Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee Item No. 5 19 January 2009 MANCHESTER CITY COUNCIL REPORT FOR RESOLUTION REPORT TO: Licensing and Appeals Committee DATE: 19 January 2009 SUBJECT: Hackney Carriage Annual Fare Increase REPORT OF: Head of Street Management and Enforcement ___________________________________________________________________ Purpose of Report To present for the Committee’s consideration the proposed hackney carriage annual fare increase. Recommendations 1. That the Committee considers the proposals and makes recommendations to Council for the April 2009 to April 2010 hackney carriage fare increase in line with the agreed formula for: An increase in daytime and nighttime fares of 3.76% as calculated using the Halcrow Manchester Formula, which would result in an amended fare, using the new style fare card as shown in Appendix C. 2. That the Committee considers the proposals made by the trade and officers' comments regarding additional extras and, should Committee agree with the proposals, make the necessary recommendation to Council for: (a) Additional text to be added to the fare card indicating that a charge may be made for credit/debit cards as follows: “Some taxis accept credit or debit cards typically with a surcharge of between 10% and 15%”. (b) An additional extra to be incorporated into the fare card in respect of a fuel surcharge if the price of diesel is £1.30 or above per litre (price ref AA website). Financial Consequences for the Revenue Budget None. Financial Consequences for the Capital Budget None. Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee Item No. 5 19 January 2009 Contact Officers Jenette Hicks Licensing Unit Manager Tel: 0161 234 4962 Ann Marku Principal Licensing Officer (Taxis) Tel: 0161 234 2381 Wards Affected All. Background Papers Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Halcrow/ Manchester Formula Contact Officer for retrieval of background documents – Ann Marku 234 4366 Implications for: Anti-Poverty Equal Yes Opportunities No Environment No Employment Yes Employment and Anti Poverty Implications An increase in fares should increase the income of taxi drivers and owners. At the same time it will increase the cost of public transport for passengers. Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee Item No. 5 19 January 2009 1. Legislative Background 1.1 Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 states that the City Council has the power to fix the rates or fares within the district for time and distance, and all other charges in connection with the hire of a vehicle or with the arrangements for the hire of a vehicle, to be paid in respect of the hire of hackney carriages by means of a table of fares, made or varied. 1.2 When setting Hackney Carriage fares there is no requirement under the Act to take into account external factors, and there is no limit on the amount of increase or variation. 1.3 Under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, applications for fare increases are considered by the Licensing and Appeals Committee, which makes a recommendation to Council. 1.4 Any change in fares agreed by the Council must be advertised publicly for a period of 14 days before the change takes effect. 1.5 If there are no objections the fares come into effect at the end of the period prescribed for making objections. If objections are raised the Licensing and Appeals Committee must consider those objections and make a further recommendation to Council to set a date for any fare increase (with or without modification having taken into account any such objections) to take effect not later than 2 months from the date set in the notice. 1.6 The table below indicates the proposed timetable for implementation: Table 1 – Timetable for Implementation of Fare Increase: 19 January 2009 Licensing & Appeals Committee 28 January 2009 Full Council 04 February 2009 18 February 2009 16 March 2009 Public notice in MEN for fare increase 14 day consultation period End of consultation period. Where no objections are received the fares automatically take effect on 1 April. Where objections are received the matter is re-considered by the Licensing & Appeals Committee who make a recommendation to Full Council. 25 March 2009 Full Council consider recommendation. 