... This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. AVIAN COMMUNITY RESPONSES TO FOREST THINNING AND PRESCRIBED SURFACE FIRE, ALONE AND IN COMBINATION Sarah Hurteau, Brett G. Dickson, Thomas D. Sisk, and William M. Block The u.s. Forest Service and other federal agencies treated more than 2.8 million ha of forested land between 2001 and 2003 under the Healthy Forest Restoration Act (USDA Forest Service 2004). Because many more areas across our landscape are slated for fuel reduction treatments, understanding how wildlife communities will respond is essen­ tial to conserving biodiversity, yet little is understood about the ecological conse­ quences of such treatments. Prior to Euro­ American settlement in the late 1800s, ponderosa pine-dominated forests of the Southwest were characterized by open stands with a dense herbaceous understory (Stone et al. 1999). Low-intensity surface fires, with return intervals of 2-12 years on average, maintained this stand structure (Covington and Moore 1994). However, fire suppression, livestock grazing, and selective logging of old fire-resistant trees have signi­ ficantly altered forest structure (Harrington and Sackett 1988; Covington et al. 1997; Stone et al. 1999; Youngblood et al. 2004). Today's forests typically are characterized by dense, closed-canopy forests (Cooper 1960; Covington and Moore 1994), leaving them susceptible to stand-replacing fires, pathogen and pest outbreaks, and non­ native species invasions (Fule et al. 2002; Bock and Block 2005). In the Southwest, fuel reduction treatments employ mechanical thirming and prescribed surface fire to miti­ gate excessive fuel accumulations and, in some cases, to re-create forest structural characteristics that existed prior to the regu­ lar interruption of natural disturbance regimes (Meyer et al. 2001). However, the broader ecological effects of these techniques are not well studied. Much of the research on the effects of fuel reduction and restoration treatments has been focused on one dominant tree species (ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa) and the response of understory vegetation after thin­ ning and / or prescribed fire (Harrington and Sackett 1988; Covington et al. 1997; Stone et al. 1999; Franklin et al. 2002; Fule et al. 2002). Research conducted to determine the effects of these treatments on wildlife has consisted largely of observational studies, generally addressing a single treatment alternative (e.g., King and DeGraaf 2000; Saab et aJ. 2004) or focusing on a single species (e.g., Germaine and Germaine 2002), and not the response of the avian community as a whole. Although literature reviews have been conducted to identify how avian com­ munities respond to mechanical thinning, wildfire, and post-fire salvage logging (e.g., Kotliar et al. 2002; Saab and Powell 2005), no study has experimentally tested the effects of multiple fuel reduction treatment types on avian communities. Our research was conducted on the Fire and Fire Surrogates (FFS) program South­ west Plateau sites (Edminster et aJ. 2000). The national FFS program is an integrated network of 13 long-term research sites de­ signed to quantify the effects of prescribed fire and mechanical thinning on a set of eco­ system health response variables, including wildlife (S. Zack and W. F. Laudenslayer, unpublished report). Although the FFS pro­ gram was not developed to focus on wild­ life, its experimental design permits studies 186 Hurteau, Dickson, Sisko and Block that can improve our understanding of how various treatment types affect sensitive and ecologically important species. However, there are several inherent limitations in the FFS experimental design, especially when focusing on such mobile taxa as birds (Dickson et a1. 2004). For example, the treat­ ment units are small in size, limiting the number of avian detections gathered and our ability to estimate detection probabilities for multiple species. Our general objective for this study was to evaluate the effects of fuel reduction treatments on the organization of the avian community, but we also explored a finer­ scaled response at the level of individual species. We evaluated the change in density for a suite of "focal" species, representing a range of foraging modes, to provide ex­ amples of how various guilds may respond to future fuel reduction treatments. To examine short-term effects of different forest fuel reduction treatments on the avian community, we sought to address the fol­ lowing research questions: (1) Does the rank abundance or organization of bird species differ among treatment types? (2) Do bird densities change in response to fuel treat­ ments? Our main objectives were to evaluate how the avian community responds to vari­ ous experimental fuel reduction treatments and to provide baseline information that could be used in the development of forest management guidelines for wildlife. METHODS Study Area Our three study sites were located on the Kaibab (K.A. Hill) and Coconino National Forests (Powerline and Rudd's Tank, here­ after KA, PL, and RT, respectively), west of Flagstaff, Arizona. Overstory composition at each site was dominated by ponderosa pine and occasionally included Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii), one-seed juniper (Juni­ perus monosperma), and alligator-bark juniper (J. deppeana). Small-diameter « 25 cm) ponderosas were common at each site, and larger yellow-bark trees occurred in small dumps that typically resulted from previous timber harvests (Dickson et a1. 