BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) Planning for the 2014-15 Budget Year Friday, September 27, 2013 1:00 p.m. /SS 104 Counseling Conference Room AGENDA STANDING OPENING ITEMS: 1. Call Meeting to Order – 1:00 pm 2. ACTION REQUIRED: Approve Meeting notes from May 15, 2013. – 1:01 pm DISCUSSION/ACTION: 1. ACTION REQUIRED: Approve charge and revised committee structure (FPC, TPC, BPC) and approve practices for documenting links between College plans and BPC recommendations. – 1:03 pm 2. ACTION REQUIRED: Set meeting dates and meeting place – 1:10 pm 3. Discuss: Strategic Plan, Education Master Plan, Technology Master Plan, Facilities Master Plan, Annual Institution Plan, and the 2014-15 Budget Calendar – 1:15 pm 4. Discuss: Moody’s rating downgrade, and subsequent Moody’s and S&P ratings visits – 1:20 pm 5. Discuss: 2013-14 Final Budget forecast –1:25 pm 6. Discuss: ACCJC follow up letter on fiscal issues – 1:30 pm 7. Discuss: Accounts receivable update – Moving payment plans to Nelnet, Collections, Recent trends – 1:35 pm 8. Discuss: Closing the loop on previous year and list of Budget Savings Ideas – 1:40 pm 9. Discuss: Rebalancing measure Q projects – To Facilities subcommittee first – 1:45 pm 10. Discuss: Resource request rankings completed over the Summer – 1:50 pm 11. Discuss: IT Projects – 1:55 pm STANDING CLOSING ITEM: 1. Discuss: Plus, Minus, Delta/Closing the loop on this meeting – 1:55 pm Please note supporting documents not included in the agenda packet can be accessed at the links below. CR BPC website: http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/ CR Accreditation website: http://www.redwoods.edu/accreditation/ CCC confer is available for those unable to attend in person. PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: 719-785-4469 or (888) 450-4821 > Cell phone users dial: 719-785-4469 > Enter your passcode: 967462 > *0- operator assistance *6-Mute/unmute your individual line 9/25/2013 9:33 AM -1- bpc agenda 9 27 13.doc BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) Planning for the 2014-15 Budget Year PRELIMINARY DRAFT PROPOSED FACILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA Date, Time, and Location TBD 1. ACTION REQUIRED: Review and update FPC charge and membership 2. Discuss: Rebalancing Measure Q Projects (Action will be required once the rebalance is completed) a. Creative Arts building needs b. AJ building needs c. AT building needs STANDING CLOSING ITEM: 1. Discuss: Plus, Minus, Delta/Closing the loop on this meeting 9/25/2013 9:33 AM -2- bpc agenda 9 27 13.doc BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) Planning for the 2014-15 Budget Year PRELIMINARY DRAFT PROPOSED TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEE AGENDA Date, Time, and Location TBD 1. ACTION REQUIRED: Review and update TPC charge and membership 2. ACTION REQUIRED: Optional Student Technology Fee – Tech subcommittee to make recommendation on the proposed allocation spreadsheet. a. Wireless nodes b. Student worker for student help desk c. Proposed Allocation spreadsheet STANDING CLOSING ITEM: 1. Discuss: Plus, Minus, Delta/Closing the loop on this meeting 9/25/2013 9:33 AM -3- bpc agenda 9 27 13.doc BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE Wednesday, May 15, 2013 3:00 p.m. SS 104 Draft Summary Notes MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Brown, Solomon Michael Dennis, Tami Engman (phone), Dave Gonsalves (phone), Utpal Goswami, Tami Matsumoto, MaryGrace McGovern, Carla Spalding and Lorie Walsh. ALSO PRESENT Bill Hole, Todd Olsen, Dan Potts(phone) CALL TO ORDER ACTION The meeting was called to order by committee co-chair Bob Brown. APPROVAL OF MEETING NOTES The meeting notes from April 17, 2013 were approved with revisions. The final versions will be posted on the BPC website. PROGRAM REVIEW RANKINGS Carla Spalding reported that Vice President Lindsey is currently waiting to get rankings from FPC. There was discussion regarding how ranking will be done and how items will be grouped. The committee gave input to Tami Engman and Bill Hole who both serve on the FPC as to how to designate items that are being ranked. Mr. Lindsey will create a spreadsheet to include rankings from each committee. The spreadsheet will then be sent out to the BPC members to do a draft ranking of all items. After the draft ranking is completed it may be necessary to meet and discuss the outcome. The last step for BPC will be to do a final ranking. PROGRAM REVIEW RUBRIC OR STATEMENT OF PRIORITIES Mrs. Spalding noted that Mr. Lindsey requested that the committee review the evaluation and ranking protocols that are noted in the mission/charge of the committee. It was agreed that the mission/charge should be reviewed annually at the beginning of the fiscal year so that changes and updates may be made. There was also discussion regarding ways to get feedback to groups so that they know the status of a project that was ranked. GOVERNOR’S MAY REVISED BUDGET Carla stated that there has been little change from the Governor’s January budget. She noted that a COLA of 1.57 percent is anticipated and there is about 2 percent in restoration and growth funding available. What will be most significant to the district will be the State buying down the inter year deferrals. A small increase in the district’s funding has already been assumed. She also stated that unless we are able to grow our FTES we will not realize any of the 2 percent restoration and growth funds. Todd Olsen asked for information on the deferrals from the state and how they show on the district’s books. Carla explained this it does not increase or decrease our revenue but impacts our cash flow. She also explained that we are currently going through the process to get a TRAN for the 13/14 fiscal year. However, it may not be necessary to participate in the mid-year TRAN if there is a buy down of the deferrals. Todd also asked why the district decided not to sell the remaining bonds this month. Carla explained that the bond ratings meeting was postponed pending the collection of additional data. She went on to explain that the district’s bond rating has not been downgraded and in order to get the best rating possible it is necessary to have the most accurate information possible for the rating agencies. The measure Q bonds are issued by the district and are not part of a pool. They do not affect the district’s general fund. DEBRIEF ON BOMB THREAT Carla reported that the recent bomb threat brought to light the need for some upgrades in security and safety throughout the district. This was a valuable, although unfortunate, learning experience for all personnel. There was a tremendous response for assistance from many public agencies, including local law enforcement, Humboldt State University and Eureka Transit. Some of upgrades that