Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Banking & Finance journal homepage: Derivatives traders’ reaction to mispricing in the underlying equity Darren K. Hayunga a, Richard D. Holowczak b, Peter P. Lung c,⇑, Takeshi Nishikawa d a Department of Finance and Real Estate, University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019, USA Department of Statistics/Computer Information Systems, Baruch College, New York, NY 10010, USA c Reiman School of Finance, University of Denver, Denver, CO 80208, USA d Business School, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO 80217, USA b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 17 April 2011 Accepted 25 April 2012 Available online 18 May 2012 JEL classification: G1 G13 G14 Keywords: Asset pricing Mispricing Options Information content Price equilibrium a b s t r a c t This article examines trading behavior in the options market conditioned on mispricing in the underlying stock. We investigate the price equilibrium between the observed equity asset and the options-implied synthetic share as well as the relative divergence between the two prices. We find a consistently positive relation between the level of stock mispricing and violations of the upper-boundary condition using derivatives, along with an increase in price divergence. To control for the effect of shorting limitations on mispricing, we further examine prices during the short-sale ban in 2008. The results hold and in many instances are more significant during the ban period. Given the persistent disequilibria between the synthetic and observed stock prices, we argue the results are evidence of informed trading in the derivatives market. Published by Elsevier B.V. 1. Introduction This article investigates options traders’ response to mispricing in the underlying equity asset. By examining the options market’s behavior, we extend the literature documenting price discovery in the derivatives market. Consequently, this paper provides new evidence regarding the information linkage between the stock and options markets as well as pricing efficiency in the two markets. Motivation for our analysis stems from the growing literature examining the informational value of derivatives and informed trading in the options market. A rationale for this literature is the seminal Black and Scholes (1973) options pricing model. The oftemployed model assumes that derivatives are redundant assets. Consequently, options trades, along with the behavior of the overall derivatives market, should be uninteresting. In contrast, there is literature documenting reasons for traders preferring the derivatives market over the stock market. For example, theories from Back (1992) and Biais and Hillion (1994) show that informed traders may prefer to trade derivatives due to the ⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 817 272 0115; fax: +1 817 272 2252. E-mail addresses: (D.K. Hayunga), richard.holowczak@ (R.D. Holowczak), (P.P. Lung), takeshi.nishikawa@ (T. Nishikawa). 0378-4266/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier B.V. increase in leverage. Black (1975) and Manaster and Rendleman (1982) contend that informed traders may prefer the cost structure in the options market.1 In addition to these features, there is an expanding literature documenting informed trading by derivatives investors i.e., the options market provides price discovery to the underlying equity. The longer literature strand examines the relation between options trading volume—as well as volume imbalances or the ratio of volumes in the derivatives and stock markets—and the underlying asset’s price and trading volume.2 Overall, the evidence demonstrates a systematic relation between options trading volume and future stock price as well as pending earnings announcements, short-sales, and corporate mergers. While the trading volume literature offers insight, options volume is not a direct measure of derivative or equity prices. Alternatively, two more recent papers examine implied volatilities, a metric closer to prices. Cremers and Weinbaum (2010) find 1 There may be other rationales for investors preferring the derivatives market. Options traders may realize favorable implicit borrowing rates and lower margin requirements relative to the equity market. Additionally, there is no up-tick rule governing the short sales of options. Thus, it may be easier to take a short position by trading options than by shorting the underlying stock. 2 See, for example, Anthony (1988), Amin and Lee (1997), Easley et al. (1998), Cao et al. (2005), Pan and Poteshman (2006), and Roll et al. (2010). D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 informed trading in the options market using the implied volatility spread to predict stock returns. Xing et al. (2010) uncover a trading strategy using implied volatility skewness. In contrast to trading volume or implied volatilities, this paper focuses directly on prices by examining the relation between the options-implied or synthetic price in the derivatives market relative to the observed price in the stock market.3 Consideration for examining prices is the ability to investigate market efficiency and the law of one price. A primary implication of the efficient market hypothesis is that prices reflect fundamental values, which permits capital markets to allocate resources accurately. The most basic test of efficient allocation is the law of one price, where two assets with the same payoff structure will have the same price in frictionless markets. By investigating the relative value of the stock and options assets, this article provides results of a fundamental concept in finance. We use two main variables to document the relative prices in the two markets. One is violations of the American-options boundary conditions and the other is the degree of price divergence between the options-implied security and the observed share. Accordingly, this article is the first to present direct evidence of the effect mispricing in the underlying equity has on the equilibrium between synthetic and actual stock prices. To the extent options traders identify mispricing in the underlying stock, we hypothesize an increase in boundary violations and the magnitude of price divergence with an increase in mispricing. Further, we expect upper-boundary violations (when the observed stock price is greater than the options-implied price) to occur more frequently than lower-boundary violations (when the observed stock price is lower than the options-implied price) due to short-sale constraints. In frictionless markets, theory shows that when a firm’s equity is relatively overvalued such that the observed stock price is greater than the synthetic value in the options market, an investor can realize an arbitrage profit by being short the stock and long the synthetic. The arbitrage force helps to keep the stock and options markets in sync. However, when the observed stock price is greater than the synthetic value but an arbitrager is limited in shorting the stock due to short-sale constraints, the law of one price can break down. Consequently, we add to our investigation the effect of shorting limitations on the relation between mispricing and price disequilibria in the stock and options markets. To this end, we use the shorting ban in the fall of 2008 as a clean test environment to conduct a model-free study. Since the short-sale ban is almost a total shorting constraint on financial firms, we are able to examine the mispricing relationship using a structural break between the preban and ban periods. Further, we can contrast mispricing behavior with respect to the banned firms and a control group of industrial firms that continue to trade under typical market conditions. By combining mispricing with the shorting ban, a second contribution of this article addresses a gap in the literature that has been alluded to but is not fully analyzed.4 Two existing papers investigate price disequilibria between the stock and options markets with respect to mispricing and shorting constraints. Lamont and Thaler (2003) examine firms that conduct equity carve-outs. They find two firms that violate the law of one price with the synthetic short selling for much less than the observed price of the stock. The second paper is by Ofek et al. (2004). They look for violations of put-call parity in the options market upon conditioning on the price-earnings 3 A recent example of comparing stock and synthetic share prices is Chen et al. (2011). 4 Although our investigation examines price disequilibria between stock and options markets, the test results lend support to the arguments of Miller (1977), who examines stock prices in the presence of heterogeneous beliefs and short-sale constraints. Lim (2011) discusses extension of Miller (1977) in dynamic markets. Nilsson (2008) uses the restrictive shorting case in Sweden to example mispricing in put-call parity. 2439 (P/E) ratio. However, Ofek et al. do not explicitly examine the interaction between the violations and equity mispricing. In contrast to the small sample size in Lamont and Thaler (2003) and the noisy proxy in Ofek et al. (2004), this article directly quantifies price disequilibria using two complementary mispricing measures along with an almost complete shorting ban on a set of firms. Prior to considering the banned financial firms, we first examine a price-equilibrium baseline between the observed and synthetic shares for the industrial firms using tick-by-tick derivatives transaction data. When we sort an ordered distribution using mispricing terciles, we find few lower-boundary violations overall and across mispricing terciles. Conversely, we observe a significant number of upper-boundary violations, which increase in mispricing. Upperboundary violations occur in 0.92% of the observations for industrial firms that exhibit low mispricing. For medium-mispricing industrial firms, the upper-boundary violations increase to 1.05%. The violations burgeon to 6.00% for high-mispricing industrial firms. Similarly, we find a positive relation between mispricing and price divergence. For the low-mispricing industrial firms the divergence measure is 1.06%, which increases to 2.03% for medium-mispricing industrial firms. The high-mispricing firms demonstrate a price divergence of 3.67%. We next examine the financial firms that are banned from being shorted during the fall of 2008. Prior to the ban, there is not a considerable difference in the test metrics between the industrial and financial subsamples. For the upper-boundary condition, we find the financial firms exhibit an average violation ratio of 2.67% preban, which is similar to the industrial firms pre-ban (2.62%) and during the ban (2.57%). Upon sorting financial firms into mispricing tranches, we observe pricing disequilibria, which exhibits a positive relation with mispricing. Prior to the ban, financial firms in the low-mispricing group violate the law of one price in 0.25% of the subsample. The violation ratio for medium-mispricing financial firms is 1.46%. For high-mispricing financial firms, the violation ratio increases to 6.55%. This level is comparable to high-mispricing industrial firms, both before and during the ban (6.00% and 6.09% respectively). Upon implementation of the shorting ban, we observe an increase in upper-boundary violations and price divergence. Further, the results maintain the positive relation with mispricing. During the ban, low-mispricing financial firms violate 0.68% of the time. We note that this magnitude is still less than the control group of industrial firms before or during the shorting ban. We find medium-mispricing financial firms violate the upper-boundary condition 2.12% during the ban. In contrast, firms whose stock is mispriced the greatest exhibit violations of the law of one price in 10.31% of the observations. We also observe significant increases in the magnitude of price divergence during the ban for financial firms across all three mispricing tranches. When we compute daily abnormal divergence, we find the largest divergence in the medium- and high-mispricing groups. Overall, the evidence consistently demonstrates that derivatives investors differentiate the levels of mispricing in the underlying equity, and, consequently, adjust options prices such that the levels violate the upper-boundary condition and increase the magnitude of price divergence. We argue this is evidence of price discovery in the options market, especially in times of greater market uncertainty during the sample period. We present the details supporting our conclusion in the remainder of this article. 2. Methods and estimation Our method of estimating boundary violations of the law of one price and price divergence is different from previous studies. We use American options boundaries instead of put-call parity. 2440 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Consequently, our methods do not rely on the estimation of an option’s early exercise premium. We are also able to consider transaction costs in both stock and derivatives markets. Further, we do not use midpoints but the actual bid and ask prices. In addition to the boundary-violation and price-divergence test measures, we are motivated to investigate options bid-ask spreads as another pricing metric with respect to mispricing. Battalio and Schultz (2011) examine spreads during the 2008 shorting ban; however, the impact of stock mispricing on options spreads has not been examined in the literature. In addition to finding the expected increase in spreads during the shorting ban, we observe a positive relation between mispricing and spreads. This is especially true for put options. Indeed, during the uncertain market conditions around the time of the ban, we find few abnormal increases in daily spreads for the low- and medium-mispricing industrial firms. Instead, the high-mispricing industrial firms drive the increase in mean spreads. These findings provide further detail regarding options spreads during the shorting ban that has not been discussed in the literature. We detail the theory and econometrics for the test metrics in the remainder of this section and the appendices. We begin by describing the estimation of stock mispricing in the next subsection. Subsequently, Sections 2.2 and 2.3 discuss calculations for the boundary violations and divergence, respectively. 2.1. Measures for stock mispricing We employ two measures to proxy stock mispricing—the mispricing component from a vector autoregression model (VAR) using the Vuolteenaho model (2002) and the dispersion of financial analyst’ forecasts (DISP). These two measures complement each other. The VAR approach provides a direct measure of mispricing and has a solid theoretical model. Alternatively, any model may suffer from measurement error or misspecification. Consequently, we also use the standard deviation of financial analysts’ forecasts on long-term earnings growth. This measure is intuitive and easy to obtain. Conversely, it is an empirical proxy that indirectly measures mispricing and lacks a theoretical foundation. Thus, we use the two measures as robustness checks for one another. Overall, the results using either mispricing measure are quite similar and the conclusions are the same. is as follows. Investors observe different sets of information or signals about the value of an asset. They form different beliefs about the price, e.g., some investors can be more optimistic than others. Because of short-sale constraints, pessimistic investors cannot act on their market views based on their negative information and remain out of the market. As a consequence, stock prices are driven up by the investors with the most optimistic opinion and the negative opinion cannot be fully reflected in the stock prices. As heterogeneous beliefs widen and the dispersion of financial analyst’ forecasts increases, the assets deviate from their fundamental value. This, in effect, causes mispricing in stock prices. Literature using DISP as an indirect proxy for heterogeneous beliefs and mispricing includes Diether et al. (2002), Boehme et al. (2006), and Moeller et al. (2007).6 We follow Moeller et al. (2007) to construct DISP. The measure is the standard deviation of analysts’ forecasts of the long-term earnings growth forecast, which I/B/E/S defines as 3–5 years. We use the dispersion immediately preceding the test sample period to classify the firms into three groups—low, medium, and high. 2.2. Options boundary violations We use American-options boundary conditions to examine the violations of the law of one price. A study by Akram et al. (2009) finds that the law of one price holds on average but there are instances of violations. The inequality for American options is S D K 6 C P 6 S PVðKÞ; where S is the stock price, D is the present value of dividends over the life of the option, K is the strike price, C and P are the call and put prices in the options market, and PV(K) is the present value of the strike price. Inequality (1) provides a lower-boundary condition for the stock price of C P + PV(K) 6 S and an upper-boundary condition of S 6 C P + D + K. An advantage of using the inequality for American options is the ability to incorporate market frictions into the arbitrage procedure. We can decompose Inequality (1) into the two conditions as ðPa þ Sa PVðKÞÞ þ ðT X þ T S þ T P Þ P C b T C ; 2.1.2. DISP measure Building on Chen et al. (2002) and Scheinkman and Xiong (2003), the intuition regarding heterogeneous beliefs and mispricing 5 Campbell and Shiller (1988), Vuolteenaho (2002), Campbell and Vuolteenaho (2004), Coakley and Fuertes (2006), and Brunnermeier and Julliard (2008), among others, follow this method to determine stock mispricing. ð2Þ and ðC a Sb þ D þ KÞ þ T x þ T s þ T c P Pb T p ; 2.1.1. VAR model We obtain the direct mispricing values using the dynamic valuation framework of Vuolteenaho (2002). The model shows the fundamental value for the log of market to book value ratio (MB) should equal all the future returns on equity (ROE) minus all the future stock returns (r). Following previous studies, we define the mispricing component as the difference between the observed and the fundamental value.5 Appendix A details further the estimation method. For each stock in our sample, we use the quarterly estimate of stock mispricing immediately preceding the test sample period. We use the mispricing measure to classify the firms into three groups—low, medium, and high mispricing. Thus, by construction, high-mispricing firms are relatively more overvalued than medium-mispricing stocks, and vice versa for low-mispricing versus medium-mispricing firms. ð1Þ ð3Þ where S, P, C, K, r, s, and D are as specified above. The superscripts a and b denote ask and bid prices. TX, TS, TP, and TC are the transaction costs for exercising options and trading stocks as well as specific values for puts and calls. Rearranging Inequality (2) gives us the lower-boundary condition for the underlying stock as Sa P C b Pa þ PVðKÞ ðT X þ T S þ T P þ T C Þ: ð4Þ Similarly, rearranging Inequality (3), the upper-boundary condition is Sb 6 C a Pb þ D þ K þ ðT X þ T S þ T P þ T C Þ: ð5Þ Inequality (4) shows that the lowest value of the underlying’s ask price is the synthetic security on the right side. Likewise, Inequality (5) shows that the maximum value of the underlying’s bid price is the synthetic on the right side. If the bid price of the underlying stock is greater than the synthetic in Inequality (5), arbitragers will short the stock and take a long position in the synthetic. However, in the presence of short sale constraints, investors 6 Boehme et al. (2006) find a negative effect of opinion dispersion on monthly and annual subsequent returns. Chen et al. (2002) find a negative effect of opinion dispersion on quarterly subsequent returns. Desai et al. (2002) also document annual negative subsequent returns. D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 cannot short the underlying stock as in frictionless market and, thus, the upper-boundary condition as specified in Inequality (5) should be more likely to be violated than the lower-boundary condition in Inequality (4). 