CURRICULUM VITAE C1. PERSONAL INFORMATION: FULL NAME DATE OF BIRTH NATIONALITY MARITAL STATUS ADDRESS : : : : : Mohammad Saeed Khan 15-02-1949 Indian Married with two children Mathematics & Statistics, Sultan Qaboos University PoBox 36, Pcode 123 Al-Khod, MUSCAT Sultanate of Oman : 24413969(R), 24141413(O) 99699438(Mo) Fax # 00968 -241411490 Tel. No. E-mail : : Professor CURRENT APPOINTMENT LEVEL C2. Education and Employment Information: (a) Education DEGREE BSc MSc M.Phil PhD INSTITUTION University of Gorakhpur , Gorakhpur, India Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia DATE 1968 1970 1978 1982 Title of M. Phil. Dissertation: Fixed Point Theorems in Locally Compact Topological Groups. Title of Ph. D. Dissertation : Free Products of Topological Groups with Central Amalgamation. (b) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY : Dates 1971-1981 1981-1985 1985-1990 Level of Appointment Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor 1990-1999 Assistant Professor Organization Aligarh Muslim University, India Aligarh Muslim University, India King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia Sultan Qaboos University, Oman 1999-2012 2012-present Associate Professor Professor Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Sultan Qaboos University, Oman CVMSKhan 1 11/11/01 C3. HONOURS OR AWARD: Passed with Honours in High School Awarded three Gold Medals in B.Sc. Merit-cum -means Scholarship from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India during M Sc. (1968-1970). Research Fellowship awarded by the Australian Government during Ph.D. (19781980) Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Informatics, University of Wollongong, Australia (24th August - 9th September 1993) Visiting Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, Leicester, U.K. ( 27th August – 6th Sept 1995) Visiting Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Montana, Montana, USA (3rd June, 2004). Visiting Fellow, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 23rd August, 2006. Visiting Fellow, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 06-15 June, 2012. Visiting Fellow, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 06-15 June, 2012. Visiting Fellow, University of Texas A & M-Kingsville, Kingsville, Texas, USA, August 23-September 3, 2015. C4. Teaching 1. COURSES TAUGHT (a). Outside SQU: (b) Pre-University Level: Geometry and Calculus Under-graduate Level: Calculus (Differential, Integral and Advanced), Differential Equations (Ordinary and Partial), Geometry of 2 and 3 dimensions, Mechanics, Number Theory, Theory of Equations, Groups Theory, Ring Theory, Linear Algebra, Convergence of Series, Real Analysis, General Topology, Set Theory, Complex Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Mathematical Methods, Numerical Analysis, Integral Transforms. M.Sc. Level: General Topology, Group Representation Theory, Functional Analysis, Measure Theory, Algebraic Topology, Topological Vector Spaces. M. Phil Level: Topological Groups. At SQU: Many of the following courses have been taught more than once : Math 0100 Basic Numeracy Math 1062 Mathematics for Commerce and Arts I Math 1063 Mathematics for Commerce and Arts III Math 1102 Business Mathematics II Math 1103 Foundation Mathematics I CVMSKhan 2 11/11/01 2. 3. Math 1104 Foundation Mathematics II Math 1106 Pre-Calculus Math 1192 Mathematics for Agriculture I Math 2193 Mathematics for Agriculture II Math 2107 Calculus I Math 2108 Calculus II Math 2202 Linear Algebra I Math 3110 Calculus III Math 3171 Linear Algebra and Multivariate Calculus for Engineers Math 3207 Mathematics for Teachers I (Algebra) Math 3209 Problem Solving Math 3210 Mathematics for Teachers II (Geometry) Math 3306 Linear Algebra II Math 3357 Discrete Mathematics Math 3391 Mathematics for Engineers I Math 3392 Mathematics for Engineers II Math 4451 Real Analysis I Math 4473 Linear Programming Math 4491 Mathematics for Engineers III Math 5559 Introduction to Metric & Topological Spaces Math 6022 Topology I Curricula development and innovation: As a member of Curriculum Committee, prepared graduate and under-graduate Syllabi for courses such as Topology and Functional Analysis. Prepared course outlines for courses on Real Analysis and Calculus III. Involved in revising two courses for Mathematics for Teachers I (Algebra) and Mathematics for Teachers II (Geometry). Coordinated Math 2107-Calculus I several times for Summer Semesters. During Fall 2011, I was coordinating a large