College of the Redwoods Student Success Leadership Group Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Notes

College of the Redwoods
Student Success Leadership Group
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Lynn Thiesen, Mary Grace McGovern, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Joe Hash,
Jeff Cummings, Cheryl Tucker. Anita Janis, Crislyn Parker
1. Budget
1.1. Operations: Instruction operational budgets will be consolidated under each dean, rather than at the
department level.
Student Development managers and directors, and associate deans, are considered at equal
administrative levels, and budgets will remain their responsibility.
1.2. Guiding Principles for Budget Allocation:
 50% of the annual district funds will be allocated for fall. Discussion on how to allocate the
balance. Suggested tying to program review, planning and assessment. Keith will look at some
guidelines for the next meeting.
 The fall 2013 allocation will be close to the amount spent during fall of 2012. No guarantees that
every program will receive the exact budget. Associate deans, as well as the executive dean, will
each have a small contingency pool for allocation as needed. Keep in mind considering and
preparing for the possibility of a mid-year cut.
 It is noted that the Paramedic program, Police Academy and Athletics have additional programs
in this fiscal year, thereby increasing their operational budget needs.
2. Update on Associate Deans:
 Three candidates have accepted associate dean positions; the fourth is an undetermined interim.
Jeff will contact the new associate deans by August 1st to discern roles and responsibilities in the
new structure.
 Associate Deans will participate in SSLG meetings.
 (Expected to be part of expanded cabinet not executive cabinet)
3. Priorities to Focus on Between Now and August 22, Convocation:
 Replace DE staff. Communicating Library hours will be adjusted down due to fewer staff.
 Adding sections after associate deans are on board. Projected fall enrollment is 2100 FTES (2012
fall final: 2090).
 Counseling and advising would like to follow up by phone to a large number of students in
various stages of the enrollment process. They will work with Paul DeMark on marketing.
Administrative secretaries can assist in making personal calls to students, pending receipt of a
script. Student ambassadors will assist as well, when time allows. Del Norte is already contacting
 Joe would like to follow-up with de-reged students. Angelina will get the list and cross check
students for Joe.
 Welcome day activities and orientation activities; EKA and other sites
 Sheila, Mary Grace, Joe are tasked to look at what courses might be good to add for fall.
 District-wide communication asking everyone to be supportive and patient with all the
transitions happening; implement and share suggestions on how to improve communications.
 Postpone IT and Maintenance issues that can be otherwise solved or held for a while.
 Inform district where Keith’s office is now.
College of the Redwoods
Student Success Leadership Group
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
4. Planning Update:
4.1. Timeline: Annual timeline shows dates for the various processes and stages of planning. Note: all
program reviews are due October 31st to the PRC. The roll of the associate deans in program review
is to provide continuity for program review.
This is a working timeline, under purview of the IEC, and Crislyn will send a monthly reminder of
priorities via Mail Chimp batch emails. (Set up in advance and pre-dated.)
4.2. Annual Plan: Reminder to keep at the forefront as we move forward.
5. Reading 260 Update: non-credit course has been approved through curriculum and the chancellor’s
office. It is being offered M-F, Eureka campus, 8:30 – 9:55a, and targets students needing to brush up on
reading and writing skills. Course is shared with Humboldt Literacy who will get word out. HSU is also
interested. Reading 260 is not included in basic skills reporting because of the 260 level. The college is
working on a similar type course for Math.
6. SEP Update: Following orientation - Counseling and Advising collects an ed plan from students,
updates Datatel, determines a student course schedule and offers suggestions for the spring semester.
A two year calendar would improve this process. Administration has agreed to move forward with a
solid 2-year calendar and will negotiate this fall for implementation in January (2014-2016).
Handling academic at-risk students depends on what level of risk the student is currently; they are
encouraged to take a GS course and prepare an ed plan. Sheila would like “holds” to be in place in the
system until students are able to move successfully forward.
7. Forms Discussion: Opportunity, with all the changes, to revise and update forms, the correct signature
process, etc. Attached spreadsheet is a first attempt to track and begin changes. There is an emphasis to
include a revision date on every form (and not from an auto update date field)!
Ideas are needed and welcome on how to accurately share process with everyone.
Cheryl will search BPs and APs for any process on forms.
Send ticket to Brian if any old forms are found via search; he will update in a week.
8. Update on Friday Office Hours for Students: Counseling and advising will be discussing their hours.
Suggested the conversation should be what is best for success, access, and so on. Not all offices have to be
open on Friday…consideration that business office is not/will not be open on Fridays and students frustrated
that can’t do everything while here.
9. Future Agenda Items: A standing agenda item now will include planning timeline and the annual plan.
Future Meetings: One hour or less weekly beginning August 7, 2013 at nine am.