2.3. Divergence Inequalities (4) and (5) can also measure the deviation between the options-implied price and actual stock price. From Inequality (4), the difference between the two sides of the inequality, [Cb Pa + PV(K) (TX + TS + TP + TC)] Sa, measures the distance between the lower bound and the observed stock price, which we denote by LD. The greater the distance, the higher the call premium is relative to the put premium and stock price. By the same token, Sb minus the synthetic position and transaction costs on the right side of Inequality (5) determines the distance between the observed stock price and the upper bound. The greater the distance, the higher the put premium is relative to the call premium and stock price. This distance we denote by UD. The divergence measure is given by the difference between LD and UD. Div ergence ¼ LD UD ¼ ðC a þ C b P a P b Þ ðSa þ Sb DÞ þ ðK þ PVðKÞÞ: ð6Þ Eq. (6) demonstrates that the more negative the Divergence, the lower the options-implied price relative to the observed stock price. As a relative measure of the synthetic versus actual stock price, Divergence is not a direct result of boundary violations. Instead, we may observe divergence in the two prices when boundaries are not violated, and conversely, find no divergence even though we observe boundary violations. To make Divergence comparable for different options, we scale the measure by the average of derivatives prices and specify the divergence ratio as DR ¼ Div ergence a ðC þ C b þ Pa þ P b Þ=4 : ð7Þ We provide more details regarding the test statistics in Appendix B. 3. Sample selection We obtain intraday bid and ask quotes for both options and stocks to calculate the upper and lower options boundary violations, divergences, and bid-ask spreads. The options data are from Baruch Options Data Warehouse (BODW) based on the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA). OPRA collects intraday options quote and trade messages, adds a sequence number to each message, and subsequently tags each quote with a code indicating whether the quote represents a national best bid and/or offer. At any given point in the day, an options series’ National Best Bid (NBB) is the highest bid price from all participating options exchanges. The National Best Offer (NBO) is the lowest posted offer. We exclude non-firm quotes as well as those flagged as closing quotes when calculating our National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) since these quotes are only indicative. BODW parses the standard OPRA data formatted files into four main types of data files according to the OPRA message types: Quotes, Trades, Open Interest, and End of Day. This paper employs the Quotes data, which include the OPRA message sequence, options root, options series, expiration date, strike price, NBBO quote, trading date, and trading time (hour, minute and second). For the underlying equity market, we obtain quote records from the New York Stock Exchange’s Trade and Quote database. Following Bessembinder (2003) and others, we remove indicative quotes and quotes associated with trading halts or designated order imbalances. In addition, to ensure that our derivatives and stock 2441 quotes represent prices at which investors could actually trade, we omit observations with the best bid quote equal to the best offer quote or the best bid quote higher than the best offer quote. For each options series, we obtain the NBBO options quotes and stock quotes at 4:00 pm (EST). In this manner, we eliminate any nonsynchronous trading problem. To compute the interest rate we use the daily continuouslycompounded zero rates whose maturities match the expiration dates on the options. Because the bid-ask quotes of interest rates are not available for us, we consider the bid (ask) interest quote is 5% less (more) than the interest rate we have when we estimate the present value for exercise prices and dividends. We find the results are robust to varying the ratio from 5% to 20%. Each transaction cost (TX, TS, TP, or TC) is set at $0.01 per share.7 The sample period is from April 29, 2008 through October 22, 2008, which covers 100 trading days before the ban, the 14 trading days during the ban period, and 10 trading days post-ban. We exclude all the stocks without options data during our sample period. To be included in the sample, a stock must have data in both COMPUSTAT and CRSP for 10 years immediately preceding the test sample period. Thus, we have forty quarters of data to calculate the mispricing component in the quarter immediately preceding the test sample period for each firm. As in Vuolteenaho (2002), we calculate mispricing for each stock using quarterly COMPUSTAT data. The data are from the second calendar quarter of 1998 through the second calendar quarter of 2008. In the VAR model, the market value is the stock price times shares outstanding in the beginning of each quarter, the book value of common equity is the sum of common equity, deferred taxes, and taxes payable, (i.e., Book Value = CEQ + TXDC + TXP) according to Fundamentals Quarterly in COMPUSTAT. If common equity, CEQ, is not available, we use last period’s book value of common equity plus earnings (NIQ), less dividends (DVTQ). If neither earnings nor book value are available, we assume that the market-tobook ratio has not changed and compute the book value proxy from the last period’s market-to-book ratio and this period’s market value. We treat negative or zero book equity values as missing. ROE is earnings over the last period’s book value, NIQ t/Book Valuet1. If earnings are missing, we use the clean-surplus formula to compute a proxy for earnings; that is, earnings equal the change in book value of common equity plus dividends. For each case, we do not allow the firm to lose more than its book value. We define the range of the net income as a maximum of the reported net income (or surplus net income, if earnings are note reported) and negative of the beginning of the period book equity as the minimum. 4. Analysis Table 1 reports descriptive statistics of the sample, which consists of 213 financial firms (Panel A) and 1996 industrial firms (Panel B).8 We equally divide the stocks according to pre-ban mispricing into low, medium, and high tranches using both the VAR and DISP measures. The financial-firm mispricing measure ranges from negative 4.99% for the low-mispricing group to positive 6.19% 7 The transaction cost is based on the charges of a leading online trading firm, 8 According to SEC RELEASE NO. 34-58592 on September 18, 2008, this list includes banks, insurance companies, and securities firms identified by SICs 6000, 6011, 6020-22, 6025, 6030, 6035-36, 6111, 6140, 6144, 6200, 6210-11, 6231, 6282, 6305, 6310-11, 6320-21, 6324, 6330-31, 6350-51, 6360-61, 6712, and 6719. The short sales ban list was modified over time after the initial announcement of 799 financial firms on September 18, 2008. In an effort to reduce the influence of the modification on our test results, we exclude all the stocks which are not on the original list or are removed from the list. The excluded stocks are ACAP, ARCC, ATLS, BKCC, DHIL, GLRE, HTGC, JMP, KCAP, NEWS, NITE, PCAP, SHLD, TAXI, and UNCL. 2442 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 1 Descriptive statistics. This table presents summary statistics of the study sample split by firm type and two mispricing measures – VAR and Dispersion of Analysts’ Forecast (DISP). Within each firm type, we divide the sample between low, medium, and high mispricing firms. We examine 90 trading days from April 29, 2008 through September 4, 2008 (pre-ban) in contrast to the short-sale ban period from September 19 to October 8, 2008. Mispricing measure Panel A. Financial firms Number of firms Mispricing measure Pre-ban period Number of put-call pairs Return Return std. dev. Ban period Number of put-call pairs Return Return std. dev. Panel B. Industrial firms Number of firms Mispricing measure Pre-ban period Number of put-call pairs Return Return std. dev. Ban period Number of put-call pairs Return Return std. dev. VAR DISP Full sample Low mispricing Medium mispricing High mispricing Full sample Low mispricing Medium mispricing High mispricing 213 1.01% 71 4.99% 71 1.83% 71 6.19% 213 4.84% 71 2.17% 71 6.92% 71 7.42% 318,818 105,992 111,735 101,091 318,818 100,621 104,506 113,691 0.02% 4.97% 0.06% 3.09% 0.02% 4.46% 0.09% 7.36% 0.02% 4.97% 0.10% 2.77% 0.06% 4.57% 0.10% 7.57% 34,948 12,244 13,121 9583 34,948 11,941 12,905 10,102 1.44% 9.04% 1.03% 6.53% 1.33% 7.66% 1.96% 12.93% 1.44% 9.04% 1.03% 6.92% 1.35% 7.56% 1.94% 12.64% 1996 0.35% 665 4.43% 666 2.42% 665 3.06% 1996 3.71% 665 2.01% 666 3.61% 665 5.51% 3091,246 1014,778 1071,045 1005,423 3091,246 1002,326 1005,577 1083,343 0.07% 3.59% 0.13% 2.97% 0.05% 3.29% 0.03% 4.51% 0.07% 3.59% 0.13% 2.51% 0.06% 3.22% 0.02% 5.03% 342,294 120,083 115,641 106,570 342,294 125,182 115,410 101,702 1.05% 5.76% 0.92% 4.97% 1.06% 5.52% 1.17% 6.79% 1.05% 5.76% 0.90% 4.28% 0.98% 5.97% 1.27% 7.03% for the high-mispricing class. The average mispricing measure is lower for the full sample of industrial firms—0.35%, with a tighter range from negative 4.43% for the low-pricing firms to positive 3.06 for the high-mispricing tranche. Using the DISP measure, we observe a full-sample mean of 4.84%, with a range from 2.17% for the low-mispricing group to 7.42% the average of the high-mispricing tranche for financial firms. Note that these magnitudes are not comparable to the VAR values as the DISP measure is the standard deviation of analysts’ growth forecasts and not deviations from a computed fundamental MB ratio. Table 1 also reports the mean and standard deviation of returns for the full firm-type subsamples as well as the mispricing groups. Whether increasing or decreasing, returns exhibit the same monotonic relation across mispricing measures for either the VAR model or DISP. This fact holds for both financial and industrial firms. 4.1. Options boundary violations Table 2 reports violation ratios. Panel A details violations of the lower boundary as specified in Inequality (4). The results demonstrate a relatively efficient market. Using either the VAR or DISP mispricing measure, violations range from 0.01% to 0.02% of the total observations for both firm types. We observe no economically significant differences between the pre-ban and ban periods for either financial or industrial firms. The lack of difference holds for the full sample of both firm types as well as across all the mispricing categories. When we compute difference across firm types within either the pre-ban or ban periods, we find little significance. In contrast, the upper-boundary violations as specified in Inequality (5) demonstrate significant differences, both across ban periods and between the two firm types. Focusing first on the VAR results, the findings in Panel B of Table 2 demonstrate that, on average, 2.67% of the 318,818 financial-firm observations violate the upper-boundary violation prior to the shorting ban period. This proportion is quite comparable to the industrial firms for both the pre-ban and ban time periods. The mean ratios for the industrial firms are 2.62% pre-ban and 2.57% during the ban. For comparison, the difference between firm types pre-ban is just marginally significant with a t-statistic of 1.72. Such consistent ratios offer a gauge of typical short-sale constraints and other market-friction costs. Alternatively, when the SEC bans short selling in the financials, we find a significant increase in violation ratios. For the full sample of financial firms, the violation ratio increases to 3.86%, an increase of approximately 45%. The difference between firm types during the ban period is 1.29%, which yields a t-statistic of 15.20. Decomposing the sample into mispricing terciles, we find that the full-sample averages are driven by the high mispricing subsample across both time periods and firm types. We note that the full sample means are materially larger than the mediummispricing