Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 ___________________________________________________________ Educational Background 1997 Ph.D. Political Science. International Political Economy, Comparative Politics, International Development, Latin American Political Economy, The Claremont Graduate School, United States How Ideas Affect Economic Policy Formation in Developing Countries: Case Studies from Latin America (the foundation of the book published in 1998) 1992 M.A. International Affairs. International Economics, International Economic Development, Political Philosophy, George Washington University, United States 4.0 GPA 1986 B.Sc. School of Foreign Service. International Relations, Latin American Studies, Georgetown University, United States ____________________________________________________________ Employment History at Academic Institutions Aug. 2000 – present Professor of Political Science at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada July 1998 - July 1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science and Latin American Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA September 1997 - July 1998 Assistant Professor, Political Science, The American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt January 1995 - June 1995 Teaching Assistant to Professor Alison Brysk, Comparative Politics, Pomona College, Claremont, CA Note: I was employed at the U.S. International Trade Commission from 1999-2000. Pls. see the section Other Employment. I completed the Ph.D. from 1992-97. Honours and Awards Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Developing Societies, from 2014. 2015 Best Wine Book for Professionals, for What makes clusters competitive? Cases from the Global Wine Industry, category- Canadian category, Gourmand International, 2010 Winner of Outstanding Paper Award, Emerald Group Publishing, for The Political Economy of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Why the Poor Lack Access to Medicines and What Can Be Done About It Nominated for SFU Teaching Award, 2006, 2008, 2009 Winner of Dean of Arts Silver Medal for Academic Excellence, Simon Fraser University, 2005 2nd Best Essay of the Year, Problemas del Desarrollo, for The FTAA as a Three Level Bargaining Game, 2003 Page: 1 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 ____________________________________________________________ Current Research Interests My research is vitally linked to my teaching. My training is in economic development, international economics, political economy, international relations, and Latin American studies. My current emphasis is on good governance as related to industrial, technology, and environmental policy. I would put myself more broadly into the comparative public policy field. I have an ongoing interest in development policies to improve competitiveness through building the capacity of the public sector. I train students who are well-versed in politics and economics, and able to pick up an area of technical specialization with policy relevance such as energy, education, or environment. I therefore seek out collaboration in key issue areas with researchers, policymakers, and the private sector, hoping to help solve policy problems. ____________________________________________________________ Completed Works (All Refereed works noted by *) Summary of peer-reviewed work (69): 8 books; 6 special edition journals (Editor); 43 articles; 12 book chapters Books (8) *GOVERNING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: SOLUTIONS FOR ETHICAL CLOTHING PRODUCTION (tentative title), co-editor with Maureen Benson-Rea, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. BOOK OF RULES: THREE PERSPECTIVES TO EXPLAIN HUMAN IRRATIONALITY, (political psychology), London: Book Guild, 2015. *WHAT MAKES CLUSTERS COMPETITIVE? CASES FROM THE GLOBAL WINE INDUSTRY, editor, author/coauthor of 3/7 chapters, other authors include Elisa Giuliani; Christian Felzenstein; David Aylward; Francisco Javier Mesias; with chapter by SFU colleague Mike Howlett and SFU grad student, McGill-Queen’s University Press 2013. *BILATERALISM FROM TRILATERALISM? NORTH AMERICAN SECURITY AFTER 9/11, with Imtiaz Hussein, Satya Pattnayak, co-editors, Westport: Praeger Security International, 2008, 327 pp. *THE NEW PATH: AN EAST ASIAN MODEL FOR LATIN AMERICAN SUCCESS, Ashgate, endorsed by Felix E. Martin, International Relations, Florida International University, Richard Lipsey, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Simon Fraser University, David Arase, Pomona College, and Nicola Phillips, U of Manchester, (2007), 179 pp. * OUTSOURCING AMERICA, Amacom (2005) (2007- paperback updated ed.), with Ron Hira, endorsed by former Vice Presidential Candidate Senator Joseph Lieberman; Richard Freeman, Herbert Ascherman Chair in Economics at Harvard University and co-director of the London School of Economics' Centre for Economic Performance; Congressman Donald Manzullo (R-IL), Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Small Business; John J. Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO; William Baumol, Professor Emeritus Princeton University; and Ralph Wyndrum, Technology Vice President, AT&T, retired (2000) and IEEE-USA President-Elect. Over 10,000 copies sold, 270 pp. *DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS FOR A NEW MILLENIUM (with Trevor Parfitt), Praeger, (2004), 205 pp. *THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ENERGY IN THE SOUTHERN CONE, Praeger, (2003), 111 pp. *IDEAS AND ECONOMIC POLICY IN LATIN AMERICA: Regional, National, and Organizational Case Studies, Greenwood Press Publishing Group, (1998), 185 pp. Page: 2 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Latin American Issues for a New Generation Introductory textbook to LA politics, used in and revised for the course each year I teach it. Special Edition Journal Editor (6) *Editor, The Culture of Corruption, 2 volumes, Journal of Developing Societies, author of 2 of 7 articles, forthcoming Vol. 32, 1& 2: Spring 2016. *Editor, Mapping out the Triple Helix: How Institutional Coordination for Competitiveness is Achieved in the Global Wine Industry, Prometheus (innovation policy journal), author of 2/8 articles and co-author of 5/8 articles, incl. articles by 3 SFU grad students, 31,4 (Dec) 2013. *Editor, Policies to Improve Governance and Reduce Corruption in Developing Countries, special edition, ECORFAN (Mexico-based think tank), editor, author of 1/11 chapters, incl. chapters by 1 SFU colleague, and 4 SFU grad students, July 2014, freely available at: *Editor, International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, special edition, 2012, States and High Tech: Cases from the Wireless sector, author of 2/7; and co-author of 3/7 articles *Editor, International Journal of Political Economy, 33,4 (Winter 2003-4), special edition, Current Crisis at the World Trade Organization; article co-author, with Ted Cohn, Towards a Theory of Global Regime Governance, reprinted in Mandarin for dissemination. *Editor, Policy and Society, 23,3 (2004) special edition, Crisis and Transformation in Global Economic Governance, author of 1/6 articles Book Chapters (12) *The Emergence of Industrial Policy Lite: Latin America’s Blind Spot, in Paul A. Haslam and Pablo Heidrich, The Political Economy of Natural Resources and Development: From Neoliberalism to Resource Nationalism, NY: Routledge, 2016. *Understanding Industrial Policy, c. 19, 343-60 in Greg Anderson and Chris Kukucha, eds. International Political Economy, Toronto: Oxford U. Press, 2016. *Canada struggles to move towards a green economy, with Chris Kukucha (Lethbridge), 29-36 in United Nations, The Road to Rio + 20: for a development-led green economy, Geneva: UNCTAD, 2011. Available on-line at *Can Biofuels Be An Engine of Growth for Small Economies? The Case of Paraguay, with Plinio Torres Garcete (Universidad Americana de Paraguay), book chapter in Biofuels/Book 1 , 2011, (accessible on-line), Rjeka, Croatia: Intech. *World Food Demand: Coping With Its Growth, with Haley Jones and James Morfopoulos (SFU graduate students), in Advances in Food Science and Technology, vol. I, NovaScience, 2011, freely available at: *Structural Adjustment in Latin America: From Crisis to Ambiguity. In Miroslav N. Jovanović, ed. International Handbook on the Economics of Integration, Volume I: General Issues and Concepts. Edward Elgar (UN FAOsponsored publication), 2011 443-56. Page: 3 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 *The State, chapter in textbook Introduction to International Development Studies: Approaches, Actors, and Issues, Paul Haslam, Jessica Schafer, and Pierre Beaudet, eds., Oxford U Press, updated 2nd edition, 2011., updated chapter 2014. *With Douglas Ross, Asymmetry Squeezing Out Trilateralism? Canadian Ambivalence on US Strategic Primacy, 56-102 in Hussain, Pattnayak, and Hira, Westport: Praeger, 2008. *The usefulness of the shared mental model framework for understanding Latin American economic history: from dependencia to neoliberalism, in Ravi K. Roy, Arthur T. Denzau, and Thomas D. Willett, Neoliberalism: National and Regional Experiments with Global Ideas, London: Routledge, 2007. *Governance Crisis in Asia: Developing a Responsive Regulation, book chapter in M. Ramesh and M. Howlett, eds., Deregulation