Assessment and Modeling of the Fate of Oil Spills in the Coastal Regions of the Sultanate of Oman Project Code: Funds: Funding Source: Start Date: Duration: Team Members: (SR/ENG/CIVL/02/01) 71,454 OMR His Majesty’s Trust Fund 02 May 2002 5 years Researchers Dr. Ahmad Sana (P.I.) Dr. Andy Kwarteng Prof. Hitoshi Tanaka Dr. Ahmad Jamrah Dr. Salma Mohamed Al-Kindi Dr. Michel Clareboudt Research Assistants Mr. Manolito Barte Mr. Mahdi Humood Al-Mahrouqi Mr. Saleh Salim Al-Mashari Mr. Mohamed Ali Al-Ghaithi Mr. Abdulhameed Mohammed Al-Riyami Mr. Rahman Zaini Graduate Students Mr. Abdulla Humood Al-Yaqoubi Executive Summary Objectives To quantify the oil-related pollution of coastal water along the Omani coast of the Gulf of Oman and to explore remedial measures. Methods One of the modern water quality measurement devices, the Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) probe, was used to measure electrical conductivity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyl and turbidity. Water samples were also taken to determine the concentrations of lead and vanadium, which are good indicators of oil-related pollution. The measurements were carried out on board the research vessel of Sultan Qaboos University, “AlJamia”. Waves and currents were also measured at selected locations using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Such types of detailed measurements have not been done previously along the Gulf of Oman. Results It was found that the range of seawater temperatures was between 25°C and 30°C. The conductivity ranges from 54mS/cm to 62mS/cm. The average value of salinity was about 36.75ppt. The temperature, conductivity and salinity show stratification at some measurement stations in summer which is usual in these climatic conditions. The temperature, conductivity and salinity at most measurement stations in winter had a constant value over depth, whereas these values in the upper layer differ from place to place. An average value of dissolved oxygen (DO) of 5ppm was observed at most of the measurement stations; a value corresponding to the lower limit of healthy marine life. If DO levels remain below 1-2ppm for a few hours, significant fish kills may result. It was observed that the average depth current ranges from 0.1m/s to 0.5m/s (0.2 to 2 knots approximately) during the measurement period and the range of significant wave heights was 0.2 to 1.4 m with peak wave periods of 4 to 5 sec. Chemical analysis of the samples showed that seawater is suffering from petroleum-related pollution, especially close to Port Sultan Qaboos, Muscat and the Oman LNG plant. The maximum concentration of lead was found to be 0.050 ppm and the maximum concentration of vanadium was 0.006 ppm. These concentrations are extremely high compared to other locations in the world (Global Lead Concentrations, Central Atlantic water: 0.00005 ppm average, Source: Conclusions: This research project completed important measurements and modeling of hydrodynamic and water quality parameters in the Gulf of Oman. Such detailed measurements had not been carried out before. It was found that the dissolved oxygen levels along the northern coast of the Sultanate of Oman are generally low, posing a possible threat to marine life. The concentrations of petroleum-related trace metals are alarmingly high compared to other locations in the world. Regular monitoring of water quality and strong enforcement of environmental regulations are needed to protect seawater quality in this area. Modeling of the Pollutant Plume at Wadi Suq: A Geo-statistical Approach Project Code: Funds: Funding Source: Start Date: Duration: Team Members: (SR/ENG/PMRE/02/01) 84,250 OMR His Majesty’s Trust Fund 02 May 2002 4 years Researchers Dr. Osman Satti (P.I.) Dr. Khalid Hilal Al Rawahi Prof. Anvar Kasimov Dr. Osman Abdalla Ms. Halima Rashid Al Zari Executive Summary Objectives To characterize and model the movement of the pollutant plume in the area of Wadi Suq, to provide risk-qualified estimates of this plume and its movement, and to assist decision-makers with respect to groundwater quality, pollutant control, and remediation. Methods A geo-statistical modeling technique was applied as an analytical and estimation method to investigate the spatial distribution of different hydrochemical parameters. Groundwater numerical simulation was used to study the advective solute transport within the aquifer system. Potability of groundwater was based on the Omani standards whereas international standards were used to assess its suitability for irrigation, specifically for growing date palm and alfalfa. Results Significant variation in the concentration of heavy elements in the groundwater is attributed to the local geology and the effect of the copper processing which has enhanced ion mobility, whereas increasing salinity has been entirely a consequence of mining. Groundwater was found not to be potable nor suitable for growing date palm and alfalfa due to the high levels of heavy elements. Sources of water (e.g greywater, treated waste water) from the coast can be injected into the upper stream side as a new remediation approach. This water could be transported by the existing pipeline, which was used previously to transport seawater from the coast. Conclusions The mining-related pollutant plume has extended