averages, which is consistent with a right-skewed distribution due to the high-mispricing firms. Focusing on the VAR results, we observe the upper-boundary violation ratio is 0.25% for the low-mispricing financial firms and 1.46% for medium-mispricing financial firms prior to ban. However, the high-mispricing financial firms violate the upper-boundary condition in 6.55% of the observations. For industrial firms, we find the low-mispricing firms violate in 0.92% of the observations while the medium-mispricing firms violate 1.05%. The high-mispricing industrial firms violate the boundary in 6.00% of the observations. We note that low-mispricing financial firms actually violate materially less than industrial firms pre-ban—the difference is a statistically significant amount of 0.67%. Upon the implementation of the ban, we find that financial-firm violations increase across the mispricing tranches, but especially for the high mispricing firms. The percentage violations are 0.68, 2.12, and 10.31 for the low-, medium-, and high-mispricing firms, respectively. Clearly, the shorting ban produces increased violations but much more for high-mispricing firms. Alternatively, the industrial firms do not increase markedly after the 2443 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 2 Violation ratios of boundary conditions. The table reports lower-boundary violation ratios in Panel A and upper-boundary in Panel B. We examine ratios from April 29, 2008 through September 4, 2008 as well as during the short-sale ban from September 19 through October 8, 2008. We use two models of mispricing in the stock market – the Vuolteenaho (2002) model and dispersion of analysts’ forecasts (DISP). Mispricing measure Full sample VAR Low mispricing Panel A. Lower boundary violation ratios Financial firms Pre-ban period 0.02% Ban period 0.01% Difference 0.00% t-Statistic 0.61 Industrial firms Pre-ban period 0.01% Ban period 0.01% Difference 0.00%* t-Statistic 1.72 Difference between firm types Pre-ban period Difference 0.00%* t-Statistic 1.94 Ban period Difference 0.00% t-Statistic 0.57 * *** High mispricing Low mispricing Medium mispricing High mispricing 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.75 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.30 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01 0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.63 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.35 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.85 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.99 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 1.00 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 1.59 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 1.02 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.24 0.01%** 2.29 0.00% 0.80 0.00% 0.61 0.01%** 2.27 0.00% 0.79 0.00% 0.64 0.00% 0.09 0.00% 0.33*** 0.01% 0.56** 0.00% 0.57* 0.00% 0.25 0.00% 0.24 6.55% 10.31% 3.76%*** 14.90 0.12% 0.49% 0.37%*** 11.69 Panel B. Upper boundary violation ratios Financial firms Pre-ban period 2.67% 0.25% Ban period 3.86% 0.68% *** Difference 1.19% 0.43%*** t-Statistic 13.82 9.48 Industrial firms Pre-ban period 2.62% 0.92% Ban period 2.57% 0.88% Difference 0.05%* 0.04% t-Statistic 1.74 1.50 Difference between firm types Pre-ban period Difference 0.05%* 0.67%*** t-Statistic 1.72 22.92 Ban period Difference 1.29%*** 0.20%** t-Statistic 15.20 2.41 ** DISP Medium mispricing 1.46% 2.12% 0.66%*** 6.34 1.05% 1.08% 0.03% 1.05 6.00% 6.09% 0.09% 1.25 0.56% 0.99% 0.43%*** 6.53 6.86% 11.14% 4.28%*** 17.31 0.71% 0.68% 0.03% 1.28 1.07% 0.98% 0.09%*** 3.03 5.83% 6.71% 0.89%*** 12.07 0.51%*** 15.92 1.03%*** 14.87 0.01% 0.08 4.43%*** 19.31 0.40%*** 13.24 0.54%*** 7.25 0.59%*** 22.29 1.04%*** 11.45 4.22%*** 17.25 0.19%*** 2.58 Statistical significance at the 10% levels. Statistical significance at the 5% levels. Statistical significance at the 1% levels. implementation of the ban. Despite the turbulent market, low-mispricing industrial firms violate slightly less during the ban (0.88%) than pre-ban (0.92%). Across all mispricing terciles, the differences in industrial-firm violations during the shorting ban versus the preban period are not statistically significant. The results demonstrate largely the same conclusions when we use DISP as the proxy for mispricing. The effect the high-mispricing firms have on percentage of violations is a bit more pronounced using the DISP model. For instance, the relative number of violations for low- and medium-pricing financial firms is lower than the VAR findings, both before and during the ban. Conversely, the percentage violations are higher than the VAR results for the high-mispricing financial firms, 6.86% pre-ban and 11.14% during the ban. Decomposing the upper-boundary results in Panel B of Table 2 into daily values, Figs. 1 and 2 provide expedient views of the abnormal violation proportions from 100 days before the ban to 10 days after the ban using the mispricing subsamples. Since the DISP values and graphs are quite similar, we report the results using the VAR model. We note that in Fig. 1 the high-mispricing financial firms increase markedly 10 days prior to the ban and during the ban period. In contrast to Fig. 1, the abnormal violation ratios of the industrial firms in Fig. 2 demonstrate no differences across mispricing classes before, during, or after the shorting ban. Table 3 details the values of the daily abnormal violation values in Figs. 1 and 2. We include the 10 days before and after the ban for comparison to the behavior during the ban. Panel A presents the results using the VAR model. For the financial firms, Panel A demonstrates the positive relation between abnormal violations and mispricing. For low-mispricing financial firms, we observe a significant increase in abnormal violation ratios the day of the ban. The abnormal values continue until Day +5, and then do not exhibit abnormal behavior during the remainder of the ban and postban. Medium-mispricing financial firms experience significant abnormal violation ratios coinciding entirely with the ban period. Likewise, high-mispricing financial firms also exhibit significant abnormal violation ratios only during the ban period; however, the magnitudes of the violations of the upper-boundary condition are much larger than those for the medium-mispricing group. In sum, Panel A of Table 3 strongly suggests that options traders can determine the firms that are highly mispriced and trade accordingly, thereby, violating the upper-boundary condition. In contrast, we observe no systematic abnormal violation ratios during the sample period for industrial firms. This holds across the mispricing terciles.9 Despite the turbulent times, we find that there are basically no abnormal ratios of the upper-boundary condition 9 Note that our asymmetric findings are robust to issues of parametric tests, market microstructure, or nonsynchronous trading. As a robustness test, we compute the results for the violations, divergence ratios, and bid-ask spreads using non-parametric sign tests and find the conclusions to be the same. 2444 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Fig. 1. Abnormal violation ratios for financial firms. The figure reports abnormal violation ratios of the upper-boundary condition for a sample of financial firms. The mispricing measures are from Vuolteenaho (2002). The period is from April 28, 2008 through October 22, 2008 with Day 0 the beginning of the shorting ban on September 19, 2008. Fig. 2. Abnormal violation ratios for industrial firms. The figure reports abnormal violation ratios of the upper-boundary condition for a sample of industrial firms. The mispricing measures are computed using the VAR model from Vuolteenaho (2002). The period is from April 28, 2008 through October 22, 2008 with Day 0 the beginning of the shorting ban on September 19, 2008. when the stock and options markets are allowed to transact normally. The conclusions are the same when we proxy for mispricing using DISP. Panel B of Table 3 presents a positive relation between violation ratios and DISP for financial firms. Low-mispricing financial firms exhibit some violations upon implementation of the ban but reduce to normal within a few days after the beginning of the ban. Medium-mispricing financial firms exhibit significant violation ratios throughout the ban; however, the greatest ratio magnitudes are found in the high mispricing tranche. In contrast, the industrial firms exhibit generally no abnormal behavior across mispricing terciles and across the three time periods. 4.2. Divergence ratios In Table 4, we document the divergence ratios. As with the upper-boundary violation ratios, we find that the high-mispricing firms, both financial and industrial, drive the results. Whether be- 2445 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 3 Time series of upper boundary abnormal violation ratios. This table reports the abnormal violation ratios of the upper-boundary condition from 10 days before to 10 days after a short-sale ban in the fall of 2008. Panel A details boundary violations conditioned on mispricing in the stock market using the Vuolteenaho (2002) model, while Panel B uses dispersion of analysts’ forecasts as a mispricing proxy. Values are in percentages. Date * *** Financial firms Industrial firms Low Medium High Low Medium High 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0.07 0.11 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.17 4.25*** 0.59** 2.95*** 1.47*** 1.19** 0.78** 0.27 0.19 0.08 0.41 0.09 0.01 0.09 0.11 0.05 0.13 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.18 0.02 0.08 0.41 0.26 0.15 0.09 0.41 0.09 0.22 0.25 0.10 0.26 7.03*** 1.96*** 4.17*** 1.72*** 3.40*** 1.04*** 1.11*** 1.12*** 1.82*** 1.37*** 1.39*** 1.06*** 0.88*** 0.67*** 0.07 0.18 0.19 0.44 0.40 0.35 0.48 0.63 0.32 0.09 3.16 3.31 3.52 2.70 2.12 3.21 2.19 2.63 2.66 2.74 15.65*** 6.97*** 18.45*** 8.13*** 15.43*** 4.79** 5.14*** 4.09** 16.07*** 7.92*** 5.36*** 3.98** 4.33** 3.85** 1.09 1.13 3.15 0.49 1.10 1.13 2.68 1.78 2.45 1.02 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.03 0.28 0.35 0.24 0.42 0.61 0.38 0.09 0.15 0.08 0.14 0.61 0.28 0.11 0.38 0.49 0.24 0.53 0.07 0.12 0.08 0.03 0.24 0.17 0.09 0.34 0.12 0.17 0.41 0.29 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.16 0.31 0.59 0.20 0.11 0.13 0.06 0.40 0.07 0.04 0.21 0.32 0.34 0.04 0.43 0.16 0.26 0.20 0.01 0.13 0.33 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.15 0.09 0.13 0.31 0.12 0.38 0.34 0.42 1.50 0.19 0.36 0.06 1.06 1.09 0.35 1.69 0.88 0.57 0.08 0.16 0.15 0.09 1.88 0.80 0.23 0.46 0.89 0.62 0.81 1.67 0.96 0.25 1.10 0.38 0.50 0.20 1.61 0.44 1.32 0.52 Panel B. Dispersion of analysts’ forecasts September 05, 2008 10 