Assessment and Transformation Program Review Yearly Update Report Arcata Instructional Site (AIS) Review Coordinator – Julia Morrison, Instructional Site Manager 2007-2008 A. Outcomes Assessment Plan Report Outcome Assessment Method (Indicate the assessment methodology to be used, or was used, such as focus group or exit interview.) Calculate and monitor WSCH/FTEF Ratio To Whom? By Whom? Administere d When? Use of Results Assessment Status/ Findings (Indicate when the data will be available for analysis or the result of the analysis. In the next year, indicate the results of a second assessment cycle Transformations (Indicate what transformations were implemented as a result of assessments.) Intended Followup Request Data Report From IR Beginning of semester, after census drops are processed, and at semester end n/a n/a Utilize analyzed data to inform future schedule planning decisions AIS students receive adequate services to support academic success Administer AIS Student Survey to collect data on student satisfaction To Students by AIS staff During the Fall 2007 semester Monitor ratio and look for cause and effect relationships that may cause ratio to change negatively, Incorporate feedback into the assessment of current services and the provision of additional services at AIS in support of student success Survey is in the creation process and will be administered by midsemester. Survey results will be tallied as soon as possible and data should be available by 2007 Winter break. n/a AIS students are able to fulfill academic requirement s at the AIS in a timely manner Administer AIS Student Survey to collect data on student academic needs. Survey will include questions regarding additional courses needed, Student Ed. Plans, etc. To Students by AIS staff During the Fall 2007 semester Incorporate feedback into the creation of future AIS course schedules. Realistically, data won’t be available to incorporate into 2008 Spring schedule planning, but will be useful in the planning process of future terms. Survey is in the creation process and will be administered by midsemester. Survey results will be tallied as soon as possible and data should be available by 2007 Winter break. n/a Monitor effectivenes Demographic questions on AIS To Students During the Fall 2007 Use data to understand Survey is in the creation process and will be n/a Utilize analyzed data to inform future student service decisions and implemen tation of improvem ents. Administe r followup survey to assess student satisfactio n after changes have been implemen ted. Utilize analyzed data to inform future schedule creation decisions and to improve the planning process. Administe r followup survey to assess student satisfactio n after changes have been implemen ted. Utilize analyzed Maintain WSCH/FTE F Ratio s of AIS in creating access to education for students Student Survey by AIS staff semester student campus selection, etc. to better serve student needs administered by midsemester. Survey results will be tallied as soon as possible and data should be available by 2007 Winter break. data to inform future planning and to better serve students through B. Department Goals Report Division Strategic Direction Division Goal Efficient Use of Resources Efficient Use of Resources in the Instructional Operation at AIS Department Goal FY2007-08 Maintain Current WSCH/FTEF ratio Action Plan Status of each action item Collaboration Partners 1) Assess (by survey) and align courses with student need 1) IR office for assistance with survey creation and the provision of ratio data. 2) Monitor ratio 2) Completed In Progress Completed In Progress Resources Needed / Reallocated Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Other: Support student success Support student success in an efficient manner Increase access to and efficiency of student support services at AIS 1) Assess (by survey) students’ service needs and level of satisfaction in current services provided. Use data to support adding services, improving existing services, or building stronger relationships with other student service departments. 2) Stagger office staff scheduling to support longer office hours and improve student access to services. 1) 2) Completed In Progress Completed In Progress IR office for assistance with survey creation. Cooperation from faculty teaching at the AIS will also be necessary to effectively distribute and help with the collection of student surveys Staff Staff Time New Money Reallocated $ Space Equipment Other: C. Improvements or Rationale for Action: (Provide a brief summary of the major accomplishments and achievements of your department during the past year.) The office staff at the Arcata Instructional Site has worked hard to provide students with as many student support services as possible. These services include admissions and records functions, assessment testing, textbook reserve and sales, calculator rentals, etc. Rather than refer the student to a distant location to receive necessary services, we continue to develop and expand services provided at the AIS. In response to student needs, there are now additional bike racks for the secure storage of student bicycles. In response to assessed student academic needs, additional courses that have not been offered at the AIS have been added to the schedule. One such course is Spanish 1A, which helps to make it possible for student s to fulfill their General Education Requirements in Arcata. Another improvement was the renovation of the computer lab. The old desktop monitors were replaced with hideaway flat screen monitors. This upgrade created a computer lab that can be used for courses that require computers, or that are more lecture-based. Although additional classroom space was created by the computer lab renovation, the space is not being utilized to its full capacity. This unused space could be a strength were classrooms used to full capacity by scheduling additional courses. Currently, the site is offering 32 courses. With efficient scheduling, an estimated 10 additional courses could be offered at the site each semester. The addition of course sections would not create much of an impact on parking, office staff, etc. The staff members at AIS are also a strength. The two full-time staff members are hardworking, skilled at multi-tasking, and willing to work to provide every service possible to ensure student success. A challenge at the AIS is acquiring qualified, available faculty to be assigned to a wide range of academic courses. For some academic departments, this is an issue district-wide. Also, the remoteness of the site creates challenges when coordinating bookstore sales, maintenance, technical assistance, etc. with departments at the Eureka campus. The remoteness of the site also creates transportation challenges for some students who rely on bus services. Currently, bus routes do not include the Aldergrove Industrial Park area. Supplemental Information Needs Time Frame Facilities Budget Equipment Staffing Current Parking is becoming an issue. Lines need to be painted to create efficient parking spaces. Covered smoking area would make student's less likely to smoke too close to the building, especially when it rains. Currently, students have nowhere to study in between classes; a student study area would greatly increase the student resources offered at the AIS. If # of courses offered increases, we will again need additional parking (or hopefully have bus service by then). Also, the facility will require usual wear and tear upkeep and maintenance. Need additional District and Work Study funds for staffing. Some allocated amounts for the payment of utilities have been surpassed by actual utility costs so more money will be spent than budgeted for. Currently the AIS has two overhead projectors and three classrooms. An additional overhead is needed. Computers in lab are old and will need to be replaced. Need student worker to serve as a lab monitor in the computer lab to help students with technical problems, and to ensure the lab equipment is being used properly. Currently our custodian has very few assigned hours at the AIS and is only able to provide the most basic services. More assigned time at the AIS would ensure the facility is properly maintained. Additional WS Funds for increased help from student workers. Increase in instructional costs if number of courses offered increases. Some one time expenditures will need to be made to acquire new or maintain old equipment Replace equipment in lab such as computers, printers, chairs, etc. Office staff will need new computers. Wi-Fi should be available, and classroom computers used by faculty for instruction will need to be upgraded. At the very least the AIS will need a part-time employee in a counseling or financial aid role primarily to provide additional help to students and office coverage. Additional instructors will be needed if course offerings increase. Three Year Projection Vice President’s Recommendation Comments: The Student Satisfaction Survey should reveal opportunities for improvement of the operations at the AIS and the District should make every effort to pursue these enhancements as they are identified. Efforts should be made to enrich the breadth of credit class offerings at the AIS. Services provided to our students at this instructional site should also continue to evolve as needs are identified. ______________________________________________________ _09__/_28__/_2007 Vice President’s Signature Date Institutional Effectiveness Committee’s Comments Comments: ______________________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Chair, Institutional Effectiveness Committee Date