MaryGrace McGovern, Steve Stratton-guest, Sheila Hall-guest, Geisce Ly and Anita... I. Campus Technology Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
8:30am - 9:30am
SS 104 Advising Conference Room
Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Utpal Goswami, Joe Hash, Jeff Cummings, Trish Blair, Lynn Thiesen,
MaryGrace McGovern, Steve Stratton-guest, Sheila Hall-guest, Geisce Ly and Anita Janis - phone,
Crislyn Parker - notes
I. Campus Technology
1) Support: Can we use/re-classify Daniel Fiore (who currently provides support for DE), to a
greater role in supporting classroom /faculty support; selection of appropriate technology, webdesign?
 Committee invited Steve Stratton to discuss these issues. He feels Daniel should be put
into an extended role and would be good in the role of classroom/faculty support and
selection of appropriate technology.
 Daniel would be good in web-design, but there is existing personnel in that position.
 There has been discussion at various levels that we are moving students to the web because
of fewer staff, but we have to be able to support the technology.
2) Resources: What is in the warehouse?
a. Prioritize what items/projects will best support current needs
i. Is TPC advisory or prescriptive in these matters?
 There are six servers which need installing; three to bring soft docs in-house, to save
approximately $2,000 monthly, and three email servers.
 The problem with completing installations, staff is caught up in day to day problems
and can’t get to big projects.
 Steve has a list of resources stored in the warehouse and will forward to MaryGrace
and Angelina. Also, much was purchased for DE, but doesn’t fall under IT list of
3) Is there a faculty and/or student survey regarding technology that would assist with a
prioritization process of these resources.
a. What matters most to students in terms of enrollment?
 A recent faculty survey focused on what technology faculty feels is most important.
Faculty focused primarily on students, classroom and Tegrity training. Not
addressed in terms of enrollment
i. Phone system
 VOIP must be implemented prior to use of new buildings, which are scheduled to be
online for fall.
 Trainings must be scheduled
Online payments
Online registration
Online applications
Online classes
b. What matters most to faculty in regarding to teaching?
 The survey indicates faculty want to learn use of various technologies.
Presenter: 4115746
i. Tegrity or other system?
 Tegrity is not officially supported by CR. It was originally implemented as a test
model and supported by Geoff Cain.
 Tegrity vs. Sakai: Tegrity is lecture capture. Sakai is a technology-supported
learning management system, which could also include the use Tegrity. The benefit
of Tegrity is in recording critical lectures, essays, exams and posting into a learning
management system and/or online for students. It is simple and inexpensive to use
by placing a camera in the classroom. Tegrity can partitioned: Students can access
lecture sections needed as opposed to viewing a lengthy video. Other lecture capture
systems are “box” based; Tegrity is web based and the cost is relatively low,
 Keith is person to address requests by faculty wishing to use specific
technology/software, and inquiries as to who made the decision to discontinue ITV.
Additionally, resource requests should go through the program review process.
ii. Classroom Safety (phones in each classroom?)
 The new academic buildings will have VOIP phones every classroom; which will
also serve for emergency notifications.
iii. Smart classrooms with wireless
 New buildings will be wireless and have smart technology.
 In addressing additional technology upgrades or requests, efficiency is based on the
college having a commonality of all technical equipment.
4) Money, Time, Staffing, Staff Training
 Training is already occurring on Ellucian.
 There is still need for initial support staff technology training and VOIP, training for
security for the Administration building, as well as ongoing training, (included in the
resource request of the technology program review).
 Need district-wide training for VOIP.
5) All of the above with appropriate ADA compliance.
 It is noted Tegrity will automatically include closed-captioning; other formats require a
separate closed-captioning process.
II. Revised Matriculation Process:
 Sheila provided a brief overview. The core components are the same, the process has been
revised somewhat. SB 1456 allows the college to implement the changes suggested by the
states Student Success Task Force: to increase the number of students with an informed
education goal, increase the number of certificates, degrees and transfers. The new process will
assist students in understanding CR processes, services, degree requirements, and the
importance of selecting a course of study based on an ed plan.
 The point is to start from the beginning, apply to 1st week of classes. EVERY student will
complete these steps, whether new or returning.
o Step 1. Complete student application, based on clear, consistent steps. Language aligns
with the catalog and throughout orientation.
o Step 2. Check CR student email – emphasizing all student communication goes there.
o Step 3. Completing Math/English placement exams; required. This will be followed by
more communication with the student. Exemptions are built into process. The academic
center has links to other sites and distance ed placements.
Presenter: 4115746
o Step 4. Students are required to attend orientation following placement tests. An
orientation video will be available online; a DE orientation video is being created.
Orientation outcomes, which will be measured, are that students recognize college
resources, recognize their course of study and ed plan, demonstrate proficiency in
technology. Students will leave orientation with a schedule or at least a basic
understanding of their needs.
o The interface of orientation with scheduling is being looked at in the First Year
Experience (FYE) committee. GS 6 is the core of the first year experience.
o Sheila, Kathy and Rachel will review the final schedule, prior to publication.
Orientations begin May 15 and are expected to be offered regularly during the summer.
Students can complete everything in one day, or take several.
o Students attending only for skill upgrades will go through the process, but need to inform
the college of this; and will be exempt. There is discussion to make this automatic.
o Tegrity would be a good tool in orientations.
III. Summer Schedule Release:
220 projected FTES in current schedule? Still around 80 short.
Schedule will be released March 8.
March 25th is the first day for priority registration for SUMMER 2013
April 29th is the first day for priority registration for FALL 2013
IV. Fall/Spring Schedule Allocation Revisions/Assumptions:
 EMC looked at allocations and suggested changes. The Senate will review. Crislyn will post to
EMC site
V. Future Agenda Items
 Updating the SLO Master List, Mapping, Assessment Site: Choose a date to update for next
year, based on curriculum activities. Invite Angelina and Erik.
Presenter: 4115746