September 08, 2008 9 September 09, 2008 8 September 10, 2008 7 September 11, 2008 6 September 12, 2008 5 September 15, 2008 4 September 16, 2008 3 September 17, 2008 2 September 18, 2008 1 September 19, 2008 0 September 22, 2008 1 September 23, 2008 2 September 24, 2008 3 September 25, 2008 4 September 26, 2008 5 September 29, 2008 6 September 30, 2008 7 October 01, 2008 8 October 02, 2008 9 October 03, 2008 10 October 06, 2008 11 October 07, 2008 12 October 08, 2008 13 October 09, 2008 14 October 10, 2008 15 October 13, 2008 16 October 14, 2008 17 October 15, 2008 18 October 16, 2008 19 October 17, 2008 20 October 20, 2008 21 October 21, 2008 22 October 22, 2008 23 0.06 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.18 4.78*** 0.53*** 3.38*** 0.62** 0.20 0.77* 0.36 0.21 0.07 0.28 0.08 0.02 0.08 0.12 0.05 0.15 0.05 0.13 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.18 0.10 0.07 0.43 0.23 0.17 0.09 0.38 0.10 0.20 0.26 0.10 0.22 8.97*** 3.15*** 5.74*** 2.21*** 4.18*** 1.04*** 1.52*** 1.11*** 2.10*** 1.63*** 1.35*** 1.06*** 1.00*** 0.63*** 0.07 0.20 0.16 0.51 0.28 0.28 0.62 0.76 0.32 0.10 3.22 3.63 3.05 2.20 2.13 2.69 1.70 2.05 2.40 3.24 14.26*** 6.36*** 17.08*** 7.53*** 14.39*** 4.22** 4.67*** 3.74** 15.20*** 7.04*** 5.26*** 3.86** 3.82** 3.67* 1.20 0.98 3.35 0.40 1.13 1.35 2.51 1.44 2.40 0.76 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.02 0.25 0.36 0.24 0.42 0.56 0.59 0.10 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.64 0.39 0.10 0.40 0.70 0.19 0.59 0.07 0.14 0.09 0.03 0.25 0.16 0.06 0.30 0.11 0.15 0.40 0.23 0.21 0.25 0.38 0.16 0.39 0.59 0.19 0.13 0.15 0.07 0.28 0.05 0.05 0.18 0.47* 0.31 0.05 0.63 0.16 0.28 0.20 0.01 0.12 0.29 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.39 0.11 0.34 0.34 0.40 1.94 0.21 0.35 0.07 1.27 1.06 0.30 1.44 0.98 0.68 0.10 0.17 0.20 0.07 1.64* 0.65 0.28 0.41 0.66 0.74 1.03 1.31 1.01 0.31 1.37 0.33 0.53 0.22 1.32 0.38 1.16 0.49 Panel A. VAR mispricing model September 05, 2008 September 08, 2008 September 09, 2008 September 10, 2008 September 11, 2008 September 12, 2008 September 15, 2008 September 16, 2008 September 17, 2008 September 18, 2008 September 19, 2008 September 22, 2008 September 23, 2008 September 24, 2008 September 25, 2008 September 26, 2008 September 29, 2008 September 30, 2008 October 01, 2008 October 02, 2008 October 03, 2008 October 06, 2008 October 07, 2008 October 08, 2008 October 09, 2008 October 10, 2008 October 13, 2008 October 14, 2008 October 15, 2008 October 16, 2008 October 17, 2008 October 20, 2008 October 21, 2008 October 22, 2008 ** Day Statistical significance at the 10% levels. Statistical significance at the 5% levels. Statistical significance at the 1% levels. 2446 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 4 Price divergence. This table exhibits the divergence ratio of the options-implied price compared to the actual stock price using two mispricing measures—the VAR model using Vuolteenaho (2002) model and dispersion of analysts’ forecasts (DISP). The pre-ban period is from April 29, 2008 through September 4, 2008. The ban period is from September 19 to October 8, 2008. Mispricing measure Full sample *** DISP Medium mispricing High mispricing Low mispricing Medium mispricing High mispricing Financial firms Pre-ban period Ban period Difference t-Statistic 4.02% 10.56% 6.54%*** 57.88 1.32% 5.21% 3.90%*** 26.66 3.42% 10.43% 7.00%*** 53.40 6.96% 16.72% 9.76%*** 43.91 0.74% 5.00% 4.26%*** 33.08 3.01% 9.01% 6.00%*** 78.79 7.84% 18.69% 10.85%*** 43.30 Industrial firms Pre-ban period Ban period Difference t-Statistic 2.28% 3.21% 0.93%*** 22.02 1.06% 1.15% 0.08% 1.11 2.03% 3.13% 1.10%*** 17.83 3.67% 5.34% 1.67%*** 15.08 0.54% 0.92% 0.38%*** 4.07 1.73% 2.50% 0.78%*** 12.79 4.46% 6.17% 1.71%*** 41.38 0.25%*** 6.58 1.39%*** 41.00 3.29%*** 46.98 0.20%*** 7.42 1.29%*** 35.36 3.38%*** 61.29 4.07%*** 25.53 7.30%*** 51.81 11.39%*** 47.79 4.08%*** 25.95 6.51%*** 72.12 12.52%*** 50.52 Difference between firm types Pre-ban period Difference 1.74%*** t-Statistic 65.14 Ban period Difference 7.35%*** t-Statistic 62.46 VAR Low mispricing Statistical significance at the10% levels. Statistical significance at the 5% levels. Statistical significance at the 1% levels. Fig. 3. Abnormal divergence ratios for financial firms. The figure reports abnormal price divergence ratios for a sample of financial firms. The mispricing measures are computed using Vuolteenaho (2002). The period is from April 28, 2008 through October 22, 2008 with Day 0 the beginning of the shorting ban on September 19, 2008. fore or during the shorting ban, the full-sample mean divergence is greater than the average of the medium-mispricing group. This is true for both firm types. For both the VAR model and DISP, we find a monotonically increasing relation between mispricing and price divergence.10 This fact holds for both firm types as well as across ban periods. 10 Divergence coefficients becomes more negative with an increase in mispricing, thus, the greater negative amount signifies an increase in divergence with an increase in mispricing—a positive relationship. As with the upper-boundary violation findings, actual stock prices become relatively too expensive compared to the synthetic prices. While the results demonstrate some increase in price divergence within the industrial-firm sample after the implementation of the shorting ban, we find the greater increase in divergence in the financial firms. The divergence for the low-mispricing financial firms increases from negative 1.32% to negative 5.21%. Similarly, the medium-mispricing sample increases in divergence from negative 3.42% to 10.43% while the high-mispricing tranche increases from negative 6.96% to 16.72%. Additionally, the difference between the two periods is increasing in mispricing. The differences D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 2447 Fig. 4. Abnormal divergence ratios for industrial firms. The figure reports abnormal price divergence ratios for a sample of industrial firms. The mispricing measure is from Vuolteenaho (2002). The period is from April 28, 2008 through October 22, 2008 with Day 0 the beginning of the shorting ban on September 19, 2008. are negative 3.90, 7.00, and 9.76% for the low-, medium-, and highmispricing financial firms, respectively. We next compute daily abnormal divergence ratios. Fig. 3 graph the values for the two firm types. Fig. 3 shows how abnormal divergence increases markedly on the ban date for financial firms. After continued abnormal divergence during most of the ban, the abnormal ratios trend back to pre-ban levels as the ban ceases. Moreover, we observe greater abnormal price divergence with an increase in mispricing. Fig. 4 details the market for the industrial firms. While Table 4 indicates an increase in average levels for the industrial subsample, the daily values in Fig. 4 suggest the price divergence is a function of the high-mispricing firms initially after the implementation of the shorting ban. Table 5 reports the specific values shown in these figures. Panel A presents the results using the VAR model. Clearly the financial firms experience significant abnormal divergence during the ban across all three mispricing types. Further, the abnormal behavior extends for a longer period of time with greater mispricing. Lowmispricing financial firms exhibit price divergence through approximately half of the ban period. Medium-mispricing financial firms demonstrate divergence through Day +11. The high-mispricing financial firms demonstrate the longest price divergence as well as the greatest magnitudes. We find another instance of the effect of mispricing in the industrial firms using the VAR model in Panel A. The results demonstrate no abnormal divergence in the low- and mediummispricing tranches. Conversely, the high-mispricing industrial firms exhibit significant abnormal price divergence in the middle of the shorting ban but not prior nor after. Panel B of Table 5 details the findings using the DISP proxy. The conclusions are the same as the results largely correspond to the VAR model. For instance, for the financial firms, significant abnormal divergence ends on Day +7 for the low-mispricing firms, Day +11 for the medium-mispricing group, and Day +13 for the highmispricing tranche. Also similar to the VAR findings, the results demonstrate no abnormal divergence for the low- and mediummispricing industrial firms, but some abnormal behavior for the high-mispricing industrial firms during the middle of the shorting ban. 4.3. Bid-ask spreads Table 6 reports the test results from interacting bid-ask spreads with mispricing. Overall, spreads increase in mispricing, and the positive correlation is evident in both call (Panel A) and put (Panel B) options. We observe the monotonic relation before and during the ban period. The increase in spreads with greater mispricing holds for both financial and industrial firms. We observe the greatest impact is from the high-mispricing firms of either firm type. For instance, the greatest increases between the pre-ban and ban period— regardless of the firm type and for both the VAR model and DISP—is found in the high mispricing tranche. Using the VAR model, the difference between periods is 8.03% for the high-mispricing financial firms versus 5.19% and 6.25% for the low and mediummispricing financial firms. Additionally, for call options using either the VAR model or DISP, we find no significant difference between spreads for lowpricing firms across firm types within the two respective time frames. The pre-ban spread is 12.82% for financial firms and 13.07% for industrial firms. The ban period spread is 18.01% for financial firms and 17.90% for industrial firms. The same is true for the pre-ban spread in put options when we compute mispricing using the VAR method i.e., 13.37% for financial firms and 13.41% for industrial firms. We detail the daily abnormal options-spread values from 10 days prior to 10 days after the ban period in Table 7. Again, since the results are quite similar and the conclusions the same, we report the finding using the VAR model of mispricing. Table 7 is dominated by significant abnormal options-spread ratios. Panel A presents the call options. The fact that we find significant abnormal values for both firm types beginning on September 15 coincides with Lehman Brothers filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on that day. It is notable that abnormal ratios continue after the ban is lifted. The results demonstrate elevated spread amounts across 2448 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 5 Times series of abnormal divergence. The table reports abnormal divergence ratios (in %). Larger negative values indicate greater divergence between synthetic and the