Re ad in g 3 6 0 Ov e r all Sum m at iv e Assessm e n t An aly sis f or F2 0 1 1 Com p le t e d Directions: For each course SLO undergoing assessment, collect the Transfer/Basic Skills Assessment forms for Individual Course Sections. Convene a department meeting (and/or communicate with department members) to summarize and discuss the SLO assessment results/analyses for all sections DEPARTMENT Reading (Reading 360) Meeting Date (if applicable) And/or Alternative Means of Communication First meeting: 11/8/11, 10:40-11:30 am, conference call on speaker phone w/ DN. Second meeting, 12/15/11, 11:30-1:00 pm, conference call w/ DN Number of Faculty/Staff Participating (# fulltime, # adjunct, and total) 1 F/T, 2 Associates Number of Faculty Sharing Assessment Results Three faculty Number of Course Sections Assessed Four sections (Three in Eureka, one in DN) Course SLO or Degree SLO Measured 2. Demonstrate an increased level of reading comprehension. --Identify Course(s) and Degree-ASSESSMENT TOOLS Describe assessment tool/ assignments faculty/staff used to measure the SLO. ASSESSMENT RESULTS (Summarize the overall results of your department, including performance data if applicable.) In what areas was student performance outstanding? In what areas should student performance be improved? Describe unaddressed student needs or issues that the assessment revealed. Degrees of Reading Power (DRP) forms J-4 (diagnostic test) and J-6 (competency) 45 students in the four assessed sections (3 @ Eureka, 1 @ DN) took both the reading diagnostic and competency tests. Of these, 28 students (62%) passed Reading 360. The average gain of these 28 was 5 DRP units @ P = .90. Of the 17 who did not pass the class, the average loss was 1 DRP unit. Unaddressed needs/issues: There is no “bottom” to Reading 360 Low-level readers (those with weak decoding skills) are at risk Suspected undiagnosed learning disabilities ESOL students have unmet needs NEXT STEP(S) TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING Analyze, evaluate and incorporate results into curriculum changes and re-evaluate in S12 How will your department address the needs and issues that were revealed by your assessment? Use library resources to stimulate student interest in text. Refine weekly quizzes Promote active reading strategies Evaluate work done in Groundwork for College Reading Refine participation point system Facilitate and follow-up referrals to DSPS Do key work in class to address ESOL, time management and motivation isssues What are your collective plans and strategies for improving student learning? Check all that apply. Priorities to Improve Student Learning Work on motivation issues Integrate time management strategies Chart student progress Examine alternative reading assessments Build self-efficacy List the TOP 3 TO 6 actions/changes faculty judge will most improve student learning. TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION Between now and 5/12 with a tentative agreement to meet again during Week Eight of S12. Provide a timeline for implementation of your top priorities. REASSESSMENT When do you plan to reassess this SLO? F14