Saturday February 4, 2012 Public forum to discuss budget strategies

Saturday February 4, 2012
Public forum to discuss budget strategies
Attendees: Faculty 14, Executives 2 (Utpal and Lee), Managers 4, Classified 0, Confidential 1, Trustee 1,
Students 2.
Ideas and Options for BPC to consider
1) “Hiring Freeze” (note: the current position approval structure requires that all hiring requests be
presented to and approved by the president’s cabinet).
2) Reduce the colleges overall dependence on Temporary employees.
3) Sell the property that is not being utilized in Fort Bragg.
4) Sell the Garberville property.
5) Lower the thermostats across the campus (62 degrees was mentioned) suggest people wear
6) Turn off the hot water in the bathrooms.
7) Replace the white boards with chalkboards (dry erase pens are $1 each).
8) Review our software expenses – analyze all software expenses to determine if they are necessary or
9) Review Administrative Salaries; determine equity between administrative salaries and faculty salaries.
10) Have the CR Business dept. run a business that brings in revenue.
11) A monthly black tie event sponsored by the College for students and CPA’s to build relationships
there would be a charge of $25 per person for attendance at this event.
12) Look at the leases on the bookstore and café; when they expire run these enterprises internally.
13) Rent out the unused buildings on campus.
14) General wage cuts across the board.
15) Discontinue the football program and put education first.
16) Employee participation in benefit costs and/or wage cuts based on each employee’s current salary,
not the employee group or classification of the position held.
17) Plan for higher wage costs down the road as longevity moves employees’ salaries into higher wage
18) Renting out the unoccupied dorms in the summer for groups who may be interested in visiting our
19) Place billboards on our unused land for rent.
20) Grow and sell organic hay at the Shively Farm.
21) Snack shacks around campus making it convenient for students.
22) Allow a Cell phone service provider to place a cell phone tower on our property.
23) A mini bookstore placed on campus to sell sundries.
24) Lease the space that the Academy of the Redwoods is currently using to the Academy of the
25) Use our theatres on campus to stage money making events such as concerts and theatrical
26) The foundation holding events to generate funds.
27) Self-borrowing from our Capital Projects.
28) Evaluate each position and classification of employee and make changes to normalize us with other
districts. Asses if we really need to have the positions classified where they are.
29) Examine the last point of stability and analyze our current faculty structure.
30) Timber harvest team in the forestry department to harvest our timber for sale.