actual share prices. Panel A details divergence conditioned on mispricing in the stock market using the Vuolteenaho (2002) model, while Panel B uses dispersion of analysts’ forecasts as a mispricing proxy. Date * *** Financial firms Industrial firms Low Medium High Low Medium High 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0.67 2.19 2.41 1.17 2.18 2.56 2.53 3.00*** 2.29 2.43** 6.15*** 6.25*** 7.04*** 4.43*** 7.02*** 4.77*** 2.73** 3.83*** 2.13 1.88 1.08 1.71 1.03 1.41 1.35 2.16 1.10 1.92 1.33 1.93 2.54 0.67 2.11 0.66 1.45 0.75 2.21 1.26 3.39 1.43 2.54 3.39 1.08 0.97 18.43*** 4.83*** 6.85*** 5.60*** 7.01*** 3.91*** 5.41*** 4.38*** 5.81*** 4.11*** 4.52*** 5.58*** 2.62 2.74 0.63 0.51 0.77 0.96 0.17 1.94 0.57 0.36 1.65 2.32 1.51 1.72 0.61 1.01 1.06 1.51 0.46 4.61 1.21 1.63 25.23*** 15.97*** 14.63*** 5.95*** 12.82*** 7.22** 7.24** 6.91** 16.28*** 4.43** 10.53*** 3.53** 6.68*** 4.01** 1.46 1.52 1.71 1.32 0.74 0.32 0.23 1.15 0.59 0.47 0.51 0.36 1.37 0.45 1.30 0.46 1.47 1.63 1.63 1.25 0.51 1.96 1.19 1.95 2.08 0.45 1.04 0.70 0.96 0.63 0.14 1.60 1.33 1.35 1.26 1.36 1.90 1.89 1.99 1.78 0.65 1.38 0.45 0.34 0.34 0.35 1.52 1.67 1.05 0.02 1.21 1.63 1.43 1.60 1.15 1.62 1.05 1.38 0.99 2.06 2.02 1.50 1.10 0.85 0.15 1.40 1.33 0.87 0.99 0.85 1.89 1.02 1.35 1.33 1.65 1.28 1.17 1.29 0.02 1.03 0.79 0.93 1.54 0.29 1.17 1.95 1.94 1.70 2.25 2.35 1.70 2.01 2.21** 3.19** 2.93** 5.74*** 4.51*** 2.34* 0.85 2.18* 1.88 1.22 1.04 1.25 1.05 1.38 1.96 0.20 1.15 1.55 1.30 1.48 Panel B. Dispersion of analysts’ forecasts September 05, 2008 10 September 08, 2008 9 September 09, 2008 8 September 10, 2008 7 September 11, 2008 6 September 12, 2008 5 September 15, 2008 4 September 16, 2008 3 September 17, 2008 2 September 18, 2008 1 September 19, 2008 0 September 22, 2008 1 September 23, 2008 2 September 24, 2008 3 September 25, 2008 4 September 26, 2008 5 September 29, 2008 6 September 30, 2008 7 October 01, 2008 8 October 02, 2008 9 October 03, 2008 10 October 06, 2008 11 October 07, 2008 12 October 08, 2008 13 October 09, 2008 14 October 10, 2008 15 October 13, 2008 16 October 14, 2008 17 October 15, 2008 18 October 16, 2008 19 October 17, 2008 20 October 20, 2008 21 October 21, 2008 22 October 22, 2008 23 0.81 2.72 2.31 1.33 1.96 3.26 3.09 3.01 2.03 2.24** 5.03*** 7.46*** 7.02*** 5.36*** 7.46*** 3.92** 2.89** 2.70** 2.21 2.34 1.37 4.83 1.25 1.29 2.67 2.53 1.17 2.03 2.26 1.57 2.82 0.51 2.22 0.55 1.42 0.86 2.22 1.44 3.35 1.61 2.68 2.70 1.18 1.18 17.96*** 4.28*** 5.64*** 5.92*** 8.05*** 5.27*** 12.83*** 4.92*** 6.18*** 4.87** 5.25*** 5.43*** 2.25 2.70 0.58 0.55 0.80 1.00 0.17 1.81 0.70 0.29 1.87 1.74 2.00 2.17 0.49 0.96 2.60 2.09 0.40 4.46 1.31 1.41 27.51*** 13.49*** 11.64*** 6.55*** 14.55*** 8.91*** 8.31** 6.41** 15.15*** 3.71*** 8.24*** 3.74*** 6.70** 3.36** 1.83 1.29 1.93 1.41 0.69 0.36 0.23 1.12 0.45 0.53 0.42 0.39 1.49 0.45 1.14 0.55 1.71 1.55 1.57 1.20 0.61 1.49 1.13 2.02 1.66 0.36 0.93 0.68 1.00 0.57 0.14 1.60 1.35 1.56 1.29 0.95 1.64 2.34 1.82 1.29 0.73 1.42 0.43 0.39 0.36 0.30 1.58 1.67 0.76 0.02 1.13 1.56 1.29 1.94 1.12 1.66 1.10 1.07 1.02 2.49 2.09 1.60 1.51 0.64 0.15 1.96 1.40 0.86 1.20 0.86 2.12 1.12 1.41 1.33 1.40 1.23 1.18 1.27 0.02 0.96 0.87 1.21 1.76 0.29 1.51 1.54 1.79 1.56 0.22 1.31 0.70 2.51 2.14** 7.75*** 2.17*** 5.00*** 5.00*** 2.75** 3.95*** 5.68*** 1.89 1.12 0.98 1.56 1.66 1.16 2.55 1.66 1.33 1.59 1.45 1.68 Panel A. VAR mispricing model September 05, 2008 September 08, 2008 September 09, 2008 September 10, 2008 September 11, 2008 September 12, 2008 September 15, 2008 September 16, 2008 September 17, 2008 September 18, 2008 September 19, 2008 September 22, 2008 September 23, 2008 September 24, 2008 September 25, 2008 September 26, 2008 September 29, 2008 September 30, 2008 October 01, 2008 October 02, 2008 October 03, 2008 October 06, 2008 October 07, 2008 October 08, 2008 October 09, 2008 October 10, 2008 October 13, 2008 October 14, 2008 October 15, 2008 October 16, 2008 October 17, 2008 October 20, 2008 October 21, 2008 October 22, 2008 ** Day Statistical significance at the 10% levels. Statistical significance at the 5% levels. Statistical significance at the 1% levels. 2449 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 6 Options bid-ask spreads. This table reports bid-ask spread ratios in options securities. The numerator is the bid-ask spread in dollars, which we scale by the midpoint. Thus, the values are percentages. We measure mispricing using the VAR model from Vuolteenaho (2002) along with dispersion of analysts’ forecasts (DISP). The pre-ban period is from April 29, 2008 through September 4, 2008. The ban period is from September 19 to October 8, 2008. Mispricing measure Full sample Panel A. Call options Financial firms Pre-ban period 15.25% Ban period 21.74% Difference 6.49%*** t-Statistic 9.75 Industrial firms Pre-ban period 14.04% Ban period 19.74% Difference 5.70%*** t-Statistic 8.66 Difference between firm types Pre-ban period Difference 1.21%*** t-Statistic 6.14 Ban period Difference 2.00%** t-Statistic 2.19 Panel B. Put options Financial firms Pre-ban period 14.72% ban period 20.07% Difference 5.35%*** t-Statistic 7.06 Industrial firms Pre-ban period 14.10% Ban period 15.56% Difference 1.46%*** t-Statistic 2.84 Difference between firm types Pre-ban period Difference 0.62%*** t-Statistic 3.29 Ban period Difference 4.51%*** t-Statistic 5.04 * ** *** VAR DISP Low mispricing Medium mispricing High mispricing Low mispricing Medium mispricing High mispricing 12.82% 18.01% 5.19%*** 6.78 15.38% 21.63% 6.25%*** 7.93 17.55% 25.57% 8.03%*** 12.17 13.33% 17.63% 4.30%*** 5.61 14.76% 21.01% 6.25%*** 7.93 17.66% 26.58% 8.92%*** 13.53 13.07% 17.90% 4.83%*** 8.22 13.97% 19.61% 5.65% 8.21 15.09% 21.71% 6.62% 9.23 13.32% 17.66% 4.34%*** 7.39 14.10% 19.47% 5.37%*** 7.81 14.70% 22.09% 7.39%*** 10.30 0.66%*** 3.22 2.97%*** 13.24 1.42%*** 6.96 2.46%*** 10.98 0.01% 0.03 0.12% 0.12 2.02%** 1.97 3.86%*** 4.07 0.03% 0.04 13.37% 17.61% 4.24%*** 4.70 14.71% 19.93% 5.21%*** 6.71 16.08% 22.67% 6.59%*** 8.06 11.47% 16.12% 4.65%*** 5.15 15.16% 20.10% 4.94%*** 6.36 17.53% 23.99% 6.46%*** 7.90 13.41% 14.44% 1.02%** 2.07 13.96% 15.30% 1.34%*** 2.81 14.92% 16.94% 2.02%*** 3.33 13.06% 13.93% 0.86%* 1.74 14.25% 15.51% 1.26%*** 2.64 14.98% 17.24% 2.26%*** 3.73 0.75%*** 3.79 1.15%*** 5.05 1.60%*** 8.54 0.91%*** 4.60 2.55%*** 11.14 4.62%*** 5.19 5.73%*** 5.78 2.19%** 2.16 4.59%*** 5.16 6.75%*** 6.80 0.25% 1.18 0.04% 0.24 3.18%*** 3.14 1.54% 1.50 4.49%*** 4.74 Statistical significance at the 10% levels. Statistical significance at the 5% levels. Statistical significance at the 1% levels. all mispricing classes while, in general, the high mispricing group has higher abnormal spreads than the two lower mispricing groups. The put options in Panel B of Table 7 are similar to the calls with regard to the financial firms. We observe an increase in abnormal spread ratios on September 15 and into the ban period. This holds across mispricing for the financial firms. In contrast, the low and medium-mispricing industrial firms do not exhibit systematically abnormal spreads. Given the market uncertainty during the sample period, we find it noteworthy that the low- and medium-mispricing industrial firms do not exhibit systematically increased abnormal spreads before, during, or after the short-sale ban. The tercile that does exhibit an increase in bidask spreads for put options is the high-mispricing firms. While all of the results in this article demonstrate the effect of mispricing in the equity market on prices in the options market, the industrial firms clearly demonstrate the differentiation mispricing has on option values. 5. Robustness test In order to investigate the sensitivity of our results to empirical design choices, we examine a complimentary test. The analysis uses a regression model to capture the effect mispricing has on price equilibrium in the options markets after controlling for the shorting ban, maturity, and moneyness. We use the general relationship of Price Measures ¼ a þ bL Low Mispricing þ bH High Mispricing þ bE Ev ent þ bM Maturity þ bD D þ ; where Price Measures denotes the dependent variable as one of the pricing metrics—options-boundary violations, divergences, and options bid-ask spreads. Low Mispricing is a dichotomous variable equal to 1 if the mispricing measure falls in the lower tercile relative to the other sample firms, and 0 otherwise. Similarly, High Mispricing is a dummy variable equal to 1 if the mispricing measure is in the high tercile and 0 otherwise. The control tercile is Medium Mispricing. Event equals 1 during the ban period and 0 otherwise. Maturity is the continuous value denoting time to maturity. Delta is the delta of the call in each options pair when computing the boundary violation ratios and divergences. When the dependent variable is either lower or upper optionsboundary violations, we use a dichotomous variable coded to equal 1 for a violation, and 0 otherwise. Accordingly, we use a logistic regression. When the regress and is either price divergence or bid-ask spreads, we use least squares since the dependent variable is continuous. 2450 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 7 Time series of abnormal options-spread ratios. This table presents the abnormal options-spread ratios (in %) for calls in Panel A and puts in Panel B from 10 days before to 10 days after a shorting ban in the fall of 2008. Low, medium, and high indicate the relative level of mispricing, which we measure using the Vuolteenaho (2002) model. Date * ** *** Panel A. Call options September 05, 2008 September 08, 2008 September 09, 2008 September 10, 2008 September 11, 2008 September 12, 2008 September 15, 2008 September 16, 2008 September 17, 2008 September 18, 2008 September 19, 2008 September 22, 2008 September 23, 2008 September 24, 2008 September 25, 2008 September 26, 2008 September 29, 2008 September 30, 2008 October 01, 2008 October 02, 2008 October 03, 2008 October 06, 2008 October 07, 2008 October 08, 2008 October 09, 2008 October 10, 2008 October 13, 2008 October 14, 2008 October 15, 2008 October 16, 2008 October 17, 2008 October 20, 2008 October 21, 2008 October 22, 2008 Panel B. Put options September 05, 2008 September 08, 2008 September 09, 2008 September 10, 2008 September 11, 2008 September 12, 2008 September 15, 2008 September 16, 2008 September 17, 2008 September 18, 2008 September 19, 2008 September 22, 2008 September 23, 2008 September 24, 2008 September 25, 2008 September 26, 2008 September 29, 2008 September 30, 2008 October 01, 2008 October 02, 2008 October 03, 2008 October 06, 2008 October 07, 2008 October 08, 2008 October 09, 2008 October 10, 2008 October 13, 2008 October 14, 2008 October 15, 2008 October 16, 2008 October 17, 2008 October 20, 2008 October 21, 2008 October 22, 2008 Day