over the area of Wadi Suq, with salinity emerging as the major problem. In addition to salinity, high levels of some heavy elements were confirmed. Analysis found that the effect of the heavy metals was comparatively low for some metals, such as copper. However, lead was found to be a major pollutant, although it is believed to have originated as a background due to the natural geology of the ophiolite rocks. The widely distributed geological structures in the area, such as faults and fractures acted as conduits enhancing the spread of the plume. Due to groundwater pollution, a large area in the downstream part of Wadi Suq was found to be under risk of a decreasing yield of agricultural products such as dates. Groundwater in the area poses a serious threat if it is used for drinking or irrigation. The proposed remediation action could provide a source of aquifer recharge in addition to the cleanup of the environmental problem. Furthermore, the study indicated the ability of geostatistics as a tool to model pollutants in groundwater. Atmospheric Corrosion Maps and Corrosion Products of Mild Steel, Copper, Aluminum and Zinc in Muscat Project Code: Funds: Funding Source: Start Date: Duration: Team Members: (SR/SCI/PHYS/02/01) 140,659 OMR His Majesty’s Trust Fund 02 May 2002 4 years Researchers Dr. Salim Homood Al-Harthi (P.I.) Dr. Mohammed Said Al-Busaidy (P.I.) Dr. Ahmed Dhofar Al-Rawas Dr. Samira Sulaiman Al-Karusi Dr. Mohammed Elamin El-Zain Prof. Ali Awudh Yousif Dr. Abbasher Gismelseed Dr. Imad Omari Dr. Khalid Bouziane Dr. Azzouz Selli Mr. Tariq Mohiudin Dr. Senoy Thomas Research Assistants Mr. Salahadin Fadhal Al-Saadi Mr. Said Nasser Al-Tai Ms. Zakiya Al-Busaidi, Mr. Saud Humaid Al-Shueli Ms. Turkiya Mohamed Al-Shahumi, Ms. Mouna Abdulkhalk Al-Bulushi Ms. Khalsa Mohamed Al-Kasbi Students Mr. Ahmed Al-Jabri Mr. Salah Al-Moqbali Mr. Mubarak Juma Al-Saadi Executive Summary Objectives The primary objective to create maps of atmospheric corrosion rates of different materials from Quriyat to Barka in the Muscat governate was, for the first time, successfully achieved. The secondary objective, which was to establish a specialized laboratory equipped with state-of-theart facilities, was also realized. Methods Four thousand samples distributed at 50 sites over different periods during the project were studied in terms of corrosion rates, soluble salts and corrosion products. It was concluded from statistical analysis of the data that corrosion rates correlate with rates of wetted dewing, deposited salts, regional topography, humidity, and wind direction and speed. As one would expect, some areas near the coast and some industrial and residential areas have high corrosion rates compared to dry areas. However, the mountains in the Muscat play a role in determining the wind direction and speed, and thus the amount of airborne salinity transported to the metal surfaces and the degree of corrosion. This leads to the emergence of some areas near the coast with moderate or relatively low corrosion rates. Results The results revealed a sequence in which mild steel demonstrated the highest corrosion rates followed by zinc, copper and finally aluminum. Despite the vast difference in the corrosion rates of mild steel and copper, there are still some similarities in the corrosion factors between these two metals. It was found that the region from Quriyat to Barka can be divided into three areas characterised by high, medium and low levels of corrosion rates. The four metals were studied for comparative purposes in four additional sites (at Sohar, Nizwa, Umzamaim and Salalah). It was found that aluminum is greatly affected by dry desert conditions compared to those around residential areas. In addition, the corrosion rate of mild steel in Salalah was found to be among the highest in the world for non-industrial coastal areas. Given the high rates of corrosion of mild steel in certain areas, the ISO classification of the world corrosion rates of mild steel is modified to include areas that exceed the rate of corrosion 8.4 µm/year. Conclusions The corrosion rates of mild steel, copper, aluminum and zinc obtained by the weight loss method were mapped using the Geographical Information System (GIS). The corrosion maps are currently available to the scientific and academic community and will be available to the relevant institutions in the near future to help them optimize material selection and corrosion protection design. Seawater Greenhouse Development for Arid Climates: An Innovative Approach for Water Desalination and Crop Production Project Code: Funds: Funding Source: Start Date: Duration: Team Members: (SR/AGR/BIOR/02/01) 87,500 OMR His Majesty’s Trust Fund 02 May 2002 3 years Dr. Shyam Sablani (P.I.) Dr. Johan Perret Dr. Hilal Ali Al-Hinai Dr. Ali Said Al-Naimi Prof. Mattheus Goosen Researchers Dr. Osman El-Mardi Dr. Salim Ali Al-Rawahy Dr. Salem Ali Al-Jabri Mr. Harith Saleh Al-Nabhani Dr. Charlie Paton Graduate Students Mr. Rashid Khalfan Al-Subhi Executive Summary Objectives To identify the optimal design parameters for the seawater greenhouse in terms of local weather and soil conditions; to design and construct a demonstration commercial scale seawater greenhouse at the Al-Hail site of Sultan Qaboos University; to develop a new plastic condenser and grow