District-wide Scheduling Phase I

District-wide Scheduling
Phase I
 Tiffany sends Rachel, Jeff and Joe department/site semester scheduling documents and a
scheduling template. The scheduling source documents will be divided according to
location. A scheduling source document will reflect the previous year’s schedule. The
schedule template will then be filled out and returned to Tiffany. During this phase,
Rachel, Jeff and Joe will plan the classes and number of sections needed, assign
instructors, class days and times. Collaboration with appropriate staff and/or faculty at the
centers/sites will be necessary.
Phase II
After the Deans complete their initial class scheduling, Tiffany will then input these
sections for all locations, including KT, into Datatel. Tiffany will then take time to
systematically search for and assign general purpose classrooms to classes that do not yet
have room assignments. Tiffany places classes in classrooms that best match the
requirements of each class (e.g., location, seating capacity, technology, or other room
characteristics) and that are available on the requested days and times. At this time,
Tiffany will ensure the accuracy of units, times, locations, days, and other course-related
information for compliance with District and state regulations.
The most popular times for scheduling classes have traditionally been Mondays through
Thursdays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Unfortunately, having too many
classes offered on these days and times sometimes results in scheduling conflicts for our
students and in not having enough classrooms available to meet the high demand during
these popular days and times. In response, it is important that Rachel, Jeff and Joe
collaborate to build the schedule that supports student access to, and progression through,
the curriculum.
Phase III
Once Tiffany has the District Annual schedule completed, an ad hoc committee (Rachel,
Tiffany, Kathy Goodlive, and Sheila Hall) will meet to review the schedule and ensure
that course offerings across the district align with student needs.
Rachel, Jeff and Joe will identify potential new associate faculty and ensure the potential
faculty receive direction to completing hiring paperwork and guidance on
assessment. Collaboration with appropriate staff and/or faculty at the centers/sites may
be necessary.
Phase IV
 HR will complete the MQ packets.
 Tiffany will confirm accurate tlu assignments and track tlus for all faculty.
 Tiffany and Connie will be responsible for faculty contracts. 2/5/13 