5.2 Draft Proposed College of the Redwoods Multicultural Heritage and Diversity Calendar Note: The Short List immediately below extracts from the longer Federal and California lists of recognized months and days, both found further below in this document. It specifically focuses on multicultural understanding and the recognition of diverse ethnicities and social identities/positions/statuses, especially those of historically underrepresented and/or marginalized social groups. Where a day is not identified as California specific, it is included in the Federal column. Short List Month Federal Heritage Months/Days California Recognized Months/Days Proposed CR Title JANUARY January 20: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 23: Ed Roberts Day January 30: Fred Korematsu Day FEBRUARY BLACK HISTORY MONTH February 4: Rosa Parks Day February 14: Frederick Douglass Day MARCH WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, IRISH AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH February 15: Susan B. Anthony Day March 5: Black American Day March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 31: Cesar Chavez Day* APRIL California – Autism Awareness Month May 27: Holocaust Remembrance Day MAY ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH May 22: Harvey Milk Day JUNE JULY AUGUST SEP. 15TH – OCT. 15TH GAY AND LESBIAN PRIDE MONTH August 26: Women’s Equality Day HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH OCTOBER NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH NOVEMBER AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE MONTH DECEMBER UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS MONTH Latino and Hispanic Heritage Month September 26: Native American Day* Filipino American History Month Oct. 15: White Cane Safety Day Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month * CCCCO recommends but does not require CCCs to recognize these days. Indigenous Heritage and Culture Month 5.2 Federal Heritage Months (Annotated) FEDERAL HERITAGE MONTH CELEBRATIONS (http://uds.uvm.edu/diversity_calendar.html) FEBRUARY BLACK HISTORY MONTH Black History Month owes its beginning to Dr. Carter G. Woodson, a black American man born to slave parents, who later went on to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard University. Throughout his studies, the scholar was perturbed by the absence of black Americans in historical texts, despite their presence in the New World since the colonial period. In 1915, he founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and, one year later, the Journal of Negro Life. In 1926, it was he that began Negro History Week, aiming to bring the nation’s attention to the struggles and contributions of black Americans. As part of the Nation’s bicentennial, the week was expanded to a full month in 1976. Woodson originally chose the second week of February as Negro History Week because it held the birthdays of two important figures in black history – Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. MARCH WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH The celebration of women’s history has its origins in the International Women's Day, first celebrated in Europe on March 8, 1911. In 1978, the Education Task Force of the Sonoma County, California, Commission on the Status of Women began a "Women's History Week" celebration that coincided with International Women's Day. In 1980, President Carter issued a Presidential Message supporting this celebration of the accomplishments of women. In 1981, the United States Congress, with bi-partisan support, passed a resolution declaring a National Women’s History Week. In 1987, the National Women’s History Project petitioned Congress to expand the celebration to the entire month of March. Congress has issued a resolution for celebration of Women’s History Month every year since then. The President has also issued an annual proclamation for Women’s History month. MARCH IRISH AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH The United States Congress has designated each March as Irish American Heritage Month in 1995. Prior to the congressional law, since 1991, Presidents have proclaimed March to be Irish American Heritage Month in recognition of the 44 million Americans of Irish decent. March was chosen because so many Americans celebrate their Irish heritage on St. Patrick’s Day. From President Bush’s 2003 Declaration: “Throughout our history, America has welcomed millions of Irish immigrants to its shores. These proud people arrived seeking a better life for themselves, their families, and future generations. Many courageous individuals came during the terrible years of Ireland's Great Famine in the middle of the 19th century, and their road to prosperity was not easy. Many faced significant obstacles, including discrimination and poverty. Despite these challenges, Irish Americans have risen to success in every sector of our society.” Sources: Maryland Irish Education Committee; University of Maryland University College Heritage Month Series; The White House MAY ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH May is National Asian Pacific American (APA) Heritage month, a time to celebrate the Asian and Pacific Islander history and culture in the United States. The celebration originally began in 1978 when a Joint Resolution signed by President Jimmy Carter designated the first 10 days of May to Asian/Pacific Heritage Week. In 1990 President George H. W. Bush expanded the celebration to the entire month. JUNE GAY AND LESBIAN PRIDE MONTH On June 2, 2000, former President William J. Clinton designated the month of June as Gay and Lesbian Pride month, encouraging