Assessment and Transformation Program Review for Human Resources / Payroll Abe Ali Amy Daily Connie Carlson Barb Franklin Shereen Cockrum Janet Hays 2007-2008 SECTION I: Department Background, Purpose and Goals A. Department Mission: To recruit, train, and oversee the personnel resources of the district and to provide prompt, accurate, and courteous Human Resource, Payroll, and Benefits services to College of the Redwoods students, faculty, staff, and community. B. Background and History: There has been stability in the administrative leadership of the Human Resources and Equal Employment department over the last decade. The Chief Human Resources Officer position of the district has been filled for the last ten years. The Equal Employment Officer position has been filled for the last 14 years. In October, 1999, after resignations left the department with serious staff shortages, the office was reorganized and new staff hired to move forward. With the reorganization, the number of HR staff was reduced by two positions – one classified and one management. As a part of the conversion to the Datatel system in 2000, the District’s payroll positions (1.5 FTE) and functions were moved into the Human Resources department. The Payroll Technician position was subsequently reclassified as a Payroll/Benefits Manager and one additional classified position in payroll was added. The combining of the payroll, benefits and human resources functions in one department has resulted in a decrease of duplicate workload and an increase in accuracy and efficiency for all related functions. It also provides an easily accessible one-stop-shop for all HR/PR inquiries. In 2000, the position, duties and functions of the district’s Environmental Health and Safety were moved to Human Resources. The classified position was later reclassified as a management position, Environmental Health and Safety Officer. In February, 2005, the duties of the EHS Officer were distributed to HR/PR staff when this position was put in charge of a REBRAC (Regional Environmental Business Resource Assistance Center) grant. Recently the grant has been renamed the Environmental Training Center grant (ETC). In January, 2005, the position of Director, Human Resources/EEO was reclassified as Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer/Equal Employment Officer. This Human Resources Director/EEO reclassification review came five years after a “wall –to-wall” permanent classified, classified management, and confidential classification study was implemented by Jacobson and Betts, a classification compensation consulting firm. C. Department Goals: • Attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff • Monitor compliance with federal, state, and local hiring and payroll policies and regulations • • • • • • • Provide substantive content expertise and consultation regarding complex human resource, payroll/benefits and labor relations issues Provide high-quality, meaningful analysis and reporting of information for management decision-making Facilitate and develop effective coordination of human resource, payroll, and benefits policies and procedures that support institutional compliance To increase the use of technology to enhance access to all HR services, to bridge the gap between our large geographic district, and to move towards a more paperless office. Coordinate and provide professional development activities and training in subjects related to payroll and benefits, management, sexual harassment and other related topics Improve employee safety programs Increase offerings in emergency preparedness D. Describe how the goals of the program relate to the College’s Mission and Strategic Plan. • The major goals of recruitment and training assure quality employees at all levels of the institution. This supports goal #1 of the College-wide Strategic Plan. • Human Resources was successful, through the collective bargaining process in reducing the cost of health benefits by 24% (moving employees from Plan A to Plan F) in response to the current fiscal challenges. This supports goal #2 of the College-wide Strategic Plan. • The ability to provide the district with meaningful information related to human resources moves the district closer to its goal of data-informed decision making. This supports goal #3 of the College-wide Strategic Plan. • Increasing the use of technology in Human Resources will allow better access to all students, staff, and the community. This supports goal #4 and #5 of the College-wide Strategic Plan. SECTION II: Past Quality Improvements and Transformations A. The Human Resources Office and Payroll department has provided many transformational improvements in the following areas: • Organized and facilitated induction of interest based problems solving and collective bargaining with faculty organization. • Organized and implemented a “wall-to-wall” reclassification and compensation study for classified, classified management, and administrators • Organized, developed, and implemented new classified evaluation process • North 14 Human Resources Consortium: Organized and developed original concept and implementation of a joint sponsored/funded advertisement of permanent District positions • Developed, organized and implemented new management evaluation process for all management employees • North 14 Human Resources Consortium: Organized and developed original concept and implementation of a unified North 14 sponsored Job Fair booth at CCC Registry Job Fair • Organized, developed, and implemented several management training program activities including one-on-one Human Resources training/consultation program for all new managers • Implemented sexual harassment prevention program training for all management staff • Completed district-wide classified staff survey which resulted in employee prioritizing the following areas of importance: Wellness Programming, Professional Training, and Appreciation/Motivational activities SECTION III: Outcomes Assessment A. Provide the department’s program and student learning outcomes. Professional development programs need to be assessed for there effect on the staff retention, administrative processing, employee satisfaction. Prioritization for filling permanent classified vacancies needs to have linkages to the District’s strategic and master planning. B. Program Outcome(s) Outcome Attract highly qualified faculty and staff personnel Process/Activities Contributing to the Outcome (What does the program do to create the outcome?) • Recruitment advertising • Committee selection/facilitation • Prepare reports and rating sheets • Develop interview questions • Schedule/participate in interview process • Review committees final selection and prepare for board approval • Process employment documents for new employee Training/Professional Development • Schedule instructors and training Providing management information • Entering of all MQ and FSAs into the Datatel system for viewing by Division Chairs and other administrators as needed • Job report on the current status of all vacant positions • MIS – Chancellors Office required submission • On-line Payroll information • On-line application software Increase the use of technology in Human Resources/Payroll Monitoring compliance with federal, state and local policies, laws and regulations Developing strategic planning