are in progress now are the installation of a cell phone booster antenna, new computers for security and moving the security office over to the old administration building. More recommendations will be coming from the Safety Committee. UPDATE ON NEW ACADEMIC BUILDINGS The new academic buildings are nearly completed with move in scheduled to start around the beginning of July. Furniture, lab and technology equipment is currently being ordered. The maintenance department will need assistance from faculty and/or support staff to move the “special collections” from the various labs. ACCOUNT COLLECTION UPDATES Delinquent accounts have been reported to Chancellor’s Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP) already. After this month is over, we will pull the accounts back from COTOP collections and for the first time report the accounts to a collection agency. ADJOURN SUBMITTED 4:00 p.m. lw PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. Consideration of the 15 bulleted items on the State Chancellor’s Office “Sound Fiscal Management Self-Assessment Checklist” http://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/CFFP/Fiscal_Services/Standards/AcctgAdvisories/FS0505_Fiscal_Monitoring_A ccounting_Advisory4.pdf reveals the following: EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. I. Deficit Spending - Is this area acceptable? To balance the 2013-14 budget and avoid deficit spending, the District planned for $2 million in budget savings centered in employee payroll savings and implemented this savings target primarily through the following actions and agreements: a. Partial Yes The District implemented its “Round One Reorganization and Reduction in Force (RIF)” which was approved by the Board of Trustees at the December 4, 2012 meeting. http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/BudgetSavings12-412.pdf http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/Dec2012Resolutionelimi natingclassifiedpositions.pdf b. The District implemented its Round Two Reorganization and RIF which was approved by the Board of Trustees at the July 9, 2013 meeting, see P. 61 of the BOT July 9, 2012 meeting agenda. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/July92013packet.pdf c. The District implemented employee salary concessions on a permanent basis for unrepresented employees in the 6.5% to 9.0% range. See P. 59 of the July 9, 2013 BOT meeting agenda. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/July92013packet.pdf d. The District and the California School Employees Association (CSEA) ratified a collective bargaining agreement for the period July Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 1 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015. The agreement includes a 6.5% permanent salary concession. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/CSEACollectiveBargainin gAgreement-2013-2015.pdf e. The District and the College of the Redwoods Faculty Organization (CRFO) ratified a collective bargaining agreement for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016. The agreement includes an 8.7% permanent salary concession for full-time faculty and an 8.0% concession for associate faculty. Also, new full-time faculty may be hired at steps 1 through 5, whereas previously new hires could come at steps 1 through 10. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/CRFOCollectiveBargainin gAgreement-2013-2016.pdf i. Both collective bargaining agreements allow for future adjustments to the step schedule (i.e. Cost of Living “COLA” increases) only when the District’s fund balance is budgeted to stay above 6% and then only when the State increases the funding per FTES in the Chancellor’s Office apportionment model by more than 1.6%. Only then can the amount above 1.6% be added to the step schedule as a COLA. ii. In years when the fund balance is budgeted below 6%, then any increase to the step schedules will be temporarily withheld until the fund balance can be maintained at 6% or better. iii. This language will protect the District from funding a COLA during a weak fiscal period. iv. In years when the State funds an inflationary increase. The 1.6% threshold will provide a sustainable funding source to help the District cover items such as cost increases in health and welfare benefits plans and increases in operating expenditures. Is the College spending within their revenue budget in the current year? The 2013-14 Final Budget shows a $79K net revenue budget and the Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM No Yes page 2 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. multiyear forecast for 2014-15 and 2015-16 show $85K and $99K, respectively. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/201314CRFinalBgtBOT9-10-2013_000.PDF II. Has the College controlled deficit spending over multiple years? The college has controlled deficit spending by returning to a positive net revenue budget for 2013-14 and implementing permanent and on-going salary concessions by all employees. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/201314CRFinalBgtBOT9-10-2013_000.PDF No Yes Is deficit spending addressed by fund balance, ongoing revenue increases, or expenditure reductions? The combination of reorganizations, employee pay concessions, and a small inflationary increase in State funding has helped to manage the budget. Yes Yes Are College revenue estimates based upon past history? Yes Yes Does the College automatically build in growth revenue estimates? In 2011-12 and 2012-13, the College stopped budgeting with assumptions of growth funding. The 2013-14 Final Budget is based on a reasonable but conservative FTES target for Fall and Spring terms. The 2013-14 budget includes an enrollment increase related to additional enrollments already booked from Summer 2013. It is appropriate to answer No to this question as sustainable enrollment growth funding has not been coming from the State for several years and the small, rural makeup of the District means that it is difficult for the District to sustain enrollment growth over 3% or so per year. No No Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable? The District has committed on quarterly financial reports to the Chancellor’s Office to close the 2012-13 budget year with at least a 5.0% fund balance. If the fund balance is below 5% at the closing of the books, then the Board of Trustees (BOT) has authorized the President/Superintendent to make a transfer from the employee benefits trust to bring the fund balance up Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM No Yes page 3 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 No Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes No No Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. to 5%. If an emergency transfer from the employee benefits trust is taken, it will need to be returned within two fiscal years. For example, see P. 87 of the August 6, 2013 BOT meeting agenda for a quarterly report: http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/August62013packet.pdf See P. 59 of the November 7, 2012 BOT meeting agenda for the action item authorizing the transfer of funds, if necessary: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/November72012packet.p df Is the College’s fund balance stable or consistently increasing? The fund balance is increasing due to a reduction of expenditures (Two reorganizations and salary concessions), as well as increases in revenue. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/2013-14CRFinalBgtBOT910-2013_000.PDF III. Is the fund balance increasing due to on-going revenue increases and/or expenditure reductions? As noted in question I, the District balanced the 2013-14 budget primarily through employee salary concessions and two rounds of reorganizations and reductions in force (RIF). Enrollment - Is this area acceptable? Has the College’s enrollment been increasing or stable for multiple years? The District’s enrollment has contracted for any number of reasons. However, the State recently revised its funding priorities. Due to new restrictions on “repeatability”, etc., the District revised its enrollment forecast to reflect a reasonable and conservative enrollment forecast. Therefore, in this case a “No” more appropriately represents the District reacting conservatively and appropriately to changes in its funding forecast. The four revised funding priorities (the “Core Missions”) are noted in the June 2013 update to the Strategic Plan for the State Chancellor’s Office: Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 4 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. 1. 2. 3. 4. Transfer Education Basic Skills and English Language Proficiency Economic and Workforce Development Associates Degrees and Certificates See Figure 1 on the 8th page of this pdf: http://californiacommunitycolleges.cccco.edu/Portals/0/reportsTB/2013 StrategicPlan_062013.pdf Are the College’s enrollment projections updated at least semiannually? Yes Yes Are staffing adjustments consistent with the enrollment trends? Yes Yes Does the College analyze enrollment and full time equivalent students (FTES) data? Yes Yes Does the College track historical data to establish future trends between P-1 and annual for projection purposes? Yes Yes Has the College avoided stabilization funding? The District missed its 2011-12 enrollment target and missed again in 2012-13. The 2013-14 enrollment target reverses the declining trend and is forecasted above the stability funding level for 2013-14. The multiyear enrollment forecast projects to continue enrollment increases, but not enough to rebuild enrollments back up to 2011-12 levels. No No No Yes No Yes http://inside.redwoods.edu/StrategicPlanning/EnrollmentManagement/docume nts/1.2013-14FTESTargetsfromEMCtoBPCfinal02-11-13.pdf IV. Unrestricted General Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable? Is the College’s unrestricted general fund balance consistently maintained at or above the recommended minimum prudent level (5% of the total unrestricted general fund expenditures)? The 2012-13 fund balance will increase to 5% and the 2013-14 fund balance is forecasted Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 5 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes No Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. to increase further. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/2013-14CRFinalBgtBOT910-2013_000.PDF V. Is the College’s unrestricted fund balance maintained throughout the year? To address late payments by the State of California (“Payment deferrals”), the District accesses Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs) each year to assure a reasonable and prudent level of cash flow each month of the year. The District’s budget anticipates maintaining at least a 5% fund balance throughout 2013-14. Cash Flow Borrowing - Is this area acceptable? Can the College manage its cash flow without interfund borrowing? The 2012-13 fund balance will increase to 5% and the 2013-14 fund balance is forecasted to increase further. The President/Superintendent may need to make a transfer of funds from the employee benefits trust to bring the unrestricted fund balance up to 5%, but such a transfer, if needed, will not be a loan. Is the College repaying TRANS and/or borrowed funds within the required statutory period? VI. Bargaining Agreements - Is this area acceptable? Has the College settled bargaining agreements within new revenue sources during the past three years? The District recently settled with both bargaining units as noted below. However, new revenue sources to fund COLAs have been restricted by certain fiscal stability tests as described below: The District and the California School Employees Association (CSEA) ratified a collective bargaining agreement for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015. The agreement includes a 6.5% permanent salary concession. Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 6 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Yes Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/CSEACollectiveBargaini ngAgreement-2013-2015.pdf a. The District and the College of the Redwoods Faculty Organization (CRFO) ratified a collective bargaining agreement for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016. The agreement includes an 8.7% permanent salary concession for full-time faculty and an 8.0% concession for associate faculty. Also, new full-time faculty may be hired at steps 1 through 5, whereas previously new hires could come at steps 1 through 10. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/CRFOCollectiveBargainin gAgreement-2013-2016.pdf Both collective bargaining agreements allow for future adjustments to the step schedule (i.e. Cost of Living “COLA” increases) only when the District’s fund balance is budgeted to stay above 6% and then only when the State increases the funding per FTES in the Chancellor’s Office apportionment model by more than 1.6%. Only then can the amount above 1.6% be added to the step schedule as a COLA. In years when the fund balance is budgeted below 6%, then any increase to the step schedules will be temporarily withheld until the fund balance can be maintained at 6% or better. This language will protect the District from funding a COLA during a weak fiscal period. In years when the State funds an inflationary increase. The 1.6% threshold will provide a sustainable funding source to help the District cover items such as cost increases in health and welfare benefits plans and increases in operating expenditures. Did the College conduct a pre-settlement analysis identifying an ongoing