course Math 1063- Mathematics for Commerce & Economics III (Arts). For three semesters, coordinated a large course Math3171-Linear Algebra and Multivariate Calculus for Engineers. At present, coordinating another large course Math2202-Linear Algebra I. Undergraduate project supervision and academic advising : Currently supervising a B.Sc. Project entitled “Some Generalizations of Mean Value Theorem” as the main supervisor. Supervised B.Sc. Project entitled “Some Metrical Fixed Point Theorems” during 1999/2000 as the main supervisor. Supervised B.Sc. Project entitled “Some Elementary Difference Equations and their Applications” during 2004/2005 as the main supervisor. College of Science Academic Advisor for 1993 Cohort of Math/Phys majors belonging to the College of Education College of Science Academic Advisor for 1998/99 Cohort. College of Science Academic Advisor for 2005 Cohort. College of Science Academic Advisor for 2011 Cohort. CVMSKhan 3 11/11/01 C5. Administrative Services: (a) DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES (at SQU): Seminar officer (1990-1993) Curriculum Committee Member (1991-1992) Safety Officer (1996-1997) Textbook officer (1997-2008) Chairman, Library Committee ( 1997-2004 ) Member of Promotion Committee (2005-2007) Member of Store Management Committee (2008-) Chairman, Examination Committee (2009-2010) Member of Examination Committee (2010-) Member of International Accreditation Committee (2014-) Member of External Examiner Report Committee (2015-) (b) COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ACTIVITIES (at SQU): Department representative for College Safety Committee (1996-1997) Member of College Library Committee (1997-2005)) Chairman , College Textbook Committee (1998-2008) Member of College Academic Promotion Committee (2012-2014) Member of College Peer Review Committee (2014- ) (c) Community Service : Covering the teaching for a number of colleagues in the department during their absence. Helping International Mathematical Societies in refereeing research papers. Helping universities in evaluating PhD theses. Handling research papers as an Editorial member of mathematical journals. C6. Scholarly Achievements: 1. Refereed Journal Papers : (Total Number of Published papers: 180) . 1. M.S. Khan, K.P.R. Rao and K.V. Siva Parvathi, A unique Common Coupled Fixed Point Theorem for Four Maps in Partial b-Metric-Like Spaces, SQU Journal for Science, 2015,19(2),54-60. 2. Sumit Chandok, M.S. Khan and T.D. Narang , Fixed Point Theorem in partially Ordered metric spaces for generalized contraction mappings, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 5(1)(2015),89-96. 3. B.S.Thakur,M.S.Khan and Dipti Thakur , Fixed Point Theorems for non-self asymptotically non-expansive mappings in CAT(0) spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 1(2015),1-8. 4. Jhade, Pankaj Kumar; Khan, Mohammad Saeed Some coupled coincidence and common coupled fixed point theorems in complex-valued metric spaces. Facta Univ. Ser. Math. Inform. 29 (2014), no. 4, 385–395 CVMSKhan 4 11/11/01 5. Sumit Chandok, M.S. Khan and M. Abbas, Common fixed point theorems for nonlinear weakly contractive mappings, Ukrainian Math. J. (2014), 66(4), 594-601. 6. Berzig, Maher; Chandok, Sumit; Khan, Mohammad Saeed Generalized Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem involving auxiliary functions in bimetric spaces and application to two-point boundary value problem.Appl. Math. Comput. 248 (2014), 323–327. 7. Chandok, S.; Karapinar, E.; Khan, M. Saeed Existence and uniqueness of common coupled fixed point results via auxiliary functions. Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 40 (2014), no. 1, 199–215. 8. Thakur, Balwant Singh; Khan, Mohammad Saeed; Kang, Shin Min Existence and approximation of solutions for system of generalized mixed variational inequalities. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2013, 2013:108, 15 pp. 9. S. Chandok ,M.S. Khan and K.P.R. Rao , Some coupled common fixed point theorems for a pair of mappings satisfying a contractive condition of rational type without monotonicity, International Journal of Math.Analysis,7(9)(2013),433-440. 10. M.S. Khan and M.A. Khan," Lie Ideals and Generalized Derivations in Sigma Prime Rings-II”, International Journal of Algebra, 6(29)(2012),1419 – 1429. 11. Singh, Amit; Khan, M. S.; Fisher, Brian Some fixed point theorems for certain contractive mappings on metric and generalized metric spaces. Math. Morav. 16 (2012), no. 2, 69–77. 