2004). Com­ mon understory and grassland vegetation included Arizona fescue (Festuca arizonica) and blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis). Mean site elevation was approximately 2200 m and the topography was mostly flat. For the period 1971-2000, average annual precipita­ tion was 58 em and average annual tempera­ ture was 7.9 C (Staudenmaier et aI. 2005). 0 Experimental Design We used a modified before-after / control­ impact experimental design (Green 1979; Stewart-Oaten et a1. 1986; Stewart-Oaten et a1. 1992) to assess the response of bird com­ munity attributes to fuel reduction treat­ ments. Each study site was established in a block design and represented a single repli­ cate (n = 3). We divided each replicate into four units, including three experimental fuel reduction treatments (thin-only, prescribed bum-only, and thin followed by prescribed burn) and a single control unit (Figure 1). This design was used, in part, to efficiently explore treatment alternatives that are highly representative of the project-scale (e.g. < 1000 ha) treatments currently being implemented in many of the Southwest's ponderosa pine forests. Although our control units could not be characterized as having been dominated by a natural dis­ turbance regime, they do capture the forest structural conditions that are typical for ponderosa pine-dominated forests in the region. Thinning treatments were conducted during the fall of 2002, and prescribed sur­ face fire treatments were completed in the fall of 2003. Each treatment unit consisted of alOha core sampling area surrounded by a 30 m buffer. Units ranged in total size from 16 ha (RT) to 30 ha (PL). We established a 36-point array of sample points within each treatment unit, typically as a 6 x 6 grid, with 50 m between points (but see Figure 1). Regardless of array shape, we maintained a minimum of 50 m spacing between grid points and a buffer zone of 2: 50 m between points and the edge of the treatment unit. Avian Community Sampling and Analysis We sampled the avian community during the summer breeding season (late May - Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block 187 Figure 1. The Power Line (PL) FFS study site in northern Arizona. Map illustrates our experimental design, including the 36 point sampling array in each treatment unit, and the close proximity of treatment units to one another. through early July) of each survey year. We conducted pre-treatment surveys between 2000 and 2002 and post-treatment surveys between 2003 and 2005. Additional details on the national FFS standardized wildlife sampling protocols, and specific modifica­ tions made for the Southwest Plateau sites, are described by Dickson et al. (2004). To assess the numerical response of avian species to treatments, we used a sampling design that permitted density estimation by distance methods (Buckland et al. 2001). We conducted 50 m fixed-radius counts of all species detected by sight or sound during a 5-minute period at all points on a 36-point treatment unit array. We estimated the distance from the observer to each bird detected and mapped its location. Over the course of the breeding season, we counted birds at each point on a single occasion, usually before 10 a.m., and visited 9-12 points per day. This sampling scheme resulted in 3-4 visits to each treatment unit per season. We spaced out our visits over the breeding season to account for temporal heterogeneity in the detectabilities of birds. We randomly selected points in a way that minimized sampling radius overlap or double-counting of the same individual on a given day. Because distance-based models (see below) are robust in the detection of the same individual(s) at > 1 point, or during different sampling periods, we were able to relax any assumption of complete spatial independence among sampling points (Buckland et al. 2001). For the most abundant species, we gen­ erated a rank abundance table to examine differences in the avian community between treatments, and to morutor change in com­ 188 Hurteau. Dickson. Sisko and Block munity organization over time. A rank was then assigned to each species on the list based on the number of detections within each treatment. If there was a tie in the number of detections, each tied species was given the average rank. Because of the small size of the FFS treatment blocks, we had too few detections for most species and were only able to estimate densities for the five most common