College of the Redwoods Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Proposed Agenda 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., Boardroom 3:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Review Notes from January 24, 2012 3:10 p.m. 3. Review Planning-Related Accreditation Concerns 3:20 p.m. 4. Review IEC Diagram of Institutional Plan Relationships 3:30 p.m. 5. Review Strategic Plan Outline 3:45 p.m. 6. Review and Discuss Plan Goals and Objectives 4:45 p.m. 7. Timeline and Next Steps 5:00 p.m. 8. Adjourn Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Goal 1 Fiscal Sustainability College of the Redwoods will pursue alternative funding sources and increased efficiencies to maintain fiscal stability. Objectives 1.1 Decrease reliance on apportionment-based funding Desired Outcome A higher percentage of the college’s restricted and unrestricted budget will come from nonapportionment based funds. 1.2 Improve college operational efficiencies The college will effectively manage human, physical, and financial resources. 1.3 Leverage available buildings (see Goal 5) The college will embark on entrepreneurial ventures to utilize available buildings. 1.4 Increase funding available for strategic initiatives The college will have an increased ability to tie resource allocation to outcomes and planning. Indicators and Measures Amount of contract training and community education revenue Amount of auxiliary services revenue Amount of revenue generated through entrepreneurial ventures Amount of revenue generated through grants and contracts FTES/FTEF FTES/FTE Employees Number of maintenance-related tickets Number of employees or steps required for key institutional processes Number of employee minutes required to process key institutional ‘paperwork’ Amount of money spent from DIEM Account Number of compliance issues related to facilities Revenue generated by available buildings Net Cost/Net Revenue of available buildings Square footage used Available reserves remain at 10% or more Dollars allocated in response to assessment and program review Goal 2 Technology Adopt technology best practices to support the learning environment Objectives Objective 2.1 Enhance technology infrastructure Desired Outcome Technology infrastructure will support college operations, technology in teaching, and technology initiatives Faculty and staff will effectively utilize technology in teaching. Objective 2.2 Adopt best practices for technology in teaching Objective 2.3 Improve efficiency through technology (see objective 1.2) Faculty, staff, and students will experience improved effectiveness and efficiency when using college technology. Objective 2.4 Use technology to reach underrepresented communities Objective 2.5 Improve college performance through data mining and analytics The college will be able to provide reliable and effective connectivity to distance education. The college will be able to effectively use data and analytics techniques to improve teaching and institutional outcomes. Indicators and Measures Average internet speed available on CR computers Average networking speed available on CR computers Measurement of student and faculty satisfaction through focus groups and surveys Comparative analysis of assessment results between traditional pedagogy and alternative methods supported by technology Number of faculty and staff utilizing modern technology in the ‘classroom’ Number of system outages (e.g. email, network, internet, phone) Average age of computers and servers Number of unresolved technology tickets/number of work orders/response time Number of technology staff required for operational support. Number and percentage of students who report satisfaction with their ability to connect to online instruction. Number of instructors who report using analytics to improve teaching and learning Number of employees (staff, faculty, and administrators) who report using analytics to improve institutional performance. Goal 3 Student Accomplishment Objectives Objective 3.1 Identify the educational needs of students Objective 3.2 Assess student readiness Respond to the changing needs of students and our community Desired Outcome The college will understand how many students are seeking degrees, certificates, transfer, short‐term career and technical training, or lifelong learning. The college will know whether students have the knowledge, skills, and other abilities required to attain their intended goals. Objective 3.3 Provide guidance to students The college will provide social, behavioral, intellectual, and academic guidance for students. Objective 3.4 Provide effective educational programs and services The college will improve the ability for students to achieve intended learning outcomes. Indicators and Measures Number and percentage of students with student educational plans in place Number of students and community members participating in career exploration activities. Number of students who have completed math and English Placement Number of students who have completed career exploration activities Number of programs that provide information to prospective students about the skills, abilities, and interests that best match their program. Number of students with student educational plans in place Number of students who report having met with a counselor or advisor Number of students who report having met with a faculty member to discuss progress towards their educational goal. Analysis of the college’s two‐year schedule with information gathered from student educational plans. Number of degrees, certificates, and transfers Number of industry‐recognized certificates earned Achievement of Program and Institutional‐level student learning outcomes Goal 4 Training and Education Objectives Objective 4.1 Expand career and technical training opportunities Objective 4.2 Increase contract training Objective 4.3 Develop non‐ credit programs The college will provide training and education to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the community. Desired Outcome Indicators and Measures Number of industry‐recognized certifications The Business Training Center will provide Number of program completers who obtain employment in the industry‐recognized certifications in strong industry. and emerging industries. Number of incumbent workers trained The Business Training Center will collaborate Number of contract training clients with business and industry partners to offer contract training for incumbent workers The college will create non‐credit programs to Number of ESL levels available meet the lifelong learning needs of the Number of ESL enrollments community. Number of non‐credit courses available Number of non‐credit enrollments Goal 5 Available Buildings Leverage buildings to build partnerships. Objectives 5.1 Improve college engagement Desired Outcome Provide services and support for students and the community. 5.2 Support/increase cultural activities at the college Cultural groups in the community use college facilities 5.3 Develop partnerships for utilization of the available buildings Business, industry, governmental, or non-profit entities partner with the college to use available buildings. Indicators and Measures Number of students who voluntarily participate in activities conducted in buildings replaced with state and local bond funds Amount of square feet used by students Number of events held at the Forum Theater (FM103) Number of students and community members who participate in events at the college Amount of revenue generated by cultural events Amount of square feet used for cultural purposes Number of business and industry partnerships (e.g. contracts, MOUs, joint ventures) Number of governmental agency partnerships Number of non-profit agency agreements Revenue generated by partnerships Amount of square feet used Goal 6 Advocacy Increase public and governmental advocacy for the college. Objectives 6.1 Develop a governmental relations function. Desired Outcome Federal, state, and local officials will understand how regulatory issues affect the college. Indicators and Measures Number of meetings with elected officials. Number of meetings with appointed officials. Number of staff, faculty, and students participating on publiclyappointed bodies. 6.2 Increase communications and outreach to the community Residents in the community will understand the college’s mission and challenges. 6.3 Increase public support for the college. The public will vote for state and local measures that support the college mission. Number of newspaper articles and stories about the college. Number of newspaper contributions written by college employees. Number of press releases Number of press conferences Number of local bond dollars available to the college Number of state bond dollars available to the college Parcel tax??? Number of statewide and federal education initiatives supported by voters in the college’s district. CollegeoftheRedwoods 2012‐2017StrategicPlan Outline CoverPage ListofBOTMembers MessagefromthePresident 2012‐2017StrategicPlanningCommittee(membershiplist) Introduction(whytheplanisbeingwritten,generalintroductionto circumstances/factorstorespondtointhestrategicplan) Background(backgroundonthecollegeandplanning) DescriptionoftheStrategicPlanningProcess:CommitteeScope,Timeline, Accomplishments PlanningModel:descriptionofhowplansarelinked,planlinkagediagram StatementoftheCollegeVisionandMission EnvironmentalScanFindings StrategicPlanningThemes:Narrativedescriptionofissuesanddirections StrategicPlanGoalsandObjectives(inserttable) PlanImplementation(descriptionofhowtheplanwillbeimplemented) MeasuringInstitutionalPerformanceandStrategicPlanEffectiveness Appendices InstitutionalEffectivenessScorecard