01 April 2009 New fares take effect 2. Review of Methodology 2.1 Following recommendation by the Licensing and Appeals Committee on 4 June 2007 regarding a review of the methodology and frequency with which Manchester City Council Item No. 5 Licensing & Appeals Committee 19 January 2009 fare increases were calculated, the Council decided, on 11 July 2007, that future fare increases would be calculated using the Halcrow Manchester Formula. 3. The Halcrow Manchester Formula 3.1 Halcrow is an independent company who provides advice across the public and private sector. Halcrow was commissioned by Manchester City Council in March 2007 to review the current model used by the Public Carriage Office in London to calculate increases in the hackney carriage fare card and to develop a working model for Manchester (Halcrow Manchester Formula). 3.2 Halcrow produced a set of component costs for running a Hackney Carriage in Manchester; these costs are shown in Table 2 below. In order to maintain consistency Halcrow has provided revised data from the same sources used in 2007 with the exception of the insurance cost which has changed to Haven Insurance from Westminster Insurance, who are no longer trading. 3.3 The formula has been used to calculate a suggested rate increase for Hackney Carriage fares based on updated information on the component costs and average national earnings of the previous year. Table 2 - Halcrow Manchester Formula calculation: Component on index Total Total Costs Costs % December December Change 2007 2008 Data Source Vehicle Cost 6371 6398 0.42% Mann and Overton Parts 2836 3100 9.30% Mann and Overton Tyres 381 436 14.49% Mann and Overton Garage & Servicing - Labour 843 886 5.10% Office of National Statistics Fuel 4054 4033 -0.51% AA Insurance 4172 4345 4.15% Haven Insurance 462 462 0.00% Renewal Licence fees Total Operating Costs - Permit 19119 19660 2.83% Average National Earnings 24908 26020 4.46% Grand Total 44027 45680 3.76% Miscellaneous 3.4 Office of National Statistics From Table 2 it can be seen that the Manchester Formula suggests a fare increase of 3.76%. Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee 4. Fare Increase Proposals Item No. 5 19 January 2009 4.1 The Association of Taximeter Installers (ATI) is a world wide association of taximeter, satellite navigation installers and vehicle electronic engineers who offer information and advice. They have used the 3.76% increase to produce the journey fare card and the journey fare calculator. 4.2 The fare can be calculated by either an increase in the flag fall (the initial fare) or by a reduction in the distance. The proposed fare has been calculated by ATI by way of a reduction in the distance and therefore the flag fall remains at £2.30 but the initial distance is reduced from 482.7yds to 464.55yds and the extra yardage remains at a rate of 20p but the distance is reduced from 227yds to 218.67yds. 4.3 The proposed increased rates have been applied to a journey fare card calculation as shown in Table 3. Table 3 – Journey Fare Calculator (A meter works by calculating the maximum fare based upon the time of day, distance travelled and taxi speed. The meter always works in advance and in derivatives of 20p). The figures in table 3 are calculated without waiting time and have been rounded up to the next derivative of 20p. They show a comparison with the current fare and the proposed fare and the difference between the cost of a daytime journey and the same journey taken at night Day 5am-10pm Night 10pm-5am Distance Rate Distance Rate Current First Distance (yds)(m) 482.7 yds (441.38m) £2.30 292.6 yds (267.55m) £2.80 Each extra (yds)(m) 227 yds (207.57m) 20p 170.7 yds (156.08m) 20p Proposed First Distance (yds)(m) 464.55yds (424m) £2.30 281.6yds (257.50m) £2.80 Each Extra (yds)(m) 218.67yds (200m) 20p 164.3yds (150.23m) 20p Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee Distance (miles) Item No. 5 19 January 2009 April 2008 – April 2009 (Current fare) Difference Between Day Night Cost of Fare (Night and Day) April 2009 to April 2010 (Proposed Fare) Difference Between Day Night Cost of Fare (Night and Day) 1 £3.60 £4.60 £1.00 £3.60 £4.60 £1.