and Its Discontents: Rewriting the Rules in Asia, Edward Elgar, 2006. *Regulatory Games States Play: Managing Globalization Through Sectoral Policy, chapter author, in Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Stephen McBride, eds. Global Turbulence: Social Activists’ and State Responses to Globalization, London: Ashgate, 2003, 41-58. *Violence and Political Capacity, co-author of chapter, in Jacek Kugler and Marina Arbetman, eds., Political Capacity and Economic Behavior, Boulder: Westview Press, 1997, pp. 221-34. Examination of U.S. Inbound and Outbound Direct Investment, U.S. International Trade Commission, Staff Research Study 26, (Jan. 2001) (co-author). Recent Trends in International Service Trade, U.S. International Trade Commission, Investigation No.332-345, (May 2000) (co-author). Articles (43) *Intro. to Culture and Corruption in Developing Countries, and with Kai Shiao (SFU Economics student) Broken Windows: Why Culture Matters in Corruption Reform, Journal of Developing Societies, 32,1 (2016). *From Industrial Strength to World Class: Gallo and Mondavi’s Contributions to the California Wine Industry, California History, 92(4): 48-72, 2015. Boots On or Off the Ground: Some considerations about intervention in the Middle East, working paper, Canadian Global Affairs Institute (, August 2015. *Building a More Efficacious Chilean Bureaucracy: Lessons from the Singapore Case, Revista de Gestión Pública, (Chile), III, 2 (Jul-Dec.) 2014. * (7 articles) Mapping out the Triple Helix: How Institutional Coordination for Competitiveness is Achieved in the Global Wine Industry; The South African Wine Industry: Bifurcation Undermines Success; co-author: Institutional Stickiness and Coordination Issues in an Idiosyncratic Environment: The Grape and Wine Industry in Ontario Canada; US Wine Industry: Following the Oregon Trail; New Zealand Wine: A Model for Other Small Industries; Australia as a Triple Helix Exemplar: Built Upon a Foundation of Resource and Institutional Coordination and Strategic Consensus; Institutional Design Matters: Institutional Causes of Brazilian Wine Industry Poor Performance; all in Prometheus special edition, 2014. *with Tim Swartz (SFU Statistics), 2014. What Makes Napa Napa? The roots of success in the wine industry. Wine Economics and Policy. 3,1 (June): 37-53. Page: 4 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 *with Kawa Jabary (SFU MA student), The Kurdish Mirage: A Success Story in Doubt. Middle East Policy. Vol 20 No.2 (Summer 2013): 99-112. *Irrational Exuberance: An Evolutionary Perspective on the Underlying Causes of the Financial Crisis, Intereconomics: Review of European Economic Policy, March/April 2013, 48,2: 116-23. *(5 articles) author of “Introduction to wireless technology and markets,” and “Secrets behind the Finnish miracle: the rise of Nokia,” and co-author of “Explaining sectoral leapfrogging in countries: comparative studies of the wireless sector,” “Evolution of the South Korean wireless industry: from state guidance to global competition,” and “Manufacturing telecommunications in Brazil: from leading edge to Maquilas”; all in States and High Tech, special edition, International Journal of Technology and Globalisation Nokia article featured on Peer Review Could Improve Teaching Assessment, with Darcie Cohen, University Affairs, Nov. 16, 2011, found at: BC Wine Industry: Issues and Potential, American Association of Wine Economists (mailing list of 40,000), invited working paper, Aug. 2011 *Sugar Rush: Prospects for an International Ethanol Market, Energy Policy, (November 2011), 39 (11), 6925-6935; featured on Energy Portal,, Feb. 21, 2012 *The Bottom Line: Fundamental Weaknesses of Latin American Finance, with Norbert Gaillard (OECD Paris), Bulletin of Latin American Research, 30, 2 (Apr. 2011): 163-82. *Turning Privatization Upside Down: Petrobras as an Example of Successful State Capitalism, with Pierre Olivier Pineau (HEC Montréal), Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 35, 69, 2010, 231-61. *The Evolutionary Patterns of Political Economy: examples from Latin American history, Journal of Bioeconomics, 12 (2010): 1-28. The Strategic Quagmire: Why we are failing in nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan. Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute Working Paper Nov. 2009. *No Substitute for Oil?: How Brazil developed Its Ethanol Industry, Energy Policy, 37, 6 (2009): 2450-6. *Learning from the Tigers: Comparing Institutions of Innovation in East Asia, Europe and Latin America, Problemas del Desarrollo, vol. 40, No. 156, 2009: 125:150. How Mining Could Become The Engine of Development, invited review for, Mar. 2009. *The political economy of the global pharmaceutical industry: Why the poor lack access to medicine and what might be done about it, International Journal of Development Issues, 8.2 (2009): 84-101. Biofuels: Getting to the Real Facts about the Food for Fuels Debate, invited review Swords and Ploughshares, University of Illinois, Spring 2009. * with Guilherme de Oliveira, U de Brasilia, Take Off and Crash: Lessons from the Diverging Fates of the Brazilian and Argentine Aircraft Industries, Competition and Change, Nov. 2007, vol. 11, no. 4: 329-47 Volatile Chemistry: threats and implications of terrorist use of chemical weapons in Canada, Canadian Chemical News 59,7 (July 1, 2007): 3 Page: 5 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 *¿Es Posible el Matrimonio de las Siete Hermanas del Sur? Posibilidades de Cooperación en Petróleo y Gas en América Latina, Comentario Internacional -Revista del Centro Andino de Estudios Internacionales, in Spanish (Quito, Ecuador), 2007 *Reassessing ISI and Neoliberalism in Historical Context, Revista de Economia Politica. (Brazil), vol. 27, no.3, (107: July-Sept) 2007: 345-56. *Should Economists Rule the World? Trends and Implications of Leadership Patterns in the Developing World, International Political Science Review, 28, 3 (2007): 325-60. Time for a Global Welfare System? The Futurist, May-June 2007 * with Doug Ross, Canada After 9/11: A Land of Deep Ambivalence: The Divergent Canadian Response to American Primacy and ‘The War on Terror,’ but Ever Deeper Continental Integration Canadian American Public Policy, No. 68, Dec. 2006 *Fair Trade: Three Key Challenges to Reaching the Mainstream, with Jared Ferrie (former SFU undergraduate student and journalist), Journal of Business Ethics, 63, 2 (2006): 107-118. *Participation and Regulation: An International Survey, with David Huxtable and Alex Leger (SFU undergraduate and graduate students), Governance, April 2005. 8 Entries for Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Routledge, 2005: Economic Commission for Latin America; History of the Southern Cone (S.America); Neoliberalism; Trade and Development; Venezuela, Energy: Impact on Development; Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), MERCOSUR (Southern Cone Common Market); and Carlos Menem. *Paradigmatic Crisis in International Economic Governance: Explaining the Explosion of Protest, Policy and Society, 23,3 (2004) special edition, Crisis and Transformation in Global Economic Governance Venezuela's Chavez: the Emperor has no Distribution, with Adam Morden (SFU undergraduate student), Centre for Global Political Economy (SFU) Working Paper, May 2004 Convergence and Change in Chilean Politics, with Aman Sanghera (SFU undergraduate student Centre for Global Political Economy (SFU) Working Paper, May 2004 *Measuring International Electricity Integration: A Comparative Study of the power systems under the Nordic Countries, MERCOSUR, and NAFTA, with Pierre Olivier Pineau of U Victoria and Karl Froschauer of SFU, Energy Policy, 32 (2004) 1457-75. *The Distributional Politics of Dollarization: the Latin American Case, with James Dean (SFU Economics), Third World Quarterly, vol. 25, no. 3 (Apr. 2004), 461-82. Choosing Products with a Conscience, Common Ground (distributed widely in grocery stores throughout the Vancouver area), Apr. 2004. *The FTAA as a Three Level Bargaining Game, Problemas del Desarrollo (UNAM-Mexico), no. 133, Nov. 2003. (awarded runner up for best article of the year) *The Brave New World of International Education, The World Economy, 26 (36) (2003), 911-31. *Does Energy Integrate? with Libardo Amaya (SFU MA student), Energy Policy 31 (2003), 185-99. *Latin America at century's end: what next? (an international relations analysis), Third World Quarterly, 22(3) (Aug. 2001), 457-462. Page: 6 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Evaluación Política de la Integración Eléctrica en el Cono Sur (in Spanish), (Political Evaluation of Electricity Integration in the Southern Cone); Revista CIER (Regional Commision for Energy Integration, a leading international organization in Latin America), (June 2001), pp.38-42. *The New Institutionalism's Contradictory Notions of Change, in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology (Apr. 2000), 267-82. *Ranking Publishers’ Reputations, with Dr. Larry Goodson and Dr. Brad Dillman, in PS (June 1999) 32(2): 257-62. *Deconstructing Integration: From Europe to East Asia, in Social Science Perspectives Journal (1998), 59-71. Knowledge as a Source of Power in Globalization, in the Proceedings of the 1998 American University in Cairo Conference on Globalization (conference proceedings, 1998) Book Reviews (8) Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 2009, for Perspectives on Politics, 2012. Jonathon Benjamin-Alvarado, Cuba's Energy Future: Strategic Approaches to Cooperation, Washington: Brookings Institution, 2010, for Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2012 Verónica Montecinos and John Markoff, eds. Economists in the Americas. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2009, for Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2011. Prebisch y Furtado: El estructuralismo latinoamericano. Edited by Jorge Lora and Carlos Mallorquin. Puebla, Mexico: Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, 1999, for The Americas: A Quarterly Review of InterAmerican Cultural History, March 2004. Javier Corrales, Presidents without parties: the politics of economic reform in Argentina and Venezuela in the 1990s, University Park: Pennsylvania State U. Press, 2002, for the Canadian Journal of Political Science, forthcoming, 2003. Miguel Angel Centeno and Patricio Silva, The Politics of Expertise, in the Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, December 1999. Patrick Clark Coaty, U.N. Voting as a Test of Neo-Realist Theory, monograph, Mellon Press, wrote liner notes, Sept. 1999. Matthew T. Kenney, A Theoretical Examination of Political Values and Attitudes in New and Old Democracies, (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003), wrote liner notes. ____________________________________________________________ Conferences, Workshops and Presentations Presentations and Discussant Experience (69) June 2015 Discussant, Gender, Climate Change and Work in Rich Countries, workshop, Vancouver May 2015 Shirt Off Your Back: The Possibilities for Ethical Clothing Markets, Industry Studies Association annual meeting, Kansas City, MO. May 2015 Addressing Climate Change through Promoting Renewables: the case of Central America, BCPSA, Vancouver Page: 7 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 April 2015 Renewables Policy Research Agenda, for SFU Climate and Research Day Mar. 2015 Fossil Fuel Divestment: Faculty Discussion sponsored by SFU students, with Anthony Perl, Shane Gunster, and Arne Mooers Feb. 2015 Shirt Off Your Back? Possibilities for an Ethical Clothing Market, meeting with clothing retailers sponsored by Fair Trade Vancouver, Vancouver, Feb. 16. Sept. 2014 Shirt Off Your Back? Possibilities for a Fair Trade Market in Clothing, Diaspora, Sustainability, and Development: Meeting at the Nexus, Simon Fraser University, Sept. 20. May 2014 Entrepreneurship in the Napa Valley, Industry Studies Association, Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon Feb. 2014 with Kai Shiao (SFU Undergraduate), Exposing the Deep Roots of Corruption, SFU PS Speakers’ Series Nov. 2013 Sponsored keynote address on Energy Integration: Comparing East Asia and Latin America at the ISIS-KAS (Malaysian think tank-Konrad Adenauer Foundation) Roundtable on the Political Challenges of Energy Systems Transformation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct. 31, 2013; & Energy Systems Management presentation at KAS-sponsored workshop on The Politics and Policies of Climate Change and Energy in Southeast Asia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Dec. 5-7 2013. Oct. 2013 Combating Corruption: Strategies for Civil Service Reform in the Developing World, PNWPSA (Pacific Northwest Political Science Association) meeting, Vancouver, Oct. 17. June 2013 Combating Corruption: Creating Effective Bureaucracies in the Developing World, CASID (Canadian Society for International Development), Victoria, June 4-6. June 2013 What Makes Napa Napa? Understanding the Sources of Cluster Competitiveness in the California Wine Industry. AAWE, Stellenbosch, South Africa. April 2013 Cluster Theory in Perspective: The cases of wine and horses, with Paul Gottlieb of Rutgers U., at the Southern Regional Science Association, Washington, DC Sept. 2012 Organized and led “Wine Competitiveness Summit,” at SFU on Sept. 14. Attendees included members of the press, wine industry stakeholders. Aug. 2012 Sponsored presentation, “Wine Industry Competitiveness: Lessons for New Jersey,” to Rutgers University’s Dept. of Agricultural, Food and Resources Economics June 2012 “Roots of Institutional Effectiveness in the Global Wine Industry,” presented at the Association of American Wine Economists annual meeting, Princeton, NJ. May 2012 Organized a special panel on the roots of the US financial crisis; and presented another paper on cluster economics, at the Industry Studies Association meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. July 2011 Organized a conference on global wine industry competitiveness, one academic workshop with 5 participants from around the world, and one presentation to the BC wine industry, audience of approximately 75 for both days, as part of Genome Canada grant, see below May 2011 Cluster Competitiveness: Cases from the Wine Industry. With Sarah Giest. Industry Studies Association, Pittsburgh, PA. Mar. 2011 Participant, Genome, Policy, and Society workshop on Intellectual Property, sponsored by Genome Canada July 2010 Research poster at the BC Wine Grape Council Annual Meeting, Penticton, BC. Page: 8 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 May 2010 Sponsored Commentator, North-South Institute conference on Canadian-Latin American relations, Ottawa Sept. 2009 Organized a conference and public symposium on biofuels at Simon Fraser University, including international scholars, Canadian Renewable Fuels Assn, BC Ministry of Mines and Energy, and BC Bioenergy Network. July 2009 Gave a series of sponsored presentations on science and technology policy and biofuels research to a series of public and private audiences in Paraguay June 2009 Gave a presentation on a new theory of industrial and technological development as part of my wireless grant research, to Triple Helix conference, Glasgow, Scotland. May 2009 Sponsored Presentation- Organized and led a panel on biofuels, for Sloan Industry Annual conference, Chicago, IL April 2009 Sponsored Presentation- Is the Brasilian Model Transferrable?, for Hewlett-funded conference on Biofuels, to the University of Illinois Nov. 2008 Presentation on Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, for Canadian Council of the Americas, Vancouver Nov. 2008 Sponsored presentation to University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) conference on biofuels May 2008 Sponsored presentation to Sloan Industry Annual Conference, Boston, Mass., on East Asian models of industrial policy Apr. 2008 Sponsored lecture on South American energy integration, to Laval University’s Centre for Interamerican Studies, Quebec City Mar. 2008 Participated in Canada-Brazil Renewable Energy Policy Meeting, Ottawa, including government, academic, and industry representatives; discussant in the biofuels roundtable. Oct. 2007 Technology Transfer Society Conference, Palm Desert, CA, gave paper The Rise of Nokia: Secrets Behind the Finnish Miracle Apr. 2007 Discussant, Chair and gave paper The Strategic Quagmire: Aiding Failing States in a Post 9/11 World: The Case of Canadian Intervention in Afghanistan, with Jared Ferrie, BCPSA Mar. 2007 Organized SFU Workshop: Terrorism, Trade, and the Threat to Prosperity: Adapting North American Security Relations to Terrorist Threats, with Doug Ross, open to public with 35 contributors, including academics from all over the world and Canadian govt. agencies (RCMP, DND, CBSA) & US consulate Nov. 2006 Gave a sponsored talk, Energy Markets in Latin America to Innowest conference, Edmonton Nov. 2006 Gave 3rd draft of Canadian security policy after 9/11 to public audience at Villanova U. in Philadelphia. July 2006 Gave a sponsored talk, The Global Implications of Outsourcing to the Leonardo Institute, as part of SFU’s CPROST summer programme on innovation and technology Sept. 2006 Gave 2nd draft of Canadian security policy after 9/11 to ACSUS conference in Anchorage, Alaska, with Doug Ross May 2006 Discussant, ResearchMoney Conference, on Business Policies in Asia for Canadians, Vancouver Page: 9 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Apr. 2006 Canadian Security Policy after 9/11 with Douglas Ross to BCPSA conference, Malaspina College, BC Mar 2006 The Social Psychology of Latin American Economy Policy, International Studies Association, San Diego Mar. 2006 First draft of Canadian security after 9/11 delivered to a public audience at Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City Apr. 2005 Science and Technology Policy: Boondoggle or Boon? to BCPSA conference, Prince George, BC Apr. 2005 The Role of Ideas in Latin American Economic History, to conference on Shared Mental Models, Claremont, California Feb. 2005 The Challenge of the New Pharmaceutical Industries in the Developing World SFU Workshop A Decade of Human Security: mapping governance innovations and prospects, Vancouver, BC Sep. 2004 Convergence and Divergence in North America: Canada and the United States, SFUAssociation for Canadian Studies in the United States conference in Vancouver discussant on panel regarding international trade and governance issues Aug 2004 Towards a Theory of International Governance, with Ted Cohn, SFU CGPE WTO