Develop a search strategy A search strate egy begins byy making surre you fully u nderstand what you are being askedd to write about. Before you start searchin ng you shoulld be clear about the maiin topics or c oncepts that you want to o find d information n about. Choose search terms Identify keywords From your research question you will need to identify your keywords. These will form yo ur initial search terms. Ex xample topic: “Ho ow relevant is Shakespe eare in toda ay’s multicultural societty?” He ere, your keyw words are go oing to be Sh hakespeare and multicu ultural. Co onsider alternative terms Aftter you have identified yo our keywords s it is importa ant to consider synonyms s, related term ms, or altern native spellings. Re ere can be many differen esearchers don't all use the same key ywords as the nt words to ddescribe the same thing or concept. By co onsidering altternative sea arch terms yo ou will ensure e that you do on’t miss literrature that us ses slightly diffferent langua age. Your research question may use e one particu ular keyword, but other reeally useful articles written on the same to opic may use e alternative terms. Po ossible synon nyms for Sha akespeare Sha akespeare’s,, Shakespea arean, Bard,, OR even th he broader topic, “Elizaabethan thea atre” Po ossible synon nyms for mullticultural Cu ulture, race, racial, ethnic OR ethnic city Ho ow do you u think of synonyms s? Try usiing a thesaurus to consid der new searrch terms. Are the ere any acronyms for you ur keywords? ? E.g. UK forr United King gdom Look back through your notes or backgroun nd materials to see any alternative woords in use which you ma ay not havve considere ed. Pag ge | 1 Combine search terms On nce you have e identified yo our search te erms you can n then consid der how to combine the t erms in a meaningful wa ay. Bo oolean search h logic helpss you to do th his, enabling you to narro ow or broaden your searcch by combin ning or exc cluding terms. Broad B search h: OR When W you are e searching by b keywords or subject te erms, you want w to be sure to find all possible varriations and a alternatives fo or the same cconcept. To do this, combine search terms with OR. O This will d do a broad search, s findin ng EITHER o of your terms s. Your Y results w will be broade er than if you u had just ussed one word d or combined tthe words ussing AND. Sha akespeare OR Shakespearean Narrow N searc ch: AND When W you havve considere ed all synony yms and alterrnative terms s fo or each searcch term, you will want to combine you ur topics, to fin nd research that covers both b or all off your search h areas. To do this, combine your sea arch terms with AND. Thiss means you u want w to look fo or BOTH keyywords; one as well as th he other. Your Y results w will be narrow wer than if yo ou had just u sed one ke eyword or co ombined the words using OR. Sh hakespearee AND multticultural Using U (brack kets) AND & OR The T search te erms for each h separate co oncept are g grouped to ogether with brackets. Th his means yo ou want to loo ok for the firrst term with one of the second s terms s. Using bracckets co ombines the first term with one of the e second term ms. In this ex xample, your results will include Shakespeare in combination n with w multiculttural OR rac ce. Shakespearee AND (multicultural O OR race) Pag ge | 2 Ad dvanced d search techniqu ues Ad dditional tecchniques ca an help you to remove i rrelevant re esults and check for altternative sp pelling. “P Phrase sea arching” This technique can narrow your search by removing g unrelated results. Using g “speech maarks” around d your keywo ords will ensure thatt your keywo ords will appe ear next to ea ach other as s a phrase rather than thee words appe earing separately anyywhere in the e article. “multicultural soc ciety” rather than multicu ultural society y W Wildcards This technique will broaden n your search h to account for words off the same meaning but w ith variation ns of spelling g. Wildcards use a symbol to substitute a letter in a wo ord. A ? is th he commonly y used symbool but some databases may difffer. Check th he help scree ens for more information.. organii?ation woulld retrieve orrganisation or organization Trruncation This technique will broaden n your search h to include v arious word d endings. Offten a keywoord may featu ure in plural and singular fo orm, or as a root word witth multiple en ndings. An * is the commonly used syymbol but so ome database es ma ay differ. Che eck the help screens for more informa ation. collaborat* would retrieve collaboration, c ollaborative, collabora ate, collaborrates Enhance your searches Ke eep up to date with research by setting g up searc ch alerts Ma any database es allow you to save searrches you ha ave ran. Whe enever a new w article is addded to the database which ma atches your search criteriia, you will be notified byy email or via a web feed. This allows you to stay informed of the mo ost recent de evelopments in your topic c. Citation search If you have found a useful article, some e databases w ill allow you u to search forward and s ee which ne ewer articles have cited your known articcle. This allow ws you to fin nd articles on n a similar top pic or researrch area with hout having to o run n a new searrch or enter keywords. Web of Sciencce, ScienceD Direct, Scopu us and Google Scholar alll have citatio on sea arching available. Keep track of your results Keeep a note of all your search terms as you may uncover new terms as you search. Some searches may return more relevant results than others so note down what works and what doesn’t. Pag ge | 3