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 £5.20 £6.80 £8.20 £9.80 £11.40 £12.80 £14.40 £16.00 £17.60 £6.60 £8.80 £10.80 £12.80 £15.00 £17.00 £19.00 £21.00 £23.20 £1.40 £2.00 £2.60 £3.00 £3.60 £4.20 £4.60 £5.00 £5.60 £5.40 £7.00 £8.60 £10.20 £11.80 £13.40 £15.00 £16.60 £18.20 £7.00 £9.00 £11.20 £13.20 £15.40 £17.60 £19.60 £21.80 £24.00 £1.60 £2.00 £2.60 £3.00 £3.60 £4.20 £4.60 £5.20 £5.70 9 10 4.4 The difference between the cost of the daytime fares and night time fares is indicated in the highlighted cells; overall the incentive for drivers to work night times remains. 5. Core Cities & AGMA Comparison 5.1 The cost of a 3-mile journey was then compared across the Core Cities and AGMA (Association of Greater Manchester Authorities) as shown in Appendix A. The Core Cities were chosen as the demographics most closely match those in Manchester. The AGMA comparison has been included following a number of queries received from the trade, which refer to the MCC fare tariff compared to those of surrounding authorities. The final right hand column of appendix A indicates the date the current fares were introduced in each local authority 5.2 The average daytime (3 mile) fare in the Core Cities is £6.59 and the average nighttime fare is £8.22. The proposed Manchester Formula arrives at a fare of £7.00 for daytime and £9.00 nighttime 3-mile journeys. This places the proposed Manchester day fare slightly above the core city average, whilst the night fare is shown as significantly above the average. 5.3 The average daytime (3 mile) fare in the AGMA Authorities is £6.83 and the average nighttime fare is £8.58. The proposed Manchester fare places the proposed Manchester day and night fares slightly above the AGMA average. 5.4 The nighttime rate is set at a significant premium to the day rate to encourage more drivers to work at night and to pay for the Taxi Marshall service provided at key city centre ranks. Manchester City Council Item No. 5 Licensing & Appeals Committee 19 January 2009 5.5 Halcrow has applied the Manchester Formula to the existing waiting time rate. The existing and proposed Manchester waiting time rates are compared against the Core Cities and AGMA Authorities in Appendix B attached. 5.6 The average hourly daytime waiting time for the Core Cities is £15.31, whilst the average hourly nighttime waiting time is £18.92. The proposed Manchester Formula arrives at a daytime hourly waiting time of £16.03 and a nighttime hourly waiting time of £21.63, which places Manchester waiting time above the average. 5.7 The average hourly daytime waiting time for the AGMA Authorities is £12.88, whilst the average hourly nighttime waiting time is £15.15. The proposed Manchester Formula arrives at a daytime hourly waiting time of £15.06 and a nighttime hourly waiting time of £21.36, which places Manchester hourly waiting time significantly above the AGMA average. 6. Trade Consultation Response 6.1 The fare increase for April 2009 – April 2010 was discussed with the trade at the trade liaison meeting held on 4 December 2008. There was also email contact with representatives of the trade who had not attended the meeting 6.2 On 21 December 2008 a formal request was received from Manchester Cab Committee for an additional extra to be added to the fare card, which will enable drivers to recover the fee for the use, by passengers, of credit or debit cards. 6.2.1 The suggested wording provided by the Manchester Cab Committee is the same as that currently used in the London hackney tariff card: “Some taxis accept credit or debit cards typically with a surcharge of between 10% and 15%” 6.2.2 In addition, the Manchester Cab Committee requested that consideration be given to adding a fuel supplement to the fare card should the price of fuel rise within the period covered by this fare increase. 6.2.3 The proposal is as follows: “Where the cost of fuel increases by 30% as compared to the cost of fuel sourced on 1st December 2008 from the A.A. and the increased price remains at that price for a period of two weeks then a fuel surcharge of 20p per journey shall be implemented by Manchester City Council. When the cost of fuel returns to the December 2008 price of 101.2 per litre the fuel surcharge will be removed and where there is a revision of the fare it will be removed. A new fare card to be issued at the time of such an increase”. 