and Beyond conference April 2004 The Future of the World Economy Rests in China, BCPSA Annual Meeting, Kwantlen College, Richmond, BC. March 2004 East Asian Models and Industrial Policy in Latin America, invited for a one-on-one dinner discussion by the Mexican consul and economists from the Mexican government on Mexican economic strategy, Vancouver. May 2003 The FTAA as a Three Level Bargaining Game, SFU Centre for Global Political Economy, joint conference with University of Hull May 2003 Fair Trade: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?, with Jared Ferrie, SFU student, BC Political Science Association Annual Meeting, SFU. Mar. 2003 The FTAA as a Three Level Bargaining Game, Latin American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Dallas. Feb. 2003 Deregulation and Participation: A Survey of Participation in International Electricity Regulation, International Studies Association Annual Meeting,. Portland, Oregon. Dec. 2002 The FTAA as a Two Level Bargaining Game, Inter-American Development Bank and LACEA: Regional Integration Network sponsored research seminar, Punta del Este, Uruguay. Nov. 2002 Venezuela’s Chavez: The Emperor Has No Distribution, Pacific Coast Conference on Latin American Studies meeting, Los Angeles. Oct. 2002 Convergence in Chile: Economic Policy under Lagos, Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies meeting, Montreal, Canada. Sept. 2002 The Political Economy of Dollarization in Latin America, presentation to Simon Fraser University, sponsored by Dept. of Political Science. May 2002 Legalizing Migration, BC Political Science Association meeting, Kelowna, BC. Page: 10 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Aug. 2001 Political Obstacles to Energy Integration in MERCOSUR, published in Conference Proceedings of 2001 Latin America Power and Gas Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 28, 2001 May 2001 Participation in Regulation, BC Political Science Association meeting, Langara College. Feb. 2001 Electricity Integration in the Southern Cone (of Latin America), a research presentation to SFU students and faculty, as part of the LAS research colloquium Nov. 2000 An Overview of Argentina's Political Economy, to the Vancouver Indy Media Project November 1998 Deconstructing Integration: From Europe to East Asia, National Social Science Association meeting, New Orleans. October 1998 Comparing Economic Development Policies in The Third World, International Studies Association South meeting, Discussant, Panel, Charlotte, NC. September 1998 Comparing Economic Knowledge Networks: Case Studies in Latin America and Egypt, Annual Latin American Studies Association meeting, Chicago. March 1998 How International Organizations Change: The Case of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America, Annual International Studies Association meeting, Minneapolis. March 1997 Ideas as a Source of Economic Policy Change: The Case of Third World Economic Liberalization, Annual International Studies Association meeting, Toronto. April 1996 Paradigms and International Economic Integration Theory: the Case of East Asia, Annual International Studies Association meeting, San Diego. March 1996 How Ideas Affect Economic Policy in Developing Countries: The Rise of Economists in Latin America, Annual Western Political Science Association meeting, San Francisco. ____________________________________________________________ Research/Project Funding - Received Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2013-14 Project Title: Combatting Corruption: Lessons from the Developing World Funding: SSHRC/SFU Type: Internal Total: 10,000 Involvement: PI Collaboration: Combatting corruption in the public sector in the developing world Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2013-14 Project Title: Understanding Cluster Success: The Case of California Funding: SSHRC/SFU Type: Internal Total: 10,700 Involvement: PI Collaboration: Systematic study of factors behind wine cluster success in California Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2009 - 2012 Project Title: Grape and Wine Genomics Funding: Genome Canada Type: External Total: 3,440, 481 Involvement: collaborator Collaboration: Social Science component of a multi-institutional team of natural scientists and end users studying genetic technologies towards the wine industry Page: 11 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2009 - 2010 Project Title: Evaluation of Teaching Rewards in PS Funding: SFU Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines Type: External Total: 5,000 Involvement: PI Collaboration: co-author with MA student Darcie Cohen, study based on survey and analysis of incentives for good teaching in Canadian political science departments Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2009 - 2010 Project Title: Feasibility of Biofuels Production in Paraguay Funding: AUCC IDRC Type: External Total: 17,328 Involvement: Principal Investigator Collaboration: American University in Paraguay Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2008 - 2011 Project Title: States and High Tech: Cases from the Wireless Industry Funding: SSHRC Type: External Total: 43,000 Involvement: Principal Investigator Collaboration: Comparative study of public policies to promote the wireless industry in Finland, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, and Canada. Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2006 - 2007 Project Title: Sectoral Policies and Business Strategies for Developing Country Competitiveness in High Tech Sectors: the case of Embraer Funding: SSHRC Type: Internal Total: 4,500 Involvement: Principal Investigator Collaboration: The study examined Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer, and compared it to Argentine counterparts in aircraft and aluminum manufacturing. 1 article and a conference paper resulted. Contract/Grant: Research Grant Period: 2005 - 2007 Project Title: Bilateralism from Trilateralism: A Study of Post-9/11 Security in the NAFTA Countries Funding: PIERAN (Mexico) Type: External Total: 4,500 Involvement: Co-principal Investigator Collaboration: I am working with Doug Ross of SFU to write the Canadian chapter for this study, which is conducted with collaborators from Mexico and the US. Various drafts were presented in Mexico, Philadelphia, at SFU, and the final draft in Mexico. Field research was conducted in Ottawa in Oct. 2006. A book and an article resulted. Contract/Grant: Research Grant Awarded: 2001 Period: 2001 - 2002 Project Title: Energy Integration in the Southern Cone, The results were published in a book, The Political Economy of Energy in the Southern Cone and an article. Funding: Small SSHRC Type: Internal Total: 4999 Involvement: Principal Investigator Collaboration: Research on natural gas market deregulation in South America, including field research, quantitative analysis, and mentorship of graduate student research. Contract/Grant: Research Grant Awarded: 2000 Period: 2000 - 2004 Project Title: Integration of Electricity Markets in the Southern Cone The results were published in 4 articles on energy (see above). Funding: Simon Fraser University Type: Internal Annual: 10,000 Total: 10,000 Involvement: Principal Investigator Collaboration: 11/00 Field Work completed. 2 articles resulted. Page: 12 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Contract/Grant: Research Grant Awarded: 1997 Period: 1997 - 1997 Project Title: Research on U.S. aid to Egypt and Egyptian economic policy networks. The results were published in the book, Ideas and Economic Policy.. Funding: The American University in Cairo Type: Internal Total: 3,000 Involvement: Principal Investigator Contract/Grant: Research (Dissertation) Grant Awarded: 1996 Period: 1996 - 1997 Project Title: Research on Latin American policy networks. The results were published in the book, Ideas and Economic Policy. Funding: Haynes Foundation, Claremont Graduate University Type: Internal Total: 10,000 Involvement: Principal Investigator ____________________________________________________________ Semesterly Activity at Simon Fraser University Note: On sabbatical in 2006 Semester Course 2016-1 Intro. to Development Studies 2015-3 Energy Policy (writing-intensive) 2015-3 Intro. to Public Policy 2015-1 Policy Evaluation 2015-1 Technology Policy (writing-intensive) 2014-3 Intro. to Public Policy 2014-3 Advanced Global Political Economy (Graduate/4th year UG) 2014-1 Political Psychology 2014-1 Energy Policy (writing-intensive) 2013-3 Policy Evaluation 2013-3 Intro. to Public Policy 2013-2 Political Economy of Finance 2013-1 Behavioural Economics Explanations to the Financial Crisis Numbe r DEVS 401 POL 452 POL 253 POL451 POL457 W POL 253 POL 856/455 POL 358 POL 452W POL 451Q POL 253 POL 857 POL 857 Hour s Enrollmen t Seminar 4 20 Fall Seminar 4 20 Fall Lecture 3 57 Spring Seminar/L ab 4 20 Spring Seminar 4 22 Fall Lecture 3 20 Fall Seminar 4 20 Spring Lecture 4 40 4 20 4 20 3 15 4 1 4 1 Session Type Spring Spring Fall Fall Summe r Spring Seminar (Writing Intensive) Seminar/la b Lecture/Tu torial Directed Readings Directed Readings Page: 13 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 2013-1 Technology Policy (writing-intensive) 2013-1 Political Psychology 2012-3 Public Policy Evaluation 2012-3 Intro. to Public Policy 2012-1 