Assessment and Transformation Program Review Yearly Update Report Report for the College of the Redwoods Bookstore Review Coordinator Jean Lawry, Interim Bookstore Manager Review Team Members Shirley Cabalzar Gary Ronne Year Reviewed 2007/2008 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Outcome Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodology to be used, such as focus group or exit interview.) Assess customer service and satisfaction with bookstore operations Paper survey for all campus locations To Whom? By Whom? Administered When? Distributed to District students, faculty, and staff by CR bookstore staff Paper survey: Fall 2007 Results tallied by Institutional Research Office Spring 2008 Fall 2008 Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Spring 2010 Fall 2010 Use of Results Provide a venue in which all course materials are available for sale in adequate quantity and in a timely fashion. Make available an array of merchandise commensurate with campus life Assessment Status/ Findings (Indicate when the data will be available or the result of the analysis. In the next year, indicate the results of a second assessment cycle.) Compilation of paper survey for Fall 07 completed Spring '08 Fall '08 Spring '09 Fall '09 Spring 2010 Fall 2010 Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Analysis of Fall 07 surveys will result in the quantity of textbooks ordered for Spring 07 semester to be based on maximum class caps utilizing Datatel enrollment reports thereby ensuring adequate books available at the beginning of classes TBD B. Department Goals Report Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Department Goal FY200708 Action Plan Provide quality services to support student learning within budget limitations Sustain student services and support the mission of the college in an efficient manner Increase cash register accuracy Submit a written request to CR Foundation of justification for purchase of WinPRISM Point of Sale [ POS ] system by Spring 2008 Increase staff efficiency Enhance inventory control Refine EOPS transactions as well as all third party Track sales by day and hour in order to determine effective staffing patterns for high Status of each action item Collaboration Partners EOPS Staff Completed X In Progress IT Manager Financial Aid Office Business Office CR Foundation Completed X In Progress Nebraska Book Company Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Staff Time Week -long training sessions in Nebraska would be needed prior to POS installation New Money One time expenditure Reallocated $ Space POS requires less equipment than is currently used therefore Intended Follow-up To inform future planning. Work with IR Office to refine bookstore paper survey by Spring 2008 payors peak sales times during Fall 08 semester Improve customer satisfaction by interfacing with the campus Financial Aid Office on realtime basis would free up space. Equipment Completed X In Progress Equipment required for the POS system includes a Server and 4 - 5 cash registers. At some point it may be wise to use POS equipment at satellite locations, which would require a Server and cash register at each. Other: C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year.) The CR Bookstore has made significant improvements over the past year in the areas of customer service and faculty relations. These include a decrease of the "wait in line" time, more student friendly refund policies, increased merchandise selection, improved response time to faculty needs and a careful nurturing of the instructor-bookstore relationship. A recent survey of students, faculty and staff provided the following results: 90% thought the selection/availability of textbooks was good to excellent 99% thought the variety of merchandise and school supplies offered was good to excellent 98% thought the courtesy and professionalism of our student workers was good to excellent 99% thought the courtesy and professionalism of our permanent staff was good to excellent We also made a significant reduction in operating costs by terminating our contract with Humboldt State University for bookstore management services. A permanent CR Bookstore staff person was appointed interim manager for fiscal year 07/08. In order to continue to improve, the bookstore must aggressively pursue appropriate technology. This would include continued training and proficiency in the use of WinPRISM as well as the implementation of the POS system as soon as financially viable. Over the next three years I believe our staffing needs will increase by two people. One full time supervisory capacity on Eureka campus and one part time temporary for our Del Norte campus bookstore. I feel our projected increase in student enrollment on all campuses and subsequent volume of business will justify these new hires. I feel we must aggressively pursue the implementation of a Point Of Sale system as soon as financially viable. It should be a priority this year. A POS system will enhance the bookstore operation and overall student satisfaction by 100%. Vice President’s Recommendation Comments: Acquisition of the WinPRISM Point of Sale system and training of the Bookstore staff in operating it should be a priority for this year. Results of the customer satisfaction survey are very encouraging. Administering this survey at the beginning of each primary semester (Fall and Spring) will provide opportunities for continuing improvement. ______________________________________________________ _09__/_28__/_2007 Vice President’s Signature Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date