species. We assessed the sig­ nificance of rank abundance and community composition among treatments using Spear­ man's rank correlation procedure (rs = test statistic; ex = 0.05). Focal Species Analysis We reviewed the published literature to generate hypotheses about the directional (positive, negative, or neutral) response to treatments expected for five common species belonging to different foraging guilds. This suite of focal species included western blue­ bird (Sialia mexicana; insectivore generalist), mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli; foliage insectivore), pygmy nuthatch (Sitta pygmaea; bark insectivore), dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis; ground insectivore), and yellow­ rumped warbler (Dendroica coronata; foliage insectivore). Western bluebirds are well­ known fire specialists (Bock and Block 2005; Saab and Pow~ll 2005), so we hypothesized that their densities would increase in burned areas. As an insectivorous species, western bluebirds can benefit from increases in insect populations following fire (Guinan et al. 2000). Because mountain chickadees are more abundant in unburned areas, and respond negatively to fire (Kotliar et al. 2002; Bock and Block 2005; Saab and Powell 2005), we expected a negative response by this species to all treatment types. For the remaining three species (dark-eyed junco, pygmy nuthatch, and yellow-rumped warbler) we expected a neutral response to the fuel reduction treatments because previous research has shown a mixed response by these species (Kotliar et al. 2002; Bock and Block 2005; Saab and Powell 2005). To quantify the response of each of these species, we used two different ad hoc ap­ proaches. First, we visually evaluated the estimated standard errors associated with post-treatment density estimates for control vs. treatment type or treatment vs. treatment for each species, and considered nonover­ lapping standard errors to be indicative of a response to treatment. Second, we devel­ oped an index value to describe the magni­ tude of change observed in density esti­ mates, within and among treatment types. Given the subjectivity of both approaches, our results are more qualitatively suggestive than quantitatively definitive. For the five focal species, we used the program DISTANCE (version 5.0; Thomas et al. 2005) to estimate density (individuals per hectare) by treatment type, or "stratum." Because the thin & bum treatments were im­ plemented in different years, we calculated bird densities separately for three periods: PI, a pre-treatment period (2000-2002), P2, a post-thin period (2003), and P3, a post-thin and post-bum period (2004-2005). We used multiple covariate distance sampling anal­ ysis (Buckland et al. 2004; Marques and Buckland 2004) and considered year, study site, and treatment type as factors in esti­ mating a global detection probability for each species. Since we required species- and stratum-specific estimates, this approach was more robust to small sample size than conventional distances sampling analyses (Marques and Buckland 2004). Because we used a global detection function to estimate species densities by treatment type, our stratified estimates are not independent, have associated variance estimates that are biased toward small, and violate the assumptions of traditional statistical tests (Buckland et al. 2001). We used Akaike's Information Criterion (AlC) to assess model fit and to select the best model of density from a candidate set that included all pos­ sible factor combinations (Burnham and Anderson 2002). We averaged density estimates when AlC difference values for competing models were ::; 2, and we computed unconditional standard errors (Burnham and Anderson 2002). To quantify the magnitude of the direc­ tional treatment response by our focal species, we used the "raw" differences in Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block density (M, which we calculated by subtract­ ing the control density from the treatment density, for both pre- (l'1-pre) and post­ treatment (l'1-post) density estimates output by program DISTANCE. We then calculated a standardized difference (1'1*) as l'1-post treatment minus l'1-pre treatment to evaluate the cumulative response to treatments by species. We considered a large response to be one with 1'1 * > 0.40, a small response to be one with 1'1* = 0.10-0.40, and a neutral response to be one with 1'1* < 0.10. Although these designations are arbitrary, we have included them to standardize our language used to describe the magnitude of the responses observed in the focal set of species analyzed. For both the raw and cumulative difference calculations, positive and nega­ tive differences indicated a positive and negative response to treatment, respectively. RESULTS Community Response We recorded 5839 detections among 62 total species during the 200D-2005 breeding sea­ sons. Our species list for analysis was gener­ ated for the 25 most frequently detected spe­ cies during the 6-year