College of the Redwoods Student Success Leadership Group Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Agenda 1. Incomplete Grade Contract and Grade Changes (attachments) 2. Standing Item: Planning Updates 2.1. Timeline2.2. Annual Plan2.3. Area Report-Outs 3. Summary of Strengthening Student Success Conference 4. Other: Adjourn College of the Redwoods Student Success Leadership Group Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Notes Present: Keith Snow-flamer, Cheryl Tucker, Erin Wall, Sheila Hall, Joe Hash, Robert Ekholdt, Lynn Thiesen, Tracey Thomas, MaryGrace McGovern, Jeff Cummings, Crislyn Parker-support. 1. Interim AP 4021: The AP 4021 task force committees will be finalized at end of day. Lynn, Sheila, Cheryl and Tracy were requested to serve on the task forces. The process is expected to have closure within 60 days; then, in collaboration with the Academic Senate, interim policy 4021 will be evaluated for development of a permanent policy. 2. Accreditation Update (Jeff Cummings) The draft follow-up report was sent to all with a link for review and comment. The accreditation group will meet, discuss comments, and finalize by Thursday, September 26; the report will be on the October board agenda, and upon approval, sent to ACCJC. Working on substantive change issues. Jeff is developing a matrix that includes individuals and positions responsible for accreditation sub-standards. Our next step is to maintain full compliance with all standards. Jeff is looking at models from other schools. Note: In the past, faculty wrote the follow-up report; this year administration took the lead. Various pieces went to the appropriate committee for feedback. The report is confirmation of what we have done. 3. Commencement Schedule All constituencies agreed to move the Mendocino commencement from Sundays to Fridays; the same as Del Norte; and cycle the President and VPs annually. 4. Revised FON (Faculty Obligation Number) FON (number of full time faculty CR is obligated to have for student success), for Fall 2013 is 62.1. The projected FON for 2014 is 61.1. (Final FON for Fall 2012 was at 81.1.) FON compliance must be considered in full-time faculty hiring discussions for the next year, and is important in decision-making when looking at retirements. Faculty prioritization conversations will be on allocating faculty to areas where students most need them. 5. Canceled Classes/Room Change Notifications A request will be made for Tiffany to send out a more broad-based email for cancelled courses, including directors and assist directors of special. Recommend students having issues with cancellations to see an advisor immediately. A suggestion was made to review the paper census process, which can take as long as a week and is subject to faculty responsibility for reporting. Lynn will put in a ticket to evaluate the possibility of moving this to Datatel. 6. Standing Item: Planning Update: 3.1. Timeline: The deans’ recommendation is that program review groupings remain the same with the exception of History (not social science but humanities). PRC had discussed taking art out of fine arts grouping because of the transfer degree. Presenter: 1497189 College of the Redwoods Student Success Leadership Group Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Notes Note: AAT’s are degrees, not programs. There was discussion to develop a structure around the grouping process for next year; how a department or group requests formally to change or realign PR groupings. Changes would require criteria and an application process would precede the annual PR review process. PRC would make recommendations to administration. Faculty prioritization is a district-wide process; site directors do not have role. 3.2. Annual Plan: 3.3. Area Report-Outs: Sheila: A number of counselors from middle high schools are invited to CR. Transfer Night and CR College night is coming up. CR is participating in the … the Wharfinger; Community Ed is pairing with the job market. Lynn and Tina Wahlund are going to Mendocino, Wednesday, September 25. MaryGrace: DE group meeting is Thursday, September 19. The Committee developed student complaint form for online instructors; and discussing how to deal with these instructors. They are discussing and looking for consistency in student conduct and instructor policies; and for accreditation, a process for complaints and resolution needs to be documented. The Library having issues with services and wants and needs for students; especially for Del Norte and Mendocino Coast. They are looking to improve printing options for students in library. It would help if faculty and/or others should leave a note or inform the deans or MaryGrace when equipment is not working in the LRC classrooms. Jeff: Continue to message positive achievements. Focus on having an avenue for faculty and students to air grievances. 4. Future Agenda Items Adjourn Presenter: 1497189 Admissions and Records College of the Redwoods Term: Year Fall 7351 Tompkins Hill Road Eureka, CA 95501-9300 (707) 476-4200 Spring Winter Summer Grade Change Request Student ID# - Student’s Last Name - - - - - First Course Middle Section Faculty Member As per California Code of Regulation Title 5 (55025) Grade Change In any course of instruction in a community college district for which grades are awarded, the instructor of the course shall determine the grade to be awarded each student in accordance with this article. The determination of the student's grade by the instructor shall be final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency. Justification of Change: Mistake Fraud Bad Faith Incompetency Change Incomplete Grade (Incomplete Grade Contract must be included) Details: Current Grade: Revised Grade: Faculty Signature APPPROVED Executive Dean Signature Revised Fall 2013 Date NOT APPROVED – Does not meet California Code of Regulation – Title 5 (55025) Grade Change Requirements Date Office of Enrollment Services College of the Redwoods Term Year Fall Spring Winter Summer 7351 Tompkins Hill Road Eureka, CA 95501-9300 (707) 476-4200 Incomplete Grade Contract Student ID# - Student’s Last Name Course - - - - - First Middle Section Faculty Member As per Redwoods Community College District AP 4231 Incomplete academic work for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons at the end of the term may result in an Incomplete symbol being entered in the student's record. The conditions for removal of the Incomplete symbol should be stated in writing by the faculty member and given to the student with a copy sent to the Office of Enrollment Services. A final grade will be assigned when the missing work has been completed and evaluated. An Incomplete symbol that is not removed by the end of the spring or fall term immediately following the term in which the grade was received reverts to the alternate grade authorized by the faculty member. An Incomplete symbol is not used in computing a student's grade point average. 1. Justification for assignment of incomplete grade: 2. Assignments/Coursework that must be completed for an approved grade change: 3. Assignment/Coursework must be completed and submitted to faculty by: 4. Alternate Grade assigned if contract is not completed: Revised Fall 2013 Student Signature Date Faculty Signature Date Grade Change Process Topic Introduction How to: Incomplete Grade Contract & Grade Change Policy: Redwoods Community College District AP 4231 & California Code of Regulation Title 5 (55025) Process Steps 1. Faculty issues an “I” grade 2. Faculty & student enter into a “Incomplete Grade Contract” 3. Student completes contract requirements a. If student does not complete contract by agreed due date “Incomplete Grade Contract” is submitted to Admissions & Records i. Admissions & Records will assign alternate grade as agreed upon in “Incomplete Grade Contract” 4. Faculty submits a “Grade Change Form” along with the “Incomplete Grade Contract” 5. Executive Dean reviews contract and the grade change a. Approved Grade Change Form and Incomplete Grade Contract are sent to Admissions & Records b. Unapproved Grade Changes – Dean’s Office will notify faculty and student via email i. Copy will be sent to Admissions & Records 6. Admissions & Records adjust grade and files/scans paperwork accordingly GRADE CHANGE PROCESS 1 of 1 6/10/2013