Financial firms Industrial firms Low Medium High 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0.61 1.37 0.21 0.31 1.09 0.80 2.70*** 3.32*** 6.48*** 10.78*** 10.18*** 4.72*** 5.98*** 6.68*** 4.12*** 2.68*** 10.01*** 5.52*** 4.77*** 2.69** 6.95*** 7.62*** 7.57*** 7.87*** 10.32*** 6.81*** 7.49*** 5.12*** 7.07*** 6.60*** 6.32*** 6.15*** 4.93*** 8.06*** 1.04 1.40 0.71 0.08 1.09 0.25 2.43** 3.72*** 6.13*** 8.15*** 11.64*** 4.53*** 6.55*** 6.94*** 4.19*** 2.74** 10.52*** 7.54*** 5.26*** 2.70*** 8.06*** 8.86*** 8.04*** 8.49*** 10.56*** 5.15*** 11.28*** 4.79*** 7.91*** 7.36*** 7.41*** 4.85*** 2.50** 6.68*** 2.06 2.12 0.61 0.50 1.66 0.10 3.36*** 4.05** 5.69*** 8.00*** 11.78*** 5.22*** 8.45*** 7.89*** 4.11*** 5.38*** 11.22*** 9.50*** 5.29*** 3.54** 8.97*** 8.76*** 10.28*** 9.76*** 10.06*** 6.81*** 11.04*** 4.14*** 5.74*** 6.65*** 3.11** 4.54*** 2.80** 7.40*** 0.57 0.79 1.12 1.48* 1.37* 1.32* 3.00*** 3.62*** 5.43*** 8.24*** 4.61*** 3.78*** 4.15*** 3.42*** 2.79*** 3.23*** 4.81*** 5.70*** 4.18*** 6.15*** 6.36*** 8.14*** 7.20*** 7.93*** 6.57*** 5.54*** 6.14*** 6.73*** 6.05*** 6.40*** 6.17*** 5.88*** 6.15*** 8.41*** 0.68 0.30 1.77 1.06 0.86 0.60 3.29*** 3.13*** 5.75*** 7.88*** 6.03*** 4.42*** 4.84*** 4.03*** 3.98*** 4.37*** 9.70*** 6.96*** 5.85*** 8.02*** 8.13*** 9.93*** 9.15*** 9.66*** 8.41*** 7.11*** 7.53*** 8.04*** 8.28*** 7.62*** 8.26*** 6.93*** 7.15*** 6.07*** 0.16 0.16 1.32 0.30 0.38 2.55** 2.83*** 3.20*** 6.67*** 8.75*** 7.95*** 5.59*** 5.25*** 5.04*** 4.68*** 4.87*** 9.51*** 7.25*** 6.43*** 8.19*** 8.88*** 9.37*** 9.79*** 10.10*** 8.67*** 7.43*** 8.37*** 8.92*** 7.02*** 8.83*** 9.16*** 8.71*** 8.09*** 7.39*** 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1.81 0.23 1.84 0.25 0.68 0.98 1.65 1.02 4.43*** 10.15*** 12.11*** 5.06*** 6.21*** 2.75** 5.35*** 3.09*** 9.91*** 4.25*** 3.40*** 2.13* 4.09*** 2.52*** 4.10*** 4.19*** 4.09*** 2.98*** 10.69*** 1.82* 0.92 0.72 1.54 1.37 1.43 1.24 1.66 1.09 2.54 0.84 1.79 0.32 3.40*** 3.54*** 6.16*** 6.33*** 13.75*** 5.66*** 7.36*** 3.08** 4.89*** 4.29*** 9.70*** 7.50*** 4.77*** 6.12*** 7.37*** 4.40*** 3.95*** 3.75** 3.92** 3.94*** 2.93*** 1.72 3.43* 2.73* 2.43* 3.02** 1.95 2.20** 2.20 0.21 2.07 1.19 1.76 1.06 5.31*** 3.66*** 6.75*** 9.62*** 15.26*** 9.46*** 12.29*** 5.24*** 8.24*** 6.53*** 9.83*** 7.40*** 7.57*** 5.00*** 8.40*** 4.84*** 6.69*** 5.25*** 7.74*** 5.60*** 9.99*** 3.22** 7.99*** 3.15** 3.72*** 3.25** 3.95*** 4.05*** 1.58 1.62 0.65 1.35 1.20 1.02 0.33 0.06 1.99** 5.10*** 3.31*** 1.42 0.90 0.01 0.41 0.21 2.13 1.76 0.26 0.01 0.13 0.24 0.52 0.75 2.00 1.51 1.45 0.11 0.28 0.92 0.09 1.52 0.19 0.90 0.51 0.61 0.00 0.56 0.13 0.01 0.63 1.09 3.19*** 5.92*** 4.34*** 1.94** 1.57* 0.47 0.94 0.91 3.56*** 2.18 0.41 0.75 0.64 0.53 0.37 0.93 1.78 1.24 1.07 0.52 0.30 1.03 0.49 0.77 0.56 0.60 0.28 0.14 0.55 0.03 0.57 0.03 1.38* 1.98** 5.57*** 8.50*** 6.93*** 3.94*** 2.89*** 2.10*** 2.27*** 1.93** 5.52*** 3.81*** 2.10*** 2.48*** 2.67*** 3.13*** 2.32*** 2.46*** 2.50** 2.69** 2.77** 1.36* 1.33* 0.60 1.51* 2.41*** 1.07 2.26*** Statistical significance at the 10% levels. Statistical significance at the 5% levels. Statistical significance at the 1% levels. Low Medium High 2451 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Table 8 Multivariate regressions. This table presents regression coefficients and t-statistics (in parentheses) for the sample of financial firms using three pricing measures (options boundary violations, divergences, and options bid-ask spreads) as the dependent variable in the following specification. PriceMeasures ¼ a þ bL LowMispricingþ bH HighMispricing þ bE Ev ent þ bM Maturity þ bD D þ e, Low Mispricing is a dichotomous variable equal to 1 if the mispricing measure falls in the lower tercile relative to the other sample firms while High Mispricing is a dummy variable equal to 1 if the mispricing measure is in higher tercile. We measure mispricing using the VAR model (Panel A) from Vuolteenaho (2002) along with dispersion of analysts’ forecasts (Panel B). Event is a dichotomous variable equal to 1 during the fall 2008 shorting ban. Maturity is the continuous value of time to maturity in years. Delta is the delta for call options. The time period is 100 days before to 13 days after the short-sale ban—from April 29, 2008 through October 8, 2008. Dependent variable Panel A. VAR mispricing model Upper-boundary violation Lower-boundary violation Divergence Options-spread ratio Calls Puts Panel B. Dispersion of analysts’ forecasts Upper-boundary violation Lower-boundary violation Divergence Options-spread ratio Calls Puts *** Low mispricing High mispricing Event Maturity Delta Adjusted R2 0.21*** (2.94) 0.01 (0.24) 0.05*** (4.14) 0.05*** (3.79) 0.04*** (5.08) 0.24*** (3.79) 0.01 (0.36) 0.05*** (5.27) 0.06*** (2.99) 0.03*** (3.27) 0.25*** (4.19) 0.08 (0.11) 0.06*** (4.29) 0.06*** (4.46) 0.03*** (3.36) 0.15*** (3.24) 0.07 (0.15) 0.04*** (3.46) 0.06*** (2.89) 0.06*** (3.81) 0.31*** (2.77) 0.09 (0.06) 0.05*** (4.56) 0.25*** (2.90) 0.19*** (2.68) 0.24 0.24*** (3.48) 0.01 (0.25) 0.06*** (4.90) 0.03*** (3.12) 0.06*** (4.99) 0.27*** (3.28) 0.01 (0.39) 0.07*** (6.18) 0.04*** (3.18) 0.05*** (3.28) 0.25*** (5.08) 0.05 (0.11) 0.04*** (4.77) 0.05*** (3.85) 0.04*** (3.40) 0.11*** (2.90) 0.04 (0.15) 0.06*** (3.28) 0.07*** (2.95) 0.04*** (3.42) 0.28*** (2.09) 0.07 (0.06) 0.07*** (4.71) 0.23*** (2.71) 0.21*** (2.77) 0.22 0.01 0.22 0.27 0.34 0.01 0.20 0.32 0.29 Statistical significance at the 1% level or less. When upper-boundary violations is the dependent variable, we expect bL to be negative and bH should be positive if upper options boundary violations are positively related to stock mispricing as demonstrated by our previous findings. When divergence is the regressand, bL should be positive and bH should be negative if the stocks with high mispricing have more price divergence than those with low mispricing. Table 8 reports the findings for the financial firms, which are consistent with the prior results. Panel A details the coefficients and t-statistics in parentheses using the VAR model. The results demonstrate that the mispricing consistently demonstrates a significant impact on the pricing dependent variables, with the exception being, as before, the lower-boundary condition. When upper-boundary violations is the dependent variable, the coefficient of bL is negative 0.21 while the slope on bH is positive 0.24, both values significant at the 1% level. Given that the regression controls for the shorting ban, these coefficients demonstrate the relation mispricing has in general on option prices. Highmispricing firms violate the upper-boundary condition more than the medium-mispricing control group. Further, low-mispricing firms violate the upper-boundary condition significantly less than the medium-mispricing group. Given the asymmetric nature of heterogeneous beliefs and shorting constraints, the negative value on low-mispricing is not necessarily expected. Put differently, pessimistic investors cannot act on their market views such that Chen et al. (2002), Desai et al. (2002) and Boehme et al. (2006) find the negative effect of opinion dispersion on subsequent equity returns. Similarly, when regressing on price divergence or bid-ask spreads, the results demonstrate significant relationships between low-mispricing firms and the dependent variable as well as highmispricing firms and the regressand. We find the low-mispricing firms decrease price divergence and bid-ask spreads relative to the medium-mispricing tranche. Conversely, high-mispricing firms increase price divergence and bid-ask spreads for both calls and puts. Again, these results hold after controlling for the shorting ban. Regarding the other variables, we find a positive and significant coefficient on Maturity in the upper-boundary violations specification, which is consistent with the result in Ofek et al. (2004) demonstrating the maturity effect on put-call parity violations. The results also demonstrate a negative and significant coefficient on Delta for call options when the options-spread ratio is the dependent variable. This result suggests that the options boundary consisting of ITM calls and OTM puts is more likely to be violated, which is consistent with the Xing et al. (2010) finding that informed traders prefer to trade OTM put options. Examining the DISP results in Panel B, we observe coefficients and standard errors on the independent variables similar to the VAR model in Panel A. Consequently, the results demonstrate the same direction or relation with the regressand as well as the same statistical significance. Likewise, all the models display the similar ability to explain the variation in the independent variable as in Panel A. Accordingly, the main conclusion for the all the regression results is that both low- and high-mispricing firms affect price efficient in the stock and options markets. 6. Conclusion We investigate the possibility of disequilibria between optionsimplied and observed equity prices when firms exhibit mispricing in the underlying stock. Our main interest and contribution is to investigate whether derivatives traders observe and correctly trade in the direction of the mispricing. If they do, we will observe a positive relation between mispricing and our measures of price disequilibria. We first analyze violations of lower and upper options boundary conditions. We find few violations of the lower-boundary condition when arbitragers need to short the synthetic security and hold a long position in the underlying equity to profit from violations of the law of one price. Alternatively, when arbitragers are short the firm’s equity and are long the synthetic, we find significantly more violations of this upper-boundary condition. 