12. M. S. Khan, K. P. R. Rao, K. R. K. Rao, Some fixed point theorems in symmetric G cone metric spaces, Eurasian Math. J., 3(2)( 2012), 85–93. 13. Khan, Mohammad Saeed; Berzig, Maher; Samet, Bessem, Some convergence results for iterative sequences of Prešić type and applications. Adv. Difference Equ. 2012, 2012:38, 122012pp. 14. Kim, Jong Kyu; Khan, M. S.; Imdad, M.; Gopal, D., Impact of (E.A.) property on common fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces. J. Appl. Funct. Anal. 7 (2012), no. 3, 209–224. 15. Khan, M. S.; Khan, M. A. Lie ideals and generalized derivations in σ -prime rings—II. Int. J. Algebra 6 (2012), no. 29-32, 1419–1429. 16. P.P.Murthy, M.S. Khan, S. Kumar, K. Tas and Rashmi, Common fixed points for integral type contractive condition in Menger Space, International Journal of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 1(2), 2012, 22-28. 17. M.S. Khan, K.P.R. Rao and K.R.K. Rao, Some Fixed Point Theorems in D*-Cone Metric Spaces, Journal of Advances in Topology, 2(2)(2011), 37-45. 18. M.S. Khan, M. Samanipour and B.Fisher , Some results for one class of discontinuous Operators with Common Fixed Points , Bull. Math. Anal. Appl., 3(3)(2011),247-252. 19. M.S. Khan, Some polynomial identities that imply Commutativity of Rings, International Journal of Algebra, 4(27)(2010),1307-1316. 20. M.S. Khan and M. A. Khan, Derivations in Prime rings and Banach Algebra, International Journal of Algebra, 4(27)(2010),1317-1328.. 21. H.K. Pathak , M.S. Khan and Jong Kyu Kim , Coincidence Point and Homotopy Results for f-Hybrid Compatible Maps, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,15(1)(2010),87-162. 22. H.K. Nashine and M.S. Khan, An application of fixed point theorem to Best Approximation in locally convex spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters,23(2)(2010),121-127. CVMSKhan 5 11/11/01 23. M.S. Khan, M. Samanipour and P.P. Murthy , Common Fixed Point Theorems for compatible maps of type (P), Fasc. Math., 43(2010),53-67. 24. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan , Common Fixed Point results for contractions of Integral type in G-fuzzy product metric spaces ,Italian J. Pure Appl. Math., 26(2009),135-152. 25. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, Common Fixed Point results and its applications to Best Approximation in ordered Semi-Convex Structure, Bull. Math. Anal. Appl.,1(1)(2009),30-48. 26. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, On Best Simultaneous Approximation in EpsilonChainable metric spaces, J.Concr.Appl.Math.,7(3)(2009),276-280. 27. S. Sedghi, M.S. Khan and N. Shobe , Fixed Point Theorems for six weakly compatible mappings in D*-metric spaces , J. Appl. Math. & Informatics, 27(1)(2009),351-363. 28. Reny George, M.S. Khan and K.P. Reshma , Variational Inequalities and their solutions via fixed points, Adv. Nonlinear Var.Inequal.,12(1)(2009),17-27. 29. H.K. Nashine and M.S. Khan, Common fixed points versus invariant approximation in non-convex sets, Appl. Math. E-Notes, 9(2009),72-79. 30. .M.S. Khan and H.K. Nashine, On Invariant Approximation for noncommutative mappings in locally convex spaces. Comput.Anal.Appl.,10(1)(2008),7-15. 31. Reny George , M.S. Khan and H.K. Pathak, On commutativity and its generalizations in hybrid fixed point theory, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,13(1)(2008),29-41. 32. M.S. Khan and M. Samanipour , Fixed point theorems for some discontinuous operators in cone metric spaces, Math.Morav.,12(2)(2008),29-34. 33. H..K. Pathak ,B.E. Rhoades and M.S. Khan, Common Fixed Point Theorems for asymptotically I-contractive mappings without convexity, Fixed Point Theory, 8(2)(2007),285-296. 34. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, The Homotopy Invariance for Fixed Points of Multivalued Generalized phi –Contractive Maps, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,12(4)(2007), 531-562. 35. M.S. Khan, H.K. Pathak and R. George, Compatible mappings of type (A-1) and type ( A-2) and common fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces, International Mathematical Forum,2(11)(2007),515-524. 36. H.K. Pathak, M.S. Khan and Rakesh Tiwari , A Common Fixed Point Theorem and its Application to Nonlinear Integral Equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,53(2007),961-971. 37. H.K. Pathak, R.K. Verma, S.M. Kang and M.S. Khan, Fixed points for weak compatible type and parametrically \phi (\epsilon,\delta; a)-contraction mappings, International J. Pure & Appl. Math., 26(2)(2006),247-263. 