6.3 A response from Unite indicated that they have no comment in respect of the fare card but submitted the following response in connection with the proposal at 6.2. “ The only comment we will submit at this point requires no clarification from our membership. This is in relation to the credit card issue. These cards are Manchester City Council Item No. 5 Licensing & Appeals Committee 19 January 2009 not legal tender; they are accepted on a purely individual basis with driver’s preferences to match. Accordingly no comment should be placed on the local authority official fare cards. There is no statutory requirement in relation to hackney carriage fares for the local authority to act as any form of broker to advocate private commercial business transactions. Our position is that the situation should remain unchanged: no comments on the fare card”. 7. Officers’ comments on the trade’s response are as follows: 7.1 A proportion of drivers are currently using debit and credit cards and are charging a variety of charges. Individual drivers have to rent the hand held card terminals and are charged for weekly bank transfers and associated admin costs. These costs can vary depending on the provider and it would therefore be difficult to stipulate an individual charge e.g £5 for each transaction. The proposed wording (see Para 6.2.1) would clarify to customers that a fee can be charged if they choose to use a credit or debit card, whilst at the same time allowing freedom in the commercial aspect of such transactions. 7.1.1 In relation to the request for a fuel surcharge proviso, the Cab Committee is attempting to address the difficulties experienced by the trade as a result of the fluctuating fuel prices of 2008. The legislative process results in any request for amendments to the fare card taking several months to resolve. The request from the Cab Committee at Para 6.2.3 attempts to resolve this. Due to the procedural requirements of the legislation, a revised tariff card cannot be issued without formal consultation on the proposed revision, which must have the approval of Council, hence the practical difficulties caused by the timescales associated with the process in 2008 would still apply. As an alternative officers suggest that an extra charge could be added to the fare card to the effect that if the price of 1 litre of diesel is £1.30 or above (AA website) then a 20p fuel surcharge per journey can be added to the fare. 7.1.2 The response from Unite Union indicated at Para 6.3 indicates that MCC is not required to put such a request (i.e. in respect of credit card charges) on the fare card. This request has come from the trade, and the legislation outlined in 1.1 states that “all other charges in connection with the hire of a vehicle or with the arrangements for the hire of a vehicle, to be paid in respect of the hire of hackney carriages by means of a table of fares”. As the fee for use of the credit /debit card is in connection with the hire of the vehicle it would follow that this fee, as indicated in the legislation, has to be indicated on the table of fares. 8. Fare Card 8.1 The proposed journey fare card was produced using the proposed percentage increase of 3.76% suggested by application of the Halcrow Manchester formula in line with the decision made by Council on 11 July 2007. The set of figures supplied by ATI were then applied to the fare card, a copy of which is attached at Appendix C (page 1of 2). 8.2 Passengers using a hackney carriage cannot easily calculate their fare using the current fare card. The new card format is more customer friendly as it includes a table of calculated fares for journeys of 1,3,5,7,9 and 10miles and Manchester City Council Item No. 5 Licensing & Appeals Committee 19 January 2009 therefore gives a better indication of approximate costs of a journey. The use of this style of fare card may also reduce complaints received by MCC regarding the cost of journeys. The new style fare card, which includes the proposed fare increase, is attached at Appendix C (page 2 of 2). 8.3 The trade were consulted on the new style fare card at the taxi trade liaison meeting on 4 Dec 2008. No responses have been received in respect of the card. 8.4 The current fuel surcharge provision added to the fare card in December 2008 has been removed from the proposed fare tariff included at Appendix C, however the proposed tariff card does include reference to the revised fuel surcharge supplement outlined at Para 7.1.1. 