PLAYER REVIEW Level Setting Outdoor/Indoor Activity Sheet 5 Participants Whole group Facilitators 2 facilitators What you will need: Whiteboard/paper & marker Resource to print: Data Representations Guide Alternatively, if available, use AFL player statistics data (in place of hypothetical data provided in the Data Representations Guide) Activity focus Using the provided player statistics, construct a graph to see the effect of building up data over time Interpreting player data to understand the use of statistics to improve performance Statistical concepts Reinforce: Level 1. statistics, data Develop: Level 2. graph, variable Extend: Level 3. trend Statistical competencies This activity aims to develop the following competencies: Level 2: Data representation, Data investigation See: ‘Footy Stats Program – Statistical Competencies’ for more information Time 45 min Activity Sheet 5 Learning Activities and Experience Time Introduction As a whole group, discuss the data provided in the Data Representations Guide Body As a whole group, discuss how you might show the data in a graph: • Draw the x- and y- axes of the graph • Identify the variables (’name of player’ and ‘number of goals kicked’) • Label the x-axis (horizontal line) ‘Name of the player’ and the y-axis (vertical line) ‘Number of goals kicked’ • Build the graph for each round by drawing a mark in line with both axes to represent scores for each player • Use the graph to identify the trend in the data over all rounds to see whether player performance has improved over time (Facilitator to refer to Data Representations Guide – Picture Graph if needed) 30 min Tip: Use a different colour for each round to see the effect of building up data over time Conclusion As a whole group, use the graph to discuss and interpret the performance of the players: • Based on the data, which player do you think will score the most goals in the next round? • Do you think that Mike Goaler will kick more goals in the next round? Why? • What could you learn from your own statistics to improve your skills? 5 min Note: Discuss player position (e.g. forwards, midfielders) and performance progress for each round 10 min Activity Sheet 5 Why this is important The ABS Footy Stats program provides a fun and interactive introduction to the world of statistics. The program enables children to participate in a range of footy activities and learn how to collect, analyse, interpret and communicate basic statistical concepts. In this activity, participants: • Develop skills for using data recorded in a table format to build a graph • Extend statistical capabilities by constructing a graph to visually represent the provided data that has been collected over time • Begin to develop capabilities for using data as evidence to make comparisons and analyse performance over time • Practise describing data through discussion while justifying interpretations using the key statistical language What you do Evaluate the statistical learning of the participants: • Are participants able to construct a graph accurately labelling axes and represent all observations from the provided data? • Are participants able to describe the progressive changes in the performance of the players and make comparisons between players in reference to the graph? • Are participants demonstrating an understanding of statistical concepts through their use of statistical language in discussion? Emphasise the value of constructing graphs in statistics to identify trend to assist improvement over time: • Participants choose a football skill and graph their own performance over several drills or games to monitor their individual progress by comparing statistics collected over time FOOTY&STATS Trend: MAKE A GREAT TEAM! Explore statistical concepts further with this activity