38. M.A. Khan and M.S. Khan, On Nearrings with Derivation , Mathematica Pannonica ,17(1)(2006),131-138. CVMSKhan 6 11/11/01 39. H.K. Pathak, M.S. Khan and R. George, Coincidence & common fixed points of non-self hybrid mappings in metrically convex spaces, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,10(2)(2005),257-272. 40. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan ,Common Fixed point Theorems for quasicontraction type mapping sequence satisfying some conditions, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications,14(1)(2004),359-374. 41. H.K. Pathak, M.S. Khan and S.M. Kang, Fixed and coincidence points for contractions and parametrically non-expansive mappings, Math. Sci. Res. J.(USA), 8(1)(2004),27-35. 42. H.K. Pathak, Donal O’Regan, M.S. Khan and R.P. Agarwal, Asymptotic behavior of Generalized Nonexpansive sequences and mean points, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 11(3)(2004),539-548. 43. Lj.B. Ciric, J.S. Ume and M.S. Khan, On the convergence of the Ishikawa iterates to a common fixed point of two mappings, Arch.Math. (Brno),39(2003),123-127. 44. H.K. Pathak, M.S. Khan, Z.Liu and J.S. Ume, Fixed point theorems in metrically convex spaces and applications, J. Nonlinear & Convex Analysis,4(2)(2003),231-244. 45. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, On D-KKM theorems and its applications, Bull.Austral.Math.Soc.,67(1)(2003),67-77. 46. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, Meir-Keeler Type theorems and criteria for discontinuity at fixed points, Nonlinear Analysis Forum,8(2)(2003),137-146. 47. H.K. Pathak, M.S. Khan, R. Tiwari and B. Fisher, Fixed Point Theorems for Banach Spaces over topological semi-fields and its applications, Thai Journal of Mathematics,1(2)(2003),81-85. 48. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, Fixed and Coincidence points of hybrid mappings, Arch. Math.(Brno),38(2002),201-208. 49. Z. Liu, M.S. Khan and H.K. Pathak,On Common Fixed Points, Georgian Math. Jour.,9(2)(2002),325-330. 50. Z. Liu, J.S. Ume and M.S. Khan, Coincidence and fixed point theorems in metric and Banach spaces, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci., 26(6)(2001),331-339. 51. H.K. Pathak, M.S. Khan and J.S. Jung, Approximation of fixed points via baised non-expansive mappings, Math. Sci. Res. Hot-Line, 5(8)(2001),39-47. 52. M.S. Khan, H.K. Pathak and M.D. Khan, Some fixed point theorems in metrically convex spaces, Georgian Math. Jour.,7(3)(2000),523-530. 53. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, Compatible mappings of type (B) and common fixed point theorems in Saks spaces, Czechoslovak Math. Jour.,49(124)(1999), 175-185. 54. H.K. Pathak and M.S. Khan,Fixed points of Fuzzy mappings under Caristi-Kirk type condition, Jour.Fuzzy Math.,6 (1)(1998),119-126. 55. M.S. Khan and Brian Fisher, Fixed point theorems for nonexpansive type mappings on 2-metric spaces with convex structure, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, 9(1997),151-156. CVMSKhan 7 11/11/01 56. H. K. Pathak and M.S. Khan, Compatible mappings of type (B) and common fixed point theorems of Greguš type, Czechoslovak Math.Jour.,45(120)(1995),685-698. 57. M.S. Khan, An existence theorem for extended mildly nonlinear complementarity problem in semi-inner product spaces, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolina, 36(1995), 25-31. 58. H.A.S. Abujabal, H.E. Bell, M.S. Khan and M.A. Khan, Commutativity of semi-prime rings with power constraints, Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica,30 (1995),183-187. 59. M.S. Khan,A note on commutativity of semi-prime rings, Turkish J. Math., 19(3)(1995),261-268. 60. S. Sessa and M.S. Khan,Some remarks in Best Approximation Theory, Math J. Toyama Univ.,17(1994),151-165. 61. M.S. Khan and K.P.R. Rao , A coincidence point theorem for densifying mappings, Publicationes Math. Debrecen, 45(1994),365-370. 62. M.S. Khan, Y.J. Cho, W. T. Park and T. Mumtaz ,Coincidence and common fixed points of Hybrid Contractions, Jour. Austral. Math. Soc., Series A,55(1993), 369-385. 63. M.S. Khan and M.D. Khan, Involutions with fixed points in 2-Banach Spaces, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci., 16 (3)(1993),429-434. 64. M.S. Khan, K. P. R. Rao and Y. J. Cho, Common Stationary points for setvalued mappings, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci.,16 (4)(1993),733-736. 65. H.A.S. Abujabal, M.A. Khan and M.S. Khan, On commutativity of rings with constraints on subsets, Czechoslovak Math. J.,43(118)(1993),439-449. 