9. Conclusion and Recommendation 9.1 This report provides the Committee with details of the annual hackney carriage fare increase. The current and proposed fares have been compared with those of the Core Cities and AGMA authorities. The comparison shows that the proposed fare is broadly comparable with both the core cities and surrounding AGMA authorities. 9.2 The report also proposes the use of a new style fare card, which will clarify for passengers the likely cost of their journey. 9.3 The report outlines the consultation that has taken place with the trade and their proposal for text to be added to the fare card clarifying for passengers that a charge may be made should they choose to use a debit / credit card. Credit and debit cards are now widely used as a payment method for goods and transactions. Using text on the fare card will provide customers with information in relation to the service charge that will be imposed and also assist drivers who can direct passengers’ attention to the fare card should there be any dispute regarding the service charge. 9.4 The report also outlines the proposal from the trade, with suggested amendments from officers for a fuel surcharge to be added should the fuel price rise to 30% above the 1 December 2008 cost. Considering this proposal at this time would alleviate the problems which were encountered in the summer of 2008. Appendix A Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee Item No. 5 19 January 2009 Core Cities & AGMA Fare Comparison (in increasing order compared separately with the Core Cities and AGMA Authorities over a 3 mile journey on Tariff one day time rates against the average 3 mile Journeys of £6.95 & £6.83) Tariff 1 (Day) Core City Flag Running Mile Tariff 2 (Night) Flag 1 3 Mile Miles RunLast ning Increased Mile on 1 3 Miles Mile London 2.20 4.00 8.40 2.20 2.20 4.60 9.80 1 2.60 Apr-08 Birmingham 2.00 4.00 7.40 1.70 2.40 4.50 8.58 3 2.04 Apr -08 Newcastle 2.40 4.00 7.34 1.67 2.40 4.20 8.06 5 1.93 Sep-08 Sheffield 2.50 4.00 7.04 1.52 3.00 4.50 7.54 8 1.52 Nov-08 Leeds 2.20 4.00 7.00 1.50 3.00 4.80 7.80 7 1.50 May-08 Bristol 2.50 3.90 6.94 1.52 3.00 4.80 8.36 4 1.78 Oct -08 2.30 3.60 6.90 1.61 2.80 4.60 9.00 2 2.14 Apr-08 2.30 3.60 6.70 1.55 2.80 4.60 8.80 2 2.07 Apr-08 Nottingham 2.00 3.40 6.46 1.53 2.00 3.40 6.96 9 1.78 Apr-08 Liverpool 2.00 3.40 6.44 1.52 2.50 4.25 8.05 6 1.90 Apr-08 Manchester Proposed (3.76%) Manchester Existing Average 3 mile journey £6.95 £8.22 Council AGMA Bury 1.90 3.10 7.30 2.10 2.30 3.70 8.70 5 2.50 Jul-08 Oldham 1.60 3,25 7.29 2.02 1.60 3.70 8.62 6 2.46 Nov-08 Stockport 2.00 3.00 7.14 2.07 2.60 4.00 9.74 1 2.87 Jul-08 Bolton 2.00 3.40 7.10 1.85 2.60 3.80 8.50 7 2.35 Sep-08 Trafford 2.00 3.10 7.10 2.00 2.66 4.06 9.38 2 2.66 Oct-08 2.30 3.60 6.90 1.61 2.80 4.60 9.00 3 2.14 Apr-08 2.30 3.60 6.70 1.55 2.80 4.60 8.80 3 2.07 Apr-08 Wigan 1.70 3.10 6.56 1.73 2.10 3.80 8.14 10 2.17 Mar-08 Rochdale 1.60 2.80 6.40 1.80 2.00 3.75 8.25 9 2.25 Jan-06 Tameside 2.00 3.00 6.28 1.64 2.50 4.10 8.36 8 2.13 Feb-08 Salford 1.90 3.10 6.04 1.47 2.30 3.70 7.16 11 1.73 Nov-06 Manchester Proposed (3.76%) Manchester Existing Average 3 mile journey Data Source: Halcrow December 2008 £6.83 £8.58 Appendix B Manchester City Council Licensing & Appeals Committee Item No. 5 19 January 2009 Core Cities & AGMA Hourly Waiting Time Comparison (In increasing order compared over the Night time tariff) City London Bristol Newcastle Manchester Proposed Manchester Existing Birmingham Nottingham Liverpool Sheffield Leeds Average Council Manchester Proposed Manchester Existing Stockport Trafford Bury Rochdale Tameside Bolton Oldham Salford Wigan Average Day 25.57 17.03 18.00 16.03 15.06 15.00 14.10 10.20 13.09 9.44 15.31 % Difference from Average 67.01% 11.24% 17.57% 4.77% -1.63% -1.96% -7.90% -33.38% -14.50% -38.34% Night 33.39 23.65 23.23 21.36 20.11 18.00 16.00 13.20 13.09 9.49 18.92 % Difference from Average 76.48% 25% 22.78% 12.90% 6.29% -4.86% -15.43% -30.23% -30.81% -49.84% AGMA 16.03 4.77% 21.36 12.90% 15.06 13.85 16.20 16.00 12.00 13.20 14.40 12.00 8.00 12.41 12.88 16.92% 7.53% 25.77% 24.22% -6.83% 2.48% 11.80% -6.83% -37.9% -3.7% 20.11 18.00 16.20 16.00 16.00 16.00 14.40 12.00 12.00 15.65 15.15 32.74% 18.80% 6.92% 5.60% 5.60% 