Wednesday, March 6, 2013, 8:30am - 9:30am SS 104 Advising Conference Room Summary Notes Present: Utpal Goswami, Keith Snow-Flamer, Joe Hash, Jeff Cummings, Lynn Thiesen, Trish Blair, MaryGrace McGovern, Cheryl Tucker, Anita Janis, Geisce Ly, Crislyn Parker-notes 1. Updating the SLO Master List, Mapping, and Assessment Site: Postponed 2. Trends in Answers to Accuplacer Background Questions (supporting document): MaryGrace provided the list of questions (document #1) asked of all students prior to taking the Acuplacer placement tests, as well as how the data looks (document #2). There are a few standard questions and a long list of local questions, which can be adjusted. MaryGrace noted that the data can’t be easily downloaded into Excel, however, if the FYE committee finds it useful, will have it done manually. The data show the number of responses for each choice and percent of the total. If FYE committee thinks this is useful, Micelle goldsmith will load by hand into excel. Angelina agrees it is valid. It was agreed that much of this data is a valuable tool for identifying student needs and identifying at-risk students prior to taking first classes. Many of the questions are duplicates of those required on student applications and it was agreed thirty questions are too many. Counselors and advisors look up the application data directly through Datatel; financial aid does not look at the Acuplacer data. MaryGrace will take the questions to the FYE committee to try and scale down the number of questions asked. Some concern was note whether all students have the same understanding of “first generation” question. Also, these results do not include Mendocino and Del Norte; they are processed separately. For multiple measures validation, district-wide information is needed. Also, national studies are showing what a student does in high school holds more weight. 3. Catalog Update: The new policy and practice is anything requiring Chancellor’s Office approval will not be in the catalog until approval is received. Consequently, the March 5th Board approved curriculum will be the last included in the 2013-14 printed catalog. Curriculum approved in April or May will be updated to website. Posted on the web that the Water/Wastewater program is suspended and the Culinary certificate has many inactivated classes. There is concern that listing programs/classes not being offered is detrimental to student success. Letters are being sent regarding these programs to students and advisory committee members. Agreed these programs should be removed. Utpal will check with Shereen regarding course/program inactivation and Chancellor Office approval. A process for inactivation of programs needs to be clarified. If a program is going through change or inactivation, Shereen and or Tiffany will send a memo to all concernedLynn Thiesen, Sheila Hall, Joe Hash, Cheryl Tucker and Trish Blair. There needs to be follow-through in updating course/program mapping and PLOs as well. 4. Other a. Debrief Chancellor’s Office EOPS Statewide Training (Cheryl): Administrative relief for categorical programs that are not already part of the block (flexible funds) will most likely be extended for another year, and EOPS/CARE program funding will remain stable. CalWORKs may have more funds available and remain stable, allowing counties to align more closely with federal standards. Rhonda Mohr gave us important Presenter: 4115746 updates on financial aid on Dream Act students, BOG and other changes. The Vice Chancellor of Student Services (Linda Michalowski) spoke about supporting some aspects of the Student Success Task Force and the need to provide services for disadvantaged students not served by EOPS and DSPS. It is likely that Student Success (formerly Matriculation) will receive further funding and the EOPS/CARE will remain at the same level (no restoration of funds) and continue to be supported to serve the most underrepresented and disadvantaged populations. There was discussion on how access supports success and should work together, and this is a better message from EOPS. This information is helpful to know in terms of our re-organization - we can have more confidence in certain categorical programs to remain stable. b. Site Schedule Update: Mendocino schedule is good. Anita would like Jeff to meet with CTE instructors at Del Norte and KT. KT is looking at a grant and including classes they would like offered at KT (Jolene Gates is authoring); Anita would like Jeff to weigh in on this. District wide scheduling is welcome and working, affording faculty opportunity to discuss various issues. c. Safety Training on March 4th Lynn attended the training, thought it excellent and recommends everyone participate in some aspect. She noted sequestration may affect federal work study funding next year. CR expends about $200,000/year for work study. She will provide an update next meeting, if available. We may lose students who have no support for childcare as a result of funding cuts. Adjourn Presenter: 4115746