2452 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Moreover, for those firms that are mispriced the most, approximately 6% of the sample violates the law of one price. We also examine the level of divergence between the optionsimplied and actual share prices. The proportion of price divergence demonstrates a consistently positive relation with mispricing. Our pricing measures will be sensitive to short-sale constraints since the underlying equity must be shorted to avoid violations of the upper-boundary condition. Accordingly, we include in our sample period the shorting ban in the fall of 2008 to study the effect of a nearly total ban on shorting. This helps us mitigate concern about the degree shorting constraints have on the results. As expected, we find a significant increase in upper-boundary violations and the magnitude of price divergence. Overall, the results demonstrate an ability by options investors to recognize mispricing in the equity market and trade accordingly. We suggest the test results support at least four implications. One, we argue that our results document that derivatives traders demonstrate a degree of informed trading. The distinct and robust nature of the price disequilibria between the mispricing terciles demonstrates a systematic trading behavior by options investors. Another implication of the results is market efficiency. The options market appears to comprehend a degree of price inefficiency in the stock market and corrects for the mispricing to the extent permitted given shorting constraints. A third implication is that our findings support the contention by Miller (1977) that heterogeneous beliefs and shorting constraints work in tandem. In contrast to the upper-boundary condition, we do not find significant instances of the lower boundary being violated as shorting constraints are not as material. A final consideration is for public policy makers. While shortsale constraints may appear appropriate initially, and may even ease volatility during uncertain periods, our findings demonstrate that shorting restrictions have a negative impact on pricing efficiency. Acknowledgements We thank an anonymous referee, John Adams, Don Chance, the editor, Shane Johnson, and Vassil Mihov for helpful comments. Appendix A. Mispricing estimation This paper adopts the dynamic valuation framework of Vuolteenaho (2002) to estimate stock mispricing. The model is specified as: mt bt ¼ c þ 1 X 1 X s¼1 s¼1 qs1 Et ðROEtþs Þ qs1 Et ðrtþs Þ; ðA1Þ where mt is the log of the market value for a stock and bt is the log of the book value. We calculate the book value as the sum of common equity, deferred tax, and tax payable. c is a constant estimated as p is the average log c = k/(1 q), where q ¼ 1=ð1 þ edp Þ; d dividend-price ratio for the period, and k = log(q) (1 q) log(1/q 1).11 In Eq. (A1), rt is the excess stock return defined as log return of the stock minus the risk-free rate, Et is the expectations operator, Et is the conditional expectations calculated using the estimated VAR parameters, and Net Incomet ft ; ROEt ¼ log 1 þ Book Valuet1 11 As discussed in Vuolteenaho (2002), the value of q is an empirical question. We maintain a constant value of 0.95 for all the stocks. By varying the value from 0.90 to 0.99, we find that our test results are not sensitive to q, which is consistent with the conclusion in Vuolteenaho (2002). where ft is the risk-free rate. According to the theoretical model developed in Campbell and Shiller (1988), the fundamental value of the log of price to dividend P s1 ½E ðDd Þ E ðr ratio can be specified as 1 t tþs t tþs Þ, where Dd is s¼1 q the dividend growth rate and r is the stock return. The mispricing component in Campbell and Vuolteenaho (2004) is estimated as the difference between the actual price to dividend ratio and its fundamental value. For the situation without any cash dividends, Vuolteenaho (2002) modifies the original Campbell and Shiller VAR model and derives an alternative model showing that the fundamental value for the log of the market-to-book ratio can be P s1 ½E ðROE Þ E ðr specified as 1 t tþs t tþs Þ, where ROE is the return s¼1 q on equity. In our sample, approximately 6% of the firms (130 out of 2209) pay quarterly cash dividends regularly; therefore, Vuolteenaho’s (2002) model becomes our best choice. Eq. (A1) represents the fundamental or intrinsic market-to-book ratio. This intrinsic value, (mt bt), does not automatically equal ~t Þ. The ob~t ¼ b the observed market-to-book ratio, denoted by ðm served value depends on the investors’ expectations when they price the stock. If all investors have identical objective expecta~t Þ. ~t ¼ b tions, then, by construction, ðmt bt Þ ¼ ðm Following the extant literature, we relax the objective expectations assumption and consider the possibility that some investors use subjective expectations. We decompose the observed log market-to-book value ratio into: ~t ¼ mt bt þ ~et ~t b m 1 1 X X ¼cþ qs1 Et ðROEtþs Þ qs1 Et ðrtþs Þ þ ~et : s¼1 ðA2Þ s¼1 The mispricing term, ~et , is the difference between the observed and fundamental log market-to-book value ratio, which is consistent with the mispricing calculation in the literature. To obtain the stock mispricing in Eq. (A2) we estimate a VAR model. We define xe as a 3 1 vector for the three variables at time g t ; ROEt ; r t Þ0 , where MB g t is the observed log of markett as xt ¼ ð MB to-book value ratio. The VAR system with one lag is specified as xt ¼ Bxt1 ; þnt ; ðA3Þ where B is a 3 3 matrix of VAR coefficients and nt is a 3 1 vector of the VAR system. Given Eq. (A3), the multi-period forecast is determined as Et ðxtþs Þ ¼ Bs xt . Define further two vectors, e2 = (0, 1, 0)0 and e3 = (0, 0, 1)0 , then the discounted value of the expected future P s1 E ðROE Þ, is given by excess return on equity, 1 t tþs s¼1 q 1 X 1 X s¼1 s¼1 qs1 Et ðROEtþs Þ ¼ qs1 e20 Bx xt ¼ e20 BðI qBÞ1 xt : Likewise, the discounted value of the expected future excess return, P1 s1 Et ðr tþs Þ, is given by s¼1 q 1 X 1 X s¼1 s¼1 qs1 Et ðrtþs Þ ¼ qs1 e30 Bx xt ¼ e30 BðI qBÞ1 xt : Before estimating the VAR, we examine the stationarity for MB, ROE, and r. Jiang and Lee (2007) is one of the few studies that examines the stationarity of the Vuolteenaho (2002) model and addresses the issue. We find ROE and r are stationary. However, MB is non-stationary in 85% or more of our sample firms. Thus, we transform MB to a stationary process by first differencing.12 Subsequent to obtaining stationarity, we estimate the VAR parameters. With the estimated VAR parameters, we estimate the mispricing measure as the difference between the realized and expected transformed MB. 12 We thank an anonymous referee for this invaluable suggestion. 2453 D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 Appendix B. Test statistics for stock i as DRi ¼ is given by B.1. Boundary violations DRt ¼ We compute options boundary violation ratios by scaling the number of violations by total observations to obtain proportions we can compare across samples. The ratio is VR ¼ Number of Violations : Number of Total Observ ations P11 t¼100 DRi;t =90. N 1X DRi;t ; N i¼1 DRi where N is the number of stocks for day t. The abnormal divergence ratio for day t is then ADRt ¼ DRt 1: The test statistic is given by The variance of the ADR is ðVRban VRpreban Þ Nban t stat ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; Nban VRpreban ð1 VRpreban Þ r2ADR ¼ where VRban is the probability of violation during the ban period, VRpre-ban is the probability of violation during the pre-ban period, and Nban is the number of total observations during the ban window.13 The pre-ban period is from 100 to 11 trading days before the ban, which is from April 29, 2008 through September 4, 2008. The ban period is from September 19, 2008 through October 08, 2008.14 In addition to contrasting violation ratios by dividing average percentages into pre-ban and ban periods, we detail the daily values from 10 days prior to the ban, through the ban period, and 10 days post-ban from September 5, 2008 through October 22, 2008. Using VR, we compute the average daily VR using the daily options boundary violation ratio during the pre-ban period from P days 100 to 11 such that VR ¼ 11 t¼100 VRt =90. Any deviation from the average violation ratio prior to the ban, we term the abnormal violation ratio (AVR). The value on day t is given by AVRt ¼ VRt VR: 11 1 X ðADRt ADRÞ2 ; 89 t¼100 where ADR ¼ 1=90 divergence ratio is The test statistic for the abnormal B.3. Bid-ask spreads To calculate spreads, we first compute the daily options spread for stock i as OSR ¼ ðOptionAsk OptionBid Þ : ðOptionAsk þ OptionBid Þ=2 The denominator is the midpoint of the bid and ask quotes, which scales the dollar spread by the magnitude of the ask and bid price quotes, and yields a percentage. Subsequently, we calculate the daily options-spread ratio as N X OSRi;t =N; i¼1 with the variance 11 1 X ðAVRt AVRÞ2 ; 89 t¼100 where AVR ¼ 1=90 t¼100 ADRt . r2ADR OSRt ¼ r2AVR r2AVR ¼ P11 ADRt t stat ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : The test statistic for the abnormal violation ratio is AVRt t stat ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; The aggregate daily DR for day t P11 t¼100 AVRt . B.2. Divergence ratios The divergence ratio is given in Eq. (7) above. We compute the t-statistic for the mean difference in the divergence ratio (DR) before and after the ban as ðDRban DRpreban Þ t stat ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; r2DRpreban =ðNpreban 1Þ þ r2DRban =ðNban 1Þ where DRban and DRpre-ban are the averages of the divergence ratios. r2DRban and r2DRpre-ban are the variances for the divergence ratios. N is the number of observations. As with boundary-condition violations, we examine the daily values by comparing the average divergence ratio prior to the ban to the values during the ban. We term these values the abnormal divergence ratios (ADR). Similar to Michaely et al. (1995), and Liang (1999), we calculate the average of the daily divergence ratio 13 Alternatively, we can also use chi-square tests. We confirm the results as qualitatively the same using this method. 14 The choice of the pre-ban period is arbitrary. We conduct a robust test using alternative windows and find consistent results. where N is the number of stocks on day t. The test statistic for the options-spread ratio difference between the pre-ban and ban periods is ðOSRban OSRpreban Þ t-stat ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; r2OSRpre-ban =89 þ r2OSRban =13 where OSR is the daily average of the spread ratios for the ban and pre-ban periods and r2OSR is the variance of the spread ratios. The number of days for the pre-ban period is 90 and 14 for the ban. We compute the abnormal options bid-ask spread ratio (ASR) on day t in a similar manner to the calculation of ADR above Given the daily spread ratio for each firm, we calculate the average daily OSR for stock i during the pre-ban period for days 100 to 11, such that OSRi ¼ 11 X OSRi;t : 90 t¼100 The daily OSR for day t is specified as OSRt ¼ N 1X OSRi;t ; N i¼1 OSRi where N is the number of stocks for day t. The abnormal options spread ratio for day t is then ASRt ¼ OSRt 1: The variance of the abnormal options bid-ask spread is 2454 r2ASR ¼ D.K. Hayunga et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2438–2454 11 1 X ðASRt ASRÞ2 ; 89 t¼100 P where ASR ¼ 1=90 11 t¼100 ASRt . The test statistic for the abnormal spread ratio is ASRt t-stat ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : r2ASR References Akram, Q., Rime, D., Sarno, L., 2009. Does the law of one price hold in international financial markets? Evidence from tick data. Journal of Banking and Finance 33, 1741–1754. Amin, K., Lee, C., 1997. 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