66. H.A.S. Abujabal and M.S. Khan, On commutativity of s- unital rings, J. Korean Math.Soc.,28 (1991),1-16. 67. M.L. Diviccaro, M.S.Khan and S. Sessa, Common Fixed point theorems for Densifying Mappings, Radovi Matematicki,6(1990),295-301. 68. H.A.S. Abujabal and M.S. Khan, A commutativity result for rings, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, 18 (1990), 333-337. 69. H.A.S. Abujabal and M.S. Khan, An iteration technique and commutativity of rings, Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci.,13 (1990),315-320. 70. H.A.S. Abujabal and M.S. Khan,On the commutativity of a ring with unity, Jour. Inst. Math. & Comp.Sci.,3(1)(1990), 61-65. 71. K.S. Ha, Y. J. Cho, S.S. Kim and M.S. Khan, Strictly Convex linear 2-normed spaces,Math.Nachr.,146(1990),7-16. 72. M.A. Khan, M.S. Khan and S. Sessa,A Common Fixed Theorem in Banach spaces, Indian Journal of Mathematics,31(1)(1989),9-16. 73. S. Sessa, B.E. Rhoades and M.S. Khan, On Common Fixed points of compatible mappings in Metric and Banach spaces, Internat. J. Math. and Maths. Sci.,11(2)(1988),375-392. 74. S.A. Sahab ,M.S. Khan and S. Sessa, A result in Best Approximation Theory, J. Approx.Theory,55(1988),349-351. CVMSKhan 8 11/11/01 75. M.S. Khan, I. Kubiaczyk and S. Sessa, On set-valued and single-valued mappings with common fixed points, Bull. Malaysian Math.Soc.,10(2)(1987), 71-81. 76. B.E. Rhoades, S.Sessa, M.S.Khan and M. Swaleh, On fixed points of asymptotically regular mappings, Jour.Austral.Math.Soc.,43(1987),328-346. 77. M.S. Khan, M. Imdad and S. Sessa, A Coincidence theorem in normed linear spaces, Libertas Mathematica,6(1986),83-94. 78. M.S. Khan, S.A. Morris and P. Nickolas, Local invariance of Free topological groups, Proc. Edinburg Math.Soc.,29(1986),1-5. 79. M.S. Khan and T. Kubiak, Some fixed point theorems in Uniform Spaces, Libertas Mathematica,5(1985),9-16. 80. M.S. Khan and M. Imdad, Fixed points of certain involutions in Banach Spaces, Jour. Austral. Math. Soc.,37(A)(1984),169-177. 81. B.E. Rhoades, S. Sessa, M.S. Khan and M. D. Khan, Some fixed point theorems for Hardy-Rogers type mappings, Internat. J. Math and Maths. Sci.,7(1)(1984), 75-87. 82. M.S. Khan, M. Swaleh and S. Sessa, Fixed point theorems by altering distances between points, Bull.Austral.Math.Soc.,30 (1)(1984),1-9. 83. M.S. Khan and M. Swaleh, Results concerning fixed points in 2-metric spaces, Math. Japonica, 29 (4) (1984), 519-525. 84. M.S. Khan, M.D. Khan and I. Kubiaczyk, Fixed point theorems for multivalued maps, Demonstration Math., 17 (4)(1984),997-1002. 85. M.S. Khan, Fixed points and their approximation in Banach Spaces for certain commuting mappings, Glasgow Math. J., 23(1982),1-6. 86. M.S. Khan and S.A. Morris, Amalgamated free product of topological groups I, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 273(1982), 405-416. 87. M.S. Khan and S.A. Morris, Amalgamated Free products of topological groups II, Trans. Amer. Math.Soc.,273(1982), 417-432. 88. M.S. Khan and S.A. Morris, Amalgamated Direct Products of topological groups, Math. Chronicle (New Zealand), 11(1982), 49-65. 89. M.S. Khan, Common fixed point theorems for multi-valued mappings, Pacific J. Math., 95 (2)(1981),337-347. 90. M.S. Khan and B. Fisher, Some fixed point theorems for commuting mappings, Math. Nachr., 99 (1980),2-10. 2. Accepted Articles : 1. Mohammad Saeed Khan, Satish Shukla, and Shin Min Kang, WEAKLY MONOTONE PREˇSI´C TYPE MAPPINGS IN ORDERED CONE METRIC SPACES, Bull. Korean Math. Society. 2. M.S. Khan, S. Chandok and M.Berzig ,COMMON FIXED POINT THEOREMS FOR CONTRACTIVE MAPPINGS WITH ALTERING DISTANCES IN METRIC AND CVMSKhan 9 11/11/01 ORDERED METRIC, Miskolc Mathematical Notes(Poland) 3. Dinu Teodorescu and M.S. Khan, On fixed point properties of a convex combination of metric projections, Journal of Convex Analysis(France) 91. Submitted Articles : 1. Reny George, M.S. Khan and Rosana Rodriguez Lopez, “R-Fuzzy Metric Spaces and Fixed Points”. 2. Reny George, M.S Khan, Hossam A. Nabwey, Mahdy S.El-Paoumy and K.P Reshma, “Fixed Points of Generalized (F) Cyclic Contraction Mappings in -Metric Space and its Applications “. 92. Conference Proceedings : (a) “Fixed Points for Fuzzy Mappings”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Mathematics, Calcutta University, Calcutta, India, 1977. (b) (with Reny George), Dislocated Fuzzy Metric Spaces and Associated Fuzzy Topologies, Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, July 21-26, Salt Lake city, Utah, USA,(2005), 20-24. (c) (with H. Nashine) “Coincidence Points results in Non-convex Domain of q- Normed Spaces II”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Analysis and its Applications, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 3-5 November, 2008. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 93. Conference/ Work shop : (a) Attendance: Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical society (IMS) held at the University of Gorakhpur, 1970. Annual Conference of IMS held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 1974. Annual Conference of IMS held at University of Bhagalpur, 1975. Annual Conference of IMS held at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 1976. International Conference on Fuzzy sets held at University of Calcutta, 1977. Several Summer Schools for College and University teachers held at various Indian Universities during 1970-1977. Australasian Math Society Conference held at the University of Christ Church, New Zealand, 1978. Australasian Math. Society Conference held at University of Adelaide, Australia, 1979. Australasian Math. Society Conference held at the Australian National University, Canberra 1980. CVMSKhan 10 11/11/01 10. International Instructional Workshop on Wavelets and Applications, University of Delhi, India, August 16-27, 1999. 11. First International Conference on Mathematical Sciences United Arab Emirates University, UAE, November 21-24, 1999. 12. First International Conference on Industrial & Applied Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India, January 22-25, 2001. 13. Conference in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, American University of Sharjah, UAE, May 2-4, 2001. 14. Fifth Jordanian International Congress of Mathematics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, September 3-5, 2002. 15. The Third International Conference on Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, August 25-29,2003. 16. Math Day, American University of Sharjah, UAE, April 1, 2004. 17. The First SQU workshop on Topology and its Applications, 29th December, 2004. 18. Math Day, UAE University, Al-Ain , UAE, 7th April, 2005. 19. International Mediterranean Congress of Mthematicians, University of Almeria, Spain, June 6-10 June, 2005. 20. International Symposia on Mathematical Methods in Engineerings, Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey , 27–29 April,2006. 21. International Conference on Modeling and Optimization of Structures, Processes and Systems, held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban (South Africa), 22-24 January, 2007. 22. Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 6-8 April, 2008. 23. International Conference on Analysis and its Applications, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 3-5 November, 2008. 24. Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Application, Jamia Millia Islamia , New Delhi, India , 30-31 March ,2009. 25. International Conference on Analysis and Applications, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 24-26 January, 2010. 26. The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, University Kebangsaan , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia, 30th November-2nd December, 2010. 27. Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 3-6 January, 2011. 28. SQU workshop on "Convective Flow and Instability", 14th June, 2011. 29. THE ALGERIAN-TURKISH INTERNATIONAL DAY ON MATHEMATICS, Annaba, Algeria, October 9-11, 2012. 30. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY FALL SOUTHEASTERN SECTIONAL MEETINGSPECIAL SESSION ON FIXED POINT THEOREMS AND APPLICATIONS TO INTEGRAL, DIFFERENCE AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 5-6 October, 2013. 31. International Conference on Recent Trends in Algebra and Analysis with Applications (ICRTAAA-2014), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, February 1214,2014. 32. International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICMS), 2014, at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on 29-30 August, 2014. 33. International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ICSME), at Istanbul, Turkey, June 7, 2015. b) Chairing Conference Sessions: CVMSKhan 11 11/11/01 1. Chaired a session at the Third International Conference on Nonlinear and Convex Analysis held at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan during August 25-30, 2003. 2. Chaired a session at International Conference on Analysis and its Applications, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 3-5 November, 2008. 