linkages to permanent classified and management staff prioritization process Follow-up questionnaire on Personnel Requests identified in recent academic and non-instructional program reviews Coordinate emergency preparedness programming • Attend workshops and training on new policies, laws and regulations • Collaborate with other agencies to remain current • Add to senior staff position approval process justifications which include how a each request links to the District’s strategic plan • Develop questionnaire in consultation with Institutional Research • Schedule emergency preparedness training offered by the regional Environmental Training Center Measured/Documented By? • • • • • • # of recruitments per year # of applicants in each pool EEO reports Final Hiring Report # of successful hires per year Employee retention rates • Survey at the end of the session • # of certificates and entries into personnel files for required training • Reduced calls regarding MQs by Division Chairs • # of jobs reported for weekly senior staff meetings • Annual MIS information • # of employees using Payroll direct deposit and viewing deposits on WebAdvisor • Increased number of applicants per pool. • Increased number of committee members from MC/DN campuses • Reduced litigation • Maintain reduction in formal grievances • Priority is given to positions that directly or indirectly affect the District’s overall strategic initiatives • Linkages between how personnel link to strategic plan and overall mission of the college • Compliance with federal and state mandated programs • Ensure reimbursement funding from FEMA Outcomes Assessment Report Outcome Assessment Method To Whom? By Whom? Administered When? Use of Results Determine satisfaction with hiring process On-line & mailed survey By HR/Payroll to faculty, staff & applications 2008/09 fiscal year Determine if process needs revision Determine employee satisfaction with payroll processing & benefits Professional / Staff Development On-line survey By HR/Payroll to employees and retirees 2008/09 fiscal year Determine gap in services On-line & mailed survey By HR/PR to current permanent staff 2008/09 fiscal year Determine the development/ training needs Assessment Status/ Findings Findings will be reviewed and if revision is needed staff will be notified of change Findings will be reviewed and if revision is needed staff will be notified of change In progress Transformations Intended Follow-up To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined Maintain retention of the Staff To be determined C. What is the team’s interpretation of the data? The team appreciates the recent addition of an Institutional Research department and integrated planning function. We will rely heavily on Institutional Research to guide us in collecting appropriate data to be incorporated into our department learning outcomes and strategic plan initiatives. D. What are the strengths of your department as indicated by your performance indicators? • Accessibility • Motivated and highly trained staff • Teamwork • Compliance with laws and regulations • Timely processing of paperwork • Accuracy in processes • Good labor relationship with CRFO and CSEA E. What are the challenges for your department which are indicated by your performance indicators? • The ratio formula for general staffing in a Human Resources environment is one staff member for 100 employees1. 1 The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) based in Washington D.C. performs HR Research and Performance Metrics. Data from their survey of 414 HR departments from a variety of manufacturing, nonmanufacturing, and non-business industries indicate that for 2001, the median ratio of HR department staff to total headcount is 1.0 human resource employee for every 100 workers served by the HR department. This HR staff ratio has held steady in the 26-year history of the survey. • • • • • • Current HR staffing is 1 for every 500 employees Current Payroll staffing is 1 for every 600 employees Limited funding for staff training in new laws & regulations Limited funding for technology in HR arena Limited space for confidential business needs Management retention of several personnel policies and procedures F. What is your three year transformation plan to build upon current strengths, overcome challenges, and increase effectiveness and efficiency? (Include a timetable for implementing transformations) STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS CHALLENGES/TRANSFORMATIONS TIMETABLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION Increase HR staffing ratio from 1 to 500 employees to 1 to 300 employees Purchase on-line recruiting/application package unknown Set aside money for HR/PR staff to attend workshops and trainings unknown unknown F. Are your facilities, budget, equipment, and staffing adequate based on the services provided? Are your facilities, budget, equipment, and staffing adequate based on the number of students served? Develop a three year plan which includes operations, staffing and facilities. Try to be as specific as possible about what year you hope to accomplish each goal. Facilities • Lack of offices for confidential discussions with employees and other customers. • More staff is needed, but there is not enough room in the current space to accommodate more staff. • Lack of adequate-sized conference room for interviews and meetings. • Computer replacement program needs to be developed and implemented SECTION IV: Cost Effectiveness A. Indicate your budget figures and expenditures in recent years: Categories FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 Operating Exp. Budgeted Expended Other (if applicable) ( 18,893 17,546 11,904 11,460 10,846 10,234 10,248 9,109 10,200 9,193 Budgeted 18,893 11,904 10,846 10,248 10,200 Expended 17,546 11,460 10,234 9,109 9,193 Capital/Equipment Budgeted Expended 4,687 4,687 3,000 2,846 4,058 4,188 4,581 4,576 3,363 2,038 23,580 22,233 1,347 14,904 14,306 598 14,904 14,422 482 14,829 13,685 1,144 13,563 11,231 2,332 Budgeted Expended SUBTOTAL TOTAL Budgeted Expended Surplus or (Deficit) Generated Revenue (if applicable) Revenue Budget Revenue Actual B. Comment on significant budget changes or variances from year to year. The Human Resources department has kept within its allocation for at a least decade. SECTION V: Conclusion Department Comments: Although the overall number of employees of the district has remained even over the past 10 years, the number of HR staff has been reduced. There is a need for increased staffing in this area. To more efficiently handle the recruiting functions, a more advanced on-line application system is needed. This will not only be more efficient, but also allow for more district-wide participation in the hiring process and move the department towards our goal of being more paperless. It is also essential the money be set aside for HR/PR staff to attend workshops related to regulatory or compliance issues. Abe Ali Department Supervisor’s Signature 3/8/08 Date Program Review Committee Comments Comments: __________________________________________________ Co-Chair of the PRC _____/_____/_____ Date Academic Senate’s Comments Comments: __________________________________________________ Co-Presidents of the Senate _____/_____/_____ Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date