revenue source to support the agreement? As noted immediately above, both agreements allow COLA increases only when the State funds an inflationary increase, and even then the District will Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 7 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Yes Yes Partial Yes No Yes No Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. only fund the COLA into the step schedule subject to the fund balance test above and the test that requires at least a 1.6% increase in state funding. The analysis that arrived at this solution was primarily driven by confidential District/CRFO negotiations in a collaborative, interest based approach to collective bargaining. These discussions are included in confidential meeting recollections and notes. The District recognizes that potential increases in health and welfare costs could occur. However, the exact magnitude of any future health and welfare cost increases beyond 2013-14 are not known yet. Some community college districts have implemented funding caps and other cost control mechanisms. The District’s plan is to use up to 1.6% in any State funded increases during the contract term to help offset cost increases. However, if the inflationary increase from the State is insufficient to cover health and welfare cost increases and other cost increases in a given year, then the District has available contract reopeners for each and every contract year. A reopener may be used to collaboratively negotiate a solution to such a future fiscal problem. Did the College correctly identify the related costs? Did the College address budget reductions necessary to sustain the total compensation increase? As discussed above, units agreed to salary concessions. Any increases to the step schedules (COLA) must be funded by the State, must meet the fund balance test described above, and will only be for the amount of any state funded increase above 1.6% each year. VII. Unrestricted General Fund Staffing - Is this area acceptable? Is the College ensuring it is not using one-time funds to pay for permanent staff or other ongoing expenses? Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 8 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. VIII. Is the percentage of College general fund budget allocated to salaries and benefits at or less than the Statewide average (i.e. the Statewide average for 2003-04 is 85%)? While it is not yet known if the District’s percentage will fall to the middle or less than the Statewide average, the implementation of two rounds of reorganization and reduction in force (RIF) and across-the-board salary concessions from all employee groups in the 6.5% to 9.0% will surely contribute to reducing the District’s payroll percentage. Also, regardless of the District’s placement, the 2013-14 budget has been implemented with conservative fiscal policies and in a sustainable manner. Internal Controls - Is this area acceptable? Does the College have adequate internal controls to insure the integrity of the general ledger? See P. 55 of the 2011-12 Audited Financial Statements for this notation, “We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above.” http://www.redwoods.edu/District/BusinessOffice/documents/RedwoodsDistrtic tFinalFS12.pdf Does the College have adequate internal controls to safeguard the College’s assets? [See p. 65 of Independent Auditors Report on Internal Control at: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/BusinessOffice/documents/FinalFSAudit2011 .pdf] IX. Management Information Systems - Is this area acceptable? Is the College data accurate and timely? Yes Yes Are the county and State reports filed in a timely manner? There have been no major delays in report submissions. Also, Business Office staff communicate with the other party (typically the State Chancellor’s Yes Yes Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 9 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. office) and keep them informed on progress. Are key fiscal reports readily available and understandable? One primary source for fiscal reports is the monthly Board of Trustees meetings. For example see the August 6, 2012 BOT meeting agenda: P. 35 for the Monthly Financial Status Report, P. 87 for the Quarterly Financial Status Report, and other budget reports. http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/August62013packet.pdf Another primary source for fiscal reports is the Budget Planning Committee (BPC) which reviews budget forecasts and other reports. http://inside.redwoods.edu/BudgetPlanning/ Another primary source for fiscal reports is the Business Office webpage. http://www.redwoods.edu/District/BusinessOffice/reports.asp X. Position Control – Is this area acceptable? Is position control integrated with payroll? Yes Yes Does the College control unauthorized hiring? The Board of Trustees reviews a monthly report of hiring activities. For example, see p. 37 of the August 6,20123 BOT meeting agenda packet: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/August62013packet.pdf#p age=37 XI. Does the College have controls over part-time academic staff hiring? Budget Monitoring - Is this area acceptable? Is there sufficient consideration to the budget, related to long-term bargaining agreements? Consideration of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is integrated into budget planning and collective bargaining negotiation decisions. Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 10 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. Are budget revisions completed in a timely manner? Yes Yes Does the College openly discuss the impact of budget revisions at the board level? At each monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees, a monthly financial status report is presented which includes any budget revisions. The cover page for this spreadsheet includes a discussion of any material changes. On a quarterly basis, the Board reviews a quarterly report that is also submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office. For example, the Minutes from the June 4,2013 Board meeting includes questions from the Board on the monthly financial status report as noted on p. 9 of this document: http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/August62013packet. pdf Yes Yes Yes Yes Also, p. 9 of this document includes discussion of the monthly financial status report: http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/March52013packet_ 000.pdf Are budget revisions made or confirmed by the board in a timely manner after the collective bargaining agreements are ratified? For example see the August 6, 2012 BOT meeting agenda action item: P. 36 for the Monthly Financial Status Report which includes a monthly income statement with columns for the “Adopted Budget”, “Year-toDate Adjustments” to the budget and the “Current Budget” as of the month reviewed. http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/August62013packet.pdf See P. 91 of the August 6, 2013 BOT meeting agenda for the Board’s ratification of the CSEA contract and P. 92 for the ratification of the CRFO contract. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/August62013packet.pdf Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 11 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Partial Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. Has the College’s long-term debt decreased from the prior fiscal year? The District has not increased its Certificates of Participation (COPs) debt. The District’s Employee Benefits Fund for post-employment retirement benefits increased in 2011-12 due to employees opting into a voluntary Supplemental Early Retirement incentive Program (SERP), and the SERP costs have been included in the budget. The District anticipates issuing the remaining $7.2 million of locally approved bond authorization (Measure Q and Measure B) during 2013-14, but such bonds are repaid through property tax assessments. For 2013-14 the District has identified paying off the COP debt as a priority. Paying off the SERP debt will be added the row that discusses the COP debt for the chart for the 2013-14 Final Budget. See “CR Priority Funding Plan for 2013-14” on P. 3 of the 2013-14 Tentative Budget approved at the June 4, 2013 BOT meeting. http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/TentativebudgetMayRevise 3-BOThandout.pdf Has the College identified the repayment sources for the long-term debt? Yes Yes Does the College compile annualized revenue and expenditure projections throughout the year? Yes Yes Yes Yes XII. Retiree Health Benefits - Is this area acceptable? The Board of Trustees approved a plan to allow the President/Superintendent to transfer funds from the employee benefits trust to the general fund if necessary to bring the general fund balance up to 5.0% by the close of 2012-13. However, the funds must be fully returned to the employee benefits fund within two years to provide necessary cash flow to the employee benefits fund. See P. 59 of the November 7, 2012 BOT meeting agenda for the action item: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/November72012packet.p df Please see Section II “Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable?” of this Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 12 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. report for a discussion of the possible transfer of funds from the employee benefits fund. Has the College completed an actuarial calculation to determine the unfunded liability? The District’s most recent complete actuarial study was completed in 2011. The actuary is currently preparing a complete actuarial study. http://www.redwoods.edu/District/BusinessOffice/documents/Acturarialstudy1Fi nal2011Report.pdf XIII. Does the College have a plan for addressing the retiree benefits liabilities? Leadership/Stability - Is this area acceptable? Has the College experienced recent turnover in its management team (including the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Business Officer, and Board of Trustees)? During 2011-12, the District hired a permanent President/Superintendent, but this has not destabilized the District. See the April 3, 2012 Board of Trustees meeting minutes on P. 10 of this BOT meeting agenda packet: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/rMay12012Packet.pdf During 2012-13, the District hired a State Special Trustee. See P. 35 of the BOT August 7, 2012 meeting agenda: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/August72012Packet.pdf Also in 2012-13, the District implemented its Round One Reorganization and Reduction in Force (RIF) which included the merging of the VP for Instruction with the VP for Student Success. See this organization chart for the revised structure: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/OrgChartasof11292012sta ndardsize.pdf See P. 37 of the BOT December 4, 2012 meeting agenda for the reorg action item: http://www.redwoods.edu/District/Board/documents/December42012packet.pdf Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 13 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Yes Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. During 2013-14, the District implemented its Round Two Reorganization and RIF which included a reorganization of the existing Dean structure. See P. 61 of the July 9, 2013 BOT meeting agenda: http://www.redwoods.edu/district/board/documents/July92013packet.pdf These management changes were made to realize overall cost savings to the District and to streamline decision-making, and are not expected to destabilize the District. XIV. College Liability – Is this area acceptable? Has the College performed the proper legal analysis regarding potential lawsuits that may require the College to maintain increased reserve levels? Yes Yes Has the College set up contingent liabilities for anticipated settlements, legal fees, etc? Yes Yes Yes Yes XV. Reporting – Is this area acceptable? Has the College filed the annual audit report with the System Office on a timely basis? Yes Yes Has the College taken appropriate actions to address material findings cited in their annual audit report? Yes Yes Has the College met the requirements of the 50 percent law? 2011-12 partial exemption was issued. 2012-13 was in compliance. No Yes Have the Quarterly Financial Status Reports (CCFS-311Q), Annual Financial and Budget Reports (CCFS-311), and Apportionment Yes Yes Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 14 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. Attendance Reports (CCFS-320) been submitted to the System Office on or before the Stated deadlines? As noted in the responses to the State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist, the District’s response has changed for the better in the following areas: District Responses to the State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management Self-Assessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Better Or Worse? Partial Yes Better No Yes Better No Yes Better No Yes Better Partial Yes Better No Yes Better No Yes Better Areas showing improvement: I. Deficit Spending - Is this area acceptable? II. Is the College spending within their revenue budget in the current year? Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable Is the College’s fund balance stable or consistently increasing? III. Enrollment - Is this area acceptable? IV. Unrestricted General Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable? Is the College’s unrestricted general fund balance consistently maintained at or above the recommended minimum prudent level (5% of the total unrestricted general fund expenditures)? Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 15 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. VI. Is the College’s unrestricted fund balance maintained throughout the year? Bargaining Agreements - Is this area acceptable? Has the College settled bargaining agreements within new revenue sources during the past three years? Did the College address budget reductions necessary to sustain the total compensation increase? VII. Unrestricted General Fund Staffing - Is this area acceptable? No Yes Better Partial Yes Better No Yes Better Partial Yes Better No Yes Better Is the College ensuring it is not using one-time funds to pay for permanent staff or other ongoing expenses? No Yes Better Is the percentage of College general fund budget allocated to salaries and benefits at or less than the Statewide average (i.e. the Statewide average for 2003-04 is 85%)? No Yes? Better Partial Yes Better No Yes Better XI. XV. Budget Monitoring - Is this area acceptable? Has the College’s long-term debt decreased from the prior fiscal year? Reporting – Is this area acceptable? Has the College met the requirements of the 50 percent law? 2011-12 partial exemption was issued. Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 16 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. As noted in the responses to the State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist, the District’s responses in the following areas represent an area that needs continued attention: District Responses to the State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management Self-Assessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 No Yes No Yes Partial Yes Areas requiring due diligence by the District: I. Deficit Spending - Is this area acceptable? Has the College controlled deficit spending over multiple years? The college has controlled deficit spending by returning to a positive net revenue budget for 2013-14 and implementing permanent and on-going salary concessions by all employees. The District’s 2013-14 budget shows a positive net revenue. The two rounds of reorganization and reduction in force (RIF) and the salary concessions from all employee groups in the 6.5% to 9.0% range helped create a sustainable budget environment that will allow the District to post a multiyear budget forecast with positive net revenue in each year. II. Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable The District is coming out of a period of low fund balance that has been reversed with material changes to the budget. The District will continue on this positive revenue path to maintain fiscal stability. III. Enrollment - Is this area acceptable? The District went on enrollment stability due to missing its 2011-12 and 201213 enrollment targets. The 2013-14 enrollment budget is set above the Chancellor’s Office’s stability enrollment cap for 2013-14. Also, the State has revised its enrollment priorities and restricted course repeatability. The issue here is that the District must enroll students under the revised State rules and maintain and sustain those enrollment levels to ensure continued fiscal stability. Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 17 of 18 PRELIMINARY DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY EXHIBIT A: State Chancellor’s Office Sound Fiscal Management SelfAssessment Checklist Oct 2012 Sept 2013 No Yes Note that the column titled “Oct 2012” shows the response on the District’s “Show Cause Report” dated October, 15, 2012. The column titled, “Sep 2013” shows the updated response from the District. IV. Unrestricted General Fund Balance – Is this area acceptable? The District’s fund balance fell below 5.0% at the close of books on June 30, 2012, but was restored to 5% by June 30, 2013. The District will sustain and continue to improve the fund balance percent to at least 1.5 months of District payroll or about 10%. Note that the District’s payroll annual budget is about $21.6 million, so 1.5 months is about $2.7 million, which equates to a 10% unrestricted general fund balance. Standard IIID Self Assessement3 - Final Bgt.docx 9/23/2013 12:27 PM page 18 of 18 BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Linkage Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership Enrollment Services Dedicated computer lab space. (Computers are purchased, need identified space in new Student Svcs Bldg) 8 Health/PE Equipment: 3 Electronic Skinfold Calipers 1,200 3 Hand Held Body Fat Analyzers 225 3 Spin Bikes 3,000 3 Weight benches 1,950 Atheletics Website Improvements Counseling/Advising Accessible Software updates- JAWSZoom Text, Kurzweil 1000, Dragon, CoWriter (DSPS) Accessible Go-print Stations (DSPS) 51 Objective 1.1: Reduce Barriers to Persistence Objective 2.3: Improve Technology Services and support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. - 64 6,375 19 64 3,000 4 43 29,800 5 44 7,800 7 50 97,200 Objective 1.1: Reduce Barriers to Persistence 200 Ed Master Plan 1.2: Improve support for students Objective 1.1: Reduce Barriers to Persistence 200 Ed Master Plan 1.2: Improve support for students Objective 1.1: Reduce Barriers to Persistence 200 Ed Master Plan 1.2: Improve support for students Library Replacement of Carpeting 99 Painting of interior of the LRC 100 Air conditioning for LRC 103 102 Funding source to improve book collections where quality and quantity are low. 98 8,500 9/23/2013 10:49 AM Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 1.1: Reduce Barriers to Persistence 8,500 Ed Master Plan 1.2: Improve support for students 90 78 12,000 5,000 93 5,000 Ed Master Plan 1.6: Improve success among underrepresented populations Ed Master Plan 1.2: Improve support for students Objective 1.1: Reduce Barriers to Persistence Ed Master Plan 1.2: Improve support for students 24,000 10,000 100,000 Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. 