study period. Table 1 illustrates how some species increased in rank abundance while others decreased. These results suggest that there is no differ­ ence in the avian community structure among treatments. Pygmy nuthatch, for example, dropped in rank from first to fourth in P3, and mountain chickadee dropped from fourth to nineteenth. Western bluebird remained relatively constant though time, whereas after treatments the violet-green swallow moved from the bottom of the list to within the top 10. The Spearman rank correlation test, comparing the species present in the control and the thin-only treatment in P2, showed that avian ranked abundances were correlated among treatments, and were significant for all four comparisons of interest (for post-thin P2, control vs. thin-only, rs = 0.754, P < 0.0001; for post-thin and post-burn P3, control vs. thin-only, rs = 0.720, P < 0.0001; for control vs. burn-only, rs = 0.789, P < 0.0001; and for control vs. thin & burn, rs = 0.728, P < 189 0.0001). Similar analyses were not conducted for the pre-treatment period because previ­ ous research has shown that the structure was not significantly different among treat­ ment units within each study area (Dickson et al. 2004). Focal Species Response Response to treatment types during the post-treatment period varied considerably among species. Only those with ~ 340 detections were considered for the focal species analysis. Our estimated standard errors associated with post-treatment density indicated a positive treatment response by western bluebird to the thin­ only and thin & burn treatments (Figure 2). The density of dark-eyed junco increased on the bum-only treatment, indicating a posi­ tive treatment response. Pygmy nuthatch also showed a positive response to the bum­ only treatment in the post-treatment period, and yellow-rumped warbler exhibited a negative response to the thin-only treatment. Mountain chickadee was the only species for which the standard error estimates did not suggest a treatment response. For all species except yellow-rumped warbler, the direction of the change in density on the control unit was identical to the direction on the treatment units. On the control units, we observed a small increase in western bluebird (1'1* = 0.17) and dark­ eyed junco (1'1' = 0.18) densities, and a large (1'1 * = 0.41) increase in yellow-rumped warbler density (Table 2). In contrast, we observed a small decrease in mountain chickadee (1'1* = -D.19) and pygmy nuthatch (1'1 * = -0.26) densities. For the thin-only treatment, we observed a small positive increase in western bluebird (1'1* = 0.16) and dark-eyed junco (1'1* = 0.24) densities, but a small decrease in mountain chickadee (1'1* = -0.39) and yellow-rumped warbler (1'1* = -D.24) densities. We observed a very small (1'1 * = -0.09) decrease in pygmy nuthatch density, which we considered a neutral response. In the burn-only treatment, patterns were similar to those described above. We observed a small increase in western bluebird (1'1* = 0.16) and yellow­ 190 Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block Table 1. The 25 most frequently detected s~ecies by treatment type during two sampling periods on the three FFS study sites in northern Arizona, 000-2005. S~ecies rariked according to total number of detections for each species within each treatment type. or species with tied abundance values, we determined rank by computing the average of these values. All community comparisons were signifi­ cantly correlated among treatments withlli a given period (see Results section). P2 (Post-Thin Only) Species ~gmy nuthatch ( itta pygmaea) Yellow-rumped warbler (Dendroica corona/a) Western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) Mountain chickadee (Poecile gambeli) Dark-el,ed junco (Junco yemalis) Chipping sparrow (Splzella passerina) American robin (Turdus migra/orius) Bro\l,'11 creeper (Cer/hia americana) Grace's warbler (Dendroica graciae) Plumbeous vireo (Vireo plumbeus) SteUer's jay (Cyanocilla s/elleri) \Vhite-breasted nuthatch (Silla carolinensis) Western woodluewee (Con/opus sordi ulus) Bro\\'11-headed cowbird (Molo/hrus a/er) Gray flycatcher (Empidonax wrightii) Hairy woodpecker (Picoides villosus) Pine siskin (Carduelis pinus) Western tanager (Piranga ludoviciana) Common raven (Corvus corax) Hermit thrush (Ca/harus gUlla/us) Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) Northern flicker (Cowptes auratus) Red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) Violet-green swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) Control Thin Only P3 (Post-Thin and Post-Bum) -- - . -- . . .. . . - . ........ - .. -­ Control Thin Only Bum Only Thin & Burn 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 14.5 6 5 2 6 40.5 9.5 2 2.5 19 13 18.5 2 2.5 3 23.5 15 11 12.5 5 8.5 10 7 5 9.5 14.5 14 13 8 23 9.5 10.5 5 15 5 14 9.5 6 11 5 6 8 9.5 10.5 20.5 18 20.5 12.5 9.5 10.5 8.5 17 18 10 13 7 18 8 13 6.5 16 8 8.5 9 13 6.5 16 18.5 19 26.5 25.5 45.5 16 18.5 20.5 15 16.5 17 16 10.5 15 6.5 16.5 16 16 13 13 11.5 10 15 40 40.5 47.5 24 20.5 45.5 40 40.5 23.5 46.5 22.5 45.5 40 16 27 26.5 46.5 22 40 40.5 16.5 20.5 25.5 18.5 40 40.5 16.5 20.5 22.5 20 40 40.5 8.5 6.5 9 9 0.53 0.85/1.02 0.54 0.64/0.80 0.69 0.47/0.39 0.34 0.15 0.37 0.46/0.61 0.41 0.18 -0.26 -0.19 0.17 to 0.41 0.49 0.42 0.76 0.90 0.59 0.71 0.13 0.45 0.70 Thin Only b -0.12 -0.36 -0.24 -0.12 0.12 0.24 0.21 0.12 -0.09 0.37 -0.02 -0.39 0.08 0.24 0.16 1'1 0.56 1.25 0.26 2.65 0.98 0.62 0.03 0.23 0.20 -0.28 1.85 2.13 0.29 0.23 -0.06 0.19 N/A N/A 0.53 0.00 0.16 0.16 1'1 N/A 0.37 0.77 BurnOnlyC 0.67 0.83 0.30 0.80 0.83 0.50 N/A 0.50 0.44 0.95 Thin & Burn C 0.14 -0.19 -0.33 -0.24 0.00 0.24 0.14 0.11 -0.03 N/A N/A 0.16 0.07 0.34 0.28 1'1 0 0 0 + Expected + + + Observed N / A signifies treatment units for which no estimates are available due to insufficient detections to produce a reliable density estimate. a Treatments were staggered; we report two estimates for post-treatment control density: P2P3, a pooled estimate over 1'2, and P3 / P3. We were unable to produce a reliable estimate for P3, so mountain chickadee estimates are from the P2P3 tooled estimate. We computed "'- as the average of P2P3 and P3 post-treatment control density - pre-treatment control density; e.g. western bluebird: [(0.46 + 0.61) 2]- 0.37. b Thin-only'" computed as P2P3 pre-treatment density - P2P3 pre-treatment control density (e.g. western bluebird, 0.45 - 0.37). CBum-only and thin & bum 6. computed as P3 pre-treatment density - P3 pre-treatment control density (e.g. western bluebird, 0.37 - 0.37). We calculated "'- as the difference of the "'s for each treatment (i.e., post-treatment'" - pre-treatment "'). 1'1­ Yellow-rumped warbler Pre-treatment Post-treatment 1'1­ Dark-eyed junco Pre-treatment Post-treatment 1'1­ Pygmy nuthatch Pre-treatment Post-treatment 1'1' Mountain chickadee Pre-treatment Post-treatment 1'1­ Western bluebird Pre-treatment Post-treatment Control a Table 2. Pre- and post-treatment density (birds per hectare) estimates, raw (to) and standardized (to-) estimated differences, and directional response by treatment type for five species detected on the three FFS study areas, 2000-2005. Overall (observed) and expected (based on Kotliar et ai. 2002; Bock and Block 2005) responses are indicated as positive (+), negative (-), or neutral (0). Since measures of variance for our density estimates are biased (see text), they are not reported here. 192 Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block A. Post-Thin 1.2....------------------------, * >. III l: CIl 0.8 +---'F-------------j----i CI 0.6 Control • Thin Only C 0.4 0.2 a MaCH WEBL B. PYNU DEJU YRWA Post -Thin & Post-Burn 4.5 . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , * 4+------------+----------l 3.5 + - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - j >. 3.-r-----------t--------! CI Control :; 2.5 + - - - - - - - - - - - ­ ~ C • Burn Only 2+-----------­ 1.5 • Thin & Burn +---------­ 1 0.5 o WEBL PYNU DEJU YRWA Figure 2. Post-treatment density estimates (individuals/ha) and unconditional standard errors for five species detected on the three FFS study sites in northern Arizona, 2003-2005.• indicates possible treatment effect on densities. Because the thin & burn treatments were implemented in different years, we calculated densities separately for each period. (a) Post-thin densities for P2 (2003-2005) were estimated using data for five focal species in the control and thin-only treatment units: WEBl, western bluebird (n::: 189); MOCH, mountain chickadee (n::: 35); ·PYNU. pygmy nuthatch (n::: 146); DEJU, dark-eyed junco (n::: 171); and YRWA, yellow-rumped warbler (n::: 176). (b) Post-thin and post-burn densities for P3 (2004-2005) were estimated using data for four focal species in the control, burn-only, and thin & burn treatment units: WEBl, n::: 217; PYNU, n::: 136; DEJU, n::: 204; YRWA, n::: 233. Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block rumped warbler (~* = 0.20) densities and a large (~. = 2.13) increase in the density of dark-eyed junco (Figure 2). We observed a small (~. = -0.06) but neutral response by pygmy nuthatch. Mountain chickadee detections were so few (n = 13) in the burn­ only treatment type that we were unable to generate a reliable density estimate. In the thin & burn treatment type, we observed a small increase in density for western blue­ bird (~. = 0.28) and dark-eyed junco (~. = 0.24), a small (~. = -0.33) negative response in yellow-rumped warbler (Table 2) density, and a neutral decrease (~. = -0.03) in density in pygmy nuthatch. Again, we had too few (n = 8) mountain chickadee detections to produce a reliable density estimate for this treatment type. DISCUSSION Community Response Our results indicate that the short-term (3­ year) impacts of forest fuel reduction treat­ ments, including thinning and prescribed fire, had minimal influence on the avian community attributes we measured. With the exception of violet-green swallow and mountain chickadee, all other