education Act 1998, Section 9 (c) page 8 _schools_9c.pdf DES circular on Guidance Provision in Second Level Schools. DES Circular ppt 12/05 Planning the School Guidance Programme (2004) EU Council Resolution 2008 /104236.pdf Useful Links Government’s White Paper on Adult Education, Learning for Life (Department of Education and Science, 2000) nguage=EN Pay and Conditions for Adult Education Guidance Counsellors and Adult Guidance Coordinators DES Circular 07/2004 National Guidance Forum's Final Report Guidance for Life: An Integrated Framework for Lifelong Guidance in Ireland 2007 for_Life%20final.pdf