Energy Policy (writing-intensive) 2011-3 Governance & Corruption (grad) 2011-3 Technology Policy (writing-intensive) 2011-1 LA Devt. (grad) 2011-1 Public Policy Analysis (stats) 2010-3 Energy Policy (grad/undergrad) 2010-3 Intro to LA Issues 2010-1 LA Development (grad) 2010-1 LA PE 2009-3 Intro to LA Issues 2009-3 Technology Policy 2009-1 Energy Policy 2008-3 Politics of Selected LA Nations 2008-3 Latin American Development (graduate) 2008-1 Latin American Development (graduate) 2007-3 Intro. to Latin American Issues 2007-3 Latin American Political Economy POL 457W POL 358 POL 451 POL 253 POL 452W POL 857 POL 457 POL 856/LA S 815 POL 451 POL 459 LAS 100 LAS 815/PO L 856 ISPO 483 LAS 100 POL 459 POL 459 POL 337 POL 856/LA S 815 POL 856/LA S 815 LAS 200 POL 483 Spring Seminar 4 15 Spring Seminar 4 31 4 25 3 35 Fall Fall Seminar/L ab Lecture/tut orials Spring Seminar 4 25 Fall Directed Readings 4 1 Fall Seminar 4 20 Spring Seminar 4 10 Spring Seminar 4 15 Fall Seminar 4 15 Fall Lecture/tut 3 45 Spring Seminar 4 10 Spring Seminar 4 15 Fall Lecture/tut 3 45 Fall Seminar 4 20 Spring Seminar 4 20 Fall Seminar 4 25 Fall Seminar 4 5 Spring Seminar 4 10 Fall Lecture/tut orial 3 36 Fall Seminar 4 15 Page: 14 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 POL 337 POL 450 POL/LA S 483 LAS 800 LAS 498 LAS 200 2007-1 Comparative Politics in Latin America 2007-1 Free Trade in the Americas: Writing Intensive 2005-3 Latin American Political Economy 2005-3 Introduction to Latin American Studies: Theories and Methods (grad) 2005-2 Innovation and Technology Policy 2005-1 Intro. Latin American Issues 2005-1 Globalization and Regionalization in Latin America (FTAA) POL/LA S 450 International Relations of Latin America Politics of Selected Latin American Nations Health Issues in Latin America, AIDs policies in Colombia POL/LA S 440 POL/LA S 337 LAS 851 POL/LA S 483 2004-3 2004-3 2004-2 2004-2 Political Economy of Latin America 2004-1 Special Topics in Comparative Politics: Power, Culture and Identity in Latin America 2003-1 Intro. Latin American Issues 2002-3 Fair Trade and International Trade Theory 2002-3 International Relations of Latin America 2002-3 Politics of Selected Latin American Nations 2002-2 Political Economy of Venezuela 2002-1 Latin America Economy and Society 2002-1 Intro. Latin American Issues LAS 800 POL/LA S 403 LAS 200 COMM 483 LAS 340/PO L POL/LA S 337 LAS 498 LAS 815 LAS200 2002-1 Intro. Latin American Issues LAS200 2003-3 2003-1 Introduction to Latin American Studies: Theories and Methods (grad) Special topics in Globalization: The Free Trade Area of the Americas POL/LA S 438 Spring Seminar 4 23 Spring Seminar 4 7 Spring Seminar 4 13 Seminar 4 5 Summe r Directed Readings 5 1 Spring Seminar 3 29 Spring SeminarWriting Intensive 4 24 Fall Seminar 4 26 Fall Seminar 4 25 Summe r Summe r Directed Readings 4 1 Seminar 4 22 Spring Seminar 4 16 Fall Seminar 4 6 Spring Seminar 4 19 Spring Seminar 3 25 Fall Directed Studies 4 2 Fall Seminar 4 30 Fall Seminar 4 30 Summe r Directed Studies 4 1 Seminar 5 2 Seminar 3 24 Tutorial 2 24 Page: 15 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 2001-3 2001-3 2001-3 International Relations of Latin America Introduction to Latin American Studies: Theories and Methods (grad) Political Economy of Latin America (POL383) 2001-2 Latin American Political Economy 2001-1 Latin American Issues 2001-1 Latin Am. Issues 2001-1 2001-1 Politics of Selected Latin American Nations New Approaches to Development Projects LAS 498 LAS 800 Directed Studies 4 1 Seminar 4 7 LAS318 Seminar 4 15 POL 893 LAS 200 LAS200 Directed Studies 5 3 Seminar 3 28 Tutorial 1 15 POL 337 Seminar 4 17 POl 893 Directed Studies 4 1 D01.02 ____________________________________________________________ Senior Supervisory Duties of a Thesis/Dissertation/or Major Project (current occupation, where known) Name Degree Project/Thesis Title Status Kim, Anna MA Promoting Energy FDI in Uzbekistan Active Levesque, Mark BA Hons. Murata, Brian MA Promoting Prosperity: Designing a Sovereign Wealth Fund in British Columbia The Paradox of Practicality: An Assessment of the Opportunities and Limitations of Currency Dealing with Corruption in Canadian Mining Abroad Raymond, Aaron Falk-Varcoe, Kyle BA Hons BA Hons Monson, Shea MA Jabary, Kawa MA Pelling, Matt MA Liberman, Giselle MA Ferreira, Elisa MA Castro, Miriam MA Complete Active Complete Corruption in Canada Complete Regulating High Frequency Trading Complete The Politics of Low Capacity: The Case of Kurdistan Canadian Industrial Policy (temp. sr. super., helped Matt earn a SSHRC award) Study of the Salta, Argentina Wine Industry Brazilian education policy: Access to Higher Education The Impact of Government Intervention in Industry: A Case Study of the Electronics Industry in Jalisco, Mexico Complete Complete Complete Complete Complete Began 20153 20142 Completed 2014-2 20132 20141 20121 20123 20113 n/a 20103 20103 20103 2014-1 2013-1 2013-3 2012-3 n/a 2012-1 2013-3 2012-3 Page: 16 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 n/a Dropped 20093 2011-1 Complete 20083 2012-2 Complete 20093 2011-1 Complete 20093 2011-1 Bwenge, Alexis Ph.D. Amir, Mohammed MA Pinto, Isabela MA Morfopoulos, James MA Gibb, Alexandra BA Hon Loshaj, Shpresa BA Hon Apps, Christopher BA Hon Cohen, Darcie MA Bradsen, Alicia MA Domareski, Justin BA Hon Sketchley, Carlos BA Hons Canadian Nuclear Waste Policy Complete Berardo, Casey BA Hon Fair Trade Strategy in Vancouver Complete Buncic, Ashley LAS capstone Sustainable Tourism Development (Human Resources Canada) Complete Calla, Nick BA Honours Thesis Competitive Advantage in Brazil Complete Steenweg, Rick MA Castaneda, Lilliana MA Blanchard, Danielle BA Honours Thesis Industrial Policy Options and Tools for the Development of the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Industry in Canada Sustainable Certification of Labour Practices in Brasilian biodiesel EU Sustainable Certification Policies: Potential Effects on Brazil (SSHRC recipient, COO Ocean Networks) Sustainable Enterprises as an Engine of Development Analysis of Canadian Cellulosic Ethanol Policies Corporate Social Responsibility (Liaison, Aboriginal Group re: mining issues in Canada) Exploring the Linkages between Proportional Representation, Green Parties, Environmental Quality and the Kyoto Protocol A Feasibility Study: Can Paraguay Learn from Brazil? Sustainable Certification- Case of Forest Stewardship Council (Policy Advisor, Environment Canada) Renewable Energy Policies: Comparing Canada and Latin America Improving prospects for Southern Film Industries: the Colombian case Intellectual Property Rights Complete Complete 20103 20103 2010-3 2010-3 Complete 20103 2010-3 Complete 20083 2010-1 Complete 20083 2010-1 Complete 20101 2010-1 Complete Complete Complete 20101 20093 20073 20091 20073 20053 20053 2010-1 2009-3 2008-3 2009-2 2009-1 2007-3 2006-1 Page: 17 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Complete 20013 (took over in 20052) Pastrana, Sergio MA The Contributions of Participation Toward Efficacy of Community Economic Development Projects in Morelos, Mexico (Completing PhD in Education) Boyco, Morgan BA Honours Thesis A Political Ecology of the MST: Ecology, Liberation and Brazil’s Sem Terra Completed 20043 2005-1 Bustamante, Ana Maria M.A. Evaluation of Health Communication Projects in Colombia (United Way) Completed 20033 2006-3 M.A. Ethical Procurement: Action Research Project in the Lower Mainland Dropped out (did not want to write thesis) 20033 No M.A. Non-governmental organizations’ activism in new democracies: the case study of the proyecto reducción de violencia contra la mujer, sede izabal (prvm-izabal) Complete 20013 2003-1 2003-3 2007-2 Wood, James Perdomo, Eve, Leger, Alexandre McNamara, Michael M.A. Hegemony under ‘Socialism:’ A Case Study of Cuba (Govt. of Canada) Complete 20013 (took over in 20031) Ph.D. dissertation: Beyond Belief? An Historical Institutional Analysis Of Contemporary School Reform In Nicaragua (Research Dean, Seneca Colelge) Complete 20003 2005-3 ____________________________________________________________ Students Hira Supervised on Genome Canada Project, 2009-12 Name Institution Category‡ FTE Start Date End Date Comments Neil Boehm SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Jan 2011 Aug 2011 Work-study Gavin Cheng SFU Undergraduate Student .25 May 2010 Dec 2010 Work-study Justin Domareski SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Jan 2010 March 2010 Historical and data research for Hira MA Economics .25 May 2011 Husam Gabreldar Project Administration Page: 18 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Name Institution Category‡ FTE Start Date End Date Comments & Research Assistance, replaced Daisy LaForce Sarah Geist SFU Graduate Student 1.0 Sept. 1, 2010 Sept. 1, 2011 Stewart Wilkinson SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Jan 2010 April 2010 Work-study Justin Domareski SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Jan 2010 March 2010 Historical and data research for Hira Stewart Wilkinson SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Jan 2010 April 2010 Work-study Gavin Cheng SFU Undergraduate Student .25 May 2010 Aug 2010 Work-study Gavin Cheng SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Sep 2010 Dec 2010 Work-study Neil Boehm SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Jan 2011 May 2011 Work-study Neil Boehm SFU Undergraduate Student .25 May 2011 Aug 2011 Work-study Won Seok Choi SFU Undergraduate Student .25 Sep 2011 Dec 2011 Work-study MA Economics .25 May 2011 Project Administration & Research Assistance, replaced Daisy LaForce; statistical analysis; Oregon, Wash., NY, VA, NC cases with Hira PhD Research Assistance; Brazil case study Husam Gabreldar Daniel Andrade Del Guedes SFU Graduate Student .25 Sep 2011 Nancy Teeple SFU Graduate Student .25 Sep 2011 Matthew Pelling SFU Graduate Student .25 Sep 2011 Dec. 2011 Worked with Hira on comparative innovation project; project completed. PhD Research Assistance on technology transfer literature MA Research Assistance; Ontario case Page: 19 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Name Institution Category‡ Kawa Jabary SFU Andrea Migone FTE Start Date End Date Comments Graduate Student .25 Dec 2011 MA Research Assistance; N Africa/Middle East cases SFU Post-Doctoral Student .25 Sep 2011 Post Doc Research Assistance; Switzerland Giselle Liberman SFU Graduate Student .50 Sep 2011 MA; Argentine case study Season Ji SFU Undergraduate .25 Jan. 2012 Work study studentChina case Neil Boehm SFU Undergraduate .25 Jan. 2012 Work study Ontario ____________________________________________________________ Serving on a Committee of a Thesis/Dissertation/or Major Project Name Degree Project/Thesis Title Status Began Cooper, Jennifer MA Energy Security in Canada: Case of the Tar Sands Active 2015-3 Dogah, Denis PhD Institutional Change in Africa Active Zschoch, Mark PhD A Comparative Analysis of Free and Open Source Software Public Policy in Belgium, Canada, and Germany Completed 2012-3 Greco, Richard MA Agroterrorism and the Corn Monoculture in the US Completed 2015-1 2012-2 (added to cmte) 2011-3 Frech, Lidia MA Cyberterrorism Completed 2011-2 2011-2 Singh, Sabina Ph.D. Uganda’s party system Dropped 2010-3 2010-3 Completed 2008-3 2009-3 Completed 2006-3 2008-1 Completed 2005-3 2006-2 Completed 2000-1 2001-1 Duquette, Valerie M.A. Tokman, Jason M.A. Rastgardani, Taymaz MA Amaya, Libardo M.A. Empowered Participatory Governance and Gender Inclusion Study of Bolivia’s Andean People’s Trade Agreement Energy security for Canada : a comparison of the self-sufficiency and continental strategies The Role of Political Accountability in Democratic Consolidation: the United States and Latin America Completed 2012-2 Page: 20 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Other Employment History August 1999 - August 2000 International Trade Analyst, U.S. Government's International Trade Commission Tracking, reporting, and research of international trade issues for the U.S. Government's International Trade Commission, with a specialization in the energy, telecommunications, and educational services industries. My work related to ongoing negotiations in international and bilateral trade. 1992 - 1996 Research Assistant, Claremont Graduate University Professor David Arase, focusing on political economy issues in East Asia, 1993. Professor Jacek Kugler, including work on international relations, political capacity, and violence in Latin America, 1993 Professor Carol Wise, including work on trade liberalization in Latin America, 1992-3. 1992 - 1992 Researcher, Writer, Analyst, Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, D.C. Personal research assistant to the President, Richard Feinberg, emphasis on Latin American economies. 1991 - 1991 Researcher, Writer, Analyst, US Export-Import Bank, Washington, D.C. Personal research assistant to loan officer Regina Brown of the Africa/Middle East Division; Completed financial analysis of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). 1989 - 1991 Researcher, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. Researcher of current and historical foreign policy issues for Freedom of Information Act Office 1988 - 1989 Management Analyst, U.S. Food and Nutrition Service, Alexandria, VA Policy analyst, legislative writer, database administrator, and auditor for federal programs providing meals to the poor. 1988 - 1988 Researcher/Writer, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Washington, D.C. Author of the headline article of the 2/3/88 Washington Report on the Hemisphere, Cerezo and the URNG, on Guatemalan government's political situation in regard to guerillas. 1986 - 1988 Legislative Assistant, U.S. Congress- House of Representatives Legislative Assistant to a US Congressman Wrote speeches, handled constituents' issues, and covered basic areas of social legislation. 1986 - 1986 Intern, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, International Division Author of a prospective analysis of Latin American economies and trade with U.S. for U.S. businesses under the guidance of Keith Miceli, Director of Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America (AACLA). ____________________________________________________________ Other Supervision of Research Personnel NB: In 2009, I helped to set up a regular funding relationship between SFU and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). This relationship offers the opportunity for SFU graduate students to acquire fully funded field research throughout the region in regard to community level health projects. Project reports are then publicized through a PAHO conference and publications. Page: 21 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Sep 13-Feb 14 Oct 2009-Dec 2009 May 2009-Aug 2009 May 2009-Aug. 2009 May 2008-July 2008 Research Assistance by MA Giselle Lara Liberman and BA Kai Shiao, wine and corruption projects, Funded by: SSHRC Research Assistance by MA candidate James Morfopoulos of SFU LAS, collaboration and co-authorship of S Korea wireless study Funded by: SSHRC Field Research Assistance by MA candidate Alicia Bradsen, as part of Paraguay biofuels project Funded by: AUCC-IDRC Research Assistance by MA candidate Darcie Cohen of SFU PS, coauthorship of study on teaching evaluation Funded by: SFU Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines Research Assistance on the wireless industry by PS MA candidate Rick Steenweg Funded by: SSHRC Sep 2008-Dec 2009 Jan. 2005 Research Assistance/collaboration by Post doc Brian Wixted and PhD Candidate Florence Chee of SFU CPROST for comparative wireless cluster study Funded by: SSHRC Robin Frost, Anastasia Salnykova and Julia Macken, Assistance on Grant preparation, Funded by: Discovery Parks Grant Nov 2004 Michael McNamara, Assistance on Grant; Funded by: Discovery Parks Grant May 2002-Aug. 2002 Part Time, Alex Leger, Research Assistant Funded by: small SSHRC grant research on consumer's representation in regulatory decision-making in South America June 2002-Aug. 2002 Part Time, Frances MacDonald, Research Assistant Funded by: work study research on consumers and electricity January 2002 - May 2002 Part Time, David Huxtable, Research Assistant Funded by: work study research on consumer's representation in regulatory decision-making in South America August 2001 - January 2002 Part Time, Libardo Amaya, M.A, Research Assistant, co-author Funded by: Small SSHRC grant co-author of article, Does Energy Integrate?, currently in revise & resubmit stage at Energy Policy December 2000 - May 2001 Part Time, Maria Alice Carneiro, LL.B, Research Assistant Funded by: PRG- SFU Brazilian electricity market- consumer representation November 2000 - May 2001 Part Time, Michael McNamara, M.A, Research Assistant Funded by: PRGfr. SFU Electricity Integration in Central America February 2001 - February 2001 Part Time, Libardo Amaya, M.A, Translation Assistant Funded by: PRGSFU translation of an article invited for a Spanish-language electricity journal in Latin America Page: 22 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 ____________________________________________________________ Teaching, External Examination and Other Professional Development Teaching Philosophy In my teaching, I emphasize critical thinking, writing and reading skills, as well as marrying theoretical constructs with practical and extended applications. I thoroughly believe in the value, and emphasize the application, of a liberal arts education. I incorporate my research in my teaching and use the teaching to develop my research ideas. My website reflects my emphasis and effort on guiding students towards good writing practices and research design. I have a strong track record of guiding outstanding students into activism, scholarly life, and the public service. 