crops in the greenhouse using fresh water produced from seawater; and to compare performance of the seawater greenhouse and standard commercially-available greenhouses. Methods The greenhouse was equipped with a data logging system to monitor the water and air temperatures, air relative humidity, solar radiation, condensation rate and fan speed in addition to a state-of-the-art weather station located outside the greenhouse. A class A evaporating pan was installed outside while a second pan was placed inside the seawater greenhouse to compare how the potential evaporation differed. The evaporation pan can be used to estimate crop evapotranspiration (ETc). The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is obtained by measuring the daily drop in water level in the pan and multiplying that with the pan coefficient (Kp), ETo is then multiplied by the crop coefficient (Kc) to obtain ETc. The crop water requirement (ETc) was also estimated using two well-established techniques, namely, the modified FAO Penman equation and the atmometer technique. ETc is considered as the key parameter to determine the crop water requirement. Crop production and management was compared to two commercial greenhouses used in the region (one in Rusayl and the second in Barka). It was decided to grow cucumber as it is widely grown in Oman using similar practices. Results During the most water consumptive stage of the cucumber plant, the greenhouse in Barka used almost 1/3 of its fresh water for cooling, and the one in Rusayl used 2/3, against zero of the seawater greenhouse since it relies on seawater for cooling. The volume of fresh water generated by the seawater greenhouse is determined by the air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation and airflow rate. These conditions were simulated using a thermodynamic model along with Omani meteorological data. The detailed design and performance of the seawater greenhouse was optimized. Water production ranged from 300 to 600 L/d. It was expected to be even higher during the summer months. The crop water requirement in the seawater greenhouse was found to be the least throughout the duration of the cropping season. This is due to the automated adjustment of fan speed and hence wind velocity, as well as reduced incoming solar radiation inside the seawater greenhouse compared to the other two greenhouses. Conclusions The project demonstrated the feasibility of designing a seawater greenhouse that can be used commercially to grow crops. The current design of the greenhouse still needs further research and development to fully exploit locally-available component alternatives. The seawater greenhouse provides a solution to farmers in arid coastal regions around the world who are suffering from salt affected soils and a shortage of fresh water for agriculture and do not want to rely on scarce groundwater or rainwater. The seawater greenhouse provides a solution to a key strategic problem: agricultural production in arid coastal regions. Fish Product Development for Export and the Local Market: A Strategic Program of Freshness, Quality Control, Microbiology and Processing of Fish Project Code: Funds: Funding Source: Start Date: Duration: Team Members: (SR/AGR/FOOD/02/01) 98,600 OMR His Majesty’s Trust Fund 02 May 2002 3 years Dr. Stephan Kasapis (P.I.) Dr. Shyam Sablani Dr. Hamed Said Al-Oufi Dr. Nejib Guizani Dr. Stephen Goddard Dr. Ann Mothershaw Researchers Dr. Frisco Consolacion Dr. Ahmed Ali Al-Alawi Mr. Ismail Mohamed Al-Bulushi Ms. Insaaf M. Al-Marhubi Dr. Akhtar Jamal Khan Dr. Houcine Boughanmi Graduate Students Mr. Sultan Rashid Al-Maamari Mr. Juma Salim Al-Musalami Mr. Humaid Ali Al-Wailli Executive Summary Objectives Oman has very rich and diverse fish resources, and the income generated from the fisheries sector is second only to that of oil. At least 50% of the fish species recorded off Oman are considered of commercial value and the remaining have the potential as fish and animal feed. This project aimed to develop industrial processing in fisheries by introducing a range of valueadded fish products such as fish fingers, cakes, burgers, sausages and breaded fillets for consumption both locally and internationally. Methods Ingredients such as corn starch, commercial milk concentrates, soy isolates, gelatin extracts, pectin, carrageenan, dried fruits, frozen vegetables, garlic, spices, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sucrose, polyphosphate, salt, calcium chloride, potassium chloride and ice water were added to fish meat to produce various mixtures. These mixtures were used to develop burgers, nuggets and sausages. The coating formulation included egg protein and bread crumbs. Textural, sensory, microbial and chemical analyses were conducted on the resulting material. Market potential and consumer preference were determined by conjoint analysis. The product attributes analyzed included form (finger, burger, nugget), package size, method of cooking and price. Results The study provided alternative compositions of either protein hydrocolloids such as bovine gelatin, milk powder or soy protein, polysaccharide hydrocolloids such as citrus pectin, Kcarrageenan, alginate, agarose, deacylated gellan, or galactomannan. This was a novel concept to engineer organoleptic acceptability that appeared