Americans to recognize "the joys and sorrows that the gay and lesbian movement has witnessed and the work that remains to be done. Clinton proclaimed that observing Gay and Lesbian Pride Month is one way to "celebrate the progress we have made in creating a society more inclusive and accepting of gays and lesbians." Gay and Lesbian issues are important to everyone, for in the words of former President Clinton, they are "our colleagues and neighbors, daughters and sons, 5.2 sisters and brothers, friends and partners." Observing Gay and Lesbian Pride Month is one step to understanding our differences and creating a truly inclusive society where gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and all Americans, are afforded equal rights. Source: The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Press Release, June 2, 2002 SEPTEMBER 15TH – OCTOBER 15TH HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH On September 17, 1968, the U.S. Congress established the week including September 15 and 16 as National Hispanic Heritage Week. The agreement authorized the President to issue an annual proclamation encouraging people of the United States, “especially the educational community,” to observe the Heritage Week. In 1988, the 100th Congress expanded Hispanic Heritage Week to a full month, beginning September 15 and ending October 15. These dates correspond to the independence days of several Latin American countries. September 15 marks the anniversary of independence for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico’s independence is September 16, Chile’s is September 18, and October 12 is celebrated as Dia de la Raza. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated with ceremonies and activities in corporations, government agencies, community organizations, schools, and churches. It is a time to honor the rich diversity of the Hispanic American community and educate oneself about the history, culture, and traditions of people who have made, and continue to make, remarkable contributions to society. OCTOBER NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH NOVEMBER AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE MONTH November is American Indian Heritage Month and Alaska Native Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the Native American history and culture in the United States. The celebration originally began in New York State in 1916 it declared the first “American Indian Day. On August 3, 1990 President George Bush declared the first National American Indian Heritage Month. There are many things that we can do to celebrate American Indian Heritage month at Sodexo. Find out more about it and how to celebrate it with your employees and clients. DECEMBER UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS MONTH The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948 without a dissenting vote. It is the first multinational declaration mentioning human rights by name, and the human rights movement has largely adopted it as a charter. 5.2 California Department of Education Calendar of Events http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/pn/fb/cdecalendar.asp?print=yes January 2014 Date Event 1–31 NATIONAL BLOOD DONOR MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL BRAILLE LITERACY MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL STAYING HEALTHY MONTH 1 January 1 (California Education Code Section 37220) 15–16 State Board of Education meeting, Sacramento 20 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (California Education Code Section 37220) 23 Ed Roberts Day (California Education Code Section 37220) 30 Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution (California Education Code Section 37222) back to top February 2014 Date Event 1–28 AMERICAN HEART MONTH 1–28 NATIONAL AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH 1–28 NATIONAL CHILDREN’S DENTAL HEALTH MONTH 1 National Freedom Day (36 United States Code 124) 3–7 National School Counseling Week 4 Rosa Parks Day 6 Ronald Reagan Day (California Education Code Section 37222) 12 Lincoln Day (California Education Code Section 37220) 14 Frederick Douglass Day 15 Susan B. Anthony Day (California Education Code Section 37221) 17 National Parent Teacher Association Founders Day 5.2 17 Washington Day (California Education Code Section 37220) 17–21 Take Your Family to School Week back to top March 2014 Date Event 1–31 ARTS EDUCATION MONTH IN CALIFORNIA/YOUTH ART MONTH 1–31 MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL MIDDLE LEVEL EDUCATION MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL SOCIAL WORK MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH 1–31 AMERICAN RED CROSS MONTH 2 Read Across America Day 3 National Anthem Day 2–8 Save Your Vision Week (36 United States Code 138) 2–8 Week of the School Administrator (California Education Code Section 44015.1) 3–7 National School Breakfast Week 3–7 Newspapers in Education Week 5 Black American Day (California Education Code Section 37221) 7 Conservation, Bird, and Arbor Day (California Education Code Section 37221) 12–13 State Board of Education meeting, Sacramento 16–22 National Poison Prevention Week (36 United States Code 130) 21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 23–29 National Tsunami Awareness Week 30 Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (California Education Code Section 5.2 37222) 23–29 National Tsunami Awareness Week 31 Cesar Chavez Day (California Education Code Section 37220.5) back to top April 2014 Date Event 1–30 AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH 1–30 MATHEMATICS AWARENESS MONTH 1–30 MONTH OF THE MILITARY CHILD 1–30 