5.60% -4.96% -20.80% -20.80% 3.29% Source: Halcrow December 2008 Appendix C Page 1 of 2 CURRENT STYLE FARE CARD SHOWING PROPOSED TARIFF Licensing Unit CAB NUMBER Neighbourhood Services Room 1012 (Level 1) Town Hall Extension Manchester M60 2LA PUBLIC TAXI FARES AND CHARGES (with effect from 1 April 2009 ) DAY FARE RATES First 264.55 yards (424m) Each extra 218.46 yards (200m), or part of Up to every 44.9 seconds of waiting time NIGHT FARE RATES (for journeys between 10pm and 5am) First 281.6 yards (257.50m) Each extra 164.3 yards (150.23m), or part of Up to every 33.7 seconds of waiting time EXTRA CHARGES For each passenger additional to hirer (For purpose of the fare only, two children under 10 years old count as one passenger) For each article of luggage carried outside the passenger compartment For journeys through the Piccadilly Station taxi rank barrier Fuel Surcharge (per journey) to be added if the price of diesel is £1.30 per litre or above For journeys from Manchester Airport through barrier Fouling Charge £ 2.30p 20p 20p £ 2.80p 20p 20p 20p 20p 20p 20p 70p £20.00p Some taxis accept credit or debit cards typically with a surcharge of between 10% and 15% PUBLIC HOLIDAY FARE RATES Night rate applies 24hrs Bank Holiday Mondays and Good Friday Christmas and New Year from: 8pm on Christmas Eve until 5am on 27 December Night rate plus 50% 8pm on 31 December until 5am on 2 January All fares should be charged at meter fare, UNLESS the destination falls outside the Greater Manchester County or 4 miles from the nearest point of the City boundary. If the destination falls outside the above area, a fare should be negotiated before commencement of the journey. If fare is not negotiated before commencement, meter fare ONLY should be charged. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES REGARDING THIS, PLEASE ASK TO SEE THE DRIVER’S COPY OF THE BOUNDARY MAP. COMPLAINTS AND LOST PROPERTY - PLEASE CONTACT: The Licensing Unit at the above address or: Telephone: 0161 234 4917 email: Fax: 0161 274 7036 Appendix C Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED NEW STYLE FARE CARD SHOWING PROPOSED TARIFF PUBLIC TAXI FARES AND CHARGES (with effect from 1 April 2009) CAB NUMBER Fares detailed below are the MAXIMUM fares which may be charged DAY(5.00am until 10.00pm) First 464.55 yards (425m) then for every 218.67 yards (200m) or part thereof Waiting time every 44.9 seconds (£2.67 per 10 mins, £16.03per hour) £ 2.30 20p 20p NIGHT (10.00pm until 5.00am) [Bank Holidays and Good Friday 24hrs] FIRST 281.6 yards (257.50m) then for every 164.3 yards (150.23m) or part thereof Waiting time every 33.7seconds (£3.56 per 10 mins, £21.36 per hour) £ 2.80 20p 20p EXTRAS Christmas / New Year 8pm on 24 December until 5am on 27 December Night rate plus 50% 8pm on 31 December until 5am on 2 January For each passenger additional to hirer 20p (for the purpose of the fare only, two children count as one passenger) For each article of luggage carried outside of the passenger compartment 20p For journeys through Piccadilly Station taxi rank barrier 20p Fuel surcharge (per journey)to be added if the price of diesel is £1.30 per litre or above 20p For journeys from Manchester Airport through barrier 70p Fouling charge £20.00 Some taxis accept credit or debit cards typically with a surcharge of between 10% and 15% AVERAGE COST (not including any waiting time) DAY NIGHT 1 mile (1.6km) £3.60 £ 4.60 7 miles (11.3km) 3 miles (4.8km) £7.00 £ 9.00 9 miles (14.5km) 5 miles (8.0km) £10.20 £13.20 10 miles (16.1km) DAY £13.40 £16.60 £18.20 NIGHT £17.60 £21.80 £24.00 All fares should be charged at meter fare, UNLESS destination falls outside the Greater Manchester County or 4 miles from the nearest point of the City boundary. If the destination falls outside the above area, fare should be negotiated with the driver, before commencement of the journey. If fare is not negotiated before commencement, meter fare ONLY should be charged. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES REGARDING THIS, ASK TO SEE THE DRIVER’S COPY OF THE BOUNDARY MAP. COMPLAINTS AND LOST PROPERTY - PLEASE CONTACT: Manchester City Council, Licensing Unit, Town Hall Extension, Manchester, M60 2LA Telephone: 0161 234 4917 email: Fax: 0161 274 7036 To request a copy of this document in large print please call 0161 234 236 4366