for the first time in proprietary and published literature. Corn flour and relatively small amounts of non-starch hydrocolloids improved the eating quality of minced fish products including burgers (with and without coating) and sausages. Despite the initial microbial load, freezing at –20C and the inclusion of food additives successfully decreased the aerobic bacterial count and coliform number during three-month storage. Frozen storage at –20 C is inadequate to prevent peroxides value (PV) increase. So, to minimize rancidity development and to maintain the high quality of the product, inclusion of natural antioxidants is recommended. The overall physicochemical quality and microbial acceptability of the burger was maintained for three months. The market study results indicate that the average consumer in the Sultanate of Oman prefers the fish finger or nugget, formulated for frying and packaged in a small packaging. Conclusions Purposeful development of fish products should take into consideration many factors, including the demand of the local market and those abroad, the availability of good quality fish, the cost of raw material, quality control and the effectiveness of processing. The project demonstrated that significant value can be added to the raw fish material by “designing fish formulations” with an appealing ‘mouth-feel’ for consumers. To this end, the project finalized the formulations of fish burgers with and without coating as well as sausages using innovative hydrocolloid technology. Sand Encroachment and Associated Hazards on the Roads and Settlements in the Sultanate of Oman Project Code: Funds: Funding Source: Start Date: Duration: Team Members: (SR/ART/GEOG/02/01) 21,800 OMR His Majesty’s Trust Fund 02 May 2002 4 years Researchers Dr. Ahmed Abdelsalam Ali Ms. Fatima Mohammed Al-Abri Mr. Khalifa Suleiman Al-Zeidi Research Assistants Mr. Ahmed Salim Al-Busaidi Mr. Mohammad Saif Al-Kalbani Mr. Saif Amer Al-Maamari Students Mr. Sultan Ahmed Al-Naamany Mr. Abdulhameed Said Al-Subhi Mr. Ali Mohammed Al-Amri Ms. Suad Saud Al-Manji Mr. Musalam Mahad Al-Amri Mr. Khamis Abdullah Al-Miqbali Mr. Awad Salim Al-Nasri Mr. Abdullah Furaish Al-Raeisy Executive Summary Objectives To measure all kinds of sand dune encroachment in terms of rates of movement and amounts of accumulated sand, identifying the problems resulting from sand encroachment, analyzing sand dune morphological characteristics, as well as the characteristics of sediments and their sources, classifying areas exposed to hazards of sand encroachment according to the degree of seriousness and the need for intervention, and recommending methods to resist sand encroachment in each individual region. Methods The study used more than one technique: (1) Field study was the major technique where: (a) 180 sand samples were collected from more than 200 sites and analyzed chemically, mechanically and microscopically; (b) sand traps were used to study the quantities and direction of sand encroachment; (c) measurement of movement in various ways, the most important being survey devices and wind speed measurement. (2) Analyzing maps and aerial photos and space images. (3) Laboratory analysis to study sand sediment size, elements and microscopic features by utilizing a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results Various sand areas and forms were identified and then were divided into eight regions. Types and patterns of sand dunes were also identified as longitudinal, crescentic, transverse, star and network dunes. These types vary according to their movement rates and direction. Identification of these is important as it results from different types and rates of movement. The results of the sediment analysis of sand samples show that the sands range from fine to coarse sands. Sands of 3 Ø represent 72% of sand samples, the largest percentage; 4 Ø represent about 13%; and sand size of 1 and 5 Ø are negligible. Chemical analysis of sands showed presence of a significant percentage of iron, chromium, zirconium and astronshiom. The results also identified hazards and problems arising from sand encroachment: accumulation of sand on roads, reduced visibility, burying farmland and the erosion of some desert infrastructure. Regions were divided into three sectors in terms of the hazards requiring intervention. The rates of dune movement differed from one region to another. The rate of movement reached 6.4 m/y in Um Alzmaim, 21 m/y in Al Duqm- Sinaw road, 8 m/y in Abu Ood near Ras Al Jinz. The rate of increase in the height of dunes in Um Al Zamaim reached half a meter per month. Conclusions Sands cover approximately 20% of the area of the Sultanate. Sand encroachment causes various problems to several roads and inhabited regions. Sand movements differ in speed, amount and characteristics. The average sand movement ranges from 6 to 21 meters per year. The zones exposed to sand movement can be classified according to whether they are high, medium or low risk areas and whether there is a need for intervention. The most important recommendations are: the continued collection of data through the periodical use of recording stations in the areas of sand movement; the establishment of a desert research centre to trial various methods of sand stabilization and urgent intervention in high risk areas.