NATIONAL CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH 1–30 PUBLIC SCHOOLS MONTH 1–30 SCHOOL LIBRARY MONTH 2 International Children’s Book Day 6 California Poppy Day (California Education Code Section 37222) 6–12 Week of the Young Child 7 World Health Day 13 Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday (36 United States Code 141) 13–19 National Library Week 13–19 National Environmental Education Week 21 John Muir Day (California Education Code Section 37222) 21–25 Public School Volunteer Week 22 Earth Day 23 Administrative Professionals Day 27 Holocaust Remembrance Day back to top 5.2 May 2014 Date Event 1–31 LABOR HISTORY MONTH (California Education Code Section 51009) 1–31 ASIAN AMERICAN & PACIFIC ISLANDER HERITAGE MONTH (36 United States Code 102) 1–31 NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MONTH 1 Law Day, U.S.A. (36 United States Code 113) 1 Loyalty Day (36 United States Code 115) 6 School Principals Day 5–9 National Teacher Appreciation Week 5–9 School Nutrition Employee Week 5–11 Screen-Free Week (Formerly known as National TV-Turnoff Week) 5–11 Be Kind to Animals Week 6 National Teacher Appreciation Day 7 National School Nurse Day 7–8 State Board of Education meeting, Sacramento 11 Mother’s Day (36 United States Code 117) 11–17 Police Week (36 United States Code 137) 12–18 National Children’s Book Week 14 California Day of the Teacher (California Education Code Section 37222) 15 Peace Officers Memorial Day: US Flag to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise to sunset (36 United StatesCode 136) 17 Armed Forces Day 18–24 Classified School Employee Week (California Education Code Section 45460) 19–23 National Educational Bosses’ Week 5.2 22 Harvey Milk Day (California Education Code Section 37222) 25 National Missing Children’s Day 26 Memorial Day: US Flag to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise until noon (California Education CodeSection 37220; 36 United States Code 116) 31 World No Tobacco Day back to top June 2014 Date Event June 1–July 4 FIREWORKS SAFETY MONTH 1–30 NATIONAL FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES MONTH 1–30 NATIONAL SAFETY MONTH 5 World Environment Day 8–14 National Flag Week (36 United States Code 122) 14 Flag Day (36 United States Code 110) 15 Father’s Day (36 United States Code 109) back to top July 2014 Date Event 4 July 4 (California Education Code Section 37220) 9–10 State Board of Education meeting, Sacramento 27 Parents’ Day (36 United States Code 135) back to top August 2014 Date Event 1–31 CHILDREN’S EYE HEALTH AND SAFETY MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION AWARENESS MONTH 26 Women’s Equality Day 5.2 back to top September 2014 Date Event 1–30 LIBRARY CARD SIGN-UP MONTH 1–30 NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH 1–30 NATIONAL SCHOOL SUCCESS MONTH 15–30 NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH (September 15–October 15; 36 United States Code 126) 1 Labor Day (California Education Code Section 37220) 3–4 State Board of Education meeting, Sacramento 7 National Grandparents Day (36 United States Code 125) 8 International Literacy Day 9 California Admission Day 11 Patriot Day: US Flag to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise to sunset (36 United States Code 144) 17–23 Constitution Week (36 United States Code 108) 17 Constitution and Citizenship Day (California Education Code Section 37221; 36 United States Code 106) 26 Native American Day (California Education Code Section 37220.7) 28 Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day back to top October 2014 Date Event 1–15 NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH (September 15–October 15; 36 United States Code 126) 1–31 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL BUS SAFETY AWARENESS MONTH 1–31 CHARACTER EDUCATION MONTH 1–31 CRIME PREVENTION MONTH 5.2 1–31 FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH 1–31 NATIONAL DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT AWARENESS MONTH (36 United States Code 121) 1–31 NATIONAL ENERGY AWARENESS MONTH 5 World Teacher Day 5–11 National Fire Prevention Week: US Flag to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise to sunset at start of week 5–11 National 4-H Week 6 National Child Health Day (36 United States Code 105) 10 World Mental Health Day 13–17 National School Lunch Week (36 United States Code 132) 13 Columbus Day (36 United States Code 107) *Not in California 15 White Cane Safety Day (36 United States Code 142) 16 World Food Day 19–25 America’s Safe Schools Week 19–25 National School Bus Safety Week 22 School Bus Drivers Appreciation Day 23–31 National Red Ribbon Week 24 United Nations Day 25 Make a Difference Day back to top November 2014 Date Event 1–30 GOOD NUTRITION MONTH 1–30 NATIONAL AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE MONTH 1–30 NATIONAL CHILD SAFETY AND PROTECTION MONTH 1-30 SIKH AMERICAN AWARENESS AND APPRECIATION MONTH (Assembly 5.2 Concurrent Resolution No. 25, Chapter 105, Statutes of 2013) 4 Election Day 10–14 School Psychology Awareness Week 13–14 State Board of Education meeting, Sacramento 11 Veterans Day (California Education Code Section 37220) 17–21 American Education Week 23–39 National Family Week 27 Thanksgiving Day (California Education Code Section 37220) back to top December 2014 Date Event 2 Special Education Day 3 U.S. Senate Youth Program winners announced 7 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: US Flag to be displayed at halfstaff from sunrise to sunset (36United States Code 129) 8-14 Computer Science Education Week 15 Bill of Rights Day 25 December 25 (California Education Code Section 37220)