Redwoods Community College District MINUTES November 9, 2009

Redwoods Community College District
Meeting of the Facility Planning Committee
Eureka Campus Board Room
November 9, 2009
Paul Agpawa, Michael Bailey, Dave Bazard, Ruth Bettenhausen, Tim
Flanagan, Melissa Green, Mike Mendoza, Jim Sylvia, Erin Wahl, Maggie
Ray Kingsbury, Paul Kinsey
Ruth Bettenhausen, Co-chair called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
Ruth noted that the minutes from the last meeting have not been transcribed,
but soon will be and at that time they will also be posted to the FPC website
Ruth extended a welcome to new committee members Professor Dave
Bazard who will serve as co-chair to the committee, Professor Greg
Grantham from Mendocino and Professor Erin Wall from Eureka. She also
welcomed Lorie Walsh, Administrative Assistant, who will provide clerical
support for the committee. Ruth noted that a student representative has not
yet joined the committee but other constituency groups are well represented.
Ruth presented a brief overview of the committee’s objective noting that
Deferred Maintenance projects are to be categorized by center and by
campus and then combined into a list for overall prioritization. Education
Master Plans will be developed for each of the individual centers and then
rolled into the existing plan which will then become a “Fully Loaded Master
Plan.” Currently there is funding from the state for two Capitol Projects which
include building of the Administration and Academic Buildings.
Ruth stated that there currently is funding from the state for two Capital
SUB COMMITTEES Projects which are construction of the Administration and the Academic
Buildings. There are four other projects have been reviewed by the state.
There were reports from each of the sub committees:
Eureka Capital Facilities
Sub-committee members Michael Bailey and Paul Agpawa distributed
a Prioritization List of capital projects on the Eureka campus. They
also explained the criteria that were used in the prioritization process.
There was discussion regarding the addition of new projects that
were not addressed in the Facilities Master Plan. Committee
members in attendance agreed that the process of selecting
additional projects should begin first with the Education Master Plan
committee, then the Program Review committee and then on to the
Facilities Master Plan committee. There was also agreement that
“Seismic/Environmental” be added as the fifth criteria to the
Prioritization List.
Eureka Deferred Maintenance
Sub-committee member Tim Flanagan reported that a spreadsheet is
being developed to combine projects that are similar and that can be
annualized. Ruth recommended that the sub-committee walk around
campus and become familiar with projects on the prioritization list. It
was also suggested that photos be taken to supplement the
spreadsheet. Tim noted that safety, compliance and cost savings are
considered when prioritizing a deferred maintenance project. It was
also noted that projects that come out of Program Review are likely to
be deferred maintenance projects.
Mendocino Deferred Maintenance
Geisce Ly stated that the condition of the science labs at the
Mendocino Coast Center present safety concerns and ADA
compliance issues. It was suggested by the committee that a more
detailed description be given to projects on the Mendocino and Del
Norte prioritization lists i.e. age of items to be replaced, the reason for
replacing, environmental issues.
Del Norte Deferred Maintenance
Anita Janis reported that the Del Norte Center is also dealing with
safety concerns and ADA compliance issues. There was discussion
regarding the possibility of a bond election in the future and how
those funds might be used.
Ruth asked that the new committee members be assigned to a sub –
committee and if there was a need for “cross pollination. It was decided that
David Maki from Mendocino (cross – pollination) will continue to participate
on the Eureka Deferred Maintenance committee, Greg Grantham will serve
on the Mendocino Deferred Maintenance committee, and Erin Wall will serve
on the Eureka Capital Facilities committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.