BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) SPECIAL WORK SESSION Sunday, February 26, 2012 12:00 p.m. Eureka Downtown Site Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order – 12:00 p.m. 2. Budget Update 3. Develop Budget Funding Priority Statement 4. Review Listening Session Ranking Spreadsheet 5. Review Planning Committee Rankings (TPC, FPC, F & EPC) 6. Close the Loop 7. Adjourn CR Accreditation website: http://www.redwoods.edu/accreditation/ CCC confer is available for those unable to attend in person. PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 886-3951 > Enter your passcode: 685452 PARTICIPANT CONFERENCE FEATURES *0 - Contact the operator for audio assistance *6 - Mute/unmute your individual line Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: ENERGY SAVINGS: Lower the thermostats across the campus . Turn off the hot water in the bathrooms. Ban portable space heaters across the district. Ban portable refrigerators (use breakroom fridge). Waterless urinals in men's rooms. Purchase only energy star appliances. Require energy efficiency standards for new bond projects. Energy savings consultant. CAMPUS SHUT DOWNS: Shut down campus during breaks. Shut down a building. Reduce the times when the college is open. SOFTWARE: Review our software expenses for lower cost alternatives. Tutor.com and Parature Convert from Turn It In to Safe Assign TRAVEL: Eliminate or reduce the travel budget. Use more online professional development and training. SUPPLIES: Reduce services and supplies expenses across-the board pro-rata to all depts. WEB BASED SERVICES: Use more automated or web based services for routine interactions, Registration, financial aid, payments, parking permit purchase. 2/23/2012 4:45 PM 182,500 181,000 417,600 Some of these will cost up front to implement. CR is in discussions with an energy savings consultant that Facilities Planning Committee & Budget Planning 25,000 charges no up front costs to us, but shares in Committee previously discussed and support this initiative. savings. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability 2/4/2012 & other 15,000 20,000 Other 5,000 2,500 Probably can't close a bldg, since no duplication of - facilities at other bldgs. Less svgs in out years as enrollments pick up. 35,000 There will be transition costs to go to new software. 35,000 Also software prices increase, so savings is net of inflation. 2/4/2012 25,000 Need Facilities Dept review for reasonableness. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Need IT Dept & Technology Planning Committee review. Budget Planning Committee previously discussed and supports this initiative. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Other 10,000 - Total travel budget is about $200K. We must pay for travel between Mendocino, KT, Del Norte, etc. We Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability have already limited travel, so cannot realistically budget for a substantial cut. 2/4/2012 30,000 - - Other 5,000 Can't cut utility, insurance, and other "fixed cost" services and supplies budgets. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Need review across lines of service. BPC discussion on 226-2012. Students may appreciate not having to stand in line 10,000 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability for routine transactions. Will take time to implement. Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life 6,000 1 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: 182,500 181,000 417,600 SHIVELY FARM: Grow and sell organic hay. Reduce farm costs. 2/4/2012 5,000 - - The farm is the Ag students' lab, just like science labs, etc. Reduce Athletic budget 2/4/2012 5,000 - - For dept cut, better to give the Dept a budget cut target, than to specify every cut. Reduce Distance Education budget 2/13/2012 5,000 - For dept cut, better to give the Dept a budget cut - target, than to specify every cut. High student demand for online clasess. 500 Most fuel is purchased in bulk in Facilities, so savings would be from employees travel. With 600 volatile gas prices, this change may only partially offset rising fuel costs. Use a different vendor than Chevron for fuel purchases. TRUSTEES: Reduce number of Trustees Reduce benefits, benefit copay SELL OR LEASE PROPERTY: Garberville – do not staff it. Sell it. Extra Mendocino property. Extra Del Norte property. Extra Eureka main property & bldgs. CELL TOWER & BILLBOARDS: Allow a Cell phone service provider to place a cell phone tower on our property. Place billboards on our unused land for rent. 2/23/2012 4:45 PM Other 500 2/9/2012 Current Trustees complete their term, so no svgs 10,000 short term. For benefits, will need JPA action and may allow Blue Shield to rebid. 10,000 2/9/2012 Garberville budget is minimal (utilities), so recommendation is to not add staffing. Will require staff research, legal review and time to 200,000 market property. No return in the near term. Proceeds from property sale cannot go to operating expenses. 2/4/2012 Includes Eureka, Del Norte, Mendocino, Garberville. Would need to find if any cell phone provider wants 18,000 to put up a tower or if billboard companies are interested. 9,000 18,000 2 Need Ag Dept review. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Need Athletic review. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Need Distance Education review. BPC discussion on 2-262012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Need Trustees review. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee & Facilities Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee & Facilities Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: TIMBER HARVEST: Timber harvest team in the forestry department to harvest our timber for sale. FACILITY USE FEES: Fees for Science Night, etc. Increase facility rental fees and reduce waiverd fees. Rent theatre for plays, concerts, etc. 2/4/2012 182,500 1,000 181,000 417,600 1,000 1,000 Timber may be mostly firewood, so limited value. CR's fees are lower than other publics in the area 20,000 and have not been increased in several years. Outyear revenue from theater rentals. 2/9/2012 1,000 1,000 Use higher one card for student ID Other 5,000 10,000 Priority parking spaces Other Option to purchase a designated parking space. Would help make parking more sustainable. Student lockers on campus Other Would allow students to rent lockers on campus. General wage cuts across the board. Temporary decrease. Employee contracts for less than 12 months, i.e. 11 months, 10 months FURLOUGHS: Close campus on Fridays. Voluntary reduced salaries. POSITION REVIEW: Compare CR staffing to peers, compare salaries between faculty and administrators. Analyze all positions for possible savings 2/23/2012 4:45 PM 2/4/2012 Savings is estimated on ID card stock and printers, 10,000 would stil need to take pictures for Higher One. Will need to negotiate with Higher One. - - Salaries are about $20 million annually. Other 2/9/2012 and 2/13/2012 Salaries are about $20 million annually. - - Salaries are about $20 million annually. HR recently completed a position realignment with Jacobsen Betts consultants. 2/4/2012 3 Forestry Dept reviewed and made recommendations. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Need Business Ofc review. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Need Business Ofc review. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Negotiable item. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Negotiable item. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Negotiable item. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Negotiable item. Need HR Dept review. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: Combine positions to reduce reliance on part-time staff (saves benefit costs) HEALTH BENEFITS: Employees contribute to cost/premiums of health care benefits Employees opt out/fewer employees covered, etc. Reduce non-instructional faculty release time. Reduce temporary employees. 417,600 2/13/2012 Other CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT FEE WAIVER: Reduce the high school concurrent fee waiver. Other Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, regardless of number of dependents. Health and welfare benefits cost about $1,900/mo or $22,800/yr per covered employee. Negotiable item. Any change in eligibility will require JPA approval and Blue Shield would re-price and would increase the fee per remaining covered employee. Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Release time budget is about $600K. 2/4/2012 GRANTS: Seek out additional grant opportunities CR has a small number of permanent part-time positions. Negotiable item. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee CR planned to reduce temp staff during this year. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Need Continuing Ed/Community Ed review. BPC Additional students would diversify our revenue base. 12,000 discussion on 2-26-2012. Wil be more difficult with 101 site cutbacks. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Budget Planning Committee previously discussed and CR is pursuing a number of grant opportunities. supports this initiative. General fund would receive indirect cost recovery. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Budget Planning Committee previously discussed and Next year's budget already includes a $30K supports this initiative. reduction. Currently, students can receive waiver for Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability up to 11 credits, next year will likely only allow 3 to 6 Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus credits to be waived. life Other Other 2/23/2012 4:45 PM 181,000 Other SELF-SUPPORT STUDENTS: Increase continuing education, community ed and other self-support student enrollments LEASES: Reduce the number of leased properties 182,500 10,000 11,000 Next year's budget already assumes a reduction in lease costs. Other 4 Facilities Planning Committee & Budget Planning Committee previously discussed and support this initiative. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: Lease space to the Academy of the Redwoods FOUNDATION CAMPAIGN: Increase fundraising by seeking donations 182,500 181,000 2/4/2012 Other 10,000 Academy already covers all costs for maintenance, utilities, etc. on their bldg and covers their own staff costs, etc. Need to consider our existing agreement with AR. If AR leaves, CR would have to cover the bldg maintenance & utility costs. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Could generate additional revenue, but will require resources for fundraising staff. BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers 25,000 35,000 General fund provides about $30K annually to 30,000 Student Health Service. MAKE HEALTH FEE SELF SUPPORTING: Increase the health fee and/or reduce costs to make health services self-supporting. Other 30,000 30,000 MAKE PARKING SELF SUPPORTING: Increase fees or reduce costs. Other 10,000 10,000 MAKE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER SELF SUPPORTING: Increase fees or reduce costs. Other AUXILIARY ALTERNATIVES: Outsource to Barnes & Noble, Aramark, Kinkos, etc. Other AUXILIARY SUPPORT: Dining, Housing, Bookstore Other 2/23/2012 4:45 PM 417,600 Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Parking is currently self-supporting for the most part. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability 10,000 Savings is from parking covering all maintenance, Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus upkeep and operating costs. life Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee Program has suffered budget cuts from other funding Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability sources. Realistically, $50K general fund support will Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus be required to maintain required services. life Could possibly increase and stabilize revenue. Small BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. college bookstores across the country are seeing Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability lower sales. Staff needs to research and solicit proposals. Also need to follow any applicable rules Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers for current staff. $300K in support from auxiliaries is already planned Already discussed at Budget Planning Committee for next year's budget. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability 5 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: Deregistration COLLECTIONS: Collect on delinquent student accounts. 2/23/2012 4:45 PM Other 182,500 1,000 181,000 417,600 Next year's budget already assumes that deregistration will continue. Deregistration helps to 1,000 reduce CR's bad debt write offs when students ultimately do not pay their bills. 1,000 Budget Planning Committee previously discussed and supports this initiative. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life This won't actually increase the budget, but rather will ensure that there is cash to pay our bills and will BPC discussion on 2-26-2012. help reduce bad expense. Board approved staff plan Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability to seek proposals. Other 6 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: 182,500 181,000 417,600 Removed from list (Duplicate, may generate cash long term, but won't generate cash near term, etc.): This property was marketed for a couple years before the transfer to CR, so a quick sale at any reasonable price is unlikely. N/A 4) Sell [or lease] the Garberville property. 2/4/2012 N/A 10) Have the CR Business dept. run a business that brings in revenue. 2/4/2012 Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers N/A 11) A monthly black tie event sponsored by the College for students and CPA’s to build relationships there would be a charge of $25 per person for attendance at this event. 2/4/2012 Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life N/A 9) Review Administrative Salaries; determine equity between administrative salaries and faculty salaries. 2/4/2012 N/A 12) Look at the leases on the bookstore and café; when they expire run these enterprises internally. 2/4/2012 N/A 21) Snack shacks around campus making it convenient for students. 2/4/2012 N/A 23) A mini bookstore placed on campus to sale sundries. 2/4/2012 N/A 27) Self-borrowing from our Capital Projects. 2/4/2012 N/A 29) Examine the last point of stability and analyze our current faculty structure. 2/4/2012 N/A Reduce benefits offered to Trustees 2/9/2012 N/A Eliminate health benefits coverage for employees who are covered by their spouses. 2/23/2012 4:45 PM - Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Goes against: Objective 5.3 – Reduce transportation barriers for students - - - Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices - - - The bookstore, dining and housing currently pay rent to CR, so we already do this. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life - - - While this is a creative idea, it would be inappropriate to borrow from capital projects. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Currently, CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, provided all are covered. Blue Shield would re-price Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices and would increase the fee per remaining covered employee. 2/9/2012 7 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: N/A Mendocino Excess Property – sell it, use as a campground 182,500 181,000 417,600 2/13/2012 Need to research, proceeds from a sale cannot be Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability used to pay operating costs, and cannot assume that Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers a sale will be complete by next year. Once buildings are vacated, will need to market the space, and will need to spend up front to do any agreed-upon renovations, so positive cash flow not likely next year. More liklely for the year after next Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers N/A Lease vacant buildings 2/13/2012 N/A Create a list of assets for possible sale 2/13/2012 N/A Timber tax 2/13/2012 N/A Eliminate four Trustees 2/13/2012 N/A Board of Trustees ask for loans from community members 2/9/2012 Loans would need to be paid back, so doesn't help long run fiscal stabiliity Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers N/A Advocacy at the State 2/9/2012 Good idea, but can't assign a dollar amount to this. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Need to research, proceeds from a sale cannot be Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability used to pay operating costs, and cannot assume that Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers a sale will be complete by next year. Timber tax revenue is already included in the budget. The question related to how much timber tax revenue Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability is coming in. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Duplicate Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Harvest trees from CR’s Forest 2/9/2012 Duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 4.1 – Increase employer satisfaction with CR graduates Employees take only part of a raise 2/13/2012 duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Energy Savings 2/9/2012 Evaluate Tutor.com Get rid of Parature Ticket system in Ask CR$50,000 per year. 2/9/2012 2/23/2012 4:45 PM Facilities Planning and Budget Planning ranked a capital budget item for energy savings, so this is Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability already planned. Also a couple other specific energy savings ideas are included for ranking Duplicate Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Will still need a ticketing system, so savings is the Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability delta. Also, will be a transition cost the first year. 2/13/2012 8 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: Early Retirements 2/9/2012 Reducing faculty TLU’s 2/13/2012 Reduce Administration 2/13/2012 182,500 181,000 417,600 Early retirement incentive is already included in the budget forecast. The budget forecast already includes a TLU reduction. Projected budget scenario includes $435K in reductions. Reductions must be planned though shared governance processes. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Employee participation in benefit costs and/or wage cuts based on each employee’s current salary, not the employee group or classification of the position held. Reduce Shively Expense 2/4/2012 Duplicate 2/13/2012 Rent out the unused buildings on campus. 2/4/2012 Sell [or lease] the property that is not being utilized in Fort Bragg or other locations. 2/4/2012 Renting out the unoccupied dorms in the summer for groups who may be interested in visiting our area. 2/4/2012 duplicate Will need to go through the planning process and upfront expenses may be incurred for leasehold improvements, so no revenue until 2013-14 at earliest Need to research, proceeds from a sale cannot be used to pay operating costs, and cannot assume that a sale will be complete by next year. Residence halls are rented during the summer. Need to know the summer vacany rates for potential revenue. The foundation holding events to generate funds. 2/4/2012 duplicate Rent out the Dorms over the summer 2/9/2012 Residence halls are rented during the summer, but down time is required for scheduled repair and maintenance. Close sites and Centers 2/9/2012 McKinleyville and Arcata sites proposed for closure. Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability EKA downtown costs will be reduced. Already Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers assumed on the budget forecast. 2/23/2012 4:45 PM - 9 Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.6 – Improve partnerships with area employers Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Note: All savings are conservatively estimated. 2013-14 savings estimates are for multiyear planning and will be adjusted next year. BPC Rank Listening Session Suggestion Budget Planning Committee Ranking of Sugesstions from Listening Sessions Date 2012-13 Bgt Estimate 2013-14 Bgt Estimate 2014-15 Bgt Estimate Notes Planning Objective CLOSING THE LOOP: BPC members consider CR's planning documents, Mission, Strategic Plan, Master Plans, Progam Reviews, etc. as well as the BPC charge, budget forecasts from prior years, etc. in determing budget cut or funding priorities. BPC members rank the proposals below. BPC reports recommendations to Cabinet to consider with other input in determining CR's 2012-13 budget forecast. To close the loop for the larger campus community, BPC ranking spreadsheet and transmittal memo will be posted to the BPC website (http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/). To close the loop for BPC, once the budget is approved by the Board, BPC will hear feedback on its recommendations. TOTAL PROPOSALS: Eliminate duplicate health benefits coverage for couples working within the CR District. 182,500 181,000 417,600 Currently, CR pays a flat rate per covered employee, provided all are covered. Would require action by Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability JPA. Blue Shield would re-price and would increase Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices the fee per remaining covered employee. 2/9/2012 Hiring Freeze 2/4/2012 Voluntary furloughs 2/9/2012 Duplicate Use our theatres on campus to stage money making events such as concerts and theatrical performances. Foundation fundraisers. 2/4/2012 Good idea, but not appropriate to budget for this without any recent track record of positive net revenue. Plan for higher wage costs down the road as longevity moves employees’ salaries into higher wage brackets. 2/4/2012 2/23/2012 4:45 PM - No college or university can ever have a complete hiring freeze; exceptions for health & safety, to - provide instructors for classes, to fill mission-critical duties. Partial freeze is in place where position requests go to Cabinet -- This will continue. - Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 4.5 – Enhance the cultural richness of the community Objective 5.9 – Increase student participation in campus life Objective 2.2 – Maintain fiscal stability Objective 2.1 – Improve employment best practices Objective 3.4 – Increase data-informed decision-making 10 Copy of Listening Session Sugesstions2.xlsx Summary Budget Planning Committee – Draft For Discussion Prioritization Process/List 9-22-2011 Brief history of budget planning processes: Prior to 2008, the Financial Advisory Committee provided recommendations. To improve constituent participation, an integrated planning process was developed which included the change to