Annual Program Review Update *Be sure to include information from all three campuses. Program/Discipline: Date: Drama Friday, September 07, 2007 Trends and Relevant Data 1. Has there been any change in the status of your program or area? (Have you shifted departments? Have new degrees or certificates been created by your program? Have you added or deleted courses? Have activities in other programs impacted your area or program? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life-science courses.) If not, skip to #2. Note: curricular changes should be addressed under 12-14. One point that should be made immediately: this report will address Drama on the Eureka campus. To my knowledge, Del Norte has not offered Drama in many years, if at all, although Ray Geary is currently attempting to locate a Drama instructor who meets MQ, a move that I applaud. Mendocino has at times in the recent past (i.e. 2002-present) offered Drama 33 through Community Ed.; Judy Kvinsland informs me that Drama 26 was a victim of the 2005 budget cuts. Again, I hope Mendocino will be able to reinstate Drama courses in the near future, as Drama would seem to be a natural partner for that branch campus’s tradition of strong vocal music ensembles. As is the case with Music (the other program I’m responsible for), there has been no program review for Drama since the late 1990s. I was not involved in the last one, but I’m guessing that it was during the end of Lea Mills’ tenure at the College, either during 1998 or 1999. As Dean of Humanities, she had direct oversight of the Drama program until she left the College in 1999, at which point I inherited the program in my new position as Chair of Visual and Performing Arts. There have been changes to the Drama program during the last eight or nine years, although changes in Drama have been smaller and scope than those affecting Music and more closely tied to enrollment patterns. From roughly 2000 to the 2003-04 academic year, we offered two to three sections of Drama 24 (Introduction to Theater) per semester, one section of Drama 2 (Oral Interpretation) per year, and one section each of Drama 30A and 30B (Acting I and Acting II) per year; these were the core courses of the program. In addition, from 2003 on we began offering a section of Drama 26 1 (Theater Production) once a year in Spring semester. We have also offered a section of Drama 34 (Musical Theater Production) each Summer session, in association with Humboldt Light Opera Company. Finally, since the late 1990s, we have offered Drama 38, Field Experience in Drama, an innovative course in which students receive academic credit through C.R. for participating in local theatrical productions, under the supervision of Michael Thomas, director of North Coast Repertory Theater. As the supervisor of this course is paid on the basis of the number of students actually enrolled, it costs the College virtually nothing to run, and has not been subject to cancellation for low enrollment. Like Music, Drama took a hit as a result of the 2005 budget cuts mandated by Casey Crabill, although the cuts to Drama were not quite as serious. Basically, Drama was forced to reduce to one section of Drama 24 per semester (this made little financial sense, as it’s a popular G.E. course that often maxed out two sections per semester), and to semi-permanently eliminate Drama 2, whose enrollment pattern was spotty (in some semesters it enrolled well, in others it didn’t). Since Fall 2005, the pattern has been to offer one section of Drama 24 per semester; one section of Drama 30A or 30B (never both at once) per semester; one section each of Drama 26 and Drama 34 per year; and one section of Drama 38 per semester. The 2003 reintroduction of Drama 26 into the schedule, after a hiatus of many years, has been a great shot in the arm to the program, even if this is not always apparent in its numbers (which often run in the low to mid teens). It has given the Drama 30A and 30B students a real-life goal to strive for; now instead of just studying acting in the abstract, they are studying acting so that they can act in an actual dramatic production. It has brought the program local attention; the Molière productions of 2003-04 and the Wilde West production of 2005, in particular, won a good deal of local acclaim, and reminded the local population that C.R. indeed has a Drama program. Richard Prystowsky (then Dean of Faculty), Kjeld Lyth, and I set up the production program in such a way that it is financially self-supporting; gate receipts from a Drama 26 production in one year are set aside in a dedicated account, and are used to purchase materials needed to construct sets and make costumes in the following academic year. This way, the College itself bears no costs for the production. I hope that Drama 26 will continue to be viable at C.R. for many years to come, as it makes an important cultural contribution to both the campus and the community. 2. Have there been any significant changes in enrollment, retention, success rates, or student demographics that impact your discipline? If so, please include data sheets (Excel or Word format) showing these changes. Enrollment statistics were better during the 2005-06 academic year than during the 2006-07 academic year. Even though we offered seven sections of Drama during 2005-06 and eight during 2006-07, the number of enrolled students was higher in 2005-06 than in 200607 (210 vs. 169), as was the average class size (30 vs. 21.1) and the percentage of section fill (75% vs. 52.7%). I am unable to explain this discrepancy, although a lot of it seems to stem from unusually high enrollment during Fall 2005. Indeed, a glance at the Historic Enrollment Data 2002-07 addendum shows that numbers for Drama courses are hard to predict from year to year, sometimes from semester to semester. 3. Occupational programs must review the update of their labor-market data, some of it provided by Institutional Research, to illustrate that their program: a. Meets a documented labor market demand, b. Does not represent duplication of other training programs (in the region), and c. Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students. Other Resources 4. Do you have needs (professional development, library resources, and so forth) not previously required by the discipline or not previously addressed in budget or equipment considerations? Please describe. See below for comments on facilities. 5. Does your discipline need additional support from Student Services beyond that previously provided? No. Human Resource Needs 6. Complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (please list full- and parttime faculty numbers in separate rows): Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for fall 2006 term % of Total Teaching Load by Full-Time Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by Part-Time Faculty Changes from fall 2005 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) Drama 17 0% 100% Two additional TLUs in fall 2006 One additional section offered Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for spring 2007 term % of Total Teaching Load by Full-Time Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by Part-Time Faculty Changes from spring 2006 Drama 10.5 0% 100% none Do you need more full-time faculty? Associate faculty? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. For many, many years, Drama has been caught in a vicious circle. The program cannot viably be expanded without a fulltime faculty member. At the same time, it is difficult to justify the creation of a new full-time Drama position without a demonstrable rise in the number of students enrolled in the program. Given the College’s current situation, this is not the time to seek a full-time Drama position. I would like to see Drama very modestly expand its offerings beyond 2005-07 levels. At the minimum, I would like to see the College go back to offering two sections of Drama 24 per semester on the Eureka campus; cutting back to one never made any financial sense, as we inevitably maxed out two, and could even pull respectable numbers with three. I would like to test the waters in the next year or two and see if there might be a new demand for Oral Interpretation, perhaps offered once a year. Otherwise, I hope we continue to offer one section of Drama 30 and 38 per semester, and one section of Drama 26 and Drama 34 per year. In my view, this proposed offering represents a bare-boned but viable Drama program. It could be staffed either with current associate faculty or with associate faculty that are not teaching here presently but who have been affiliated with the College during the past eight years. 7. Complete the Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff numbers in separate rows: Staff Employed in the Program Assignment Full-time Part-time (e.g., Math, (classified) staff (give English) staff (give number) number) Drama 0 3 Gains over Prior Year Losses over Prior Year 0 0 Do you need more full-time staff? Part-time staff? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. Please see #6. 8. If necessary, to clarify your needs, please comment on current available staff and distribution of FTE's for contract and part-time faculty. Describe strengths and weaknesses of faculty/staff as appropriate to program's current status or future development. Please see #6. Facilities 9. Comment on facilities the program uses, their current adequacy, and any immediate needs. Have your discipline’s facilities needs changed? If so, how? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires new or additional facilities construction, renovation, remodeling or repairs. Theater productions take place in the Forum, whose sound and lighting systems become increasingly more antiquated with each passing year. I continue to simply request that when discussions are launched about building a new theater to replace the existing Forum Theater, the input of C.R.’s Drama instructors be solicited concerning the purchase of sound and lighting systems for the new facility. (I think the input of C.R.’s three music ensemble directors should be solicited, as well.) Equipment 10. Have your discipline’s equipment needs changed? If so, how? Is equipment in need of repair outside of your current budget? Please provide a databased justification for any request that requires a new or additional budget allotment. Please see #9. Learning Outcomes Assessment Update 11. How has your area or program been engaged in student learning outcomes assessment? a. Summarize your results. b. What did your program learn from these results that enabled you to improve teaching and learning in the discipline? c. How have part-time faculty been made aware of the need to assess SLOs? To be honest, I have not been engaged with SLO assessment at all with Drama. That process will begin in Spring 2008, when we begin revising Drama course outlines. Nonetheless, the experience I have gained as a result my work with the Music program will undoubtedly prove invaluable in working with the Drama program. Curriculum Update (Reminder: Send updated course outlines to the Curriculum Committee.) 12. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives undertaken in the last year. None. 13. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives planned for the next year. The following course outlines will be revised during Spring 2008: Drama 24, Drama 26, Drama 30A, Drama 30B, Drama 34, and Drama 38. The following courses will be inactivated during Fall 2007: Drama 2, Drama 11, Drama 33. 14. Complete the grid below Course Year Course Outline Last Year Next Update Drama 2 Updated 1999 Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama Drama 1992 1988 1992 1989 1988 1988 1992 1999 11 24 26 30A 30B 33 34 38 Expected Inactivate, Fall 2007 Inactivate, Fall 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 Inactivate, Fall 2007 2008 2008 Goals and Plans 15. If you have recently undergone a comprehensive review, attach your Quality Improvement Plan if applicable. Not applicable. 