500 Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies. 2,000 Ed Master Plan 1.6: Improve success among underrepresented populations Residential Life Upper deck of Mendocino hall repair and resurface Emergency Communication System ADA Compliance Objective 2.3: Improve Technology Services and support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to 200 attract students. Objective 2.3: Improve Technology Services and support Objective 2.6 Improve and integrate overall communication systems Update ADA accessible computers and peripherals-district-wide (DSPS) VP Student Development Space for a Multicultural and Diversity Center Large meeting space for ASCR Expansion of space for the Writing Center in the LRC FINAL TPC 9 17 21 1 Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Linkage Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Asbestos Abatement 11 600,000 12 386,000 38 1,000,000 9 150,000 500 38 16,000 200 24 160,000 200 66 84,000 200 32 160,000 500 40 130,000 1,000 49 111,000 500 23 2,500 47 100,000 27 1,000,000 Electrical Upgrades Earthquake Retrofit Roof and Rain gutters for Mendocino Hall Lighting inside rooms Bathrooms refurbish Vanities , sinks and faucets Carpet Replacement Heating system replacement Double pane windows Computer room ventilation Blacktop repair around Residence Halls Fire Control Sprinklers 9/23/2013 10:49 AM FINAL TPC 2 5,000 Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Linkage Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Plumbing 29 160,000 1,000 16 30,000 500 21 15,000 200 54 12,600 200 Exterior lighting around the Residence Halls needs to be replaced Video camera recording rooms need ventilation fans installed Repair fire places Upward Bound Broadband upgrade needed to support the efficiency of technology and communication between Eureka and Del Norte sites. Admn services EKA sewer connection – to connect to county and eliminate District wastewater treatment plant. Will result in lower annual operating expenses. Regulations continue to tighten, so eventually the District will need to upgrade. EKA dorm roof replacement and safety upgrades – The roof on one dorm was replaced, but the other dorm is in need of a new roof. This would replace the roof, make exterior repairs and address safety items. Funded with auxiliary revenues. EKA dorm room and heating system upgrade –Replace outdated gas wall heaters, replace carpet, replace leaky windows or doors as needed, and other improvements. Will result in lower annual operating expenses. Funded with auxiliary revenue. EKA Stadium renovation Repair worn out back wall: $100K Repair roof or remove roof completely due to seismic concerns: $500K Remove broken stadium lights due to safety concerns: $40K (Would likely require a COP). Repeat request. EKA Sheriff’s substation – The District previously provided a substation which greatly increased the frequency of sheriff’s office visits to the area. Cost would be for a portable building, but other options are being considered. Funded Security upgrades – Funds are needed to upgrade door locks, install phones, install intercoms, and other classroom security upgrades. Funds would be used to purchase a four wheel drive vehicle for the Security Dept. to allow IT equipment, software, and service contracts – This will create a resource to begin to fund a centralized IT replacement cycle as well as other recurring costs. Funded through an allocation in the December 2012 reorganization 9/23/2013 10:49 AM FINAL TPC 19 1 41 Objective 4.1: Improve technology infrastructure to support all college operations 5,000 Technology Master Plan Objective 2.1 Improve connectivity of internal network 20,000 5 2,500,000 2 200,000 3 300,000 1 640,000 20 40,000 13 300,000 6 100,000 3 Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to 1,000 attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to 2,000 attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to 5,000 attract students, and 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space. Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize 1,000 functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize 1,000 functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to Technology Master Plan Objective 1.1: Provide ongoing lab and PC upgrades 100,000 using available resource options, reduce total and ongoing expense Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle EKA ACSR and Multicultural Center, and Student Center upgrades – Convert Lakeview room for student gov’t offices and a new multicultural center, and make other needed improvements to the student center. Annually, funds could be used for continued maintenance and upgrades. Funds allocated prorata to centers and sites. (Could be funded from Student Center Fee if District Wide Student Technology Upgrades – Additional augment to existing funding for student labs, wireless access, technical support personnel, and other technology available to students. Funds allocated pro-rata to centers and sites. (Could be funded from Technology Fee if approved. Ongoing District Wide Energy Efficiency – These funds would be used for energy efficiency projects. Priority would be given to projects with potential rebates, etc. that leverage the available funds. Repeat request. Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Budget – This will create a resource to begin to fund the replacement of aging vehicles and equipment in Administrative Services, such as Maintenance, IT, and Security. A list of vehicles in the Maintenance Dept alone shows 39 vehicles with 26 of those vehicles over 12 year old, and the oldest vehicle that leaves campus property being a 27 year old Ford van. Request is to replace the oldest vehicles and create a fund to replace a fleet of 48 vehicles every 6 years (at $25K/vehicle). Biology Eureka: Three sets (24 each) of stereoscopic compound microscopes Eureka: Two sets (24 each) of stereoscopic dissecting microscopes Eureka: Saltwater Aquarium $1,000 and Mendocino: Digital pH metersc(6) Eureka: Service/Maintenance/Repair for Microscopes, Deionizer, Autoclave, Eureka: Digital pH Meters (12; 6/lab for 2 labs) DN Life Science: Lab equipment budget. DN Life Science: Needs to have already-approved the lab remodel take place. Agriculture Livestock Handling Facility Behavioral/Social Science Room CA 109 requires updating to make it a "Smart Classroom". At present it has not been updated with smart technology. The projector should be placed from the ceiling so that the cart is no longer a physical hazard to students and faculty navigating across cords while the projector is pulled out for operation. A computer/sound cabinet (for the DVD/VCR/Sound System) is needed to Room CA 113 and 109 require updated computer technologies to allow for multiple video formats including online streaming. Business Office Report writer add-on to Datatel Check printer and softdocs implementation in Datatel Fixed Asset/depreciation maintenance software Document Imaging and Scanning and destruction of business office archives Computer station in lobby for student use CIS Router Upgrades TPC BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost 45 6 7 60,000 100,000 24 75,000 25,000 5,200 10,000 8,400 6,000 500 500 100 500 200 6,000 103 150,000 67 5,000 11 68 10,000 19 13 19 35 53 52 37 55 11,000 25,000 12,000 15,000 5,000 57 9/23/2013 10:49 AM Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce 200,000 maintenance needs 500,000 72 69 69 59 74 58 Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to attract students, and 60,000 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space Objective 31.: Reduce reliance on apportionment-based funding Objective 4.1: Improve technology infrastructure to support all college 50,000 operations Objective 2.4: Improve facilities Services and Support Objective 31.: Reduce reliance on apportionment-based funding Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.1: Modernize existing facilities, maximize 5,000 functional space and utilization rates, and 1.3: Develop sites and facilities to 50,000 15 Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs 1,000 Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.4: Update science labs 8,000 250 Facilities Master Plan: Objective 1.2: Eliminate non-functional space 250 Ed Master Plan Objective 4.3: Enhance distance education or eLearning 2,000 4,000 2,000 1,500 500 10,000 4 FINAL Linkage Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies. Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies. Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies. Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies. Objective 4.4: Improve efficiency through technology Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Linkage Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership Digital Media Cintiq drawing tablets for DM lab Drafting Tech Technology Infrastructure improvements & student access to technology in the CAD lab. Will request CTEA grant funds. English 29 New Computers for the Eureka Writing Center Renew district license for Lexia Reading Strategies for Older Students (SOS) $3,375 and 9 new chairs for the Eureka Writing Center $973 Fine Arts 3-D printer and 3-D design software. This will enable the 3-D courses, including 3-D design, ceramics, sculpture and jewelry to start teaching their students digital 3-D skills, which are increasingly important in the workplace. For the time being, the art department would like to start with free software like 123D Design. WeBook should Replace old Mac Probudget around $2,500 for the printer. SAM fees will 14 85 6,000 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 200 effectively suppport instructional needs. 3 29 12,000 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. 9 94 28,739 12 71 3,375 973 18 76 2,500 800 19 75 2,300 100 6,000 90 12,000 500 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 200 effectively suppport instructional needs. Wifi for the Creative Arts Building 19 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 250 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 250 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to effectively suppport instructional needs. Five new digital pianos for CA 104 Forestry and Natural Resources (FNR) High Definition monitor, $2,500 and Classroom computer $2,000 and Safety equipment (glasses, hard hats, etc..) $500. Maintenance 2 vans for maintenance mechanics 48 4,500 17 40,000 500 42 20,000 500 14 4,000 200 28 30,000 500 29 50,000 500 8 40,000 200 34 30,000 200 New truck for gardeners Lifting rescue tripod 6,000 lb Forklift New Equipment to maintain the WWTP to new discharge standards New Exterior Lighting and security cameras Sewer Inspection Camera 9/23/2013 10:49 AM FINAL TPC 5 Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle TPC BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost Replace existing Chlor Tec hypo generator and process grinder at WWTP 35 55,000 Math Math Server 19 63 6,000 16 61 400 Physical Sciences Physics – Air tracks and air sources. 59 5,000 62 11,075 77 14,400 79 14,400 80 10,500 97 10,000 83 12,000 85 21,000 89 12,000 95 8,000 90 5,000 85 15,000 Organic Macro Lab Kits (24) @$600 each pH meters (15) @$700.00 each Microgram balances (10) @$1000 each Steam distillation apparatus (12) @$100.00 each Spectronic 100 VIS Spectrometer (15) @$1400.00 each Heating/Stirring plates (24) @$500 each Centrifuge (4) @$2000.00 each UV/Vis Spectrometer (1) Explosion Proof Refrigerators (2) @$5000 each 9/23/2013 10:49 AM 6 Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce 500 maintenance needs Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 250 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Back-Up Power Supply and Back-Up Hard Drive Physics: Digital photogates and accessory photogates $1,600 DC Power Supplies $500 New e/m system $3,500 New Ripple Tank $825 Mechanical Wave Source and Sine Wave Generators $1,300 Michelson Interferometer $2,200 Electroscopes $500 Electrometer, Faraday Ice Pail, & Variable Capacitor $650 Organic Micro Lab Kits (24) @$600 each FINAL Linkage Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary BPC Ranked Resource Requests for 2013-14 Funding Cycle College of the Redwoods Program Review Resource Requests for the 2013-14 Funding Cycle Chemistry: Drying Ovens (2) @ $2000 each $4,000 CBL units (15) @$150.00 each $2,250 CBL Temperature probe(15) @$100.00 ech $1,500 CBL pH probes (15) @$100.00 each $1,500 CBL Voltmeter probe (15) @$100.00 each $1,500 Heating mantel and Transformer (24) @$500 each $2,400 Printer(3) @$300.00 each $900 High-Pressure Liquid Chromatograph and Detector (1) Ice machine (1) $1,000 Earth Sciences Supplies – replacement of specimens, hardness kits, maps, microscope bulbs, and other general supplies (detailed list provided upon Earth Sciences (Geology, Oceanography, Geography, Phys Science Environmental Science courses) Operational Upgrades: Four US ECLIPSE Digital Balance Scales (500g x 0.1g): @$21.50 each and Meiji CK3900 CCD Registered Nurse (RN) Updated computers for AT 126, AT 103 & AT 115. BPC Tech Facility Equip Ongoing Linkage Rank Rank Total Total Total Cost Note: Ongoing costs are included to help evaluate the total cost of ownership 72 15 85 1,700 19 80 10,000 19 96 40,000 10 80 30,000 18,286 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. 86 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 500 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 40,000 effectively suppport instructional needs. Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 5,000 effectively suppport instructional needs. Tegrity subscription Technology ,warranty support, and replacement for simulators and equipment used by all HO program students in the lab. Security 4-wheel drive vehicle 33 30,000 500 Upgrade Eureka campus surveillance system 4 10,000 200 26 32,000 200 17 13,000 200 Replace Eureka Campus Marquee Signal Repeater for two-way radio system at the Eureka campus Updated software for incident reporting 2 46 15,000 250 Upgrade parking permit dispensing machines at the Eureka campus 9/23/2013 10:49 AM Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs Objective 3.2: Improve college operational efficiencies Facilities Master Plan Objective 3.3: Consider life cycle costs and reduce maintenance needs 84 5,000 250 56 1,000 Education Master Plan Objective 4.1: Provide lab equipment and technology to 100 effectively suppport instructional needs. Welding Tech Safety lights TOTAL REQUEST FINAL TPC 548,314 7 9,123,100 644,495 526,650 Resource Requests for 2013-14.xlsx BOT Summary