College of the Redwoods Student Success Leadership Group Present:

College of the Redwoods
Student Success Leadership Group
Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 8:30am - 9:30am
Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Joe Hash, Jeff Cummings, Rachel Anderson, Trish Blair, Lynn Thiesen,
Anita Janis and Geisce Ly via phone, Mary Grace McGovern, Crislyn Parker-notes
1. Review April 17 Notes and Summer Cancellation Notes- not addressed
2. CRC Recommendations – Broader Discussion- Other College Models-not addressed
3. Expanded Cabinet Discussion- not addressed
4. Summer Staff Development for SSLG/Division Chairs Summer – (attachment)
 Keith asks the SSLG committee to consider and submit suggestions for staff development, to
offer as preparation for fall, to both SSLG and division chairs over the summer.
 The AOAs will be meeting to discuss streamlining processes, plan a summit, and possibly plan
cross-training in Enrollment Services. (Tentative first meeting Tuesday, April 30. Requested
including Lyn Geck-Moeller, Joy Lund, Cheryl from DSPS, and Theresa Sisson, Athletics).
5. SSLG: Solutions to Leadership/Operational Gaps
 Keith is developing a draft mission for the Student Success Leadership Group, which is
primarily a problem solving group. Discussion is on what should be the focus and how this
group should operate:
 Bridge the noticeable lack of communication between instruction and counsel/advising.
 Determine and clarify roles of responsibility, expectations, and how to work as team.
 Simplify processes and achieve consistency and backup of decisions. Make simplifying a goal.
 Determine realistic expectations given staffing levels. (Suggested all administrative colleagues
to meet and discuss the reality of workload with fewer staff.) This is an opportunity to
organizationally prioritize services and relearn as an institution how we will work together; be
sure to make it known to students.
 Summary: The three top priorities for next year should be: customer service, communications,
and increased efficiency. If customer service and communications are handled, effectiveness
and efficiency will follow.
 Summary short term plan: Update voice/email messages to include expected response time, and
alternate contacts.
6. Garberville
 Classrooms almost completed. There are two or three classes being offered in the fall: Psych
33, an evening GS with Quigley, and BUS 10. Community ED is a backup plan.
7. Other/Future Agenda Items
 Interviews at KT for student services specialist been identified
 Anita has survey for customer relations for assessment
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