Use Case Descriptions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Upload Artifact SCR-001 3.2 This use case allows a researcher to upload an artifact. Researcher Researcher has an account. Researcher has uploaded an artifact. Artifact has been added to the collection. Researcher selects the 'Upload Artifact' option. Normal Scenario Researcher Login to the system. 1. Researcher selects Manage Artifacts. 2. Researcher selects Upload Artifact. 3. Researcher views 'Upload Artifact' form. 4. Researcher completes 'Upload Artifact' form. 5. System validates 'Upload Artifact' form is completed. 6. Artifact is added to IESP collection. 7. Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Update News SCR-007 3.7 This use case allows a staff member to publish news articles. Staff Staff member has an account. Staff member has published a news article. 'News & Updates' section of website is modified. Staff member selects the 'Upload News' option. Normal Scenario Staff member Login to the system. 1. Staff member selects Upload News. 2. Staff member views 'Upload News' form. 3. Staff member completes 'Upload News' form. 4. System validates 'Upload News' form is completed. 5. System uploads news. 6. Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Create Comment SCR-002 2.1 This use case allows a researcher to create a comment Researcher Researcher as an account The site is updated The researcher clicks the create comment option on the webpage Normal Scenario Researcher views an Artifact 1. Researcher clicks on a create comment link. 2. Researcher Logins into the system. 3. System Validates Researcher 4. Researcher types in the comment 5. Researcher clicks submit to the typed in comment 6. System places the comment onto the artifact page 7. Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Edit Comment SCR-002 2.2 This use case allows a researcher to edit a comment Researcher Researcher as an account The site is updated The researcher clicks the edit comment option on the webpage Normal Scenario Researcher views an Artifact 1. Researcher clicks on an edit comment link. 2. Researcher Login’s to the system. 3. System Validates Researcher 4 Researcher edit’s the comment 5. Researcher clicks submit to the typed in comment 6. System places the edited comment onto the artifact page 7. Extensions 2.1 Comment field already contains data: 1.1) Researcher then edits the data in the field. Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Delete Comment SCR-002 2.3 This use case allows a researcher to delete a comment Researcher Researcher as an account The site is updated The researcher clicks the delete comment option on the webpage Normal Scenario Researcher views an Artifact 1. Researcher clicks on a delete comment link. 2. Researcher Login into the system. 3. System Validates Researcher 4 System deletes comment 5. Extensions Comment field already contains data: 2.1 1.1) Researcher then deletes the data in the field. Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Report Inappropriate Comment SCR-002 2.4 This use case allows any individual to report an inappropriate comment User N/A N/A A user clicks on the report inappropriate comment Normal Scenario A user views an artifact 1. A user views the comments 2. A user views an inappropriate comment 3. A user clicks the report inappropriate comment 4. The staff are notified 5. Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Delete Artifact SCR-002 2.5 This use case allows any individual to report an inappropriate comment Researcher Researcher has an account Researcher has an artifact to delete The Researcher clicks the delete artifact link Normal Scenario Researcher views Artifact 1. Researcher Logins into the system 2. Researcher clicks the Delete Artifact button 3. The system deletes the artifact from the database 4. Extensions Artifact already contains data: 3.1 Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Create Sigla Tag SCR-006 6.1 This use case allows a staff to create a sigla tag Staff Staff has an account N/A Staff creates a tag Normal Scenario Staff Login to the system. 1. System Validates Researcher 2 Staff enters the Administrate option 3. Staff selects Create Sigla Tag. 4. Staff writes a new Sigla tag. 5. The system creates a new Sigla tag 6. Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Login 3 3.1.1 This use case defines how a researcher login to the system Researcher Staff Researcher has an active account Researcher has privilege to comment artifact Researcher has privilege to update profile Researcher has privilege to manage artifact Researcher click “login” button Normal Scenario Researcher type the address of the website 1. Researcher go to the login page 2. Researcher provide his user name and password 3. Researcher click “login” button 4. Extensions Researcher provide wrong name or password 3.1 Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Update Profile 10 3.1 This use case defines researcher update his/her profile Researcher Staff Researcher had successfully login or registered The information on researcher’s profile have changed Researcher chose “Update Profile” option Normal Scenario Researcher login or register himself. 1. Researcher chose “Update Profile” option 2. Researcher fill the information 3. Researcher submit his information to system 4. System verify his information 5 6 Change has applied. Extensions Some information the researcher provide has error, thus the system ask the researcher to re-submit 5.1 6.1 the update form. Some information the researcher provide are blank, thus the system ask the researcher to re-submit the update form. Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Verify Researcher 11 3.6 This use case defines staff verify Researcher Staff Researcher Staff chose “manage users” option Staff have verified whether the user is valid user or not Staff chose “verify Researcher” option Normal Scenario Staff login himself 1. Staff chose “manage users” option 2. Staff chose “verify Researcher” option 3. Staff verify the information that the researcher provide to database 4. Staff have verified whether the user is valid user or not 5 Extensions Staff chose “delete Researcher”, if the researcher do not pass his verification. 5.1 Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Edit Researcher 12 3.6 This use case defines staff edit Researcher Staff Researcher Staff chose “manage users” option Staff have successfully change parts of Researcher information Staff chose “edit Researcher” option Normal Scenario Staff login himself 1. Staff chose “manage users” option 2. Staff chose “Edit Researcher” option 3. Staff edits the researcher’s information. 4. Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Delete Researcher 13 3.6 This use case defines staff delete Researcher Staff Researcher Staff chose “manage users” option Staff have successfully delete researcher Staff chose “delete Researcher” option Normal Scenario Staff login himself 1. Staff chose “manage users” option 2. Staff chose “delete Researcher” option 3. Staff clicks “delete researcher button. 4. The deletion have applied. 5 Extensions Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Edit Artifact 5 3.2.2 This use case defines how researchers may modify an Artifact attributes. Researcher Researcher is logged in. Artifact attributes are updated. A confirmation message is displayed. Researcher selects the 'Edit' button. Normal Scenario Researcher fills desired attribute fields. 1. Researcher selects the 'Submit' button. 2. System validates input data. 3. System displays a confirmation message. 4. Extensions Attribute field already contains data: 1.1 1.1) Researcher first deletes the data in the field. Invalid data is input: 3.1 3.1) System displays an error message. 3.2) Flow returns to point (1) of the scenario. Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Search by Attribute 6 3.4.1 This use case defines how users will be able to browse Artifacts based on an attribute-based criterion. General User None Matching Artifacts are displayed to the User. User selects the 'Search' button. Normal Scenario User fills desired attribute fields. 1. User selects the 'Submit' button. 2. System displays search results. 3. Extensions No results are found: 3.1 3.1) System displays an error message. Search by Tag Name 7 ID 3.4.1 Requirement Number This use case defines how users will be able to browse Artifacts based on a tagDescription based criterion. General User Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) User is viewing the Tag Cloud (located in the Home Page and on Artifacts pages) Pre-condition Matching Artifacts are displayed to the User. Post-condition User selects any of the tags displayed in the Tag Cloud he is currently viewing. Trigger Normal Scenario System displays search results. 3. Extensions No results are found. This occurs when the selected tag is unique to the viewed Artifact. 3.1 3.1) System displays an error message. Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Post-condition Trigger Administrate SCR-012 3.6, 3.7 This is the portal for administration tasks. Staff n/a A user is logged in and verified as a Staff user. n/a Either a staff member logs in and is immediately brought to this page, or a staff member is already logged in and clicks a link to be brought to the page. Normal Scenario The authenticated Staff user arrives at the Administration Root page. 1. The user clicks on an Administration Task link. 2. Extensions Perform Manager Users use case. 2.1. Perform Update News use case. 2.2 Perform Create Siglum Tag use case. 2.3 Name ID Requirement Number Description Primary Actor Secondary Actor(s) Pre-condition Register as Researcher SCR-004 3.1.1 This allows a general user to apply for a researcher account on the site. General User A user is not currently logged in on the site. Post-condition Trigger The user has a new pending account in the database upon successful submission. The user clicks the link to register for a new account. Normal Scenario General User arrives at the Registration page. 1. General User enters Researcher Information. 2. General User enters first name into corresponding text box. 2.1 General User enters last name into corresponding text box. 2.2 General User enters organization name into corresponding text box. 2.3 General User enters e-mail address into corresponding text box. 2.4 General User picks language from drop-down list box. 2.5 General User enters desired username into corresponding text box. 2.6 General User enters desired password into corresponding text box with input hidden. 2.7 General User repeats desired password into corresponding text box with input hidden. 2.8 General User hits submit button. 3. System validates Researcher Information. 4. System directs user to Display Registration Confirmation page. 5. Extensions If Researcher Information is invalid 4.1 4.1.1 Registration page is reloaded with Researcher Information fields (other than password) populated with the values that were input. 4.1.2 System flags invalid values. 4.1.3 General User fixes invalid values. 4.1.4 Return to step 3.