2016 Chair, Rina Kashyap, PhD dissertation defence, International Relations 2015 Chair, Mark Machacek, PhD comprehensive exam, International Relations 2015 Examiner, Sugumari Shanmugam, The Effect of Trade Related Environmental Measures on the Forest Sector and Timber Trade of Peninsular Malaysia, PhD., University of Nottingham, Malaysia, School of Politics 2015 Examiner, Taylor Jackson, MA Project defence, The Effect of Interest Groups on Poliheuristic Decision Making: The Case of the Keystone XL Pipeline 2015 Examiner, Michael Machachek, PhD comprehensive exam, Comparative Politics 2015 Examiner, Michael Oram, PhD comprehensive exam, Public Policy 2014 Examiner, Gurminder Singh Bhangoo, MA, Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model and the Window of Opportunity for Improved Aboriginal Employment and Skills Development Outcomes 2014 Chair, Luka Vukelic, MA project defence 2014 Chair, Jack McIlroy, MA project defence 2014 Supervisory Examiner, Denis Dogah, PhD comprehensive examination, Comparative Politics 2014 External Examiner, Sara McPhee-Knowles, The Complex Problem of Food Safety: Applying AgentBased Modeling to the Policy Process, PhD. Diss. Johnson Shoyama School of Public Policy, U. of Saskatchewan 2014 External Examiner, Jacobo Calles, MA thesis, Examining the Impacts of Progresa- Oportunidades on Poverty and Inequality A Case Study of Las Margaritas, Chiapas, Mexico 2014 External Examiner, Denis Dogah, PhD comp exam, International Relations 2013 Chair, Peter Helm, MA Project 2013 External Examiner, Allan MacLean, MA Project, “Democracy Promotion, Sanctions and Iran: Obama's Policy Trade Off” 2013 Co-Facilitator, SFU Course Design Workshop 2013 Examiner, PhD comp exam, Comparative Politics, Nancy Teeple 2013 Examiner, PhD comp exam, IPE, Daniel Andrade 2012-3 Supervised extended essays for Gurnate Gill (2) and Fatima Rizvi (1) 2011 Examiner, PhD comp exam, Public Policy, Sarah Giest 2010 Examiner, PhD comp exams, IR, Alexis Bwenge Page: 23 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 2010 System External Reviewer, PhD defence, Monica Salazar, Communications, Colombia’s National Innovations 2010 Chair, MA defence, Simon Zukowski 2010 Chair, MA defence, Emily Ann Paul 2009 External Reviewer, MA defence, Karen-Marie Eulah Perry, Nanotechnology and Health: From Boundary Object to Bodily Intervention, Sociology 2009 Spring Chair, MA defence, Catherine Craven 2008 Summer External Examiner, Eagan Kemp MA thesis- Health Inequality in Chile, MA Sociology 2008 Spring/Summer External Examiner, Julia MacArthur PhD. Examinations in Comparative Politics and International Relations 2007 Sept Chair, MA defence, Kirsten Daub 2006 Sept Chair, MA defence, Valerie Kilgour 2006 Aug External Reviewer, MA defense, R. Milan 2005 Chair, MA defense Ahseea Ahmed 2004 Nov Chair, PhD comprehensive examinations, Scott MacLeod, IR PhD comprehensive exam 2004 Sept External Examiner, Randy Drevlin, IR PhD comprehensive exams 2004 Jul Attended course on how to prepare a writing-intensive course, given by SFU’s Centre for Writing Intensive Learning. 2004 June External Reviewer, Nicole Duncan, Citizenship in a Globalizing World, PS, MA, SFU 2004 Mar External Reviewer, Yiqing Li, Predicting the 2004 Presidential Race, Dept. of Statistics MA, SFU 2003 Dec Proposal Defense Committee Chair, Cesar Castro 2003 May My student, Matt Hoekstra, won the BCPSA award for best undergraduate essay. The essay was on labour rights under a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement. 2003 Feb. Proposal Defense Committee Chair, Alex Leger 2002 May 14- Attended student-centered teaching seminar at SFU. 2002 MA Defense Committee Chair, James Papadopoulos, Fall 2001 2002 PhD. examining committee, Jolanta Lawska ____________________________________________________________ Active Service to Simon Fraser University and the Discipline Departmental Committees Sept. 2014-Dec. 2015 Search committee member, French cohort program (BAFF) Sept 2014-June 2015 Graduate Committee, Appointments Committee, PS Sept. 2010-June 2014 Speakers Series Organizer, PS Page: 24 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Sept. 2011-Dec. 2011 Graduate Committee, PS Sept. 2010-May 2011 Appointments & TPC Committees, PS Sept 2009-May 2010 Graduate Committee, PS Sept. 2008-9 Renewal Committee, PS May 2007-9 Undergraduate Chair, PS Aug. 2005-12 faculty mentor, new SFU students January 2002 - member, Comparative Politics Committee, PS Jan. 2002- member, International Relations Committee, PS September 2000 - 10 committee member, LAS steering committee Nov 2009 member, Dean’s ad hoc Adivsory committee on Teaching Sept. 2007 Hosted talk, What Do I do with this Degree? for PS students April 2007 member, nominations committee, PS Aug 2005-Dec 2005 Political Theory search committee Aug 2004-Oct 2005 IPE search committee Aug 2004-May 2005 committee member, DTC committee for PS June 2005-Oct 2005 Prepared and edited new LAS constitution; prepared and revised new plan for LAS graduate studies January 2003-Sept 2005 head, Latin American Studies Undergraduate curriculum; spearheaded reform of LAS programme Dec. 2004 Acting Chair, LAS Programme December 2003-Aug 2004 chair, Latin American Constitution team September 2002-Aug 2004 member, Graduate Studies committee, PS September 2002-June 2003 member, BCPSA organizing committee for 2003 conference at SFU September 2001 - May 2002 committee member, DTC committee for PS October 2000 - July 2001 Conference organizing committee, SFU PS Dept. Globalization conference September 2000 - May 2001 Research, Speakers Committees- Political Science University Committees May 2007-09 member, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Steering Committee Feb. 2007-May 2010 member, Employment Equity Advisory Committee Nov 2004-Aug. 2006 member, new School for International studies steering committee and search committee Sept. 2005-Aug. 2006 member, LAS Director search committee Aug. 2004-Aug. 2006 member, Master’s in Intl. Policy and Practice, steering and search committees June 2003 – May 2004 Member of SFU Senate, incl. Senate Committee on International Activities Page: 25 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 December 2001-Current Founding Member of Center for Global Political Economy, SFU December 2001- Current committee member, Development Studies Group September 2001- Jan 2003 Library Representative for LAS Other Oct. 2008 Organized an Alumni Panel on PS Careers Mar 2007 Worked with Shaheen Nanji and Carleton U to host a delegation of Chinese Govt. officials studying BC Labour policy Oct. 2006 Worked with Shaheen Nanji of SFU International and Carleton U. to host a visiting Chinese delegation from Chonqing Province studying industrial policy in BC and Canada Aug. 2005-6 New Student Orientation mentor July 2005 Presented Brazil Field School committee plan to SCIA committee Feb. 1, 2005 Worked with Caroline Wakelin to set up an International Careers Day. Invited in contacts from CIDA and Oxfam to speak to international work/volunteer opportunities. Jan. 2004 Reviewed a Latin American grant proposal for the City University of New York Dec. 2003 Wrote the first draft of the Constitution for Latin American Studies Fall 2003 Preparing field school for Political Science and Latin American studies to Brazil May 2002 Promoted Latin American Studies Programme to Vancouver area high schools. May 2001 Prepared a jobs brochure for Latin American studies students ____________________________________________________________ Membership in the Academic Community ECORFAN (Mexico-based) economics, science and technology think tank, Editorial Board member, see:; from Jan. 2014 Sloan Foundation, Industry Studies Association, Founding Member, (Oct. 2005-Current) Business Association of Latin American Studies, BALAS, (Sept. 2005-2007) SFU’s CPROST (Centre for Public Research on Science and Technology) (2005-Current) Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (2002-2007) Latin American Studies Association (2000-2007) International Studies Association (1999-2007) B.C. Political Science Association (2000-2010) Page: 26 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Regular reviewer: Brookings Institution, SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) grant proposals; Energy Policy; Economic Development Quarterly; Biofuels; Journal of International Political Economy; Biomass and Bioenergy; Journal of Social and Political Psychology; Wine Economics and Policy; Bulletin of Latin American Research; Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Canadian Journal of Political Science: Business and Politics; International Political Science Review; Journal of Consumer Policy, International Trade Journal; International Journal for Energy Sector Management, Pacific Affairs, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, International Economics textbook series, Intro to Latin America textbooks, McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law & Policy (JSDLP), ICONOS (FLACSO social sciences journal) ____________________________________________________________ Service to the Community At Large April 2016, interview with Business in Vancouver newspaper March 2016, interview with CFAX 1070 (Victoria) about Belgian bombing attacks March 2016, interview with News 1130 (Vancouver) about new volume on corruption Nov. 2015, Discussant of Syria crisis at Cinerevolution, “Syria Speaks” event in downtown Vancouver. Nov 2015, interview with Bloomberg News, regarding rejection of Keystone pipeline in the US. Published at: Nov 2015, judge for student poster panel, Clean Energy BC annual conference Sept. 2015, interview with CFAX radio about my new paper on Middle East strategy and the Syrian refugee crisis July 2015, interviews with Vancouver Sun, CKNW, and Vancouver Weekly about the book Three Perspectives on Human Irrationality Dec. 2014, commentary on US-Cuban normalization of relations, KRP 1550 AM and CKNW May 2014, commentator on CBC Radio regarding Chinese-Russian oil deal’s effect on BC natural gas markets Mar. 2014, Commentator on CJSF on turmoil in Venezuela Apr 2013, commentary on Chavez’s (Venezuelan President) death, for CFAX, News 1130, and CJSF radio programs Aug 2012, commentary for OMNI news, on what motivates people to (re) enter political office July 2012, commentary on Colombian govt. negotiations with the FARC, for Brazilian news journal, Correio Braziliense Dec. 2011, commentary on death of N. Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, CKNW Nov. 2011, Media commentary on Keystone pipeline from Alberta to the US, Bloomberg News Page: 27 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 Oct. 2011, Media commentary on World population reaching 7 billion, CBC (2 progs); CFAX radio Coverage of International Wine Study, 2010-13 -Peter Mitham Ontario Grape Growers Seek Market Share Government involvement in British Columbia wine has created measurable success Wines and Vines, 5/23/2013 -CBC TV Jan. 28, 2013, on Premier Christy Clark’s visit to Ontario to open markets there for BC wines -Peter Mitham Sept. 21, 2012 Study: Government Critical to Wine Clusters Survey finds that regions with winegrowing associations are more successful, Wines and Vines -CBC Radio & TV Sept 2012, commentary on Ontario wine industry, for CBC -Peter Mitham July 2010. BC Grapegrowers wait for ‘green’ money. Wines and Vines -Hira A. Jan. 2011. The Wine Industry in British Columbia: A Closed Wine But Showing Potential, public policy report released. Latest version is Aug. 2011, 18th version. -Uncorking B.C.'s wine industry Marketing: SFU study outlines nine areas of vulnerability for the province's wineries by Andy Ivens, The Province; with a file from John Fuller January 17, 2011 -Schreiner, J. Jan. 2011 A Wake Up Call for BC Wineries from SFU, -Davison, Alexandra. Jan. 2011. SFU Report on the Fate of the Wine Industry in Beautiful British Columbia. Canadian Higher Education and Career News. -Jan. 2011. B.C. winery clusters not congealing, -Jan. 2011 Challenging Times for BC Wine Industry -Chris Apps, Jan. 2011 BC vineyards face challenging times The Peak -News 1130 Jan. 2011, interview with Hira, -Business in Vancouver, Jan. 2011, BC wine sector lacks coordination, -Ivens, Andy, Jan. 2011 Uncorking BC’s Wine Industry, The Province -Jan. 2011 British Columbia Wine Industry Could Be in for Tough Times, (Australian wine news site) -Jan. 2011. British Columbia Wine Industry Could be in for Tough Times, -Peter Mitham, BC Winery Clusters Not Congealing, Wines & Vines, -Sidney, Zelda, Mar 2011. Postcard from a Troubled Wine Region. Terroirist: A Daily Wine Blog, -Peter Mitham BC Grapegrowers Gather and Learn. Wines & Vines -Hanson, Darah. July 13, 2011 Market Saturation Makes BC Wine Industry Vulnerable Vancouver Sun. -July 2011, Market Saturation Makes BC Grapegrowers Susceptible. The Wine Club -Mark Hicken Aug 2011 Wine Economists Release Report on BC Wine Industry, -Aug. 2011 BC Wine Industry Heading for Disaster? New report says industry has major problems, Wine Access, -Aug 2011 Hira Interview with CBC radio; China Likes the Taste of Okanagan Wine, -Aug 2011 CBC Radio BC Almanac interview, see Page: 28 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 - Aug. 2011 Interviews by Hira with CBC Radio (Okanagan news), CBC TV (French), Reuters, CFAX, CKNW -Sep 2011, BC Wine Institute Media notes, -Sep 2011 Wine Economists Release Report on BC Industry, -No date: Leasing 101-Vineyard Equipment, quotes SFU report as “highly discussed,” industry website for agricultural equipment, -Oct 2011: Wendy Stueck, “Late harvest adds to wine makers' woes” quotes Hira report, Global and Mail, Oct. 16 -Hira 30 min. interview with CFAX radio Victoria on Oct. 24 on new bill to allow the importation of Canadian wine across borders. Mar. 2011 Interview with CKNW regarding conflict in Libya and another on rising world food prices Feb. 2011 Interviews with CKNW regarding North American border security Jan. 2011 Interviews with CFAX, Wine&Vines, News1130, Asian Journal regarding BC wine industry report April 2010-Mar. 2011 Member, steering committee Fair Trade Vancouver Nov 2009 Interviews with CHUM, CKNW twice (Christy Clark Show and the World this Weekend), CBC radio one, and Burnaby Now newspapers regarding Afghan report; report also featured in the National Post Sep 2009 Interview with CKNW and CBC radio regarding whether biofuels can substitute for petroleum, related to SFU workshop Feb 2009 Interview with CBC TV Newsworld, on Venezuelan referendum outcome Dec. 2008 Quoted in Iranian newspaper, on how Iran could enhance relations with Latin America, see Aug. 2008 Quoted in The Georgia Straight Aug. 14-21 edition, Carlito Pablo, “Domestic 9/11 probe urged.” May 2007 I set up a website, to promote the ideas published in The Futurist article noted above Apr. 2007 interview on Venezuela’s Chavez on The Standard (cable TV); interview with Macleans reporter Nancy MacDonald on labour protests in Argentina Nov. 2006/March 2007 interviews on visiting Chinese academic/govt. official delegations as part of a CIDA project aiding Chinese economic entry into the WTO and accompanying adjustments; with Vancouver’s Channel m (10) and Fairchild Radio Feb. 2007 interviews on Canadian security after 9/11 with Ian Bailey, The Province (newspaper), Jonathan Roth, The Standard (Cable TV), Bill Good Show CKNW talk radio, Montreal Radio 940 AM, Mike Smith CKNW, Jared Ferrie Metro News Nov. 2006 15 min. commentary on Nicaraguan elections for John Hammond Programme, CKNW July-Aug 2006 Conducted an interview with CBC television regarding the Mexican Presidential election results. I also served as a source to Lynda Edwards, a reporter for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, for a story on Wal-Mart wages in Argentina. Page: 29 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 June-Aug 2005 Conducted several interviews on Outsourcing America with the media: 30 minute interview with Paul Harvey of CFAX; Paul Luke of The Province (resulted in full page article reprinted in Edmonton Times); with Don Cayo and Michael Kane of the Vancouver Sun; 30 minutes with Bill Good of CKNW; 1 hour with Raef Mair of 600 AM; short article in 24, a free daily around Vancouver; interview with Charles Campbell of the Tyee; and an interview with the multicultural TV channel 8. I also did an interview with Genevieve Milord producing a CBC documentary on fair trade. Nov 2002-present Activist, fair trade and no sweat campaigns. My fair trade study (with a student) was featured in Vancouver Mayor Larry Campbell’s announcement in May 2003 of Fair Trade Week, that his office would only carry fair trade coffee. A press release of our study led to local media coverage of the issue. I conducted an interview in July 2003 for Kevin Nikkel, which played a prominent role in the documentary, Grounds for a Movement: A Look at Fair Trade Coffee. I am preparing an outreach brochure for my local community giving the basic facts about fair trade coffee. Dec. 2004 Conducted a 15 minute interview with Phillip Till of the The World Today, on CKNW regarding the arrest of former dictator Augusto Pinochet in Chile May 2004 Conducted a 30 minute interview with nationally-syndicated Sterling Fox of CKNW on Iraq situation. May 2004 Conducted a 30 minute interview on the violence in Colombia with The World Today show on CKNW. Jan. 2004 Conducted a 45 minute interview with nationally-syndicated Sterling Fox of CKNW on the Summit of the Americas. Oct. 2003 Conducted a 10 minute interview in Spanish with Rufo Valencia of Radio Canada International on the implications of the upcoming APEC summit for Canada and Latin America. May 2002 commentator, on civil war in Colombia, CKNW 980, Raef Maer Show April 2002 commentator, Did a 30 minute discussion on the Venezuelan coup with Raef Maer, CKNW 980 January 2002 commentator, Discussion of Argentine eco. situation, Raef Maer show, CKNW January 2002 expert participant, University of Victoria invited conference to shape new BC Govt's Energy Policy, led to policy recommendations sent to provincial government on energy deregulation July 2001 commentator, Interview with Raef Maer of CKNW radio show, 1 hour talk show on Dollarization in Latin America January 2001 Commentator, Commented on El Salvadoran earthquake to CBC Radio; VTV December 2000 Overview of Argentina's political economy, Vancouver Indy Media Project Page: 30 Curriculum Vita Dr. Anil Hira / Professor / Political Science Simon Fraser University contact: webpage: updated: Mar. 2016 ____________________________________________________________ Other Professional Training Spring 2012 Completed Course Design Workshop, at SFU Spring 2005 Received tutoring on intermediate Portuguese Fall 2004 Completed a review course in Econometrics with Peter Kennedy. Fall 2003-Spring 2004 Completed 2 calculus courses as part of a long-term plan to improve my quantitative skills. June 2001 - August 2001 Portuguese language training, completed Portuguese I language training at Vancouver Institute of the Americas for research in Brazil. May 2000 - August 2000 Completed course in Econometrics. ____________________________________________________________ Languages Language First? Read? Write? Speak? French N Y (intermediate) Y (basic) Y (basic) Portuguese N Y(fluent) Y (basic) Y (intermediate) Spanish N Y (fluent) Y (fluent) Y (fluent) References Available upon request Page: 31