3. Chaired a session at the International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its Applications held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India during March 30-31, 2009. 4. Chaired a session at THE ALGERIAN-TURKISH INTERNATIONAL DAY ON MATHEMATICS, Annaba, Algeria, October 9-11, 2012. 5. Chaired a session at International Conference on Recent Trends in Algebra and Analysis with Applications (ICRTAAA), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, February 12-14, 2014. (b) Scholarly Activities and membership of professional bodies: (i) Member of Editorial Board of Journals: 1. Member of the Editorial Board for Varahmihir Journal of Mathematical Sciences, India. 2. Member of the Editorial Board for International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, India 3. Member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Analysis and Applications, India 4. Member of the Editorial Board for Bulletin of Allahabad Mathematical Society ,India 5. One of the foreign editors for the Journal of Natural & Physical Sciences (India). 6. The Honorary Editorial Member of “Godavari Mathematical Sciences Society “, India. 7. Member of Editor Board of the Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications (Iran). 8. Member of the Editorial Board for Antarctica Journal of Mathematics, India 9. Member of the Editorial Board for International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Bulgaria. (ii) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Membership of professional societies: Member of the American Math. Society Life member of Indian Mathematical Society Life member of Allahabad Mathematical Society, India Member of Irish Mathematical Society Reviewer for Zentrablatt Fur Math., Germany. Life member of Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics CVMSKhan 12 11/11/01 Member of the Organizing Committee for “International Conference on Analysis and Applications”, Jan-24-26, 2010, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. 8. Member of the International Advisory Committee of First International Conference 7. of Indian Society of Information Theory and Applications (ISITA) on “Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology”, January, 16-19, 2015. (iii) Reviewer for Journals : Review articles regularly for the following mathematical journals: 1. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (USA) 2. Rivista Math. University Parma (Italy) 3. Publicationes Math. Debrecen(Hungary) 4. Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Math 5. Soochow Journal of Mathematics ( Taiwan) 6. Pure & Applied Mathematica Sciences (India) 7. Indian Journal of Mathematics 8. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications (Korea) 9. Matematicki Vesnik ( Croatia) 10. International Journal of Mathematics and Applications (India) 11. The Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana ( Mexico ) 12. Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica ( Hungary) 13. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 14. Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering 15. Jour. Math. Anal. & Appl.(USA) 16. Mathematical Communications (Croatia) 17. Mathematical and Computer Modelling (USA) 18. Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 19. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(India) 20. Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics (Bosnia & Herzegovina) 21. Applied Math. Letters(USA) 22. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing (Korea) 23. Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 24. Applied Mathematics E-Notes (Taiwan) 25. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Iran) 26. Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis (Hungary) 27. Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 28. Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology (JAST), Egypt. 29. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Turkey. 30. Journal of Global Optimization (USA) 31. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics(Serbia) 32. Punjab University Journal of Mathematics( Pakistan) 33. Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Saudi Arabia) 34. Jordan Journal of Mathematics and statistics 35. 36. 37. 38. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics (Romania) Non-Linear Analysis and Modeling ( Lithuania) Le Matematice (Italy) Popa Journal (Romania) 39. Journal Advanced Research in Pure Mathematics (USA) CVMSKhan 13 11/11/01 Research Grants and Collaboration : (a) Research Projects: With internal grants and as the Principal Investigator, I have so far completed five (05) research projects since I joined SQU in 1990. 1. (with Professor Salem A. Sahab) Applications of fixed point theorems to Appoximation Theory, (1985-1986), sponsored by the King Abdul Aziz University Research Grants Program, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2. (with Dr. H. A. S. Abujabal) On an iteration technique applied to Commutativity theorems in rings, (1988-1989), sponsored by the King Abdul Aziz University Research Grants Program, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 3. (with Dr. M. A. Thagafi) Some fixed point theorems, (1988-1989), sponsored by the King Abdul Aziz University Research Grants Program, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 4. (with Dr. H. A. S. Abujabal) A study of commutativity theorems for s-unital and semi-prime rings, (1989-1990), sponsored by the King Abdul Aziz University Research Grants Programs, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 5. (with Dr. M. A. Thagafi) A contribution to Fixed Point Theory, (1989-1990), sponsored by the King Abdul Aziz University Research Grants Programs, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 6. Fixed point and KKM property, sponsored by Sultan Qaboos University (2002-2003). 7. Homotopy Invariance for Fixed Points and Applications, sponsored by Sultan Qaboos University (2005-2006). 8. Some Applications of Fixed Point Theorems to Approximation Theory, sponsored by Sultan Qaboos University (2007-2008). 9. A study of Commutativity Theorems and Derivations in Rings, sponsored by Sultan Qaboos University (2009-2010). 10. Some Applications of Derivations in Gamma Rings and Near Rings, sponsored by Sultan Qaboos University (2010-2012). 11. A study on iteration methods for fixed points of pseudo-contractive mapping and their variants (2014-2015). (In progress). Collaboration: I have been collaborating with various mathematicians in USA, UK, Turkey, Korea, Spain, India, Iran, Tunisia, Ireland, South Africa, Pakistan, Egypt, Thailand, Romania, Italy and Serbia. Intellectual Property Development: I have introduced several new concepts in my research papers .These are altering distance function, G-iterations, jointly noncontractive mappings, Best Approximation in spaces with convex structure. These concepts are being used by a number of mathematicians in their research papers. CVMSKhan 14 11/11/01 Other Information : Research Supervision: (Before joining SQU) : While I was at Aligarh Muslim University, India, I supervised Ph. D. Thesis: Two M. Phil. Thesis: One (a) (b) Member of Thesis Committees: (i) MSc Thesis: MSc Projects Project Title: Generating Functions and Semigroups of Order-Preserving and Order-Reversing transformations of a Finite Chain Student Name: Wafa Khamis Ali Al Nadabi Supervisor: Dr. Fatma Salim Al Kharousi Thesis Committee Members: Dr. Fatma Salim Al Kharousi , Dr. Abdullahi Umar, Professor Mohammad Saeed Khan University: SQU Month and Year: (ii) Ph.D. Thesis: PhD Projects (Ongoing) Project Title: New invariants in the Theory of Knots and Surface Knots Student Name: Amal Yahya Al Kharusi Supervisor: Dr. Tsukasa Yashiro Thesis Committee Members: Dr. Tsukasa Yashiro (SQU), Professor Seiichi Kamada (Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan; Professor Mohammad Saeed Khan (SQU) University: SQU Month and Year: (c) Ph.D. Examiner: (i) In 2008, I acted as an External Foreign Examiner for a PhD thesis entitled “A study of Fixed Point Theorems of Multi-functions and some allied results “submitted to Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. (ii) In 2009, I acted as an External Foreign Examiner for a PhD thesis entitled “A study of Fuzzy M-sub bi Groups and its properties “submitted to Alagappa university, Karaikudi , Tamil Nadu, India. (iv) In 2010, I acted as an External Foreign Examiner for two PhD theses from India. (v) In 2014, I acted as an External Foreign Examiner for one PhD thesis from India. (vi) In 2015, I acted as an External Foreign Examiner for one PhD thesis from India. (vii) There are 125 citations of my research work by 100 mathematicians. CVMSKhan 15 11/11/01 (d) I am serving as an External Examiner for the Faculty of Science and Technology programs for 2014- 2017 of the University of West Indies, ST. AUGUSTINE, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, WEST INDIES. CVMSKhan 16 11/11/01