the Budget Planning Committee (BPC). In general, the BPC receives and prioritizes funding requests from functional planning committees, such as Technology and Facilities, and other sources. BPC is the point where the various prioritized lists from the functional committees are brought together and prioritized from an “All District” perspective. In 2010-11 BPC produced a districtwide prioritized list of funding recommendations. Budget Planning Committee 2011-12 Planning Agenda: The Budget Planning Committee supports the District’s mission by gathering a broad constituency of members to the committee to accept, review and prioritize budget funding requests from planning committees across the District. The Committee acts as a central review function, so that funding requests are viewed in totality and across the District, so that crossdependencies are considered, and so that a balancing of interests is obtained in the final prioritized funding recommendations to the President/Superintendent. During the 2011-12 year, the committee will focus on refining existing review processes, for example, to identify funding priorities that have a mandated or required component. The committee will review the results of its actions from the prior year to “close the loop” on its activities. The committee will work identify any requests that might possibly be accomplished with other sources, such as grant funds or that might be accomplished without additional funding and will communicate back to constituent groups on its recommendations for all funding requests. The committee will maintain an active web site with meeting notes, attachments, etc. Review the Committee’s Charge for 2011-12: Functions of the Budget Planning Committee 1. Assists in the development of budget assumptions and reaffirms revenue projections by VPAS to be presented to the board every spring. 2. Assists in the development of preliminary budget. 3. Reviews all mandatory cost categories for accuracy and cost efficiency. 4. Reviews the prioritizations presented by constituency groups (Program Reviews, Integrated Planning Functional Committees (IPFC)) and develops rank order from funding (without altering IPFC priorities) [these are requests related to the planning function]. 1 Budget Planning Committee – Draft For Discussion Prioritization Process/List 9-22-2011 5. Reviews requests for resources from budget managers and develop rank order for funding [these are requests related to operational functions]. 6. Develops an institutional rank order for funding by combining requests from IPFC’s and budget managers. 7. Assists in the development of the final budget by establishing incremental funding plans should the state funding vary from the assumptions. 8. Conducts budget hearings as necessary to receive constituency/departmental input on budget requests 9. Conducts a mid year budget review (typically February) and recommends necessary reallocation of funds during the current year. 10. Develops long term (3-5 years) budget strategies and maintains a long term budget plan. 11. Develops and recommends policies/procedures for effective budget planning and control. Evaluation and Ranking Protocol 1. Compliance with Federal, State and County mandates. 2. Relationship to and relative importance of the request to the institutional strategic plan and educational master plan and program review. 3. Potential impact on student learning, institutional operations, service levels, effectiveness/efficiencies, total cost of ownership. 4. Availability of alternatives and potential for deferral. 5. Funding history of the unit/area. 6. Degree to which delay will cause larger expenditures in the future and the degree to which annual operating expenditures will be reduced as a result of approving the request. Integrated Planning Functional Committees (IPFC) priorities should not be altered without sufficient justification; Priorities from various IPFC’s will have to be rank ordered; The Institutional rank order will contain requests from IPFC and operating units; Committee may decide to categorize requests and priorities according to various expenditure categories and recommend levels of funding for various categories of expenditures. Meetings held each year as determined by the BPC, but at least monthly from October to May; possible additional budget hearings in spring. Tentative Timeline July-Sept: Incremental funding plan for the final budget Oct-Nov: Policies for effective budget planning and control Nov: Training for budget managers and AOAs Dec-Jan: Budget assumptions for next year’s budget Feb: Mid-year Review of current year’s budget 2 Budget Planning Committee – Draft For Discussion Prioritization Process/List 9-22-2011 Mar-April: Budget Hearings, preliminary budget May-June: Tentative Budget and incremental funding plan July-Sept: Retreat, Long term plan, Final budget Membership: 18 members 2011-12 Lee Lindsey, Co-Chair Utpal Goswami Keith Snow-Flamer Steve Stratton Maggie White Anita Janis MaryGrace Barrick Bob Brown, Co-Chair Dan Calderwood, Michael Dennis, Tami Matsumoto David Gonsalves Sharrie King Rebecca Ashbach Carla Spalding Ken Strangfeld Membership VP Admin Svcs VP Instruction & Education Master Plan Chair VP Student Development & Enrollment Management Committee Chair IPFC chairs – 3 total Technology Planning Committee Chair Facilities Planning Committee Chair Furniture and Equipment Chair Manager/Director – 2 total Manager/Director, Del Norte Managers Council Representative Faculty – 4 total Eureka Eureka Del Norte Mendocino Classified Students – 3 total Student Student - non-voting, ex-officio Student - non-voting, ex-officio Controller - Ex. Officio Director, Accounting Services - Ex. Officio 3