species ranks (i.e. species composition) remained relative­ ly constant, within and among treatment types, through time (Table 1). This trend suggests that the basic community organi­ zation was probably unaffected by the fuel reduction treatments. Focal Species Response The positive response by western bluebird to treatment is consistent with the results of other studies (Gennaine and Germaine 2002; Bock and Block 2005; Saab and Powell 2005). We observed the largest increase in western bluebird density in the thin & burn treat­ ment, indicating that the combination or interaction of thinning and fire likely bene­ fits this species. Previous research suggests that this open-habitat species may benefit from burning (Kotliar et al. 2002) because prescribed fire can increase insect densities (Holmes 1990; Guinan et al. 2000). Mountain chickadees appear to be espe­ cially sensitive to the burn-only and the thin 193 & burn treatment types. Previous research on this species has shown that many timber management practices can have deleterious effects on long-term population stability (McCallum et al. 1999). Although we were unable to test how these treatments will influence population persistence, our results demonstrate a negative post-treatment numerical response of mountain chickadee to all treatments when compared to the densities present during the pre-treatment period. Indeed, the number of detections decreased to the point that we were unable to produce density estimates for two of the four treatment types. Although there was very little difference in the densities present in the thin-only and control units during the post-treatment period, one might conclude that thinning has little impact on mountain chickadee densities. However, when the densities we estimated in these treatment units during the pre-treatment period are taken into account, it is reasonably clear that the disturbance associated with the imple­ mentation of the fuel reduction treatments has negatively impacted this species. The pygmy nuthatch is one of the most abundant species in many ponderosa pine systems (Kingery and Ghalambor 2001); we thus expected pygmy nuthatch to have a neutral response to the treatments. Previous research has shown that this species tends to be affected by logging, fire, grazing, or development if suitable nesting sites are removed (Kingery and Ghalambor 2001), which was not the case on our small treat­ ment blocks surrounded by extensive un­ treated forest. Our results do indicate that fuel reduction treatments may have had a negative impact on this species (negative cumulative response, ~.; Table 2), but the pattern was largely driven by the stronger negative response on the control units. The larger declines in density recorded on the control units, when compared to the treat­ ment units, suggest that some background environmental change extraneous to the treatments may be influencing the relative abundance of this species at our study sites. Since dark-eyed junco are ground omni­ vores, we expected to see an increase in 194 Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block density in both the burn-only and the thin & burn treatments due to the opening up of understory habitat and increased foraging opportunities after bUrning. Although dark­ eyed junco exhibited the largest magnitude of response recorded for any of the species that we analyzed, we observed an increased density only in the burn-only treatment. These results are consistent with previous research conducted in Arizona on larger study units (Short 2003; Dickson 2006). It seems clear that this species is sensitive to burning and is not simply responding to the increased openness of the forest understory. A post-bum increase in seed and insect pro­ duction may be responsible for the increases we observed, and additional research on this mechanism is warranted. We speculate that the mixed response to treatments observed in yellow-rumped warbler may be a result of changes in forest structure. The shift from a closed to an open canopy in the thin-only and thin & burn treatments likely influenced the availability of foraging habitats for this foliage-gleaning species (Saab and Powe]] 2005). The removal of trees by treatments effectively increases the distance between foraging patches and may decrease yellow-rumped warbler den­ sities. Yellow-romped warbler exhibited a marked increase in the control units over the course of the study, suggesting that the more variable numbers for the treatment types reflect a smaller response to treatment than control for this species. Design Limitations and Recommendations Due to the analytical constraints imposed by the small size of the FFS treatment units, we were unable to detect changes in population density for several of the most common spe­ cies. The 10 ha core sampling areas within treatment blocks were simply too small to allow for sufficient detections of most spe­ cies. We attempted to overcome the inherent limitations of small treatment