3a Office 2013 in Work Areas IT Services Help Desk

IT Services Help Desk
helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk | warwick.ac.uk/its
Using Excel 2013 on a Work area PC
Office 2013 in Work Areas
How do I access Office 2013 in Work areas?
Word and Excel 2013 are icons on the Work area computer desktop. Double click the icons
to open.
Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and other Office
applications) is also available via the Start menu > All Programs
Using Word 2013 on a Work area PC
When you open Word 2013, to create a new document click on Blank document.
To open previously saved
documents, click Open Other
Documents then, if you
previously saved to your
network H: drive, browse to
your H: drive. If the files were
saved to a usb pen drive,
browse to the pen drive.
When you open Excel 2013 click on Blank workbook. To open previously saved
documents, click Open Other Workbooks then, if you previously saved files to your
network H: drive, browse to your H: drive. If the files were saved to a usb pen drive, browse
to the pen drive.
As with Word, the Excel ribbons are similar to the previous version of Excel 2010.
When the blank document
opens, the ribbons
show as here.
Saving your
Word files
To save the document, click File
> Save As > Computer >
Browse then choose either your
network H: drive or your usb
drive to save your document.
Note: Do not open email
attachments then work on
them as they will be lost when
closing the documents.
Always save email
attachments to your H: drive
then open them from there.
IT Services Help Desk | helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk | warwick.ac.uk/its
Saving your Excel files
To save your Workbook, click File > Save As > Computer > Browse then choose either
your network H: drive or your usb drive to save your document.
Continued overleaf →
19/08/2015 14:59:00
IT Services Help Desk
helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk | warwick.ac.uk/its
Using Excel 2013 on a Work area PC
Office 2013 in Work Areas
How do I access Office 2013 in Work areas?
Word and Excel 2013 are icons on the Work area computer desktop. Double click the icons
to open.
Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and other Office
applications) is also available via the Start menu > All Programs
Using Word 2013 on a Work area PC
When you open Word 2013, to create a new document click on Blank document.
To open previously saved
documents, click Open Other
Documents then, if you
previously saved to your
network H: drive, browse to
your H: drive. If the files were
saved to a usb pen drive,
browse to the pen drive.
When you open Excel 2013 click on Blank workbook. To open previously saved
documents, click Open Other Workbooks then, if you previously saved files to your
network H: drive, browse to your H: drive. If the files were saved to a usb pen drive, browse
to the pen drive.
As with Word, the Excel ribbons are similar to the previous version of Excel 2010.
When the blank document
opens, the ribbons
show as here.
Saving your
Word files
To save the document, click File
> Save As > Computer >
Browse then choose either your
network H: drive or your usb
drive to save your document.
Note: Do not open email
attachments then work on
them as they will be lost when
closing the documents.
Always save email
attachments to your H: drive
then open them from there.
IT Services Help Desk | helpdesk@warwick.ac.uk | warwick.ac.uk/its
Saving your Excel files
To save your Workbook, click File > Save As > Computer > Browse then choose either
your network H: drive or your usb drive to save your document.
Continued overleaf →
19/08/2015 14:59:00