16. If you do not have a QIP, what goals and plans does your area have for the coming year? Revise the following course outlines: Drama 24, Drama 26, Drama 30A and B, Drama 34, and Drama 38. Participate in any talks about the construction of a new theater, in order to have input into the choice of lighting and sound systems. Instructional Program Review—Appendix B: Annual Update Forms Annual Program Review Update Eureka Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 9 Low Moderate List Resources Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Degree of Justification (as Approval substantiated by Status the program review) Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Resources Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Eureka Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low Moderate List Faculty Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Degree of Justification (as Approval substantiated by Status the program review) Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Faculty Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Eureka Campus This section to be filled out by the program at each campus This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Approval Status List Staff Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ Approved 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low High Not Approved Very High Degree of Justification (as substantiated by the program review) Moderate Staff Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Mendocino Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Approximate Cost Moderate List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Approval Degree of Status Justification (as substantiated by the program review) This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Equipment Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Mendocino Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Approximate Cost Moderate List Facility Needs for Academic Year___________________ (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Approval Degree of Status Justification (as substantiated by the program review) This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Facilities Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Mendocino Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 14 Low Moderate List Resources Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Degree of Justification (as Approval substantiated by Status the program review) Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Resources Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Mendocino Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low Moderate List Faculty Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Degree of Justification (as Approval substantiated by Status the program review) Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Faculty Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Mendocino Campus This section to be filled out by the program at each campus This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Approval Status List Staff Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ Approved 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low High Not Approved Very High Degree of Justification (as substantiated by the program review) Moderate Staff Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Approximate Cost Moderate List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Approval Degree of Status Justification (as substantiated by the program review) This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Equipment Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Approximate Cost Moderate List Facility Needs for Academic Year___________________ (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Approval Degree of Status Justification (as substantiated by the program review) This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Facilities Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 19 Low Moderate List Resources Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Degree of Justification (as Approval substantiated by Status the program review) Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Resources Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low Moderate List Faculty Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Degree of Justification (as Approval substantiated by Status the program review) Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Faculty Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus This section to be filled out by the program at each campus This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Approval Status List Staff Positions Needed for Academic Year___________________ Approved 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low High Not Approved Very High Degree of Justification (as substantiated by the program review) Moderate Staff Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Approximate Cost Moderate List Equipment or Equipment Repair Needed for Academic Year___________________ High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Approval Degree of Status Justification (as substantiated by the program review) This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Equipment Campus/Program Needs Worksheet Annual Program Review Update Del Norte Campus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Low Approximate Cost Moderate List Facility Needs for Academic Year___________________ (Remodels, Renovations or added new facilities) High Please list/summarize the needs of your program on your campus below Not Approved Very High This section to be filled out by Subcommittee Approval Degree of Status Justification (as substantiated by the program review) This section to be filled out by the program at each campus Approved Facilities Campus/Program Needs Worksheet DRAMA HISTORIC ENROLLMENT DATA, 2002-07 (Eureka campus) Fall 2002 (Census Enr.) Summer 2003 Drama 2 Drama 24 18 Drama 24 36 Drama 26 Drama 30A 27 Drama 30B Drama 34 28 Drama 38 17 Drama 38 Fall 2003 Drama 24 Spring 2003 23 29 8 15 Drama 34 Spring 2004 50 43 Drama 30A 17 Summer 2004 Drama 24 42 43 Drama 26 9 Drama 30B 8 Drama 34 Drama 38 4 Fall 2004 Drama 24 20 46 26 Drama 30A 21 Drama 38 Spring 2005 Drama 24 42 43 Summer 2005 Drama 26 13 Drama 30B 8 35 9 Fall 2005 Drama 24 37 41 Drama 30A 26 Spring 2006 Drama 24 36 Summer 2006 Drama 30B 31 Drama 34 Drama 38 Fall 2006 Drama 24 34 Drama 26 29 Drama 30A 14 6 21 4 Spring 2007 Drama 24 49 Summer 2007 Drama 30B 9 Drama 33 Drama 38 23 10 Drama 34 Drama 38 34 15 Drama 38 7 25