units and low replication by maximizing the number of sampling points per treatment (n = 36) and adjusting the sampling sequence to mini­ mize the possibility of double-counting birds on a single day. However, with most species represented by a dozen or fewer individuals per unit, analytical possibilities were severely limited. The size and adjacency of the treatment units presents concerns that the among-unit movements of individuals could have af­ fected our density estimates. Since individ­ ual birds can move readily among the dif­ ferent treatment units within a short period of time, our samples were not spatially independent and individuals may have used multiple post-treatment forest conditions. We used DISTANCE to analyze our data as a way to increase the precision of our den­ sity estimates and minimize the influence of sample size and the aforementioned spatial constraints. Furthermore, DISTANCE is robust to repeatedly counting the same individual, and does not cause bias if counts are associated with multiple visits or if an unconditional variance estimator is used (Buckland et al. 2001). The landscape-level implementation of forest treatments is likely to have "winners," such as western bluebird, and "losers," such as mountain chickadee. Whether these trends are significant with respect to popu­ lation persistence in a given location cannot be determined by examining changes in population density on small units, such as those used in the FFS study. Background environmental change, such as annual fluc­ tuations in precipitation, has been shown to significantly affect bird density in northern Arizona (Szaro and Balda 1986), and this change may have influenced the patterns we observed. However, our focal species analy­ sis may be capturing the annual variation in the abundance of these species since many of the standard errors overlap for post­ treatment density estimates (Figure 2). The implications of our research for broader forest management scenarios are limited, but not without management and conservation value. Our results from small­ scale treatments suggest that a mosaic of treatments may be suitable to a wider range of forest avian species. Manipulative experi­ ments involving treatments of 10 ha or more, even with low replication, are rare, and offer exce]]ent opportunities for finer­ Hurteau, Dickson, Sisk, and Block scale research that focuses on individual bird movements, foraging behavior, nest success, response to microclimate, and other factors that likely underlie changes in den­ sity. We have utilized the FFS study sites in Arizona to explore and link these factors and encourage other investigators to expand their focus on these and other ecological relationships that may be more appropriate to this experimental design. Although we found design constraints to be significant on our low-productivity ponderosa pine sites, this may be less of an issue at other FFS loca­ tions. Indeed, it is important to recognize that, in our experience, such design con­ straints are typical of avian community stu­ dies. Furthermore, the FFS program focuses on the responses of ecosystem components and processes that are manifested at scales different from wildlife. The effective study of wildlife taxa requires considerable effort and larger unit sizes, which may be pre­ cluded because of funding or logistical con­ straints. Combining such different response variables into one study presents inherent challenges to any experimental design. 195 demonstrates that wildlife studies should be designed at scales that encompass the space­ use and ecological requirements of the focal taxa. In order to understand how fuel reduc­ tion treatments affect wildlife, including birds, treatments should be carried out at spatial and temporal scales large enough to effectively estimate their impacts. Moreover, future designed experiments will improve our knowledge of how forest management practices can protect human communities and, at the same time, restore ecological processes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CONCLUSIONS We thank the Fire and Fire Surrogates Pro­ gram, the Interagency Joint Fire Sciences Program, and C. Edminster of the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Flagstaff, for funding this research. The helpful com­ ments of M. D. Hurteau, R. Hutto, M. D. Meyer, C. van Riper Ill, and two anonymous reviewers improved drafts of our manu­ script. We also thank the Sisk Lab o£ Ap­ plied Ecology, J. Bailey (Northern Arizona University, School of Forestry), L. Dickson, K. Bratland, and the numerous field tech­ nicians who worked on this project. While recognizing that limitations in our study design prevent us from making broad-scale forest management recommen­ dations, we believe we can offer both land managers and researchers lessons learned from our experience. We provide evidence that specific treatment types can affect different species in different ways. 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