Assessment and Transformation Student Health Center Comprehensive Program Review Review Coordinator: Joe Hash Review Team Members 2007-2008 Colby Higginbotham Mary Goodman -1- SECTION I: Department Background, Purpose and Goals A. Department Mission: To provide routine minor nursing and/or medical care and health teaching for the students of the Eureka campus. B. Department Goals: • Ensure that each student has access to minor health care which will assist each student in maximizing their success in meeting their educational goals. C. Describe how the goals of the program relate to the College’s Mission and Strategic Plan. By providing routine health care services: • • • • • • • To provide simple screening tests such as TB, pregnancy, HCT, etc To provide immunizations and vaccines To evaluate and treat minor health care problems To provide referrals to other health care and community services as appropriate To provide screening history and physical exams To participate in campus preventive health education and wellness activities To provide assistance as needed for on-campus emergencies SECTION II: Past Quality Improvements and Transformations A. Obtain a copy of the program’s previous program review. Provide a description (list or narrative) of the quality improvements that were recommended. Recommended Quality Improvement Accomplished? (Y/N) If Yes, Provide Details. If No, Provide Explanation. No previous program review available. B. Provide a description (list or narrative) of other improvements accomplished since the last review not specifically noted on the previous program review. Other Improvements Accomplished Provide Details No previous program review available. -2- SECTION III: Outcomes Assessment A. Provide the department’s program and student learning outcomes. Include or attach a copy of the Outcomes Assessment Report. Program Outcome Outcome Provide meaningful health and wellness programming. Increase student use of the student health center Process/Activities Contributing to the Outcome (What does the program do to create the outcome?) Collaborate with Residence Halls and Student Services to provide workshops, seminars and other activities for students. Collaborate with Residence Halls, Student Services and Marketing to market the center’s services Measured/Documented By? Listing of seminars and workshops. Usage statistics comparison Student Learning Outcome Knowledge, value or skill (What is being demonstrated and assessed?) Scope of Outcome (In what context, with whom, or in what setting does the outcome occur?) Process/Activities Contributing to the Outcome (What does the program do to create the outcome?) Student Learning Outcome Statement Measured/ Documented By? Not applicable Outcomes Assessment Report Outcome Assessment Method To Whom? By Whom? Administered When? Use of Results Determine Student Satisfaction with SHC Services Feedback Focus Groups Residence Hall Students by Residence Halls personnel April, 2008 Determine gap in services Assessment Status/ Findings Findings will be shared summer of 2008. Transformations To Be Determined Intended Followup To Be Determine d B. What are the strengths of your department as indicated by your performance indicators? • • • • The center is able to meet the minor health needs of a diverse student body. They are able to do so with qualified staff including a Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner via contract with Redwood Family Practice a local health care provider. The center is able to meet the needs of CR employees by providing periodic TB tests required for employment. The center is able to offer limited inexpensive immunizations/vaccines to students and employees such as flu vaccine shots. Center staff is able to provide students with referrals to other health care and community services which students may not have been able to locate or access themselves. -3- C. What are the challenges for your department which are indicated by your performance indicators? • • • Services are only available 20 hours a week. Providing more health and wellness programming to the CR community. The center is not always able to meet the demand for employee health services in a timely manner, e.g., physicals for nursing students. The center does not have enough personnel or hours of operation to serve the need of every incoming nursing student needing a physical exam. D. What is your three year transformation plan to build upon current strengths, overcome challenges, and increase effectiveness and efficiency? STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS CHALLENGES/TRANSFORMATIONS Explore relocation of Crisis Counseling to the Student Health Center TIMETABLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION Fall 2007 E. What resources are required (Personnel, funding, equipment, etc?) • The college should explore increasing the student health fee in order to expand services and hours. Also, the waiving of the student health fee for students on the Board of Governors grant severely limits the funds available to contract with Redwood Family Practice. This practice should be taken under consideration weighing the benefits accrued by an increase in hours and services. -4- SECTION IV: Cost Effectiveness A. Indicate your budget figures and expenditures in recent years: Categories FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 Operating Exp. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Budgeted NA NA NA NA NA Expended NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA Budgeted Expended Surplus or (Deficit) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Budgeted Expended Other (if applicable) ( Budgeted Expended SUBTOTAL Capital/Equipment Budgeted Expended Generated Revenue (if applicable) Revenue Budget Revenue Actual C. Comment on significant budget changes or variances from year to year. The Student Health Center is a contract operation. The district pays Redwood Family Practice $60 per hour for services not to exceed 20 hours per week. In turn, the district collects a Health Fee from each student of $12 per semester. The Health Fee is waived for students receiving the Board of Governors grant. -5- SECTION V: Conclusion Department Comments: The Student Health Center provides a valuable service to the college community. One of our priorities this year is to look at creating a viable crises counseling function under the Student Health Center umbrella. Keith Snow-Flamer Department Supervisor’s Signature 9/28/07 Date External Reviewer Comments: n/a Summary of discussion and findings relating to the program review: ________________________________________________ ____ / ____ / ____ Outside Reader Signature Date Program Review Committee Comments Date and Time of the program review: October 9th, 2007 9am-10am The PRC will provide the program with an external perspective concerning the administrative and educational aspects of the program. This perspective includes a judgment of program quality and an assessment of the effectiveness of the program. Evaluation 1. Does the program have mission and goals statements in place? X Yes No 2. Are program goals consistent with the college’s mission? X Yes No 3. Has there been progress in implementing the last program review's recommendations for program improvement? Yes X No No previous review was available. 4. Has the program identified program and/or student learning outcomes that are relevant to its mission? X Yes No 5. Are appropriate instruments used to assess learning outcomes? X Yes No 6. Are results of assessments used to improve the program? X Yes No 7. Are program strengths clearly articulated? X Yes No 8. Are program challenges clearly articulated? X Yes No Comments or suggestions to strengthen the program and/or the Program Review: • • The cost effectiveness area could be used to show the cost of the contract services and the revenue received from student fees. This could help determine whether the fees should be increased to maximum allowed by current law to help offset some of the costs. It would be interesting to analyze the revenue generated by the program -6- • (student fees) versus the expenditures of the program (Redwood Family service fee). With program outcome, what about measuring actual participation as well (possibly use as an outcome assessment?) Keith Snow-Flamer Co-Chair of the PRC 10/15/07 Date Academic Senate’s Comments Comments: __________________________________________________ Co-Presidents of the Senate _____/_____/_____ Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date -7-